Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 18, 1905, Image 5

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    1 !
ymMtlonnl Xocal j
V n. Frnl"'i Is here from Warner
Snow (hike ""r '"rtmlont Ulolier'H
p M, Kiini- and wife are here from
Silver I-ke thin week.
waiter Howard wan in from
Urcwn viilli'.v yesterday
rrth walnuts ami almond at
Jjikeviow Mercantile Co.
Jim n.vliT ami wife of Silver Lake
areln lakeview this week.
Dick Hnrtlermle In driving stage
on the northern llnfto l'ulsley.
A few more of those $1.00 hats for
men at Luke view Mercantile Co.
Trvoiii'of those Swan Fountain
rcnat Lnkevh-w Mercantile Co.
Mr. Laphnm sol J lier hotiHchold
pied at auction last Saturday.
Make your feet fi-el rinht. lluy
your uti-vs at Weber's Cash Store.
We are selling .'t'i Inch percales at
In cts a yd. Lakeview Mercantile
Try the Aditm I'alilnet Cigar.
Tlie lct ." cent smoke. Weber's
Oi!i Store.
J. X. ( an, 1 h" optician, arrlvcil
lure je-tvrila.v. Sec his card in an
ul'ier c ohnmi.
Mi Nell Simpson, who went, to
iU-im a f -v H'ei'kn ago, returned
b 'lilt' l.'l-t week.
Si Henderson came over from I'.lue
Joint lift Saturday, ami returned
first of tlie week.
KeiueiiiUr that the Lake-view
Jlfrraiitilf t'o. carry the IH-Mt line of
groceries in Lakeview.
I'mf. J. Plough, irincljial of the
Lakeview public school left for his
Lotae in the Wlllaiuette valley Mon
day. W. A. Sherlock urriveil here from
San Francisco lust week. Mr. Sbcr
lwk will probably buy Home mutton
sliwp lu this country.
Mis Jew! Kami, who taught in
one uf the department of the like
view w-lioul left for her home at
Astoria, Tuesday morning.
Secretary of State Hay 1 greatly
imjiMve.l in health and will not re
hi oflice. as has l-eii stated,
lie will hail for the I 'nlted State be
tween June r,(i, and 10th.
l.;i. V. nrd, the "bucearoo," came
"V'.t fi-n:!i Warin'r lai-t wii'k and r--tiwiiied
in i. ake iew several days.
H" i lt l.i-t of tli- week for Silver
v. !.! I..- go.- to K'-l work.
'"! . Al.i-!ruM this Week p !
''IW"I aries of land on the We.-t
i" .i i- the Jiilin Harvey ranch,
1-ni'Wii a- II... r. i;. ('.ion place, pay.
'l'.'i. i-ivd Intend" to sow
it li'.H II 1 ., ;, If,,;)'.! ,
"' l-'-iii liinu Sipiiriel Smoker i-a
. r,u As ., K.juin...i Wilier it
hilM '.t .,, t,,, I 4 V l.y.. 4.
" i J. !. Venntor. 'J'. J!. Wr
I'.'i, 1-. V.. J in Uf. s.
iia ndlei-. 17
..AMTMMU-i...-.'. tftiTZsM IIP
Absolutely Pure
Tracy 'h Hairy ltutter for sale at
BleU'r's Cah S(ort.
The fact that Lakeview U olng
to have the Ix-st celehratlon ever
had In Lake or any other Kawtcrn
Oregon county, oiiKht toattnu-t a
hire crowd here to help make it the
HiicccNs that Is anliripate 1.
Silver Lake in well represented here
! thN week. Those her- In at tendance
i upon the circuit court are, U. N. Kel-
;ay. A. It. Schroder, .1. S. and .1. M.
I Martin. YV. 1.. Win. I'. I. Uut.,
( ico. stiia 11. Felix I 'u nea il . and I!. F.
jStockuell and V. 15. Owsley.
!'.('. and II. ('. Newhy and Thos.
' I'onard. arrived here Tuesday from
si. nix City, Iowa. They went to
I'aisley yesterday where the mother
of the Newhy hoys. Mr-. Xewhy of
the Hot Springs, (iuy Heche met
the hoys here.
The F.eud hall team has defeated
I'rineviile three time.", and I'.end
boasts of its team. Wish they
would come to Lakeview the Fourth
of July and take part lu the f.VHi
tournament to !e jriveti here they
would probably pt some of the
snap taken out of them if they buck-
led up iiuaiust Lakeview's tossers.
! Hurrah for Lakeview. Come on
j F.end boys: we can is-at you.
"Fnclc" Jim Foster came down
; from Summer Lake last Friday. He
was accompanied from I'aisley by
Mrs. Dolly Withers, who visited Mrs.
! W. A. Massinjiill. Mrs. I. '.
i S( hiuinek accompanied her father
! hone for a couple of week's visit.
