POLITICAL STATIS TICS FOR OREGON Majority of Office Holders are Republicans. Half the County Judges are Demo- One Prohibitionist crats. That ' w h.i nr.- a '. tiiit I t : ' ! I1' On the List. , , ,.,... s,-vea republicine. two t ie 1 11 'era t s "', '. . .,.v ,,,-...,., a n.l ..iioiudopondeut republican: an. I "" 1 1 . . i .il.li VI ; V l.l'-.'p cnuui J aa" !- - ii p. .... r....i.l.'i. .),, i r... re ran-, .'in (i'.ii1'' I... . ,, . ,., ,..,,,.,1. HHM-r.-it-. i il.tsn. .l.'-'.!iii! . ,, . . . j U : i-r c II''- f . -Ii ii !' . . . . a- 1 .'!. vrrat-. " , ., . I..:.- a'. I M ,..., ,l,t. V fl (fill M.ilirJl1 cluiiili t.. another diirili til.' pa-t f.mr veins s.. inr remain Stclldfl.st by ..'i.r party, u Inl h.rs rciniln divided. l"'-. v t-Jipl m iti --i tMfii ..flices Mini I. .slim others with very liitli' cliimirc In t In- situation year after y. in . Will. i;i I.. Murks, in Sunday ( )rry. .iiiii n. METHODS OF PATENT MEDICINE MEM. Do Tin' Persons V.'lio rntroitizp These ronirnis Ol Wlmt k li,r.?rr.T'.T I'ESitCil. Arc Tiu'.v I'.rui J'ra;.-. it. concerned. In the first plnre it may be said that Pr. Pierre himself does not protend to rend nd micner nil the innil that ron.es to him. Neither doe nnv other proprietor of a Imp' i""" neii. Hut he does have a Inrjjo Ktftff of ernduatcd physicians and wirRwna, men who an rpoeialists in many linen of the profession, who do rend these letters nnd who do pive them their individual and careful attention. When an inqnirv is received from some sufferer .tailing his symptoms and pivinR a history of his rnse it is marked with a number. That number thereafter distinguishes that case. It is sent to the nropcr physician and by him is carefully examined. This phy sician turns t the phonograph at his elbow and dictates an answer. If he wants further information coiiceniinu the case he asks the inquirer for it. It the writer has told him enough to enable him t" judge properly of the rase he answers the questioner in that light. If the case is one that appar ently will he met by either ol the famous Tierce family Medicines the patient is so advised. If it is one that ,...,.!iis to demand some oilier fnnn of Ireaiaient tl.i't treatment is advised. and. It toe patiei:! :::'i.r, it p I' aa.l lel'l I.I t'l crip- lis- t'iled I aril ll.e t'jil.l.'iil .. 1 lie.utdrt' li.i.mvolt VI I'reklrtcnt t'li. ', KHlrbHiiki secretary ot State Joint Hy Serielsry of Trowiiiry twit.. M.Shw Secretary nl Wur Wm. II. Tift Attorney tenral ....Wni. ll. Mnnty Pcwlinsator (lenoral tien. R. Cortelyou Secretary ol Navy I'aul vtnrtcm secretary lntiTl.ir K. A. Illti secretary ot Agriculture Jnn' Wllunn Secretary ot Commerce V. ('. Mctciu STATU, Governor Oco. K. C Ii n m tx rlntn Supreme JiiiIkc V. A. Mnri. secretary l State K.I luiil.r Trcamror . . C. S. M.mn. Attorney (iriieml A.M. Iiivufnrn Supt. I'iiIiIIr liiKtriicti.iii J. II. Arki rnian I'rlnter J. It. w Ii :t tiey I.Biry mil I Food Com J. W . ltM.y l-.s.H.-....r ' J J;'V'"'-Mi r.,nKr..m,... lla.k-. r ll,r,,,,,, l.i. N.v ii.nuiiHiin SIXTH .M'liK IAI. lUSTIUCT. tu.le II. I-. ll' imnn Joint s...,ir .I..I111 I ... ...,... S i: i 1 .i,.., j j..i. - -'kr V'!.. I" V - . ' Mn'irr I A K I I ..I M V . I J I. - - t ,.!.'. ii. aii . .., i - !,:,.! ..!.. vv l.u i- ' e.-. I"ll.!.l. La lie l.ilie'llll lUlll M i.i ; i.utaa Ii couiitieri ure itiiiniMt straight repiililiiriui. JOcieh linn nine ia- . 1 1 ! l i.-uu eiiutity ( .t!ieer: and only nil. lii'iiiiii-rat. (ins nad J.iiieulii lia'.e i -1 a ' e ra l ie ar-.-essor.-; I.ane Hlid M lill li.illllill have (leliiocrittic hlierifl'n and Iioiilus eounty'ti clerk in u (leiiKe rat. Uiyht republican ollieerij are credit ed to (iraut, Ilaruey, JUnn, J'olU uul I'luutlllu countieH. tiraut Jlar ney and I'olk each Lave two demo cratic ofticern, while Lino and l iua tllln have three each, luker, Jack son und Yamhill countieH each have seven repabllcanH and four demo crats; Curry and Tillamook each have seven republicans and three democrats; Columbia, bounty has i . , :..- .a :, : i .-.. i"ii as and ; a deiiii n-rai . In l.euiav. ovw the list l least i 1 1 1 -pnrlalit ollieeiv, one is led to believe that I epiiljlieiths ale preferred in death as well as life by t he people of Jthis slate, for they have elected t eat y seven republican coroners, while only four of the coroners ure ! democrats. One is a republican-. 1 i : democrat and one a democrat ic-1 1 populist. The ollicial directory of Oregon's; county ollicers does Indeed reveal many peculiar political conditions. This Is due to the uncertainty of county elections, where local condi tions and often personal quarrel are Intermixed with state and na tional Issues. J n this connection it Is Interesting to note the changing political complexion of many coun tieH. Some counties have swung COUNTY EXAMINER 'IW. iS AX AR'l IS W i 1 it li Tin; Kx aminkk vx cvlls. Wf have all the late .-4" styles in type and k'eep in stoek a late assortment of high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Our priees will be found to compare favorably with other prices. t i LATEST LAND AND STOCK NEWS EIGHT PAOES LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED IN 1880. 3 4 4 4