7 j'! - - SO.ni: TIIIMi II. J J General Information i Al l. (II R Kl ADI.HS j tf t lill" A I this tiuii- V, i-rit-' v,, rxrtii.itMT rrii.ls n nvhip plat. .... I.. ..I a ... ..r.l..r If 'I'I... .'1.1 ., . net f'Uvimifr cin l"iy ami huld I,.,,,, j,, .I,.,,,,,,, i ,L,- In 'i'l " " ' "ineM' Alllllslcr i .-. I. In,.. jc;i! "."' ; Vi((ll ,.,,.s Ml Sliiili.k.. tills Hprini; ; c.iiiiiieiiccd t In- u.n UrviUK . if it iiin.mut in SI, i", HI, o Hil.v re- I 'Videncc fur n IiiisU ,,f ,i M,t iiKuliiHt ' he l ulled Stiiti-H to tet the validity P" i,.,Mtrr --r H"'- It. S. wiih or- ''" cx.luHi. n ;l,v p;,MH- A "l'llt ,v.l .rvlll.M-..llr.l l!,mn.-r ,,,M,-v,""-r'''" ' tl... treaty Pll"z,,1", that expired lusty-car. i'h.'P',r' ' T, .,, . ... . .. . I llCl C W ill ! tin l,r, ..Ill VIH H Kllcep Will IX" IIIKC11 r. inni- lift ll.) I ...- 1 I . . .r,M.k ciiutv thi .vt'iir, if n- """" ",lr- ".v one can " ' .. I ..... l . ii nil.) in niriy i ii JiiiiiH any time out NVm, mi.) if t ln-y will ti. the camp at iniiht any meal time tlio Indian en ii lie mvn cUiiiK ral.liit or Hiomni in.-; just as j""1 a hIm.w on.t. s rating ((., ami it don't oust a cent. M. M. I.. Md-lni r I'd M,,'h Lakrilrii, Or... .1. W. llnx r!l .S-cromry l.nkrt li-u , Orr, over Imiu p,.rtn ;rf triic. With tlii-siimli" exception of fruit, BrtotliT-MP lii Oregon Ih im pn.lit .,1,1,, tilf-'ilf:- l'alls Tri'ss. Lona r.nvl. y. tl..- ..ilntvr anl pi:- M , wr h.-iti-'-r. "' 'i "' ,ilu' ,,r u:' . . , . 1. 1 ... it I(T. I II II Oil III Ml I'M " 'I II wall I'D I n.llxT. rtiiii:ini pronounce Terry Me li,',T!i. the oner ch.lhiploii feather w.c'.it ir-!i-!'t-r. to l.e hopcles-lv ,;.'i!it'. .':i,., tin- t . : i 1 1 : 1 1 1 : of Work nil tin i-r'i:.ii:"M .f, ,.i -.l-i tii'- price of reai ;:!! i'i Kl iin.il li I'o'inty lm lam--'! '. i' ""' cent. A f,,n-;,' ' fruit farm near Med- I.-rl, i '', .: ! c -nt I v .-;irly nny ranch in c h:m i- in piti..n. I'.lsiA" l'r tit.al ,r.i"l, lit-MTt proof-., :.Ur iand tinnl pr'.N mi.l Malik ntli Ji:l I t ,p'i -atiniis fur r'ailvfrti- mf ti t, Malik uitiif' all'ulavitu, etc. at Tif Kxam hut oll'n-e. tf We Imvr a lull w-t of .Mysrll-Koliius k (j'., KHinplcs of Stock ( Vrt illcatiM si'I In mils, with prici' list. If you aiv nryanizin a KtiM-k company ct wir priifH mi stiK'k cert KicatcH. tf : ..1.1 f-.r .:('.'. I.aWc ciiutiiv In at.!.' willi Irri- I'rcdT. Merrill, one of th,. many caiiili.lat.s for tlic Mayoralty of rortlaml, lias I.i.(mi mciiscil of luili ry. or ;i t tempt at l.ril.eiy. lie rule letters to city employes ak iu fr t Iieir votes ami promising, if lie was cleet. to try to raise their to th" LAhE COIMY B' SIMSS MLNS' lHM0S',"!LNr It AGUE If yiiii wish Information nlou l.nke County, Oregon address eith er of (lie almve gentlemen, who will lie plensed t,. teply. H. E. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Plan (if se.vices of Pastor uf the M. K Cliurcli, I.akevicw. 1st nn, :iid ,un davH of eiicl) month. Hetliel Ht 11 a. in , ami New Pine t'reek at 7 p. in., L'ml mill 4tli Sundays of each im. nth. Lakeview at 11 n. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Tliurnday 7 p. ni. 5tli Sundnv I'mon Schunl Mouse at 11 a.m. I.akfview at 7 p. m. You u re cordially invited to all the He rvices. Sankokd Snvdkk, PaPtor. tWW t? Cj?9 V 9 '3? V V- V V v.w i ... j - ' iter 'A 3 t S. V. ANLSTRO.M t Proprietor t Z g LAKE VIEW 5ADDLERY5 .MAM KACTl'IIKUH OK - The Best Vaquero Saddle on the Harket & 3 Also a complete line of watfon and liuffgy harncHH, whipn, roI.eH rlataw, l.it, HpurH, quirtM, roHetU'M, in fact everything in the linn of yf carrlaKf and Iioi-hc furnlHhltiKH. Kepalrlnj? by competent men. Our Offer. With the June number will beji'in The Pacilic Monthly' werieH of Kpec lal editions for the year PHI.".. They will comii i-"H number for Portland, for Seattle, tor Southern California, for San Francisco and the wouveiiir ,-ity I number of the Lewis and ( lark Kx , position, also a Kpecial automobile number. The articles of Dr. Wolf von Schicrbrniiil, six in number on pe.illion. T;.ey have traver.