.1 m ! 'ft a u . m I " .v ! 'I : - . 41 .! V i i it 15 !i n I ; t. 'J i H r A DOLLAR, goes a long way It will give a good account of itself here. YOU CAN BE FASHIONABLE Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. awn W-'- -n hcxr. sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature, A Good Aove. At tin' Ktoi-k owner'n meeting Sat urday eveiiiiii;- u rejoin tun wan ( aswd askinf; the Koard of Super vLiiirn tn uiiikf mi appropriation to dofrny expenses of a uonwiiittee of three to attend the opeiiinp of Nov :da'h j:reat irriiratioii i-aiuii. A i:on- f.'i'f-'.siiiital ( oiniMit ti ippointed l:iake a tour of tin went will he attend. nice and the Committer-from of the Medfoni Crater hake rall this rnuuty will endeavor t. iinlui-t- road was turned on April Ith, at the them to visit Modoc. Mr. han-ill.' juui'tion of the new line with the .:'ed this matter, sayinj; th.U. if 1 Southern J'm-iti'-, three-ipi.irters of a I iodoc I'otmty seeiii-eil money for if-. miie from tin- Medfoni depot. Mrs. nation jiiirposrs we inimt ankforit, : A. A. Davis turned the lirst Hhovel- i mid kn-p on asking. Tin- hoard of, ful mi'! uddies.seh were made I v Supervisors in si-ssion this week set Kfiide the sum of jf.'AK) to defray ex- -eases of tin.- Committee f:-om thin co'inty mid assist in entertaining tin-(iipr-.-Msionnl Committee while here. "Vlie Committee appointed by tin- fHo..-: Assoeiation consist.i of Hon. t -t-r 1-eterson, (iifij. 11. Hayley and Co!. Thompson of this paper. II e .:li"v.- the money will U well rx - - er:d. - '!, espeelally if the lioiisivssion- v LakovK TO OUR yAS FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS:- c liavc (lcci'i(.il to make mi tlic ioliowin LOW : PRICES ior an unlimited time-; for Cash only: I -lour )cr hundivd pounds huijar 12 pounds 1 I'ncy head Kiev Impounds 1 Aiacaroni per hox U'.-aiis 17 pounds 1 i 1iverjKiol Salt fifty pounds 1 H.df-round Stuck salt one hundred pounds 1 l Tennis I-'lanntl ten yards 1 Lye per can '1 ouiato'.-s iwo and on-lialf pound liest jirade Canned corn 1m-sL ;rade Washing soaji jer har Ten la rre candles K'olled oats fifteen jiuunds 1 lest table syrup per gallon 1 I'ive lb can roud coffee with cup and saucer Five pounds best table salt These arc the Lowest Y made by any Firm in Lake County. WE HAVE THE GOODS, CALL, AND SEE US REYNOLDS lirin i ii i ir i o At a moderate expense if you will allow us to fit you out in our hand-tailored, ready-to-wear clothing. You get none but fashion able clothes here, that is the only kind we sell. Try us on your next suit and see how per fectly we fit you and how well the clothes are made. Menfs suits from $6.00 up. BIEBER'S CASH STORE.... To Cure a Cold in One Day ill Committe can be inditeed to visit UH. If they cannot, then only a Hinall portion will lie lined. AlturiiH I'laindealer. Ground Broken for New Koud. With inncli pump and t ereiiioiiy, and in the pri'senre of many lniudivd peoiile, aemlilel from all hei tions to of .laekson county and Soiitherii in , Oregon, the lifht dirt in the unuliiiK many prominent Oregon men. Prominent Southern i'acilic ollicials were also present, amont; them be- in W. I-;. Cmnun, general freight and j pusseuger ugent. i Kvery luiHiness house in Medfoni j closed its doorsduringtheafternoon. .The band inarched to the 'Junction" ; ut 1::J0, ami the ereuiony opened 'l witli an address by Holbrook Wlth - 1 ington, attorney for the