Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 25, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 21,
Cases arc Disposed of
Warner Valley Co.
Wins Several
fuse More tin circuit court were
decided an follows:
In the mutter of Warner Valley
stix'k Co. VM- Chas. Toniiingsen.
Judp-'tneiit for .liilntiff.
In tlie iiintter of Warner Valley
stock Co. vs. Win. M. Harvey
Jinlp'tneiit fur plaintiff.
In tlie mutter of State of Oregon
v. Warner Valley Stock Co. Ordcr
tdiliMiiissed. State ha appealed, j
In the matter of W. Z. Moss vs.!
lifn. Phillips. Settled out of court.
In the matter of State of Oreguti
v I!. I". l.une. 'erliet o! guilty. I
In the matter of Smith & St-inerl
K. Hat t if IJihhins. Settled out of
court. I
atantly In their positions from Sun
day about 3 odock till Tuesday
morning. No one will doubt their
priority of right to first filing, neith
er their Maying qualities. The
women In the crowil were nervy anil
were i.m determined ns the men.
One of the gentlemen is a railroad
conductor, and has been In Portland
attending the Convention of Kail
road Conductors at that place a
couple of weeks ngo.
Those who lined up Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Ryan of Michigan
Mrs. Win. Mayer of Portland, Oliver
Slifer of Woodland. Wash., Al and
F.d Peterson of St.'vonson, Wash.
Mr. Irvine Anderson and J. H.
Boyd lirought the crowd from Illy.
Oeorge Lynch lined up four Mon
day, an. ten more were on the steps
early Tuesday innriiing.
day night, one of the let plays ever j A 13 A
given In Lakevlew. The play Is a j Lliil
difficult one to put on In a place like
this, lint the Lowe Co. were equal to
I the occasion and made a success of
' It. They had a real live horse
1 rOgraiTl Arranged '"Queen Hess." on the stage, and
I TIa U'utif t f2lfl' mwio nntfa w
To be Conducted 'hit of the season. j
' ' The Company will play In Klam-i
Dy the EagleS. 'ath Falls next week. lieingat Bonan- j
, I t.u and Merrill this week. We under-1
QRAND BALL AT NIOHT "1'11"1 t,"'v wl" 1Hmu"i llt Klamath
Falls and all go to the fair at Port-
The following program will lie; land. The leading lady and the
rendered on the Fourth of July, In heading man are to lie married when
Lakevlew, under the auspices of the ! they reach the city. It was also
Fraternal Order of Kagles, Rim Rock i rumored here that Mr. Lowe and
Aerie No. 777: i another lady of the company were
(ia. m. Morning Salute. Patriot-j to lie married also, but Mr. Lowe
lc selection by Band. denied It.
!t a. in. Parade forms at Court
The Forest Reserve.
Kl. I:amiku.-I am glad to see
that the Lxamiiicr is taking a stand
against the creation of permanent !
House, made tip of Fraternal Organ
izations, Drill teams. Floats repre-
jsentlng the different Commercial
Houses, I'.icycle section.
Team Runs Away.
Last Wednesday ns Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Prose were driving out of town
on their return home from a days
State Line Boys Warp
it to Lakeview
lu the matter of arner Val. Stock
to. v. J. L. .Marrow. Judgement
fur iiliiint iff.
lu the matter of Kllen Jones, ad
niiuHtrtitrlx of the estate of David
Jnutu, deceased vs. Oregon and Cal
ifurtiia Laud Co. Cam? continued.
In the matter of J. A. King vs. W.
S. Packard. Case continued.
In the matter of Wni. Furrell vs.
tdavla Furrell. Deere of divorce
In the mutter of Warner Val. Stock
'o. vn. P. E. Taylor. Judgement
In the mutter of Warner Val. Ktoek
ti. Aituius 'J'onnlngneti. Judge
ment lor plulutltf.
K.V. lU-hart. W. H. Shirk aod A.