-ed W.i j 'T1"' ('omin Supremacy of the Pa eo county and are bound for the j cilit:" "n' i'lri0 P''"""'''!. "! the Soinheast. i n counties. The Kxpedl- j I ";l "H t- " tf,l !' tt'i I ny tlie publishers ti. -a will end at Ontario, after Wa--wi"' wil,"t tietioii, place The co, rrook. Wheeler, (iratit. Lake, j ,1,,ilk' Monthly far in ad vance, not Klamath, Harney ami Malheurcoun-1 u"'-v "f present competitors, but also ties have been visited. The trip is to consume PU davs. salaries. According eii.i rt. r i his is bribery. The I'oi tlaml Fvcniiiif Telegram has stall, d an I literior ( re-on Fx- WtBL t ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOMODATIONS SAHPLE ROOn For COnHERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT gboharIow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors O. 1'. 1 1 off. State ( 'oinniissioner of Labor, is now on a tour of the state inspectinj; mills of all kinds for the purpose of making suggestions to oHTators to guard against acci dents and den h to employes. Mr. Hoff will e.xt -lid his Investigations X ww poisonous weed Im killing to all partn of the State. He has rattle nn the Pine .Mountain Kanges. ' about completed hi work in the Tlw npiM-araiiccs of the vciiciuou ' northern part of the state and will weHwvinii to be an uniiMal thing. : H"" visit Southern and Fastern ! into the unreachable class of period ical literature on the 1'acilic Coast. The Pacilic Monthly is sold to regu lar subscribers at the extremely low ! price of $1 a year. We have made an arrangement with the publishers by which we are able to offer it in connection with The Lake County Examiner, (both Publications), to new subscribers, and old ones who pay up any back subscription they may owe and a year In advance, for the very low price of f 2.50 a year, tf atjll Htneklliell Irfmv. ( line cannot explain Its Falls Press. It U reported that the Klamath 'anal Co., ocrating at Klamath Fall, luis old Its canal ami fran cliiw to the I '. s. government for $!.rfoVifi. The ci.niii.mv Is also said ., ,. . . ,. ' , . from parties who say they have seen 10 tmxe discharged it engineer and ' S'pI'1 !o0 head of work horses. V; Oregon. Commissioner Hoff'swork comes under the head of duties of the commissioner, consequently Is otlieial In every respect. Lake county Is getting consider able advertising through The Exam iner. Every week we receive letters V F E- HARRIS. E. N. JAQU1SH HARRIS & JAQUISH t LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, t .'irn n .b.ff. rson, a i.ionier resi- i-'it Pidwell. die, Kiid.lelllv at hU ! 1 m ii a we.-k agi i la-t a ti l !, ,i vis n fa mil v. r--.ti Is .-;-t. ;- ,, f rs.-lohn i . r i v. It may be a consolation to the public to read of the benevolence of Frank (J. liigelow, the defaulting Milwaukee bank president, and how his downfall was brought about, but to those who have to make good the million and half dollars. It will no doubt be cold comfort. A friend of liigclow's, C. L. Pierce, in the Chicago Tribune has sought to con done the offense of his friend because liigelow In. ni.. in i! Vl'tir.1 i v. 'i'. 'Ht i; i .I'M,'.' Th-tii.-it : a;i.I ( ' - I I!'! la r',: a I ' .g iii I 'nil .ii '. ei n ! y f.it ten.