Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 01, 1905, Image 4

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    aH CUmntu CP a nlnct
t'uMlftwl Rvrv Thurdy
c. o. MnTZKnif.
MtittinU rlullil.iiii
Kn'-r .1 Mi.- I'."r 'li. ' "r' -
,o s.-. ..ii.l ' in- Vh'1-t.
.One ear, 2.0
bKVS: . M .Months. I "
"Three Atontns. 5
1 he Railroad Situation.
i:. II. llarriiiiiiii and .1. ' Hill, j
tin- in.-II in Whose ! wer h is rested;
tin-r.'iilrii.-nl situation i" the North-i
west for several years past, have;
......... i .. mill IlllVl' .-lur.i-.l to1
(livhlr t hf Northwest lichl. Tu tlnw
two men is assigned tin- responsibili
ty of oictiinn tip new territoty: ami
also the nonai-tivit. in other-sect ions.
For many years isolated portions of
the Northwest ha ve prayeil and hop
eil for railroad transportation, and
have had t he assurance of one or t he
other of these ureat powers liehiml
the t l.r me of railroad e instruction,
that the.v would l-e supplied. Nolle
of tit promises were ever fiiitdled.
ail '--ci inu r.a-t'Tn t 'reuon. The ;ieo-pb-
have f.'ad and rer. a.l a. id inie
wear;. . :' "fa il : id- on papal." No
in, ..;n-.! ' - ii ii i. a ii-l w h : lr-ve
i At lakcvien. Oicum, emu inei.ei nu'
'.InU L'.l.
, There iil ' lmr--''" '"' "ll
vi. led ii" l'.'d..Hs.' First money f:tt,
1 , 1 i ' Tin:. I iiionej $".
; 1- ree IT all.
l.akevieu I . mo a n lees a bona I'nlc
ie-nlcnt train.
town under the auspice of the
M. mi, tain Aihlclie Cinh.
II. M.iiipii: t
Let-lien II - lirectnrs.
.1. S. Lane
would have ta ken ad vantage of these
condition, and of course our lueal
inerchants who l-oti-ht. did so at
prices dictated tiy bin buyers.
It is also possilile that had not the
majority of the wool lieen in the
hands of hen vy linyers prices would
not have lieen as huh as they tire
now. There is "trickii In all trades."
If two-thirds of the ltMir. clip of wool
ill l he l liited States could lie liollilht
up for Hi', cents. f,.r the reiuaininy:
thin! dealers tniuht pay - cents,
thus the entire crop would liepnictic
ally worth - cents, and a cent
prolit would lie made i ill t Wo t birds
of the crop, while if - I cents Were
paid fur all of ii a like profit could
ii .: 1 . had wi : I, !! a ii a t u i . rti i 1 1 ad
See our new line of Summer Dress Goods just
unpacked. Summer Silks, Japanese Silks, Lawn,
Fancy Ginghams, India Linens and all the latest
Wash Goods,
Any kind of a boot or shoe: Men's Boots,
Boys' Fancy-top Boots, Children's Fine Shoes,
Ladies' Fancy Ties, Slippers and Summer Shoes.
Pioneer Store
k!i. ,i.i i : so u:,;,-i. r.i.'.r ! ial: and a il-.-. w l.i.-l: imu h I ll ! I he m.ifU-1
s,,l! , i-! rite -ion. No one ui- Willi I'-n-eiua wool. ' .ii-.-i i i-n t ly .
cd : o 1 1 1 1 1 1 r s.., i; :. i ii h-.r. why s -me t here is lit t le ea'tse tor nvief ..n the I
o , u. Inn: y radron I projects part of those w lio sohl at I he former J- recall Rates to 1'nsttrn I'oints
survv ed and eoiiteiupla 'ed I'.v iml pre-.-, il is not lh.ciy that t h" ao.
di 1 not material:.e. vance in the price has I a made e
Yin .s.iu hei i; I'm-, tic ( net new
I ; i 1 1 1 1 . 1 tni tl ke'- helHeeli Ken
its hereii ..liter wi
,. "" 'WI"-M'i--VI"-MI, V-.l;--.,'',.l'--'A.' M.I"-.A,
II,, I
1 K -111 110 1 1 ei .III pale
rn..-. i,..i.r li,... ,.ii. I i .in., .as ki.-irt f.i In. ii .lit t he "T, overs: The !"""
1 o ld Mnv l'7ih, L"ith and "nth. .1
out all ria-ht and possil,y Imiid a middle man is "oil,;: to reap the lL,t ,,, 1T, ,,,,..- h ,,, ;;(llhi ....v...
few miles of road, w hen all of a sud-; principal lieiielit.
den a halt would he called from some '
' .1 ii I v th, "ith, litli, L'lih, J.'ith and lilh.
