Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 04, 1905, Image 8

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Lakeview And Vicinity
I,afe Whet-tone up town Sat
' urd.iy
Misses and Children caps
! Fine lot of lovs caps At F.Hilcy A
J Massinuiirn
. .. th,!n,' n now
w There is m. -re m luj inn snoe. vr.iii.i.i ....... . a . ij rrv i;jCi lame over from W ar-
... ... . I .....
V than row niint tnitiK powum-. in our oiotniiM i-"vuh. t- , , - . vk.
. , t
W hen vol) i-uy o. us ,,,it.Siv nr,re .-ill men to v me .. , vnner w .1." rei.orte.i U-k
icht first of the week
v. ' f,.rthrm 1 hev come in m.-ilaiui
ir. r,.:l iuarsntw th-it the f. t
wear is jn-t n!;st we ay it i
rtielier ' IN 1.' pound of Fruit VFI:KLV NVKATHER REPORT.
Uranulated Sti-ar f..r f 1. ,Wo 'v " r,;'Hrl M'hfr
! returiled hv the limerntncnt arai-tr
A mil li.... oi Ui.ho,. .. ;.....U at Mo;, t Thp Kx.mimroir,,,.
I'.i.-U-r's Cn-h Si ore. This report in changed erh eek, i, i(
The Sorosis underskirt at t he our ren ters ih tt keep a yearly rvrd
, of weather conditions for future refer,
enee, rut out the report along the bl.-k
Seal .vour letter!, with a California ine Mna paste it in a aorap hook on
flower for sale at I.akevle Mcrvnn- meek after another. Thin rpord w ill
tiiet'ti. taken on luestia-to emi eacn week nd
I,akeview Mercauiile Co.
W hen you I't'.v VtMir shoes of us ,,.ir.:,.j!,'v HVt'.'.ll IHi'll to see
you cvt the Ust possible .juali-y. m,n s uk !i!,;t h.,Vt. ,(,
V the lattst shal-s a'.w.iy- ai:." n'tr
S, 1 ' " , , f..r thr-m. They tome in med:
lL'in nn WA.lntilAV fur tha nt . .
'e are Milium men- $-.(. $2.:. , ,.: ,. u
imvernnient Weather Bureau St.
ami hat tor fl.thi, Lakeview ,, nl l.krTiew, Oregon.
Men -aiitile I o. CO. Mktzkkr. Itx-al Observer
Mrs. W". 11. Shirk was very sh-k ! , , .,
1 C. 1. Miisselman was in from the -
, :!,t s- rir.s. th-vi ns an.l t first of the week. i I. ran, h Moiulav W'eek elitiiiiK Tiletttlay, May J. I;i5
The J rv is si low a r -" se.'.. ..e. t.a.k it iot-.
m.-t (.; i.. i on -if- jur.l!,;t. i;arn.-nts that w ill not
F..1 I'.ratit li was tlown from I lover
( !,; ,r i - a: ti J! r.i,'
s.u:, .:,". t r -rr 1. n; t- '
i.r wrink;e. I'rii-.'s rane '
Flat last Satnrlay.
A. H r.anuliu came in from the
Keller ami Anthony were up from
j Fine Creek Tnesil.iv.
1,1 i
I'av 'max .mm. i privip n'w
datum I fall
til llkf
'. '.'. H .l- ""o.
stut-p rat'ce Tui'silay.
i Buy Your Groceries Here
- rrc hire u t'.uri- with yu n vor.r si-a)n's
U'ni. MfiaiT is hauliinr wo.e.! to '" ' :1 I "" I ' i vTMr
town h ir .M uUev A; ,,l,,r:' 1 -s I. """ ! ' '
! Men s summer suits .,..hi up y . , o.U MM"i"p"t; , r,)7
at Iikexiew Mi ivaiitiie (. o.
Mr-. .i:u I'.t i-s was .low u (pilii !
C'r.,.. k.-.I i r-fiv s.itiir.lay.
i:r i-sf.r.atcs c t vmi r..tmi:.
hntui.t. ti i iarccst a wi-.i a ir.c
i sr.
