Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 08, 1905, Image 2

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V s .
Davenport Coming Hack.
Portland .lmn . After demon-Mtl'Mliim-
tii tin' satisfaction of nil
I ji venpol't 's
L. I'.jikor. who Inn b'en I'l-'I'ly I
...Mtni ii i Iioji trii'ril matinirer and j
. I I iUf III 1 till
concerned mi Ore-on mini mis-: wlio is neipnm i "
,.,1 ,)..... farm .-an succeed in J period of recreation visit uinon
almost' In- tackles out In j ol.l familiar scenes, like nil ot her por
tliehiK world. Ilo r Davenport IsjtlouH of the great Imposition.
coinim.' lioini' to Portland again, i
l-.-..,.. l...,lv who rends newspapers ' is , in iti"
nows Homer Da mm. port.- 1 lis car- j "ninption.
l.ovhoo.l friend. dforK- ! An Editor's Opinion of the koyal
Pdyth Tozier WcntheiTei, In de
scribing n recent trip overt lie Denver
& Kio (irnnile Knllroiid, mii.vh In "Tin
Pxposit Ion":
"At Innt the goal of the ambition
Dying ot Pnmlne
torments, like dying of con-
Tin1 proaress of e.inislimp-
.i - i
(...., i ..i liMiMiiniiii' lii me veiv eim.
toon have amused anil Interestedntid ; tl,rtur,,( ,oth t the victim hikI
possibly intluenecd us nil. 1 1 ii t-n r- j f r,,,n,H. when I had consumption in
toons of men have made them fa-1 j,,. tirnt sluire." writes Win. Myers, of
moH.orinfamo,iHi,iHo.,ie,,lHes.1i,.ii:iVr(o,,., .Mil., "idler trying different
i medicines hihI a irood Doctor, in vain, I
some of his drawings on , ions, j " r Nw T)j(,,m,r),
of natural import have had u direct . 4mi(,k,v ,, ,H.rf,,,.tiy cured me."
illtluelice upon their settlement 1,1 'rnmpt relief and sure cure for coughs,
adjustment. Hut while he Is t he ; ,.!ils, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos
worlds greatest cartoonist today. ; itively prevents pneumonia. Oiiaran-
.; teed at neaii s nriig siorc, price .n
Notice for Publication.
Isolated Tract.
Public Land Sale.
I'ji'Nlili'iil Thi'CHlnri. I(, ,..,.,.,.
I Vlw-I'ri'iililiiiit
N tice is hereby given that in par- j Si-cn-inry of hikIh
siiance of iiislriicl.ioiis f r. I he ( 'ononis
sinner "f t he leneial Iiind ( (Mice, under
aiithnritv Vested in him 'iy section iM.'ifi.
I I : . S. Hev. Suit., lis nniended by the
'...I ,f I 'miitriiuu u . .tic ,,... I l.'i.lirii.i tl l k
of years has been reached mane- ,s,fij W(, wm ()rnn,,.( to ft,,r , ,',!,
Ions, w onderful, grand i ml Inspiring ,B,. ,,,, t1(, Thursday the L'Oth day of
onlev a irille more than eighteen
and fl.OO. A Trial Iwittlefree.
voiirs airo lie was a fanner boy at
Silverton, (He., where he secured l.isj Paul l. Sargent has been appoint
tirst art e.lucntion l.y drawing pict-e.l highway coinii.issioner for the
nres on the old stable door, state of Maine l.y tiovernnr Cobb.
Strange as it may seem. Mr. I a ven- Mr. Sargent is a civil engineer and is
port has ha.l tiine during theseeial.t-it.i receive a year, with HMIll
ecu eventful years since lie has been ! for assistant or clerk hire and not
struggling for fame to make the exceeding PXhi for expenses. Mis
greatest cellection of birds and do-! duty will be to inculcate correct
inesticated animals in America. It principles of road building tlirotigli
was the early intluenecs of the farm. j "t the state, and he can be consult
no doubt, t hat gave him his pulsion ''l ,tv cit' ,own
for birds and animals. 1 le has reach-' " as much as t hey wish,
ed the four Muarturs'of tin- for : Commissioner Sar-eut. aided by the
birds and animals, and now thai he',"""f.v ci uninissioiiers, must hold
iscominu' back lie is brin-in- the i .v,,'ir ""' vn:ul nieetiui;- in
Royal (torjre Is on either hand. The
only disappointing tiling Is you only
have one pair of eyes, while the train
dartn In and out of the tremendous
chasm. If any who have never Meea
It are woiulerliiK how it looks Just
Ko and see. Thousands have tried
to describe It. yet every attempt falls
short of kIvIur the subject Justice."