I T-T ATT - T-V T- T T r T S T T- JwCWI!
hr.M i JK It UKr. i
Senator Fulton has recomineiieded It'a-hiiiu'tnti. I. ('
T M liimmick of Coos county tor lliiltiniiire, Md.
receiver of the Koselittrtf land otliee.
Secretary Hitchcock is stnmliiij
Philadelphia. I 'a.
New York, N. Y.
apparently powerful, yet unseen'
soiiice. These independent compan
ies striviii",' to push their road thru
to some desired terminal, wiuilil w-1 "" ........... 1 ItuMton. M.ihs
c ure promises from Ilarriman or i " '-v M- New Oileans, I,,,
some other power, and then came the! '"t "", ll-tn on his appoint- Chicay,,, III.
-railroads on paper." i '" H-"n-tiir.v is tirm in his , St. Sin.
Why the promises of I j ''hdeavor to Keep Mitchell '''' Jm"'
were never fulhile,!. no one ;'"""' n-Kn. He has no other M Njm
l.ut Mr. Hill knows, and why the olijeetioti to Dimmiek than that i"- c:(mm;il lilulfs, la
promises of 11 ill wife never fulfilled
no one I in t Mr. I larriinan knows.
Thev were at war. and neither ever
let an opportunity pass to head off
Lis 1 1 ie lit. and neither ever cui
teti.pla ted a lew short 1 i 1 1 - or a em
o;',' i ;,.i ' : n- !; -i f.-il w didn't t ii I -
vestiation of I I'miiuick 's case shows ( hnttliii, Neb.
him to have been a Mitchell man. Kansas City, Mn.
St. Joseph, Mn.
W.. ii,,,,, I ihnt tl...i-.. me live l.eavellttiirth, Kali.
fin: on
107 .Ml
1 1 IK. "n
117 all
1 17 ."ill
nil. no
tin. mi
i.ii tin
i,n on
m mi
l.lil: ItCAl.L, Proprietor
v -V'
W. i.... i i l. i S?
t - i ui r- -.r nr i in 1 1 1 xrii I in I ill it r I f it" n.i it i i mi jiir i-r; pwivr
of Driit;H. (.'lietnit:nlH, IVrfumerieB, Toile ArticlttH, Fancy
NotioiiH, CijrarH, Ktc, Kit:.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
jlises of smallpi in Alturas and
A l rl i i -,,li , Kan.
Tickets ale L'.l id In. slie.i.Vel asi ,,
that .he town i .i.ara.i 1. The Nl.v.1,,.( Llilli: tnl t, .,, ,,,v, in
si. -ii:.-carrying ihroiie-h mail either , lM , , ;,,
w a ' l: ' it-s a n 1 1 i d I 1 1 T i v I i . This is io e id i'i cd a' id i pnlii t - i .n return Ion
We Wish to Announce to the
ii, n
V. !l ,
ale III ile- I-'
.;-! ..',-.-l ,-:i
!- in in - i,.
.,: pan!.-- n:
! . mil ii - ,. .
-i ,, i- i , o ' . i '
a si.t'e pp ci. nt ion )ii'.iiiiir I lie' s
I ,i I lie I e;i i led ljsi le. 1 Hie en -.- i
l-e; . .1!' d ,- ! ! 'ille I re. !.. I I .i-.-u
S 1 1 , : , I - a l.d ii" as j-ei,; t
i ' . I i ,.- 1 . I ill to pre .-
i , : - a ' e a: t
i i.i'V lew
ilead tl"V,li'l .l-ene.-- nill ,
p. .1 ii : m 1 1. 1 a n: net ', iu 1 1
! iel.e' i , 1 1 1 ' , 1 1 I , I
I ,n In i ' l.ei li.I.e in..' in. ' ', ,
boll-e A . Ii il S, ....
A . Jv. I'.i I '
.- I a spread ." n..' I I
a, .- . I iii - '"
e! tie- upper
ii,- d- I', t : I : 1 1
.. a. i-1
a por I . Kin: of c,
I in il li-mt'
I..III I 1 nil ' 1 I il,eVie .
