& Ilk JgjMmitiet VOL. XXVI. LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY H, 1905. NO. 19. PLAY BALL THE FOURTH OF JULY i-rl.v of n very low class. And as far as McKiiidrec and Khun are concern ed they got what thy deserved; tllCV III Mil' ill In. p.. u III, .1 . . .....,!.. r i.M.-lr,.il..l. ' ," """I' "'" ln" ' . . t'" k"l'W I'VlTi-lMMly Was HiialMHt Julicillt tow n last week, solicit! k , , RAILROAD FRO1 THE NORTH. We are In receipt of a letter dated j During the week the Reading i Jtoom has been well patronized, and lull doubt iih to Ittt being a perfect j access, Ih dittprlli'il In fact, it Is a decided necessity, nnd a pleasing WATER USERS ASSO CIATION ORGANIZED. , Hluvp I run then. right up to their M"v 4- l!H):". '' W. P. Joseph ! f,l((lm f(. tu, t()wn i .nuiimiK for n baseball totiriwiineut , . , ,. , ',,. d'"ml . u i i ,. fence and would hot re-i"f 1 orllnnd. attorney for the (ireat Jurini; Foiirt li of July week in Lake- I'.iioDiili money was snbserlb- ni. nl In in sure a pur!' of ."IHI. A llleet- ssvt their rights. Now if von ur ' S(,ut hern Kailrond Co., which now any other person thinks t hat the ! ,lils " ''acklng of $10,0011,000. regard- people w ill just sit still and let a few ' '" extension of that road. Mr. !,.. i held in lieall's Drug Store;. , , , . , low down si puicn come in here "' nys: I'? lulv and u! j.-vut.-- i oiiini.-iicing ..ii!;:iuiii severa I dn, s. 'I' he money b,II ! 1 i v i i 1 Into thrti- parts; trt hi. !'' ' ' ' l'1'1 '"'I money $?I"0 i,n 1 third money ."mi. Thin will give ;i- i; r i tiii ti'.uin .i ii apport unity to ullifft nidinrc of the Jf.VKl. I'ntil it inUoM'u for certain jtint how many twiuiK will Ih- hen' to play, no dcfln- innd starve them and their families unit and ruin t heir property it is mole t hau human nature can Maud, i We have hivu 1 r i 1 1 i toget laws enacted in the state Icginln I lire for the last eight years and they will "In answer to your inquiry regard -the extension of the (ireat South ern to LnkcView, I beg 1,-a vc to say that the company has nothing to conceal as to its-future plans. A few da.vsnv.oI was up to secure rights of way for extension South of Last ThurHdny night the settlers of the West Side met nt the Union Since last week the Klamath KallH ' t,cll"1 ,,OUHU to greet the committee F.xprcss and Klamath Republican "PPolntcd by the Lake County De have been grntiiitioilsly added to j velopiilent League to confer with the files: also through the courtesy I t,','," " l"'lKatlou matters, of Mr. A. I,. Peyser, of San Francis- T1,m' wu" 11 'vasonalily large at co. the San Frn nclsco Fxaininer laM tendance of set tiers of that section been d.mat.'d. A vote of thanks of ,llL' V,,''J'. "''!-' l the Hot help us and there is nothing left but tu protect ourselves t he best vel'",mr' "' t '"" terininiis of our can. We want no trouble but we'"sl ' lm'l'rt- We intend to build are lihtin for our lives an.l l,nr!s"""lwnl' ln,t the progress after IMinram can U- arranged. The j f.llnilil.s ,IJlVt. as Kod a cause xv, ll,,VL' ''ilt :.0 miles may be slow, tournament is certain to last t hreo j f((f Wr 1(- ( with llussia. oi.lv i a'' "int of natural barriers, ! was tendered these at the last meet-! ing. Monday evening, 'l'he residua tioii of Miss Sands, as j Secretary, was accepted, and Miss : Kulii (iarrett was apiiointed Si cre , tary of the rublic Keadintr itooin land Libiary Association. crowd from I.akeview. Daniel I'.oone, who has been ideli- j tilied with the hake (bounty Develop ; meiit League since its organi.atlou, ' and one of its promoters upon i whom has developed much of the ! work of getting the movement on Its ilsvn, Hiitl more than likely longer, feet, called the meeting to order as Court Docket. chulriimn of the committee, nnd i Following is the docket fur the May i made one of the best speeches ever on a smaller scale because t Here are I wmcii must tie overcome. That the ! " 1 v '" l- ueiivered in the county. .Mr. lioone .inet.. the number of teams. It is j fi.W(.r (f (f) Wtf al( r()ll(, wiI vxtvluM , tVl, UK! ! W1W t,aiud iu