Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 18, 1905, Image 1

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' NO. 20.
Over Sixty Dollars Raised for purchase of
Church Organ. Good Program.
Was Rendered.
TV I'lil'lif was given ii mimical
j...t. in th- M I- hurch, 1- ri.lny
,v,.r.iiii, tin- program was well pre-
atvi ihhiiImth given were of
tn.. the cliurcn was iTinvui'ii
h: J j!;,- iil-r il applause by tin nud-
tin- testimonial of iijiprc-
,r wa-
cti"ii by the ilandolin
. . i''.y w i il r--iel.-r.-d.
, - . .. ,.v M v.. s
Kev. Snyder stated tin- conditions
and asked f(1r subscriptions. .,i)
was subsrrilN'd, whirh amount was
later raised to fiM. Tin- organ has
been ordered from the H'illiatiiM
Organ Co . of Chicngn. utld it is ex
pected tn rcarli hen- in alioiit four
wicks; in time (or tli'.' Children's
I '.IV t f nises.
l'T- IS
.M.-- i.
,:: I:... !
Alii'V !
- h II. .1-
i. r. Mi- N wa inr,
.1. Mr-. Noriu. Mrs.
iii.'-tt il i 1 1 Mr. Daly
; h z''.f il!il r. iiit-
,! .-. Mr. !:..'.
: !:.- voir.- of ra re
w hu ll show s much
: . ' i - S , 1 1 1 . ! s w a
s i
.o;i;;. !,:.. t:,
fll.Tfill! jol
Ii. I..-rs.a,,. ;t:.y
tot lc- sum may ilo s
tno-t wortli.v, for a
1. i
s liil lice. led t.
I . Tli.
i w ith Mr. .1
v I-:,':: i.-l.
Till' C.i ll-e ii
Hew org.m b
riorrow Land Case has taken up
most of Time. Other
Tlio t-ast? of the Warner Valley
Stock Co. vs. Joseph j. Morrow
consumed two days In trial. Very
little fvlilenee wits produced, the
ense being one in which the law and
the rights of the state were the prin
cipal features. Tuesday evening the
case was turned over to the jury and
The Close of a Long and Honorable Career
on the Bench. U. S. District
Judge for 12 years
The startling news reached here
liy wire last Saturday that .Judge
C. 15. Bellinger was dead. He had
lieen seriously ill for several days
the .Indue Instructed the Jury to with grippe and (luring the last two
sign a verdict in favor of the Warner j days of his illness tlieeud was hourly
Valley Stock Co. expected.
The defendant will probably re-, The death if Judge liellingvr is a
peal the case to t he supreme court. ! serious lilow to Oregon just at this
t line.
-1 ; i i
.f id.
ild f li- -" il-
l-V Chilli
I. 1 1
".: and
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.: . !: i!t
:..t- r -X :i
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a 1 1 -1
I hat
l1 ;:.'(
:: i n :i
. I; it
I iat:
M l-
i l.i-eded. an.!
ii'M-.-ii. u ;:: ,-
:-l-:e.-il rt , .'.
When plac
i v.-ry inn.
ii.iin ua-
Mi-s I'e
.Mi-s N.-t:i.
...I'.y Ail
Marv.-y J
11 1 MOSS j
St l Viler
terday uioriiing tli case of the
v-. I!. 1". caim- up for
! I i.i !. .-. n.i a 'A e go to press the case
i tried t it'i t he following jury:
I licil 'stoii.CA Uehart.S ' Uehart
W I. Cope, M Wiimlieid. 11 Dai ley: W
. .J M Hundley. Ma K Mas-
i;:ae. W. S. 1 wards. Frank IC-id.
W 1 1 Tin U. r.
llraiiaiii and I'.atcliel ieraud Cos
weii are allorne.vs tor defense and
L. I". oiin is
t . ifliev M ool e.
1 .!
were to coin." tip at an early
in tin' feileral court, and I In- d
of .1 udg.' r.eiiiimer will give tie'
a serious set-hack.
Judge I'.ellingcr was lorn in
nuoa Iil.. Xov. I'l. Is:;:), and
al Miller. He took part In the fight
on the lava beds on June l"th, 1S73,
at which time the troops under Gen.
Wheaton were anihushed ami de
feated liy the Indians.
From ls74 to 1S7S he win clerk and
ollicial reporter of the Supremo
court, when he was appointed cir
cuit Judge of the Fourth district.
He was appointed I'. S. District
on by president ( 'leve-
ila'.e i J ii Ige for rt
m.ise : laud in ls:i:! and took olliee May 1,
ssisting Kstiii t At-
. I'.y M-.iidolin c:.;!i
.M.-s J.;. i M.-Ilr,,,,,,,
Mi-. J. ii. Norln
s 1 1 il! ; Nyswaie-r
. I'.y i laiolln fi:;!.
V.-. i'...r
Mr. I', i: iiiiiett
' :: :;-;v :
Latest News.