Miiuring, who were appointed
rhitrutom lu the case of lo. Small
w!K.l. Lutx, left fur Silver Lake
r""dny morning.
iuthe matter of Lake County vs.
H. Kriiiodcr. Judgement for
i-iu tLi tiff. ...f,., ..U!, up,,,..-,!,.,!.
Hit' liiht mentioned ease Is one in
'l'ick the luiuralorv lax law U In-
r,!vfJ. Th.- ei unity sued Schroder
'"fUixin on livestock and the cane
" appealed to tlie supremo court.
fklt will test the coiiHtltUtiouallty
' the uew law passed at the last
lon of the legislature. The de-''-i'm
of the higher court will m
NUIied with givat interest.
pie iit'llved here,
I" it, under tin-
: : i , i i . 1 -. of' Porl-
! I J . . r of locating
iiit v ' h valuable 1 1 iii-
u ii open to set-
Line L'p at tlie Land Office.
'M Saturday evening u crowd of
;"U,r ;,,t
"""liy froin
""'luiiee of i
lH for t!,
"Jlllf l,al...
I... i. . .
"'"(I. to I,. i
t;..... .
H"'W on ti.e j:;,j.
I pi" had reasons to !'-
rvvernl parlies would be hereto
Soothe saiue land they wanted,
In order to ,.. first to the land
"-(Sou Tuesday morulug, May 23d,
'""tuehuuj ollice door was oih-u
'loi-k. they lined up 111 front of
hud otlice.door and ilowu the
v"" Tl,e
county. I think it will be a a detri-
meat to our now prosperoiiscouuty.
If the M-ople do not combine to pre j
vent it. most of our stock will have!
to go, and what is left will not be as
well off as before th" reserve I
created. j
Take away tlie immense Income!
from sheep and cattle, and there
would Ik- comparatively little left j
under present conditions. Where
will the merchant get his large and
profitable customers? And where
will the greater part of our laboring
men get employment? liesidcs tak
ing away a large amount of taxable
property, thus making it harder for
the rest.
U'hy wait this coming disaster to
bcfull us before doing something to I
help ourselves? Let some of our
able and enterprising business men
take the lead, and I think the people
would do all In their power to help
them prevent It before it Is too late.
A Laiiorkk.
Last Sunday about 45 Lakevlew
people went to Pine Creek to see the
Lakevlew base ball team win their
third game from the State Line
team. Twice In succession did the
Pine Creekers meet defeat at Lake
view after a hotly contested game,
and a close game was looked for at
the State Line.
The game started off a little more
favorably to Lakeview than was
expected. The first ball to pass
never passed, Orvis Stephenson
knocked the trade mark way out in-
(,l.. i., i i." i v,. .i. fii-ntm- cu io run. o con c noises was a ,,
of ilaj Kep. Iv. 1.. I a. sterner, oiatoi to tlie rjllt Held Und the ball follow-
of day II,,,. Henry L. Benson, of mc.ous j oung annual, ana w nen one eJ Hffe.r t M fap a the
Klamath Falls. Music by Hand and " the tugs came unhitched it began othw aHowed
Chorus. Arraiiiienient of music an- ran t ne ikick niiotiie,,
Uouneeil later.
2 p. m. --Tug of Wnrfor boys under
11. Cash priz. given. Foot race for
boys under 1 years. Cash priz
given. Foot race for girls under 1'J
10 a. m.-Fourth of July Kxercises "hopping, the team Mr. Prose was!
! at Court House square. President ivliig became friglitenwd and start-
eil to run. One of the horses was a;
sidewalk, l'.oth Mr. and Mrs. Prose
were thrown out and struck on the
walk. Two of the wheels of the ve-!
hide passed over Mrs. Prose's body j
and she struck her head on the walk, 1
' li i in to make a tally. Pine Creek al
so made one in their first, and Lake-
view 2 in the second and Pine Creek
one. After tlie second Lakeview fell
from grace and received goose eggs.
in the !5rd and 4th and Pine Creek
years. Cash prize given. Sack race, , Htunning her for a while. She was.