If you contemplate a trip P.ast,
write V. ('. McP.ride, V24 Third Htreet
Portland, Oregon, for booklets pic
turing Colorado's famous scenery,
and iiiir other information you may
Jiilv. at 10 nclock n. in., IHU.i, next, at
this otlice, the followiuu tracts of land,
'".Nwi, si:v. v'. " i"r. t. to
S II. Il 10.. W M.
Any and all ptirsnns claiiniiiv adverse
ly the above-described lands are advised
to tile their claims in this nltifi. on or
before the day above ilesiKtialed for the
commencement of said sale, otlierw Ise
their riK'lits will lie forfeited.
.1. N. Watmon. Ueuister.
"L' Jtl tl. I'. S.MIiKIt, Receiver.
Dated this 2tith day of Mav, HMIfi.
birds and animals with him.
lr. Davenport and his p"et.f"Mr to
tie at the Lewis and Clark Kxposi
lioll. W'lie ll lie leal'lli'll I hilt IMeuoll
was tri villi; a irreat World's Pair lie
at once volnnte ered his servic". and
everv ei unity of the state.
:il' i tliat h'
.v , ! v
I ; i .' . V i ' l . ' : e 1 1
I. Mil ).'.- -!''
ittid Hi- r-p; i re
"Vt'i'.'i i acres
i:ie! wicfe a
huge Task.
It whs n hus;e task, to unkertake the
cure of sucli a bad case of kidney di
sease, as that of I'. P. Collier, of Chero
kee. Ia., but P.iectrie Hitters did it. He
writes : "My kidneys were so far untie,
I could not sit on a chair without .1
ciisliiiin; and suffered from dreadtul
l-Mci.aclit . Iieadiiehe. sum! depi.-ssj, u,. In
P'-."ri- 1' ' -. however. I ! nil.': a cure,
uic! i-y tin-in v.a- r-store.i to pefiect
1 !"eo!iiiiieuil t i . i vrieal tonic
fix I. I'ltOOfi-.
IjiikI Ollice at Lakeview, Crein, May
loth, llftlii. Notice is hereby fdven that
the follow iiiu-imiiicd settler has filed
notice of his iutetition to make final
i.rinif in Binituirt ill ttlM f'lflilll. mid that
II , --
' i uuiit itnutf u ill In. Iiiilili. liidorH KcLMSter
Attorney W. J. MCB)rr
land Receiver at I.akeview, Oregon, on : Jl",K" " "lr
- ' .... i f' k tl- m.
Sin'nUHry of Treamiry
Si-cpetHry ot War
Aimriiey (ii'iieml
I'iimIiiikhIit (Ii'IiitkI
Hecrelnrynf Navy
sneri'lnry Inlerliir
SiMTetary of AKrlcnltiiro. . .
Secretary of CiiininiTi'l', . , .
CIimh. W. Palrtmttka
"ll II ll(y
.... 1.1'iille M.Hh
w ,n. H.T.Il
Win. M. M.MHly
li'i. B. Ciirioljo,,
I'aiil Hiiriuo
.. E. A. Jlllrlin(M,k
JaiiH-K Wtlcnn
V. (', M,.,.,
ili'o. E. ChhiiiiMTUin
'. A. Mimre
-f-l. Ullllbw
;. . Mnort
A. M. ('rwtnni
J. II. Arkiirimn
J. K- Whltnuy
J. W. 11,11,,
I J. H. Mlti'MI
'"I w. Kulum
t Blnii'T llnrmin
"' J. N.Vllliiii
Mini Jciiicui. mifranT.
'"'I II. I.. II. 'iimn
Joint Honator Jnhn A. Lnycuok
i lovernor
Siiirelni' JiiiIki
Hi-crtMarjr of Hitn
Atloriiey IIi'IiitkI
Mi i (it. Pnliltc limtriii'tlnti.
dairy and Fmul (tola
(I. H. HenaiorN
Coliirri'SHiiHin ...
J U.E.I,.