I ai ii t
5 or ii.s. We 12 Pounds Fruit Granulated
Cane 5ugar S !.(..
rr.-:::in::t CrocKcry 1ou:h: iTiv wita i-a.c:i .c i.
Ni.e iri ii riM-t j i t n-eeiveil
at l.ake ii w .i.-ii a ;.l iie n.
IFli 'ir.i le p!a!n for Sale eli-.t;. , , , , ,. . ,
' A. .1. m.tli an. I M:ss took a
yL. J I.. ,.:ir of a I s-.r.; .:, I-.
sun. . ... :,J : ii.ihi , im j
llloll. M :l'l ; ii.ihi H !
t lil S. .'i4 IHI , 'HI ,
.V. 'i i--!i r-t 'irii'-.l lion,,- ulili
s,';i! to 1 'i in- i nv Siiu.lay.
. r. T l !
Ca-h : urwhac
t!oi.i- i. M. 1 .;-.t t ;.i in U ia Mi
( u 1 i.iy i:ior:.:iii:. , , .
( -r i!..s .v on lmiiit
( Mr-. Fivu -!m!i. s a rrive.l from an
) Frati -,". satnrlay even'nu.
.a a:i-l (ieo. Nelsi - i ati-1
11 MltUM.IV.
o hi; w i rili - -le 1 1 tiiijii t i w .-r
i r.i : k : : :: ; :a aii i w ;f- star' x
FJwin W. Joseph is ilea J.
I ;! ia iVnrl 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ia J . ii . ai-.
T-'i. a- ii. l rri-'l i-.-i r-l ay at W in..!,
hii; a. a ;pi nil ay I ii- in ' -r- i f t li.- fain
;!.. r--s;.lia: in l'orllan-1 atti-ud,-,! lit.
I'.-a'i i r--t tli.i-i- Sir. .; im !,-r-
sian--ii l.,iK-view M-ivaiitile Co. f in. ia! s. i ir,-s Mr. Joseph was
A:, 'iv
iioa li.i
.i.e t-i Zae
liom in M i-k iii.loa ti hi ut v. Hi in. in
A;-:;'. !.'':'. an ! rro tli.- IsthnnN
i ' :! o
To-! ,V
r . : i .a
" -X .;
tti-'V '
t.:. :
Ta- r-n.-:i.
h- W.i-
p .; -,: .:
v. j- t
I .
s:.-r. ;
II ) . .
I.. 1
i a I i v
1 .. .. t
w .i.- s l ... -:: i ' v
. ti.
r.z-- :' '?
' . a 1 .-. -
a.-.i . r-
tl -ar ; 'i'i:.;u:i.s tarl- f-T FartlanJ
.. . s. j. .--.y !.:;.:.: . io a..K- v:--v w.:ul,.- T.-f h ir-e. U'u.ter- tt,u wi-k.
.'i oj.j ...r. vt iit -i,i:i ia.- i 'fit io t;;;.e.
rtia:,! w;ia w.;-. who m i.l . . l.-ter. the silver Lake sa
ri. TT a at that l-!a,v. ,Mi:i ,...,a Is h- re to attetel the eniin-
s- i'ri-ht. a i uti-t .f sail t v et.a:rt.
- u :;: t.-rtt i. wi., -
!' f-.r t!.- C illf. .r-:.
- ; I a ::- ..r.y
- - ' i 'ia ' I r.--i i e 1.0
i- .1 i ! - . k
i ". " r a i - .
.- - ;:.--.. ; , ;-i-..:.r
. . ! . i . k'l.iu a ! i ;i
.'- r i-f a f"! a' a i.- 1 . -lay.