Three legged race, nobody barred, considerably bruised up. but
Above subject to change and addl- j 0o',,,s broken. Mr. Prose received a
tlOImH j severe cut in the palm of the hand,
required several stitches.
Blood poison threatened, but when
Tii in Circus I'm null nil novel- I "
ties accepted.
SeiO p. in. Beautiful and Expen
sive Fireworks.
J) p. in. (irand Hall
Mr. Prose was here a few days ago
to have the wound dreHsed the Dr.
Informed him that all danger was
Additional amusements announced ;I,a8t- He received several minor
later, (iodess of LUierty to be elect
by popular vote.
Lane is Convicted.
The Lane case was on trial last
Wednesday evening when The Fx
amlner went to press, and continued
till Thursday about ;i;:W lu the after
noon, w hen the ease was given over
to the jury. Night came and no ver
dict, and It was 12 oc lock that night
More the Jury readied a verdict.
They found II. I". I.'i'ic ii'iilty "f
a-sault with a dangerous weapon.
The penalty for this offense is from a
.,, vm and not more
than 10 years in the penitentiary.
Time for sentence was set for Satur-
at 10 oclock, wlien
Progressive Lakeview.
Lakevlew now has a finely equlp
ed Free Heading Kooni. Many here
during court week expressed the
oplnlou that uo town for the Ue lu
the state could show a Heading
Itoom so thoroughly comfortable
and well supplied with magazines,
papers and general reading matter.
The Uooks have come, and now
the Public Library, of Lakevlew is
open for the public. Itivinalus to
be seen the interest manifested.
i:er.voiie should personally Interest
themselves to assist toward the
everlasting continuance of this en
terprise; for It is a most praise
worthy undertaking. Many cards
have already U-en sold, which shows
the appreciation of the people. The
day morning at .Measures one can derive from this
c oi .... ... ,
ilvllege Is manifold, and for a eco-
.1 .,,..itiii
Judge Benson pnsse.i .-."
two years in the state s . . Hum omJ eall rellll tho very
We are Informed by the u'"" ,((iHt ()f ,)()()kH. Any one deslrlngany
for the defence that the case will t"' i I(U,)k.utl,m Bloui,i mention
I ......
IV.idiug a decision on appeal j......
1,1 ,. ,dd at the peniten.iary.
.. 1 ! I, ,11
the new awleaioMii".
by t lie J'hUe
of p.-ird'iu iv
'j'lie .-l.i riff
, I i . . I : I "
I. V 1
, . riior, t lie mat ter
;, i . (j,, y OMM1. 0'.
- ,1 iu u :l :i 1
ithe same to Miss uarren mi..
; rangetiienis will be made to furnish
' it. People living In the country are
sp. dally invited to come to the
Heading Boom during their visits to
town: ''I ''"-l"'1'1
Shearing Plant Started.
The steam shearing plant at War
ner canyon was started up last Fri
day. Dan Malloy Bays one of the
machine shearers cau remove the
wool from a sheep ia 2 raluutes.
There will not be many more sheep
sheared till after lambing, as vnnet
of the bands are lambing now. It is
said that mutton buyers are refusing
to take the machine sheared sheep;
they say all their orders call for
hand sheared sheep.
The machines, so It Is stated, cut
the wool so close that the sh"ep are
sun burned, but no serious results
are contemplated. After the first
year, It Is believed, no damage what
ever will occur from ni:idi!no shear
ing. From one-half to one and one-half
pounds more wool can be had by
machines, which more than pays
for the shearing.
Old Soldiers Heet.
Lakevlew, Oregon, May 20, 100.").
Meeting was called to order by J.
X. Watson. W. Bayley, Mas chosen
'chairman. J. X. Watson, Secretary.
Dr. Stdner, U. 11. Ay res and Mrs.