" ( Jollli S.
lutie lOlh. 1!HI." viz: Inmea Mckee.
r i 1 l. No. :::U7 for the Nu SP.'4" sl-:y
I ! .N'K'4' Sec. i; and N K N EVt Sec. i'L Tp.
jj.'lliS., R. 24 10. IP. M. He names the
I follow in.! w itnesses to prove his conliuu-
oils residence upon and cultivation of
I said land, viz: .las, (iivan, of Adel,
( trefoil, W. K. Harry, 10. 10. llond, of
Plush, Oregon and A. IP. Manrint;, of
Lakeview , Oregon.
l!l 2:i .1. N. Watson, Register
.11 ' '!; 1. 1 1'1: y
e v. ii-,s ,-, 1?.t
1:111- ':i-:i- t.-.. .v-i.ts ,,r HIMI,..,,- I,,,;,,;,,. u-ed
cimn-e tu th- extent ; dnijiitist ; price "ii)c.
medicine t'
w itli weak kidlie
bv I.e.
of s-.'.nu.i. Included !n hi- fitieeollee- ;
ti'.'ti are t liirty-six varieties of pheits- j
ants, every country of the world be- j
in-; fittingly rep resented. Then theiv '
.ire wuter-fowlK storks, crane, jungle- j
fowl, wild turkeys, pigeons, fancy!
poultry, (piails, traopaus, Anora
irr aits. Arabian horses and so on ;
through a lonj; list. ;
.Mr. D.-iveaport will win uneinliii-;
irratirude by affording an opjiortuni
t.v of s-einu ir-nui ne Arabian horses,
vvnicii are a rairty 111 America. The
Stilton of Turkey, be it known, tv-1
fuses to allow any of these precious
. i. i... . .. i
xo-cu 10 i-ave ineir native country
"I'd;; Pill" Devery, formerly chief
of iolice in New York, thus delivers
himself repinliiiK auto Kiieeders:
"Them people that's uot eiiousb
j ilouli to own autos don't care no
! more for a fine than they do for a
I spot of gasoline 011 their punts.
! This tiling of finiu men that have
I fun iiinkiu' peopledokaniiroojiimps
' on street crossings is coniedv. Por
them jail. If these swift boys was
to stack up against that jrrub on the
island for a few days they'd put
drains on their machines in the city
!iut at the time of the World s Pair ! Ciuaranteed Cure for Piles
.at Chicago lie permietted a band of i 'ti'U. Itlind, Hieediiiu or Protrnd-
-1... i,ut ut i0 , , i injf I'ilefi. DriiBitiHtH refund money if
,l.e best steeds to be sent as an ex-; j.AZ( , , ,INTM KNT ,ail8 t );ure-ttIlv
iiibit in charge of IinjH.-riiil Turkish i ''ai " matter of how long Htandiug, in
. ii to n days:, l irst upplicKtion ives
east; and rest, 5ik:. If vour druggist
. !' .., niciii, e. j uese sain.' .. 1, ,.. ;
si'MitativeH -ot embroiled in Heavy i
debts at (Ihi-a-o and tin- horses w-re '
JUictioned oft' to pay Hie dejits. Mr. ;
Davenport bid hi-h and managed to!
iCet live of the best animals which lie j
is now briii-iu to Portlj.iid with,
him. f ir the d-l-etiitioii .if his old i
luisii't it send 5Uc in stamps and it will
he forwarded post paid by Paris Med
icine ( u., St Louis, Mo.
Deli.'KitP'H to the convention of the
Order of Hallway ( oiiductors, two
thoiiunnil strong, with wives and
f imilies. were In attendance ut the
Oregon irieuds and nei- liboi - .oid i ,','vvi'4 !U"1 ' 1,l,'k Imposition Ki'ouuds,
Jill lOxpositiou visitors. i Sunday, May Uth. A HitcrtMl eon-
''j to tliis tini- his collection has
been kejit tit theaiiiom Homer Da v
eiiiort fjirui a t Morris Plains, N. ,1.
At that place tli; auiinals have been
'. jsited by the country's greatest men
us Mr. Davenjiort's quests. His de
;jmrture for Portland last week was
the oe-asioii of a hi- barbercii'-, at
which niiiuy of ii,,. , known
cert occtired during the noon hour,
after which the assemblage retired
to the American Inn, where they
were the quests of the lOxpositiou.
Royal Chinook salmon, fresh from
the Htl'euuiH of Oregon, was served.
The trouble with most adver
tisers in that they expect Imme
diate returns of lare propor
tions, tine prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising in this way:
"Tbe nimirr expended fur
nd vrrt lalng: la the hi. 111 r
If iilarrd at Interrat. The
proflta from the ttdvertlalnv
re virtually the Interrat on
the 1 nveatment
"The Bums Bpont for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital nccount because the result
ing good will Is something that
lias value, which, If the ndver
tlsiug has been properly done,
can usually be 8old for the fuce
value of the Investment.
"The rate of Interest Ib deter
mined by the BklU with which
the Investment Is made.