- i Mr. p i r- -:-l--l in !;! r
i::-: t i-il !-.-ri state. ai.J
' v e-iia-- to nit '.ea-o-ru lire-.-n
w r w '.- h his f.unilv un-
Mr-. lr. I:, ii. 1.. 1- i... r .ta- tah-u ni -,.,r -.-i.-n vears ,a'o. For the
.v y. m
i " ' ' '
w. f. i'.-: !-. u,:-.- :a : a- a, I
Woblil :ao .- -,o i a.i l- -a A li,
li t satunl iy aa-l !ia- U-i-n ,,ai!
ii k -aire.
-I to 1.
t .j-- l
1: i.v
-- - ; . o. J. -a
i -r . - i i.:ao., 11.
I.e - t a. ,'a.V OV
the :i.y i
iia-T iita---l:r the r-a!ly A 1 te.iy
- a.i-.r- i- hi: pr-1 !:,' ia- r--.-i-
,i-!.:e j r-'!-rtv with a ! t.'-n'
. tt : iv;:., I.r. ' . 1". , . . , , .
p.- K.-t
i . ; . i : n i - - i -. ; i r I-!it lata- over
!'i'arL:--r hi at t.-r, ! a- i-pn-i t h-
1'iaty ' ., a-;.
'Ala , i . i - y . . . I t ) r
L .! ... - -.- . ii-- -v..i ! a'.- -at
I:.- - -i i a-- v .-. k .
.l..,. i. A. a. a::-! .1. ia .i,.'revs.
aii of 1 ie- I'a.i- s. arnveij 111 Ijii.evit-W
Sji.u-i) ia ir:r.:.'.
Th- !'- ri-eiM I.e a att-t. I
a fr-i::i h- re to-n'.Jtiit at t!..- ni'-t-t-i
r i r on tin- Wert Side.
: ta
r. .- -;, -.; v. . it. i a ia.t r.
! : -1 i-
tl aa l ,1.,-iU-r of
i . . t r 1 ... ii
:- a. -oiai-ai.!- 1 !-y
'. -,i . w .a i
I'ona K'-i.-ieily :!'.!
la-t -a ii-, af!--r
v iat. r ia I . 1 1 1 iriia
;. ii'. Noi.i- nn-i t mi::.;- -,. i:,ov-
ih t-i l.-iieaa. in K!,i-i,.it!i eo-mtv.
tt .:l"- t't I i 1 I---;-!.-.
'e : a h I -t aa-l i.r A . a.
sT I--!'- tor i- t! a,': of
i i i i y , I r : t :.. nn i.- a r I 'i : t "r-
I'.lirl lj:-,ii!iau,-. w ho l.a- !.--, a
lriviny; th- Western -ta.- a !- -I
starting for I'ortl.ui 1 th:- w --:.
'i'h-.- iittl-- -I aat.l. ro: ;.; r. .-.:. i V:-.
ii. Ii. Wo.nleo t it. i,'ia r I..-:, -..itli
pa-t t ha--. .-ar- he lived lit Wom!-i'-irn.
where he died Sat unlay even
i:.' if !. rt fail-ire. He w as ill It; -p
a r- a ' -1-. 1 le-a 1 1 !i lie-t- filing pr
. .--lia ; hi, ,!,-ath.
Mr-. .J-.-.-pli died ia l'ortl.tu-1
si'i;liti ia-,re than a year ax-'-M-
ini.- r- .,: th-. faiaily r.--ident in
F'.rti in 1 l i. ,-r-- V. F, Jo-eph
: '" ' w h-1 i- t h only ---n.
i '- ! M : . irri- a n I li va: t !i-- thirl
d-i-iat-r. Mi-- .J--i,iii.-. re-id -s in
Mr .1 ,h' I. n,i reel.'tit-e ill I !a!
if -raii l-r. ei-h t h:-a iaeot.taet aitb
i.aai- r-ia -a who hav-- l.-eoin-f
lai-.-i-. aai'.aj; tie- i.naili- r IfUi-i
l-neanioida. M I Mi . M.MVeil-, M;irk Tvvui!1, the lr:i.orist-nuth.,r.
nursing t h lit t le -;r.
Died in Hill City.