May I-'.. I' '''
till tie- t, ,i .... I, I II 1. 1, ll
l:a- ;.n.c,l iii I '. i f I ia In! i i,., i ,. ,, in- i n i en 1 1. n, i, n,.,ke f:-;
rd show. He ha- .-.-.n.liiiu heal . ! ; n -,: ... .r: ..I hi-cliuir . and p
i 1 1. il s.l 1. 1 pi i ii il 1. 1 lie' I H 1 1 1 1 . - I .eyl
'. o r ' 1 1 ' 1 1 tin.!- anil i , ' . 1 1 1 1 . i : 0,1 iiie im mil 1 . -1 at I. a Kevi , ' I. . .... m
'! h;: WodI AVirKot
:. '.-. ,11 :, L' -..- i- .',- i-. I
n-. . la" !! i 1 1" I-, -nr: i.i - 1 1 u --,
Sir "::n-ti i I'- no: e-;. s .rr;. I i
.id ;: - ' Ii'-.'. ha e hid t he n . ,:' , i
t !,'.;- , i ,; ii," I,,-; and 1 !i-v r. i--n
a very ;;onl price. .'. 1 1 h ,ii'
1 ra ;
it tl,.- l,'i,;. Clark Fair, mid '','!' ,''','lv J-1'"''''., , V'v I , o 'M"!
mm. r,nin i. inr nit . i. , . i
lid I lie s 1 1 1 1 1 ! lie I in I 'or I 1,1 lid
I Ii- I'.irl:.:'.' 1
.1., ...11, I .... . . 1 .-lee
N 11 1
i ' ' i
i - 1 1 -
. o , . . e
.d. lie 1 1 a 1 1 1 1
a , rn. i n I.
: ! lie 1 idled St a
W III lie t here.
-. I , If
i:i, 'I . .'i s , il. -M I..
lie- ( ,!,,. ni,' ultnes-e- tn titme In.- fc-:-;
1 I- ''i 1 1- open, d ,.. , i,. i it) on and in,t va f-":
.. . . I .....I ti..H ..I - .id li.lel .1 I' II. .Io. Er.v
Tl, i an. is I'l.-rnaid l lai I,, -"I ) f '
Ii li.-ri.i- I ' ,. In..:!., i.ll hi
l.akl'V.e-A ,11:. e.. . I g-
S- .1. N. ll a'tt ii, lleei-;, ,. jfv
r poiiu
i i,
a ,
t lien,
I l
i Ii a n
A l!atl Scare. OASTOHIA.
;iv y,i ..m!I a had seaie. BoarBthe A lM Kind YCU Haw Al:m Botlt ' f
i lee! ;i i - in n: ' nni bov. 1.-. B'-'naturo
t -! i'-, i -. - .i : e v 1 1---- 1 1;
'l hat he can be as wt!l r:.';'laU'J
at the MAM.M0TH LIVIikV 5I AULI;5 in
Lake iev us he can at :m st; hie in the
State. St is our intention to a!v ays have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
jjrain to he bought in the market. We
also k. cp a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
U-. , ii a
:: wi"'."
THE V70R.:. r'
v.f..- '.ooa
. " '
v'.'-r nee ?
t .
.. rat
'I ii.v
' In
I'el ll.-ei I I I Oil' r,ie .Hit illl I I In-
would have lieen eiiou.eli left loin i
a ii
. :i. d -i, -,. ,,. , v ASStl'I'S ,()!)(?. (v'm)
w. - ' MaLii. v SURPLUS 573,00000(1 " ' ' '
r1., n in in i" ion- w 1 1 1 t :i ; ti (it ;i I Ct
, . A Ai'lAAfrJt. ,1 Ai..ll.llJ-j .,, A . A A ...... A - .- .. . . - . ..
tun,,, i, 1M.,t,, li,-. pa ,ers aie , wwrw- w -vwv "WWiJ
.'pecial Agent
it an object for buyers to come in, yiven tin ir choice of routes to ( liicau'o,
liiey would lmve held theirs. 1 f .",1111 1 1 -"iiisvillc. Men, ph .is ami New Orleaiin,
ami tliitiiiuii tlienu paints to llie lur
: cant.
bales of Wool had been held out of
I he contracts u wo,.... mane u sale , .,,., ivi. I(,n,dt ,1,1,1,, infor-
to hold off. 'J'l.eN' not expect the, .nation as to the lowenl rated Hint bi;Ht
raise to come so early; and It is pus- ' unites are invited to corruHponil with
hlble hail a mniorit.v f urowers held i !"' followiim rvprusuntativuK.
, . , . , : Ii. 1 1 . Triiinhi.ll, 'oiliuiori'iitl Auelit,
1 heir wool, the advance would not ... . . ., . . k
1 12 1 hml St , l'ortlui.,1, re.
..ceurre.l asejirly as it has. Uuyers j j ...Ih.-v, Trav IW'iurer
know that shearing Uliil ilippintt is Au'int. 1 IH Third St., I'm t In ml, ( Ire.
apt loeamp the small grower aid I'a'i!!'. Tl i n-mi I'.i.jsener Aent
luavforcfl.ini to sell, probably to I in in Ilinlilin.' ,S,-,i'.iie ll.c-h.
Uff. f s
The children's Iricnd
Jayneis 'Fonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strung nerves and muscles.
(jives tone, vitality and snap.
J: , V' ' v- i?
uci u iroin your dru;giit "-VS