C f 1, Lake lew An J ici n't . ! I-' ' !iein :it A !,!- f. .in J:p !. Meter Ha- ii. town Tuesday. Ii' reports crops looking fine. I.li iies nui children 'n shoes utl'l -i:;.;.eis jiit mt: ve.J yt Alilstroin !'.! is. Mrs. ( aAii and da tighter Jessie are expected hume Iroiu the t'ity in u couple of weeks. Try a noda flavored with fruit juices. Nothing better, ut Cloud's Ice Cream Parlor. Harr Haileton goes to Cedarvllle this week to begin work on the High School building. J. Ileeder, the Plue Creek black smith was dolm; buolaesn la our town first of the wik. THE BEST ALWAY5 Our customers have come to expect the Best from us We've been selling the lust quality poods so long. You tell us what you want we provide it to you. BISHOPS Incomparable with anr other Pre serve - Bishop's Medallion Pre serves. They lead the world la quality because it is possible only in California to put up such de licious Preserves. Made from the choicest of fruits and pure sugar. Their purity is guaranteed by $1000. We would lihe every houXttpr ja- of Medallion Preserves we Know order the second one from us. All fruits. If four particuitV to Aop Good Cofit. ordtr B.EBER'S CASH STORE . J . '! I,- , a t . . -1 .1 a ' e t lie . . ; 1 1-i VA in. i i ar -.v ai.d liiinJ.i iajmi.I to start lor Irelund in June. (They will Iprohulily o by water part of the way. I Jeff parish informs us that rodeo in' if oi. r outcast, and that they 'will soon coi:i!ii. -ii.-e working cut lie ! there. P. llutidwiu, proprietor of the Pulslej hotel, has n new phonograph ut the express office. One of the large kind. Nuu Patterson was released on bail last Saturday, It is probable that bhe will never be brought to trial again. C. K. Morris Is moving from the Moss rauch, iu Chewaucan, to his rauch on the West Side, lie brought his cattle down Tuesday, to try on she will Kinds of from tu. t.. .it 1 looi.-;,- Prof. Jliliy, county school stijier intetideiit of Harney county, pnswd through J-akeview Sunday en route to the Willamette valley on a visit. He will visit the fair. Ir. T. '. Hall returned from Sun l'raiicisio last Saturday. Miss Pearl Ha II, t he 1 ir's sister, who has lieen in Chicago attending college since last August, returned home with him. At the anuuul meeting of the War jiier Valley Stock Co. laet eek. the j following officers and directors were elected for the ensuing year: C. A. I Cogswell, president; Dr. Kober, vice j president; D. I. Browne; Secretary and treasury, directors, 8. O. Cres- sler, C. A. Cogswell, Jr. Koljer, J. V. Prow ue and Y. M. Green. lr. Stch.er calif.! to Wnnirr yesterday to sec the Stromburg ulrl '. In. whs burned last w.vk. J.I. Mellck of Vlstillis, wa In l.akevlew last week on buslnes. He reports everything In tine condition In his section of country. We understand that Dr. It. E. I Stelner am! wife will visit the Lewis & Clark fair lit July, am! from there will go to Japan for a pleasure trip. The Oregon lKvi'lo.ntent league am! the Oregon tlood Bond Asso- cintion met In a Joint assembly at Pendleton on Monday , May and lasted t wo days. Ilerl. 