Jack Matthews wis remove I Tropi
the ollii-e of ( '. S. .Marshal. l'ol'Ore--
'ii on tiie:;tli. li"caiise of lii-iriet
.1 torney He:i' 's Vharge that Mat
thews was oat of harmony with the
administration in the pi-o-re jiiou of
ti.e land fraud cases. The same
r.-nsoiis for which John Hail as let
,i:l tli'
O.'l IC
if r
histrict At-
ases md retained t he posuiou 1- y.
and 1- days, to his death.
Ma- Judge Hellinger has a, marked ctl
died ! '"eer as a newspaper m in. Ileedited
May -, l'l '.'i, being ileal ly ino:;t!is the Arena, at Salem, t he democratic
past ii.-, years of agcat the time of ' 'J,'';' " f t "he st a te ac t hat tiiii": lat
his death, cr published the Salem Itcview, and
He crossed the plains with his 1 still la ter the Albany Democrat, and
parents in the journey took i I Is"1' went to Portland to practice
nearly six months fi.r itsaccomplisn-! law, w lieu lie founded the Portland
ment. and was, us ot her such jour- j News, which later became the Kve
neys. full of danger. j ning Telegram.
He attended Willamette Fniver- ! J ndge l'.elliiigcr comiiled the edi
sity ..r several years, but did not'1'1"1 the Oregon laws, known as
graduate; studied law and was ad- Bellinger and Cattoii annotated
niittctl to the bar in lsii".. Served hi , I.'iws.
the Modoc war in ls7H. being l.i.'ti-: H -was promiiien t in societies, be
te,, ant Colonel on ti e staff of leiier-j il meinber of several orders.
!1 i:.r:-
.. pr ! -lit lias in.oe.-i t - 1 ins i
er.-;,.-.. that Judg- Wm. 11. Hunt
I'lti'.-ma should si; in tie- bind i
i liiais ia '.,r:!n:..l. and ihs-idej
iii i sue. e.-sor to .1 1 1 . 1 -. J'.i linger I
,id lie a ipi i'.iI! .'1 for ill" t ;:ne be- j
1 1 1 1 we vi r. as i '. S. iiviii t j
Railroad Prcdivtiuns.
I'.n. 1 ! i ; oi:n The present year and
thai of lhil'i seem destined to make
ij'iiiea (diam.e in t he conditions of
this county. The government has
an option in the sum of sls7,-i.n) on
Ihet'arr real estate at Tide and
("ear Lakes, and 1 hese properties
cry t.f To.' i'n tons of mils, being sulli-
cient for TiOn miles of track. It is the
intention to rush work at both ends,
'I' here seems tin quest ion that iollld.
has acquired t h" sierra valley branch
of I he N. I '. ( ). it ud has an option nil
t In- main line. Cedar i lie lh c old.
A 5ociaI Hvent.
: .h,de
in . i '.
i la:. ii t.
! . 'il it ie
' .1 1 1
in in rt , is c.M I'
1 1 y t !,.. ia i.d iv! a
. lili.s' Judge
ii I.
! w i il 1 . pa i t of t he
i '
ton aid I,
i ' tela!
..f laa'i-
i;.e of I ii
I ! i-
-jire.-idciii C. V. I i.urlei ni;s has
ippoinied by l he president to
hi- represent a i i vca t the open-
, I., ( '!..n. I air.
.1 .
I .,f Tor! la ud was a
a'!; i-ecla mu 1 ion scli-.-wi". Tlu
igi'owtii of the Klamath co;.n:ry i-
! simple ma r 'loiis A broad-iiiia j.i
railroad will be in Klamath l'aib
I t his fall, and it is almost a. certainty
that the trade of Southern Oregon,
which formerly came to Madeline,
of 1 1
.Mrs. ('has. Sherlock'
parlors were the scene of a delight
ful gat l. ring Saturday afternoon,
when her home was thrown open
for t he entertainment of a number
of invited guests.
Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Ilatcliclder and
Miss I : 1 1 1 1 I N'ewell assisted the host-
to Klamath. The approach ess in receiving and entertaining the
broad-gunge into Fall Klver ladies during I he afternoon.
or ,
w iii cut off t he western trade
a ml
d W. 1 '. Ma 1 1 In-ws.
..i.i .. .
:-- n-.i-l
.' u i
a:, i t
it h.-r e
c ii hou;
. hut Iii.
l" w , I a v
jve ili
a tally
y ,.e,t
'i I .a v.
hi til
ls II.
i ia,.
U a,
t ol
I ,e I.
a. i.e.
1 l
... a :, I I
liii.i. Olc
a I fee and
. 1'oiieli,
I .
I .1 -.CI , .-,....
' - t i i1; i i.e. irj .o: a t or-
1 C. W. I), at and llarrv Kailey.
u as COI..-I e l . I
bruised and
inning i.akcview war brought to town Monday. The
""h"'l 1. in the third i) and tin-fourth l Dr. thought a boi.e ia one ol hi legs
lu liftii Lakcvlew made one I was fractured.