company. - vv, Oregon, March K! 100." $ : 00 00 00 50 00 L" lit 00 10 ir, ir, o: 'j: oo 00 so in Prices that was ever & W1NGFIELD o it o m when properly spent. Cures Crip in Two Days, on every X box. 25c. Lakeview And Vicinity Will KoiihIi wiih down from Clover Hat Monday. A fine line of Muslin I'uderweiir at Lakeview Mer. Co. Store. Frank Wilmin wiih in town last Saturday from Crooked Creek. C. 11. Norton, the mining man was up from Willow Kunch last Sat inlay . Hell Iirattaiu spent several days in hakevien tile past week from Pais, ley. Cost A- King keep the very best wines and liiiuors to be had hi hake - view. (i-tf Frank huke lias been on the siek list, but was reported better lirst of the week. W. J. McKee ami family were up from the ranch down the valley last Saturday. H. F. Harnum was in town last Saturday and made final proof on his homestead. .1. H. Farra. the l'aisley livery stable man spent a few day s in huke- view last week. M. Mauslield came in from the range last week ami spent several days in our city. II. 11. Street, sheriff of Modoc coun ty, is in hakeview as a witness in liie .diner oc hu. iaml sun.. Most towns begin in April to ar range for their Fourth of July festiv ities and races. Iet hakevfew begin at once. hos-r An open-face gold watch, on the streets of hakeview hist Sat urday. Finder will please leave at this ollice. We understand that .Mrs. Harry liailey contemplates a trip to San Francisco In the near future lor ear treatment. Al Farrow of l'aisley, who has 1 n here for medical treatment for HcM-ral days, expected to start for home t o-d.i v. W. hayley has a good, roomy dwelling on Main Street, large lot with barn and other outbuildings, 1 for sale cheap lor cash. l .'t I j Tin' F.xmiiiner has from time to , time reported '-Grandma" Hammer- sley very sick, and wo urn pained to report her oven worso this week. II. h. hiinlup Is building an uddi- I Hon to his residence on Main wtreet, 'norm oi tno .Masonic building, oc X i-Uiie(l by S. O. Cressler and wife. New Ti iniimnu ill I.Hkcview Mor. Co. Menu Oxford Tie Hi I.nkcvicw Mi'r Co. For soothing refreshments go to I'oHt At King, (i tf Nate Smith runic down from the 70 much Monday. T. K. Stewart of Itcno was here first of the week. W. 11. hrclter was down from Sil ver I .ilk i' Monday. ('nil uf I.akcvlcw Mer. Co., and hit their new llni'M of Shoes. S. W. Vineyard 11 in I (1. Clnrk were here frnn Warner this week. Another In rjjri- lim- of Sliiuli'il r 1 1 t 1 1 h jiiHl arrived ill I.nkcvicw Mer Co. i. F. mid .I.T. Mnuplu are over from South Warner t his week. It. howling of jiiiiirivcr, Nov., I here on t In' hinil case t Ii'in Hri'k, . Fine, F. licit y. mid Clay liniiilio ru mi-ovi'i-from II a rner Mi iml.-i . Win. Ilenioof l-:.-iale llle was ri'U- itereil at Hotel l.iikevli w Moliiliiy. i .lohii llui-knliy of .NorrowN, liar-I l ley enmity is here on the land eiine. Mi'hkih. Ciiiinii vV Kill-hen are here ; from Montana lookiim; for sheep to I liny. W. I'. Moulder mid Mr. Courteney were over from I'IiikIi (irt of the week. I'lne UeiHiered I'eri'hei-on Stal lion for no lo. I',o lllis, Ashland. Oregon. . 