14-wl returneil home on a visit last week from Burn, where he 1 1 us t--ii working In a livery stable fur his mu le, Simon 1 w Is. He star e,l bm-k to Burns Tuesd... v. tie... .lolies, who ha Is-eli sick nt his home near Paisley, came down last week to remain in 1-akeview fur n time. He 1 getting Hyinr very well. Mr-. W. 11. . 11 i. .-r a'Voiiijl.iu her (at her. . u r pe. ;' sh ui. n.t 1 ie itit'-rt t li. t! I . ii rn 1 1 i :i 1 . 1 '., ir; h. K ei r. ; hut !!'.! l r'.t- .1 !.-f. -I Ti. II 1 lit' I ( 1! 1 !''t''' !. al ! ri ! ; t t-ui T . A. M. r.-i ; a : i r-: . - r ... 1 m T-i- i U(1 poi.-.m- 1 a:.l , is ;,:, arm swelled dear to his i , , , . j ,., Moj.. day he came to see a doct or about , It. and is getting along nicely. j All old soldiers are reijusted to tip. js-ar at the oHIce of Justice V. ; P.ft.vley on Saturday ut 4 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of arranging a program for Decoration Day, May :imh. All ladies interested are also requested t(J attend the meeting to j arrange for music and other appro- ' prlate exercises. j W. M. Harvey sold a fine bunch of 'about 40 head of horses to Johnnv Patterson of Cedarvllle, lat week, and will soon go up Into Harney county lu search of auother bunch, which he will take to market la Cal ifornia after haying. T. li. Mettker will probably accompany Mr. JIar rey ou his trip north. WEEKLY WEATHER KEPOKT Below we (live s report ol the wajj " r"or,l T " wnmrat .s.thM bureau station at The Examiner Offi This wport is chsngsd ssch k,,JJ our readers with to keep s yearly rreonj weather conditions for future r i nc c,,t ont th wPorl "long the bUck ; line and paste it in s scrap book n. week after another. This reord wiUJ taken on Tuesda- to end each seek and , on Wednesday for the neit week Oovernment Weather Bureau Ru. lion at LAkertew, Oregon, C. O. Hmni, Local Obserrer. j Week ending Tuesday, May 16, lag Ij jmti 'mtn. prreip n' I thinwe (isiioo fall o( 4tj 1 1 nur , M j o,. , 0 -M r(H) , L 1 1 - 1 frid'yi fl liti 0.12 j on j ! v X JM j' if ' L J:' 1 11 I " I 00 i dear iiioii j ss .".4 I 11.011 ! pi. el ih Public 5c boot Closed. ..... . .. .'lie in 1 lie 1 it .i-l siiccessliil terms i.f seh. ol ever taught in t lie town ul i.:iKi vie.v n.isjiisi cii.sei. 1 iiPenU .hi. I !. U f.-el th.it the ye.-ir ba I -. n i iie i if n-.i t ii.l . iiuv-ue nt. J he liii.il examinations w. re ricil. VI !!' :i i r. in. i.le sle nii. (.,!,. I !llH i.V I he prolielelii'V i .f t h.' IMIJlils. : I H.'u v ! 1 -w e.-.-;-' ; ei, . " '- in.. I I. rr.o i:,,' th. ; .- 1 . I'!.,.-..- .. , !s; i I - i ;i'.;.- ,!"i.fitr. .lur. i ' I i' iiv I. i-tn. t i.e ,ariiiu,t i ' i .1.;. ! t 'im.uIi ; i.e . I :':.Ti i,t i- .t. s. s;. ;!,.;, .1 v ' - . .f t l,e i,i; Is.it,2 i I " I , I ill s ..re t'.l'W a i... i;..- i t:. i..r m ti..' !'-' i r : i 1 1 eir r- ! l..- r.'.!-rv .M'l- r I 'i i .- i r : -' l li .i . ' i" 'V. I.. - Mel '. I . . k. ;.. .V, Hv.T-tf '!' I .i.e,::. pi-opr;, t'.r ' ' ' "t;:u ): .'. i a i.l !iery t-1 . Mc i ' ' l.-H ide. i.l o'i.'.hl the J.OWC 1 ll'.'l- t Co. to l.akevievv Monday. Mr- of! man returned home Tuesday. Wood. We Mill deliver you s loud, of leiiulh, at any pines in Lakeview, day you want it. Booxs & Mclkkv. n overalls made from mi selected materials j