tlllJ Arkanwiw legis- pil,P that some t;ood match , ovt.r ,Mlt,ftl)0 ,,.,,. ,.rrtMt ri'B cert Un, an.l that it will .state vsJonh Doe and ..u,,.,.,, 'in. I'ure, and struck the key noteevery pmn ill U-played after the totirn-! , taki r thiH raI j w )lfnii(, ultimately reach Lakeview is ijuite j formation for lnaliciouslv killing uu-!t,I,le lie spoke to the West Siders. anient. tii..n. win t... .... ....a I probable, but cannot sav vet that I imnls. . He held the audience for full three i.i.. i .i.i. - i.i lit ill in fact be extended to Lake- 1 Warner Valley Stock Co. vs Asmus tiuumr in linn ilium: lllin MUIUIIUT. We are yours sincerely, view. We expect to continue con-; stock Mkn 'Ntructlon without intermission, ex-j ccpting for the purpose of ascertain ing the most feasible route. j "This road should be given the support of all Oregon, as it is the only independent line building, or! which can build into the fertile ter-1 nue important feature of the ar- ratu.vtueiits Is that the games will be frw fur nil, and Lakeview guaran ty tu put up a team of bona tide nti'tat of Lakeview. No one n.M-d i S "cis. , . , . , . , . , I The Lake t'ountv Development Laic Htiy fear of e.p.-t t ilnyers ls'Ing i ' i, . , , ., . I'ugue met at t he court house last I i nn F i in- inline Jil h .tit.. If our boy can't win It they will lint yet it. Tournament at Paisley. Arr;ui;"eii'.eTiis are under wav i Touningsen, suit for ejectment, C. A. Cogswell atty. for plaintiff, Crawford jiuid U'atson for defendant. W. V. S. Co. vs I". K. Taylor, eject- (Hiarters of an hour, and when he retired, J. W. Maxwell read a paper which he had prepared, also some letters that had been received by the to arr.Mii' f. if a series of Raines at I'.-ii-Vy in .liiii. silver Lake. Lak'- Hf- JiTnl rii.e Cre.k teams will I'r..lil,!v vi-it the I'aislev bovs. o ''""I' in-.-n ii-n t has Im'cii IliU'.e yet as tu purses. I Itiier Jeains ;!! U- invited and a k 1 time is i;Tleil. A sirainl ball will U- given n thf evening of th" last day. Practice Game Sunday. Saturday for the transaction of reg ular business, lleports of commit- i tees were received ami all routine t I Work disposed of. Several letters j Were read which showed that the! ment, Cogswell plaintiff, Crawford & I Development league from ofliclals U atson, defendant. i of the Ileclamation Service, all of A. F. Tonningsen v II. C. Whit- w,licl) worUod in Ilkx.lv alol r with worth, suit to recover money, ltrat- ! Mn 1oolle.s remark8. tain & Uatchelder. for plaintiff. I Th(. I1MH(t,n was tlt,u tunie(, over J. A. King vs W . S. Packard, suit i ... ... iu inu oesi ciucis w iin h. request to ritorv of the central noi-tion of the to recover money. Da tchelder & IJrat- . ,. . tain for idaintiif proceed to organize a "West Side state. 1 he Columbia, river, the liu" 11 pi-i'iiuu " miiiui it Mcincr vs J tattle (idioms, " aier users Association. j. j . Ieague was really accomplishing something. Daniel ltootie. Dr. l:. Daly, Thos. ! K. K.i-e of San Francisco, .1. .. ! Watson. C. I', saider and others,1 made spi-eches I ir I he lienelit of tlie i l-auiie. 1 rrixn tion and railroads to recover money, Uatchelder & Hrat-: Oliver was elected temporary chair- tain, for plaintiff. W. 7.. Moss vs (jt'O i!. I'hillips, to man. speeches were called for from any who wished to talk, and re- were t h-principal topics under dis-;1Wi, other e-juipment for the ciission. 'i'liesetwo things are ad mittedly the most important to the northern terminus of our road, guar-, antees fair treatment from other j roads, and the connection being be-; low the Celilo ranids. we have an recover money. W. .1. Moore, at tv for i plain tiff. i nmi Ks iroiu itiose uirecxiy interested Frank Schlecht vs leorge Schlecht, ' were urged.. I. CJ. Mosier, 11'. It. to recover monev. 1. F. Conn fori I'. nl lf,.i,( v..,,i, t. rich, starts this evening for the Last, i ..i.,!,,! if i ' ' .... , , , ' I"'""1"1- ' ricker, J. L. Mollis, K. Tatro and where he will purchase locomotives: J. Frankl vs. .1. W. Drown, to re-1 . . . . . . li. ill t ' " !!., nun ir lApirfouu i ill ijn(.