Noiin were appointed as coif:uiiitcc
1 on Music. Prof. J. L. Smiih was
chosen Orator,
" Jhey
had their ls-ds there
M lupin -"IJ ,jl-
,-. Maupin. an "Id iv.-iden. of
lias sold ins e,i,...
Warner ain-j
We understand tin' 1""
Lowe s Theatre Company.
All old Soldiers and all others who
In the 5th Lakeview made one and
Pine Creek 2, in the 6th Lakevlew 1
and Pine Creek 4. The seventh re
sulted 0 for both sides and the 8. and
9th Lakeview failed to tally and
Pine Creek made 2 in the 8th aud did
not play the last half of the 9tb.
Piue Creek had 13 to Luke view's 5.
Tho ground was very bad, being
covered with gravel, and was bound
ed on the east, north and west by
high p cket and wire fences, over
which the Pine Creekers persisted in
knocking the ball, and on the south
was the State line, and the Lakevlew
boys were under the Impression that
if they knocked the ball over into
California they would have to pay
duty on leather thus exported.
Our boys were not used to playing
pn the rocks, aud fell over them
many times.
The Lakevlew boys played a very
poor game from some cause. There
was plenty of yelling for Lakevlew,
and even some of the Lakevlew
crowd who were near thooi'd base
where Harry ISenson played, yelled
"hurrah for Klamath Falls." Harry
j had the Flue Creekers afraid to start
' (or third unless they had a sure shot
on getting there. They took no
Pine Creek was Invited to come to
Lakeview next Suuday to play.
C, O. Reynolds umpired tho game.
The score was as follows:
i Lakevlew; 1-2-0-0-1-1-0-0-0 5
! Pine Creek. l-l-l-2-2-4-0-2- 13
j Those who went to see tho game
were: W. II. Shirk and wife, S. O.
Cressler and w ife, F.. F. Linehart and
wife and Miss Lulu (larrett, O. F.
Deinorest mid family, .). S. Lauo aud
(ieo. liorton and their wives, Ms
a ' wish to join Willi us are cordially re-
Warner Vnlle.v
holdings to lin
stock Co
. , i..
mi,.. I ,,ue T heat I'M V o. inane
W(.,.U's stand lu Lakevlew last week, j utie-U'd to meet at W. Bayley's of
al played to a good house every j rice on Sunday, May 2S, lOO.',, at 10:30
owing to i sharp ami inurcu m t--
Rev. Snyder will deliver
i.iulit. till Saturday night
. .. ....i....-iii, .a of the loading lady Church.
llie sei nioii.
All who have, and feel like con
tributing ilowers will please deliver
,,, was in the . . ' d(, (i(jt fcU()W tlmt n,K,lt.
tHM. Mr. Maui"" o i u wu- plt 0,leVery ulht
' '', 1,W , ' lt(Mlds aud our people express themselvesas
i Patterson and Miss McUrath, -Mrs.
Uowan aud her brother, Mr. Parish
aud his wife, C. O. Metssker and wlfo,
Judge Benson, A. W. Maurlug, Ioo
Beall, Dau Malloy, Fred Reynolds,
Joe Fuller, besides Score keeper W,
R. Steele aud the team.
Clarence Dunlap and wlfo were lu
Alturas last week from San Fran-
acres o
i ..f horses, lie lnienus . , ! ,., ,.f w oRVleVa ofllco at. or bo-
wrliii i ' .. i.,,- ..w.ii iiiitjiriHil Willi i iv lit iJ - .it
: o to Wllla.ue.t- valley. ; 1"' . foI, (tloek, of May 30, where they c.sco. Mr. Dunlap was Inspecting
W,ere he will locate. He w ru" , " ;. ' Ki.nt ,j,rl ,,iayed Frl- will be thankfully received.
the slot machines,
after 1 avin-'.
Hi" atid leina lied Co'l-
mail, here t,