"Just ob the quickest wuy to
lncreuso invested weulth 1b by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest vtaj to realize re
sults from advertising is to com
pound the returns." Ad vertlalug
Advertisers get good returns
on the amount Inveated In
our columns W reuch the
.School Hupl
Slin k lllHlierlnr.
.A. W. Mmirlut
. E. E. Itlni'lmrt
E. O. AhlHtnim
W. ll. Weil
. . .. C. K. Moure
V. A. Currier
. W. Item
. .J. K. Clarlmiii
final I'riMit The t'. unity Court of the (state of
j Land tlllice at Lakeview, ireg in, Oregon, for the ('utility of Lake. In
'Mav 2:1. PMI'i. Notice is hereby given the Mutter of the p.slale of W. ',
! that the following niiined settler lias ( V P.KT N , deeeiised. NOTICP IS
filed notice of his intention to make 1 1 P I! PPY i I V ICS , that the underHiiiti-
final prool in support of li h claim, and ed has 1 11 appointed iidminiHtriitrix
that Niiid proof will In- made before ol the eslale of V, J. Overton ,dereiini'd,
Register and Receiver at Lakeview Ore
gun, on 7lh, July, I'Mt'i viz: John A.
1 I'.arham lid 21S2 for theSi:'., . '.,
Lots 2 und It Sec. 4 Tp. -4 S, IL IS P..
! W. M.
He names the follow ing w it nesses to
prove Ids continuous residence upon and
cultivation c( said land, viz.: Charles the dale hereof.
bv the County Court of Lake Coimtv.
Male it Oregon, and has ii,ilhlii'(l.
All persons having claims iiL'aiiist cuiil
estate are hereby notitied to prem-nt
the same to me at m residence at
Plush, Oregon, with proper voucIiith,
duly veiilied, within six moulliH from
P.. ( 'ainpliel
S. Itimister,
t ll'egoli.
I, Albert .. liauister, Sam
Win. Tavlor. all of Paisley,
.1. N. .MS.iN, I.'cl: islet .
Administratrix of the estate of V. 1'.
(I I . I; It N . P-eease.. Dated ami lirit
published May 2'itli, P.HI.Y 21-5
for 1 ew is & Clark Imposition
Aliove rate is for 10-diiv tickets., good going
on Tniiti No. 5 from Reno, connecting: ut
Rosi'ville or KiiiTimifMito witd Specin Kx
cursioti 'J'ruin leaving San 'runciHco every
5iitiinluy. Return from Portland on any
regular train; or tickets may lie exchanged
for return ly Bteam.jr to Sun Fruncim'o for
$2 extra.
21 -Day and Special Tour Tickets
with Htop-overs, irt Hpcciul rate. Auk local
agi nt for rate from your town and full in
formation regarding tickets, traitiH nnJ
Special Tour TicketH via Ogden.
A. H. RISING, Acting D. F.
and P: A. Reno, Nevada-
1 11
, ;i''l,
nt .
nl ill t il" lllMl-ill' of
.eii.iii to tile Lewis
writers, editor
i-l.i lis W ele ,n ;
i UI'lll'T ilite
t lie fatuous col
i'.nd Ciark I ;.io.sit ion Js added l,v
he fuel that 11 mini her of important
'u-sts und u series of iuvestia-
.ions into the habits and peculiar! -1
'-iri of the birds und uiiiuial.s are to I
be njtidi; by Portland ciontis.i.s;.uud
oruitholists. The.n; investiutioiiH I
will belu Hhortly uftur thu oeniny
of the lOxpositiou on June 1 und will 1
nit iutl until it cio.ies October I.", j f
'ri on tlie Davenport Panu is
No Secret About It.
It is no secret, that for Cuts, IturriH,
Plcers, I ever Sores, Sore Lyes, Roils,
etc.. nothing is so el'lective as l!uckleii's
Arnica Salve. "It didn't take lung to j
cure a bad sole I had, and it is all O. K.I
lor mre eves, writes D. L. Oivgory, of
Hope, Tex. 2ec at lleiill's drug
" "v,,T7jf7Is";
fOc &$1.00
; wliicli Tur; KxAMiNiiK c.-
cells. Wc have all tlie l.-itt-
w "
'ipT styles in type and keep in
stock a lare assortment of hiyh
grille stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our iriees will be found to compare
lavorably with other prices.
,.-AV nearly complet,..!, huvin- bee,, ' f ." '"l 'OVh- ' &
)' ;i"d uiel pushed ahead by .Mr. l... -.. 1 1 Cyv
PSTAIil.lSMIU) IN 1880.