-i m i-r money, J. ,vt. JSatchelder fcr ; ... ... , , inlaintiff ' as "dug most tiearttiy in tavor oi e are now hiring a locomotive for I 1 ' . , , . i K. D. Lutz vs. (ieo. II. Small, ac-1 any ort of nii6venieut that carried open river to Portland, or the ocean. "Our president, Mr. Jolin Helm-: TwLukewew boys haj a pnu-tke development of Lake county's re- ... i,-,,.. ,..,... .,, , 1 1 11 ,,,r',,linttBt'"' atson for 1th it any semblance of beueliciary i i iti miuai ui i uc i 'am.n uuuuv j j)l jlJu till Kmc uuday, with a team picked ' sources. The Kxa.niner d.jen not be- ,)k.u.(J; an the steel on the way, ties ! Warner Val. Stock. Co. vs. Clms. "- kSl."!Heve It is a matter of which will ull(1 um,K.r .ing delivered. - they were called, played a good I come first. He say and have said, ..j.-iflw.u lu,Aea ut our ,.xteiision rune, hut were hardly exKfted to . U-fore. t hat railroads and Irrigation Houth f Ullfur tuku8 the roa( Ilto '"untie regulars. 'should come at the same time. A came w ill played next Sun-j Without railroads Irrigation could between the Iwikevlew and I'lne j not accomplish its full licnelits. We IrMi tefitns on the State Line ball ! must have transportation. Il'ith "'juuiIm. The game w ill no doubt ' out irrigation railroaus w ould be inli i-e one, as the Flue Cn-ekers coutlned pi lucipally to import tralllc. Nj'Haguod game here two weeks ! Tin; two should come together, and "S'.muiiI only lost ,y one tulh-y. I ,,o doubt w ill. r ... - j .Neither of thesi' acquisitions need vmiiemen Justify lawless the finest belt of pine timber iu the state, and will accommodate Tygh valley. Juniper Flat and Agency, which Is not now productive to any ; great extent for lack of transporta tion, and local consumption quite limited." Toiiningsen, to recover possession of property, Cogswell for plaintiff, Crawford, Hall and Watson for de fense. Warner Val. Stock Co. vs. Win. M. Harvey, to recover possession of property, Cogswell for plaintiff. i Crawford, Hull and YVutson for de fense. Warner Val. Stock Co. vs. J. L. results. They all favored the irriga tion of the lauds on that side by the government, and every one signed the membership roll. Amotion was made to organize the "West Side Water Users Association," which carried. J. C. Oliver was elected president,, and J. U. Fisher secretary, L. A. Carricker treasurer. I. G. Mushier, W. It. lVriiard and J. L. appear. i in v.,.,.,.,,,!,, ,,i 'i i, ii, Course. fi'" f'.l'.owinj letter Klamath Co., Ore. May 1, J'.fi.l. '""'"it 'I ii.iM.s. Dear Sir: In tin of t! in r. flu,. ' cost our people au. thing more than a strenuous effort secure them. hat every resident of the v ' -'' " iM'iie I o ih 'U.tte to tin- welfare of his community. Morrow, to recover possession of i Morris were elected directors of the property, Cogswell for plaintiff,; . ... .. , . ,,. . , . permanent organization. Quite a Crawford, Hall and W atson for de fense, number donated money for a work- The Case of the State vs. li. F. j lug' fund. Lane will come up Monday. An effort will be made to secure Portland Nominates Candidates, j tl,e ",l,"u "f t'vi'r' I"'''"0" whoownes (ieo. 11. Williams was nominated ' 11111,1 '''t,L' Lakeview and Drews theelticiencyof the people living III a for reelection to I i.e. ....,... ..ii.v oi JU. ' 'I'liniiiH- Cre,.k and the The Reading Room A Success. Nothing recoui niendii a tow u more than the general upbuilding of It.-i social and iutrllccliinl coiniitious. These conditions ale entirely within -I Inst ., I see a p "''id to the trouble between the 1'Ull.l Reed Property Sold. Last Saturday the live slock be t own. dud made the country, ! the city of Portland by the rcpuDIi- l"i't Hotith (if Dry tieek. Man makes the towns." No town cans at the primary election last; divided against itself can become ' Saturday, and Dr. I lurry Lane was think longing' to the John Kecd estate was ; (iV(.hi Vl. 