Tl.e little son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Foster, who has been attending
school i.) Lakeview aUo returned
home with his grandfather. They
start.'. i'f. i- Siituiiier Lake Sunday,
p.. i l Spi "f "f A'niriH has bought
,,.a,i of Coroahbred i.. an dur
haai cattle 1 1 i : i .loiin l'onter of
Summer L.o.-. paia- '"r '''"1
-. i a. , ,, a. t !.. huneli w as t he
: ,-,-ist. red ro-iii durham bull, '.f'his
at.iiii.'il a - driven a 'l' ih l"''1'
, a'livinu h. re M nday t veiling,
an I he b eani.
.i i.. n from 1
In Percales
White Gocids
i v ; i
Percales 36 Inches Wide
I Regular 15 cts. per yd 10 yds. for $1 .00
White Goods
Regular 25 cts. per yd 8 yds for $1.00
" 30 " " 41 7 " " 1.00
20 " " 44 10 " " 1.00
12V2" " 14 .........14 44 44 1.00
We are also agents for the famous Sorosis
underskirts, the best made.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
Lire a Cold In One Day
Cures Crip .
in Two Days.
Take ILZI'J-
7i Seven lAiili-rn b
'-- M.
rOTHO iUinme Tablets. (V Js on every
vast 1 2 months. This signature. y'rmn box. 25c.
Reading Room Notes.
The jiopularity of the Keading
Itoom Is growing.
Strangers In town during Court
week will find the Heading Uoom a
pleasant place to pass their leisure
Col. C. A. Cogswell was a caller at
the Iteading Room the week,
lie was delighted with Its arrange
ments, and said it was a great ue
iiuisition to the town.
A few new Ma;
azines have been
The Hooks have been siiipi d from
Madeline and are expected JTiday.
The work of numbering and listing
them will be attended to iniincd-
! iatelv.
! Those deMring cards will please
end at. the iteading Loom. Mis
i (iarrett will furnish al! demands.
idv for ills-
very early days to the Oregon
He was married to Miss Nancy
Patton, of Waldo Hills, who pre
ceded hhu to the grave during the
year 18U3.
Three children survive hhu, name
ly: Mrs. K. E. L. Steiner of Lake
view, Mrs. W. C. ICerrou of Portland,
and T. S. (j olden of Salem.
He was an honored member of the
A. O. K. W. Lodge of Salem, and
was buried under the auspices of
that order.
Cleared for Action.
irhen the body is cleared for action,
by Dr. King's New Life Pilln, you can '
tell it by the bloom of health on the
cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the
firmness of the flesh and muscles; the
buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At
Lee Beall'8 dru? store, 25 cents.
fix a i, ritour.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, May
10th, 1905. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at. Lakeview, Oregon, on
June 10th. 11105 viz: James McKee,
Hd. No. :W47 for tlie N NEJ SEJ
The many friends of Mrs. Dr. I ,c ? "J"1 1IN:l"$ Seu- 22 f p.
J .:i(iS., R. 24 E. 11. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
paid land, viz: Jas, Uivan, of Adel,
Oregon, W. K. ltarry, E. E. Bond, of
Plush, Oregon and A. Ur. Maiiring, of
Lakeview, Oregon.
19 2:1 J.N. Watson, Register.
Steiner sympathize with her in her
The Hunts will be I
t riliulhin Monday.
The San t'rnucb'co Chronicle, Rend
Amos Whetstone Dead.
Amos W. Whetstone passed away
Tuecday night about midnight after
.. 1, ...... ill.,..M M.. Win. l of ..ii. u"u Xollri" ot" ( luiiiice of lliiuiulurlcs of
" ... xiie Itionn uuil Lakevifiv l.nuil
tiikell with typhoid fever some weel;s ! iKulci in liieSluie ofHxoii.
ago, and partiallv recovered, when! Notice in hereby given that the Prea-
, ,, lidentof the I'nited States, ly Exeeu
he tool; a backset. He gradually ; tiv 0l(.,. l)( .Malri, j iooo, has, pur-
hhu ii t t'i the liruvisions of section .25.5
..I. r foot
ia a wi
., 1 trade
d, mi Was
-in. Mr.
a- he i-e-
grew worse until the end came.
He was born in Albany, Oregon,
a nd was aged I!:! years and ;! months.
I le h a ves to mourn his loss, a wife,
Riilletine, Rarns Times ib raid, Ash- w1( wa.s formerly Miss Anna Morris, I changed and recsiablished as folio wu,
wmcn neh.'iinc'i iiiiunuaiies mihii cun
four lirothers, one sister una a 1 mimte the IS.ii'iih
father. One brother, 1ife, and his
of the Revised Statutes of the United
States, ami ty virtue oi mo auuioruy
therein uiveu, directed that the bounds
arv lines of the liiinn and Lakeview
land dii-tricts, in the State ot Oregon, be
land Tiding
and K laiuat 1
added to ti
Alturas I'laindealer
Repulilieau have been
Reading Room liles
ever I
I 1
. t ,. I.... i
i- IM'.I 1; I I','.'.
:., 1 his household
j'lj.i ,y and Monday
...a hy privatei
b-'.aul.t t
I'm?. Ci
.fie!., la
! a I 'ted !'