It linked .u it tiut WUU( (. U( j -j , i. MeUkt-r broke this animal to
wi two iiien wer on bases, a work about t w years ago, and had
"'id throw let In two more. Now I a similar experience, behaving Win.
tl-ore utoo.l : toO. I StlmpMg for mi accomplice, whoact-
1( tlie hixtli I'iiie- Creek made two' ed In the same capacity as Ote Fob
tttllt-VM Hint ,. . I. . . ..1 h, i lane
- -.Moow- i-gged me l .aKeview ,at. All lour oi i m-w-m.
I . .
III till' M'Vent Ii I .. L.. ... III... 1
Ml'IneCrwk. U the elhth
'ttlr"lk tallied two aud Ot-d Lake-
gttin. iimkliiK thencoreC to 4
'vorof the J.akevlew U-am, and
B!otb did i,ut clmuK the ncore.
uBi'" tjrktuau matlo three tal
t(l -tkevWw, (Jeorjfe Ktorkiuan
trvU( Ku-phenwon 1 and Jim
JVtlo i.
Kuiw were wade by the I'iue
kt-m IoIJowb: Jlawiueridfjr 1,
dealt, with the bull will Join 111 an in
vitation to invite a Spanish bull
fighter to a round attlieCanias Mill.
Klamath Canal Nought Out.
The lust obstacle In the way of
government irrlj,'Ulm In Klumuth
county ha Ijeen removed. The ;ov
eminent recent purchase of the
company'- property for 100,000
place the Klamath Uulu Irrltfatlou
project lu Hue for Immediate action.
Will Transmit Liht itud Power.
Ivcllcr i. Anthony returned from
Ccdarville, where they went to meet
with thi! people of Surprise valley for
the purpose of establishing a light
ing and power system in the towns
of that valley, power to be furntahed
by the l'lne Creek light and power
They succeeded in making a deal
with the people of Iihlwell and
Ccdarville for lighting those towns
and to furnish power for the Ce.lar
ville Hour mill. Work on the line
will commence an noon uh a right of
way can he secured acrosn the gov
ernment reserve !etweeu I'iue Creek
and Iihlwell.
tlarriman 3ells koad to Gates.
The Ktar taU-n that John W.
(Jutes and the Dutch stockholders
have secured the JIarrlmau lntereBta
lu the Kansas City Southern Hall
way Company.
w h"il I he We.-teril I'achi" l lltis
a w er . Ii!e. b "low l'.u.'.'aio Meadow --, as ii
r.i i.i S! i !'' ; ii'.'il year, it i.i almost a certainty
':. -panne , ,at Surpi i.-e Viiliey will go to the
I otliee at Western a lei desert Madeline.
at :!: V,' j!.".. !''' "V'f' ' lb" V. C.O. will
M. Miller, be Is hat'.', to tell. The : Ih-no p.-i-
! pers Kay that (ioiild will broad-
guage it and semi it on tolliei oiuin
l.l.i river. If he docs, It will devdopc
this country and southern Oregon,
if he does not, the road will be prac
tically dead.
Graders aud track-layers are at
work till the Western I'aclflc from
Chlco Fast, and from Halt Lake
went, at the present time. The rails
are heavy, being :?0-poundcrs. With
in a month over 10,001) will be 'grad
ing aud laying track. The road
comes out of the sierras about Plum
as Junction, thcu comes north to
about IJcgan. Then it comes north
and east to near the old station of
Hoop, south ot lluffulo, thence cast
through Wlnueiniicca. and Ly the
southeru end of Great Halt Lake to
Bait Lake City, One hundred car
loads of rails are already at Halt
Lake, aud one firm the Colorado
Fuel and Iron Co. owned by Gould,
has a contract for Immedlato dcllv-
l'rogt-e.ssivt' Whist was the princl-
j,ist ' pa I ; 1 1 .i 1 1 si I ii i nr, Mrs. I .a tie en pi tiring
will i I ' I ' . a baud comely b itind copy
ot 1 . va ugeli lie. Mrs. in t wort !i re
ceived t he co 1 1 sola t ion pri.e, a bolt lo
of piirfiinie, with tin appropriate
verse at niched.
Delicious claret, punch was served
during the games, and at. the close
an excellent: collation was served.
Those partaking of Mrs. Sherlock's
delightful hospitality were:
Mcsdames Harry lialley, Lee lieall,
F. 1'. Lane, J. K Dewey, 11. C. Whit
worth, Win. Harvey, Jouas Norln,
W. 11. Shirk. W. M. Harvey, J. N.
Watson, Geo. Whorton, A. Nellon,
10. M. iirattaln, 0. O. MeUker, and
tlie Misses Jessie Sands, May Snider
and Lulu Maxwell.
Will Run liarber 5hop.
J. Duffy and M. Duffy arrived lu
Lakeview last week, and after look
ing over the situation, concluded
that Lakeview Is u pretty good
town in which to go luto business.
They rented the building belonging
to Daly formerly occupied by the
postofHce, and will run a barber
shop as soon as their chairs and
tools arrlre. John Duffy Is a first,
class cornettist, and took Prof.
Graham's place in the orchestra.