'u 1V(1,,jres t lie combln-' the democratic nominee, '.Ul (' lll'lj lii.ii' l-nii I .nil I""!,'"!, ",l IIH' cuttle 1 1 1, - r i i ...i.i., ,.. .1... sold at auction at Fine ( reeK. Also ed efforts of everyone to say mid do, I The Republicans nominated the . . ..... ... i ... i i "tlliln is and filw'avM has "iu tons ot nay, ,"iimi ponnijs in 1 j .,ji good they can to Increase following: Thos. Devlin, auditor; '"""licit 1 1.. ,,,) ,,, ,.,. coiintrv and ! "Il'1 two tons of potatoes. U. x- 1 1, irt ,urch for tidvanceineut. and : deo. .1. Cnmeron, Municipal . I udge; ii . ' .... , i. ... : tiitt e i i . i ..... . i iiss ion" i ie.ul oi young iinm-nr , i,.i,i,i ,,iii, i,ii,i,,r i i..v...... en.. 1 1 i i.- lV' ' ' II I V l.l V ,.m ,f I 1.! ,.. ,n nl e Mi. d. in. n mini' in lr-re I l oin li .! 1 i- heeo li, on I "'tr 'I'-''!! i 1 1 our fences, and then "1 ii- nnd tell us they have iujU liiih l, ,;gjt awe hitveou the Jtran-e, and we w ill admit they a'e. l.illy, ht (jt morally. Diet. Wan ' nt S?.T p-r he' which In- paid . nn Mr. Mo-- :'' ! ' one milk cow for one Itol's". hi the the pro-less, it will take twice sireiigt h tu prevent success. the completion oi the J ' hay for 5" '''' per ion. Three hoi -e ;,,m is tin cxamplu of what the buyers from th" lo. r country 'f uujied efforts of everyonecan accoui 1 bought 1-head "d horses for -" l"-1' ; pilnli. It remains for a few to do I head, 'l'he rest of the horses were w,,, to perfect ultimate plans. Weirh'in. City Treasurer. i Fred Merrill announces that lie ailing u in ,.ua fU. nuiyor on an oidepend- eut ticket, but from (ho number of voles he received in the primary elec tion, 7fi out of (j-'uO, ho will not be considered seriously Iu the way of '- j I ii eei'ii . I """V Z V ' The urow". i ll,e Uulormvut of the masses ! Alayol. Vla,s. I l-ll lliniii t-' I ., ....... ,. ,1..... i, uu, I'lilil.. . 1 . i i .. ... I,i n liliieii to IS W lllll lililivcw wiu n wi n , ., i,,w lltle and hoist men are all Cattle were sold a lew In a pi.ue in," I averaging about j No town of its iiize Is so abundantly A Pew 5heep Sales. The following sheep sales were , , " " ' " .0 per head and Ihe milch cows wllh tfood features, for the ! ' " -p ,v y here, spend H I. ere ;t , , A ,)1IIR.,, , I J, ut COU(lltloUs, ; k- ' ., !' T ' 1 U :U"1 f"" ,n "" ' - '-vew. The peoph, here are ; "iTul front 8. k Chandler icr cognizant of the reipMlreineuts to 0,00(1 mutton. u,ie sillier- tl,. 1 1 different parties, tlieir Work u" iiielr county. The ilicep to Jeo. Fitzgerald "lnii,..i.. .. . : .... . i.i .... ny I,, :i .-..nt-ni r . cogni inieresls 111 tills COU II t V, I lie IS'Uiis soiu - u ., M,. .., a ii rluimller utilr ,. . i.u,wuul f,. : oer show orowess. Lvery undertaking I . M alloy iroin p. li. i tiauuii r Wt? mUKe: U,t"yttre X:r of beneutfor th. town U heralded 4.000 for Kitchen. to ta. county and their iuon-ito' : ... ...s.ivbucks. ... , , ' (ierber from Itehart K'OO, and '"of very itli.. ...a 1 w w ".. " ' .. ,. ...a. ...I w,lu lJIJ,ova'- " 1,4 from Arthur Uros IXK), .i, ... l" i" " uu'y the DCU A letter was ordered addressed to the secretary of the Interior and to the head olllcers of the Kcclnmatlon Service and to any other who might bo In a position to assist or expedite the reclamation of the arid lands of that valley, asking that agents of the. government be sent to Investi gate and pass upon the feasibility of nn Irrigation project for that section, covering lii),hhl) acres of rich ngi cul tural hind, all capable of being pro ductive as any land In the .-Into of Oregon, with water, The meeting was a most pleasant one, and those from town were cor dially Invited to remain over night. They did not stay, however, as most of thein were needed at their places of business the next morning. This (Thursday) evening was set for the time of the next meeting night of the "D est Ndo Water Users Association." It Ih expected a largo "ulouiis, as the a li i, .. . sorption are form u ni.r i, i Hi il I vneh IlllOll- irOlll A TV lilir 1JI OS UW. ? ' were uot sold, and nil ' . I jy upbuild the nodal and Intellect The price paid for all of them wun crowd, In fact every one on that sldo hccp t.d an offer of l,o per head Monday .r of Uw vu wl fttteU( form, and the offer was accepts.