Mr-, .-aruii -J. li trhj-ra .f M.U City,
re.-,,:., died oa Aprii I'.:' . after mi
;iiv-ss of .-i-at !r- a. u -, , r
alta ia r. i: t.r,-ijr,,; i;; - :e .;a- a-rt. i:. iiijii l'-.i::t.
J . .. A; r . r-. I;: I': ,rri--i t -
a,:. a : a. : -
who often ur-i-d Mr. Joseph to take
:-.r a i'i-i-.-.c. ii,- .-i.iiiiu--r iae
a - v :.i- f.r:a-r i- down t Lake view this
w aoir-ciTrd at.v i-ai- vw ou husiufw. .tlr. lTader says ' J,t -i M ir May iVcruft, w ho sj.eiit the to a literary eareer, predietinir einl-
" ll- II -a ;.l- I. w .. , l.,,... ,.,ar i
a i.e ruin f-11 in the northern part of ' '", 1 winter in W iisliinyton, writes The uent sui-cesH, at he wan u vlvhj word-
the county Sunday. : fur the LeaJmi? Loom. j Fxuiuiner that herself aii-1 latb.-r ! painter ami remarkably cImm oh-
Clarence Phillip-informed u- that' Hi brt "P r..m I'lue Crk Lave started fur Vktilli-. .rver.- in-goulan.
- , , ,, .. .Satuardav. Mr. Darned will run the. ,, v, . n , , , , , . ,
he arid and Mr. i'attersou, who ; C. li. .Norton, the iiiinm maua llr- Joseph was for yearn a reiii-
1-oj-ht hordes here a mouth ao. i fluUr t,,W "UH,,m-r- wan in Lakeview last week frum 'dent of Lakeview and wan one of
-h ;..l-d vi (.i-a i of hor-es to si H.-ndersou ma.le a trip to War- Willow liauch. We learned that he the first in.-n to run a nawmill itl
a'.if -raia. where they were sold. ""r 1,l't w',x- W u:i 1-rstand he j wuuld muuii u tu miu I ranii-eo on I -ike county. The mill wan located
, i - Fhiaip, and Alfred John- wi!1 "'"Vv ovt'r tl,t rt' f"r t,R,,,UI,,nu'r- husii.e.. war CIomt Flat. The ahove item
- : of i -darvi::- i-.-fs.-J through 1 "11 ''c'dows at Khttnath j m r. j j;Urke, l.rot h. r of at. r w 111 ": '"- many a laan here to pause,
I. : - a- T :-,.; ,y -ain- north in Fali,i I'i'i-Kv '"' Jlidwi-U all celt-; jmrke, arrived her- la-t w.-.-k fr-nu "t;"'" i,lt,- "I'- e, ret ail the many
- ..r.a f l.orws to l,uy. Tie-y ex- ' "i-" : i uuupuu. Ml. ltuuc uiu-uun io im ' I.. TI. u2 m'?
p--t t, far iiort h as Waontiie "-tye-. i-oiue prosp.-etin in .-,ke t oiinty ' ''"I'l'J- hour spent in his presence.
. oui- oi.r- ..eiic j j..,iiu.iii I uu this SUIllIller " -s-
r I.
t.- r
t- --r.. .a narnev co'itiiy.
A. Fa r:..:
li.a -, a ' :
( .
ia.-' w.
i.itu v, i.
.i.r-:. i.'..
mii.i a--..'
I' -i ,- . i
., .. .-! i. .1-
:ia of -a... ;
- . f hi- I .- :
!: em.,. .-
a - r, t j. -. .
n : . a -
Ait!,: : . a . la ad.-h. -
the i. ..a L-r, ha-i li. e rio'j inisfur-t-ue
Mo-.-i.i.v eveniiJi; tu le throw n
artiei- last Week, 1 lit did Iiot either
A J. lleiideil, ' Hoods wad have , -in 1,,-i0 WAMhH
a- to have ,t pulaish.-.j or s h,s MFN AMI WOMKX in this an-1 a I-
name. ...i-,.. ,,. . ., i h':l'iS counlies f-ir lnjino or travelir.g
i for 1L while 111,. l .r.lo.l ft...... . I...