... i 1 . 1 1 i i ; i I M 1
'i j,r- went i'.. "
i i.i I'. .. U lie il l
v. !',,,(, i.rahOM
,f : 1 i
Tin re remains still a few unpaid
Mlbscriptioas. '1'hor.e indebted will
please juiy the amounts sub.-'cril)ed
to M s liariett, the Librarian.
Sat iw
i " l
'.nation by
I w !.:. h has
t, h'l
...,;; a in
wife and friends could give, and a
host of friends of the family sym-
'1 l.e Reading Room l!l In' "j-h'II jWlthizo with iIhmii ill their beivavc-
sniida.v morning from '.) toll.
uid distri 't, and that
inch lands within siiid boundaries as are
.....I- i ncl ...I...I .villi).. I I. I -iLi'Vii-W ImII.1
sister, Mrs. Ed. Henderson and lii ' diMtrict be cetached therelumi and at-
iatner, A. W., iivo heiv; the ic.L of J'"'1''"' . " !',;.,,f , "nr
I land district, and the archives, records,
t hi-brot hers do not live in this conn-i H, ImsinehS pertaining t ) feuch lands
tiaiiMened Ironi the laud olheu at Lake
view. Oii'iron. to the land ollice ut
lie had all the tender care that a Jhiras, Oregon :
Reglnuing at a point wheie the town
chip lino between townships twelve and
thirteen eolith intersects the Snake
River, thence west along Kaid township
1 try.
treu i
Small I'l..
jne cliaii;. i-, .rv psoiiii t
nd very m-.rked. Ask your
MciorwJiyii is. He lias our
wmula and wi!! explain.
u.uu'I.i 1 '"' ir in.
hut ,,, 'V 1 'I" I- !-. HUH I'L" .1
Li i i.- . in.
- ' iniKlltMllll, V,.1. V .1
1. II e .. ,
Will le IT
...,!! i a 1 in
;j.l I' i' I" hoped he
l.,r,d ii!i another urn-
i r. a nn i
The ChiMrcn
frank Jlutchius has purchased the
old Ril. y Munre place, on the Went
Side, from Musslemau. We under
Maud the price paid was about JSM.
Mr. Jfutthli.shas biim working for
the XL linn ''' '"'ut uu'1
huH aciumulateil mowy fiough to
.turt hlmselH"''" one of Lake coun
ty farmers, which l".v-the founda
tion .tone of wealth for hhu. 1 he
3 Shle U attracting theattcntlon
of Irrigation on the
Airs, i teotcr's I'atber Dei'.d.
I . ti--i '.Iir: -day
i, i ivi il a leleL'i'.ini bearing the Very
,.j,d ia v. s of t lie deal 1 1 of her fa I her. ' t he afiernoon
The Salem SI u ha n tin; fol
lov. ing to niv :
lu the death of Dr. T. L. (ioldcll,
after a long Illness, the city of Salem
loses one of Us most highly respected
( lti.ens and the state of Oregon one
of its oldest Inhabitants.
Dr. (iolden was lit one time one of
the best known eye specialists in the
state, but ho had retired from prac
tice several years ugo on uccount of
his failing health, und occupied him
self with lighter und more exhillrat
Ing work.
He was born lu Kt. Louis In lSlt'J,
und crossed the plains twice in the
line to the not th west corner ol tnwn-
liielil. I ship thirteen enuih, range t w euty-four
'll.fn -.-.l vvilM,,. In. hi todav i,l.!''; Ihcuco south along the laugo lino
HI i
I .... .........j I ,tl'-l ....... U...1
in., at Hie M. I'.. Church j u,lv.,'lll. ,..,," tl) tlt,' h,'.uthuest or-
Mi,-, Steiner and will lake pluee at tho , ner of toniiship thiity two soiiih, ijnge
I I went v-Ioiii ensl : ihence. eitst al'iie liie
e,l Sl'ie cenieierv ai ociock
,J. R. Mcl ullough, the Reno drug
gist und sheep buyer, arrived In
Lakeview Monday, and remained
hero a couple of days. McUullough
may buy a few sheep. He says tho
forest reserves are driving tho sheep
und cuttle both out of tho country,
and It Is only a matter of a short
time when only a few stock will be
iti tho country, lie also says ho
looks for a dull mutton market thU
full on account of tho supply that
will bo available on account of the
reserves driving ho many sheep off
tho range.
towiiNhip him bet ween townships I liii't -two
and thirty-three soinh to ihe north
east corner nf lowndup thirty-three
south, range twenty eight east; theme
sou Ih along the rangs line belwct-u
ranges twenty t-iuht and twenty-nine
east to the south boundary of the State
of Oregon; then a' eaHt along taid boun
dary line to the southeaU corner of the
State of Oregon; thence north and
northerly abng tlie east boundary of the
Mate of Oregon to the place oi begin
ning. lu pursuance of said Executive order,
the change of boundaries and the trans
fer of the archives, records, und business
pertaining to the lands transferred, will
take effect on July 1, 1905.
Uiven under my hand, at the city of
R'ashington, District of Columbia, this
3d day of April, A. D. 1905.
lly "the President.
J. IL,
Acting Commissioner of the (Jeneral
Laud Ollice.
of acvcral farsceiu- men.