-d for t lie Lewis lair. At the present !'S 1",ou , Is. s h'cti iimre than the prize hog 1 by a brass band. murderer was conducted to M,'!..-,l .-,( j . i,,,iH. ,. ,fing a f,.,,ns grave amidst nundi pomp -"" "'i win-at jusi lo .ieii.oii- ,,,, tfo ii,,,!.., . What w eildh'ive ,rlb- to Pastern people t hat corn is ,een his standing in society and how n" Hi" only fattening food for 'much parade would have attended ' line J ails Press. ! his funeral, had Uugllclmo married Knilmnsmlor Choate lias cabled ! poor Freda, instead of murdeWng tfwKbtte I'epartment that the l!rlt-!lu-r. Rave her a comfortable home, PorHgi, OMlce has refused to ' kept sols-r and led a respectable r!"t any further clemency to Mrs. J life? The Oregoiiian wisely says "if rW,.,. Maybrlck, who recent ly j there Is no law to prevent such an m;"l'' application through the state ' unseemly display on the I reels of '"."trt.,,,.,,1 tr a complete pardon, i rortluml a way should be made at 11 appears that Mrs. Ma vbrl. k was the lirst opportunity for tn pm- a copy o i tie i-.xa miner ami waui to learn more of the country, and write for more copies. Others say their friends have requested them to ' of his love for young men. s aid for a copy of the Lake County j has directed to success more t liau a .. , i 1.. i ..... f..r int. .filiation about , t Hoilsmm young men; iir.ieeu iiieiu i'i., I Lake county. lie 1 up by his cheering smile, his Inn. licit ti.at w l.cu we send out ! conlidence, Ids counsel, the grip of i.f'lii" Ex. in.:!., r his haii.l, tliegieainoi nis eyes, i ue th-iii are going to ! optimism radiating from him and j not least, of all, his liberal financial aid from money which did not be long to him. His love for a way ward sou and a desire to aid hint us L.otMiU.T Lale- i-.V wan! 1'iM ...... ,! i.a ' f' ia a V ii', .-."Hi do .-oni" good. The funeral of i i iiglielmo in Port land was Ic-ad a-i'l t Ii' Isfaiite, a complete pardon, but ri'le.'M.. frolll llllllflsolllllelll llll- ,i" ''on. lit Ions, and -he is st ill d'T sentence. I" Oil (,.,(; '"I,,,-,,., I . . ( .... 1 i sympathy for making a liero oi a lilillileier," he had aided the sons of other fa thers. The son gambled In stocks and the father put up the money. Put the end came. The sou Is sorry for his benoveleiit father's downfall. All this Is consoling to the public. Will the thousand beneficiaries of liigelows benevolence console those who have the financial burden to bear with reiMiibill'seiiieiit? n' I al ' ' . J : , li, at- Saved by Dynamite. S'l.iietimeH, a IhtiniiiK city U eaved by ilyiiiiinitiiiK a space that the lire can't crosH. Nuiicliuios a concJi Iuuimoiimo Ion).', yuil feel us if im! hiiu.' hut ilyn.i iiiitu woii.d cure it. . T. (bay, of Ctil I , hi 1 1 , (ia., writes; "My wile had u wiy ii'.';;i.u ale'l ciii.ili, hich kept her T ' 1 . 1 1 , s :!. Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE JUST OPENED. OOODS AR RIVING ALL THE TIME. Snider Building on Water St. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES ssxx,'''i''i'i'',i4r' ELI RESTAURANT ELI, Proprietor. Bread, Pics, Cakes, and in fact evervthinp; in the pastry line kept constantly on hand. Board by the Day, Week or flontli. Pirst-class Meals at all Hours. North of First National Bank Lake view, Oregon. :.Ti-s r j J i I BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, EIC, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor AT PRESENT LOCATED , BUILDING NORTH OP HOTEL LAKEVIEW s4 V. .r ": -. --i outciiy on the liver. l i'liey cure constipation, '! biliousness, sick-headache. 4 " Sol. I for (?0 years. iXtfiZZi: : 1 1 1 ONLY Yi.f'it N ' '' ( '" .LI. I, if i Si?: It i-; ) ' : ': ; ie r t 1