' ,:,, ., .l .. I .. I ... . : I
' ' ' 1 1-vehU !. I'rof. Uraham painted some new -Jl Ih-.I a, U .clock ins,.-,,, of ! WhuLJe Z 'i Kd7c.linal I'.,-.-
'- ai, ,v- the ankle. siiiiih . '-ry f"r t at-Opera House, that l-,t H Lefore May 1. ; u.ents of an old (Htahlished Manufactur-
A. II. U alla. eof silver l.ak.- vvw'"'' U'"1' Ury 3-5" l' dajr
. j tl-en- b advanced. J:i furnished
,,,,-.,.,.,,.., j, . . , t . i "l hen newary; portion permanent;
J.'iii-ii hat ,i , tin-i,ju,ti-r uii'i i',i- ,,,,, i ,. . .-i , . . . ... , '
' I-'-'' h.V a pile of luia!..-r failii -MM.oii 'eferi ii, i-ir,- I l:w
i-etara-1 from llart.-r i"'r ,"'"--r' " ViLv "f '"J him. hivakin- on.. ,,f hi- l r ' lirothei s .V Co.. JIou.o Jlei.t . Chi.aC".
i-i. c-ji;--;.
a .1 st-;:...r-t t he fractured loi,. as ood us you can fi nd in any i-ra ;
Jh. -ii-. . a:.d it i.- to U- hoped H-um-. i
i ..a: y vt ... .-t al- l.t.
J . i .a :f
nav vo.i a-,t it j;.- Nr. a. '-IVi.Ktl
Nothing tas ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever turpasi it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat nd
Cure : Lang Troubles.
Mom, bMklf Trill Bottrfc
T,;--i.y. vvh.-r- he einwlated a pe-: I'"per. . ail on mm lor ; Wallace is Ta years old.
t :; ' ' " ! r,-a;i:- "fu '"Ui,,-V 1V"J ! i'.y 1-1,, an I hi, Lio-her U-
' ' ' ' ' ; -. : a l-i-t-h... ih-t.ds l,y way -v -ral tiin!..-r crui-e, n were l- SlW,y, came down fr ,, J'aUly
: ". i .: ta,l. 'J he t-.-tltion will i.e first of the ue.k over the ' .,. . v
' ,.JonJ.iv. Mrs. .V-vvnv ietun,ed
j,...-,-.! f ,r :dasand come up be-; land to ! thrown open on the j:;.l . , . . ,
1 I Jtterjaj, iiinl ljuy wal lemain in
lore the cunty eoiirt at the July oi .May.
term .
A license tu -d w a, issued lat 1
Saturday to Mr. Thou. Vouuy and
Misn Alice Morrin. liotti younj; people
live In tLW valley. MiM MurrU l
tli; oldebt daughter of Mm. Elbert
MorrU of the M'ent Side, and Mr.
Voune; i. the won of Mr. and Mr.
Jatwn Young of I'rewn creek, and
are both well thought of by all who
know them. lie understand the
' wedding wan to have taken place at
the MorrU Louie yesterday evening.
Henry W'bitworth lian a couple of
men at work filling In around the
flume aeroKH the lot where Walter
Iyer liven.
O. Funk, who ban worked for the
ZX firm aeveral years, came down
from there last week to vUlt LI
home and friends in Iakevlew.
Tin liU w Haw A;rj
I.akevlevv llldetinately .
F. O. iiuutlng and family were iu
town from their Jrewu Valley nUn.
farm ieveral days last week. Frank
says the feed iu Jrews Valley Is bet
ter now than at any time lat yeur.
Marshal Whorton wishes to an
nouncethat fast riding on the streeti
will not be permitted, and to ex
eiuplif Lis mandate brought Walter
Nyswaner aud Uert Floyd before the
Ilecorder for an exauijde.
(j- the wejf Vs
r they wear
levi simms