11-17 Mrs. F. K. llm-riN went to Sumtner huke yeMterdny to vIhII her Hlster, Mrs. C. C. iiurriM. The iiiiihI popular hiiIooii In hake view is I'oHt iVc Kind's, where the U'Ht of everything is kept. ti-tf The Trenmirer of Klmuath county has advertised for the lads for the building of a i:;,Ml)U hih sehool. W. 15. Snider has jji.ue to rortland as delegate to tlieCrand I.odeA. i l - w- wliieti meets there today, j .lohu liilehrist representative of j Miller & hiix, is here in the interest j "f ,',irn' 1,1 1 '" l'"'ldiog liuid caw. IM. J. Callow, i'. h. Allen, (i hngo ' a"(' M'- i hee are here fron Meiiio, 1 0r,'un "" Miller hux laud ! ''i1'- ! AI!l!h.ST WITH Till: TIMF.S. Veil can get a good big cool glass of lieer for in- cents at the Iirrwury Saloon. tf J. T. Met.ker intends starting up the Camas sawmill soon. He will go out tills week to straighten things up at the mill. C. S. hoveless says sheep shearing will Is-giu about the L'lith, as soon as the machinery arrives for the machine shearing plant. Mrs. Joe Howard mid daiighter cmne in from hrews valley Monday. Miss Howard was looking for a place tii stay and a ttend school here. W. 11. StiH'le, who took his wile as f:.r n Kin ninth 'r',o ,vt wci; on her way to 1'ortlmiil, returned home Monday, driving from Klamath Falls in one uuil u half days. Tlie San Francisco liulletln is en titled to tin- thanks of the hakeview people for thut paper's liberality in donating a year's subscription to the hakeview heading hoom. That was Arvo Coleman wearing the fur overcoat around on the streets of hakeview Monday. He did not mean to knock the town, but came from a. warm climate. W. l, Tracey was in town from Drews valley last Saturday. He In. formed us that Miss .Myrtle Smith was teaching a very successful school at the Drews valley school house. The heading hoom is undergoing a general overhauling, Hi,, books will be here shortly ami Is expected by a week from Saturday all will lie in readiness for the (irand Opening. lkirtha Keynolds fainted and full down the stabs at the hcIiooI house Tuesday and it was thought fr u while that, she was seriously hurt, hast accounts she was out of I danger. WLI-KLY WEATHER RI-OKT. Itolow we jrivo h report of the weather iin recorded by tlic (inveriiuient wimhtr hutciiii Hint ion nt Tim Examiner flin This report in chanifed earn week, nmlij our readers -inh to keep h yearly rncord of weather condltioiiN for future refer, enee, rut out the report nlonic the black line Bnd mHte it in (wrap book on week after another. Thin reord will he taken on Tumula- to end each week nd lie-in on Wednesday for the next week Government Weather Human Sti. tion at Lakeview, Oregon, C. O. Uktzkkr, Iooal Obaerver. Week ending Tuesday, Apr. 11,1905 I my mux :nitii(i iirtM-lp cliHmciH cl iljr imiliui (Mil wcdT tin ;m us ':ii M I'h'iir " (Ml (Ml L'h Hi, y" "ill) pt IMI nii7i,.i'' thiir. fnd'.vl ii7 :!I hii t v j .'! :u j Nil II. ."l7 L'.'l j mon. r:i l'7 j t iii-h. I tin I '"l i I III I (III I The I ; 1 1 1 1 1 nf .Iiih. Mi-Shlllie, vm I ha ve lieeii li niu at the llarvev I'uiirh in iiiiiuier Lake the past whiter. I'liine ditwii lii'Nt of the week, Mr. Methane Ik lil'lnuinn the lliuvry sheep to I he head of the valley In hinili and hlii ur. Pioneer Gone. hast Friilny morning at 7 o'l'lotk '(,'ncle" Viiiyard as he Is known, uf I'ine ( reek, an old ami resperted resident of (ioose hake valley piiHseil away at theuue of 71 years anil II days. Mr Vii.yard was a true chris tian and has proclaimed his faith In ( iod from I he pulpit. lie leaves llrhlldren to mourn IiIh death, a wife and 'J rhlldreii having gone before. He was a member uf the Masonic Lodge and was burlisl at Flue Creek at 'J o'clock last Satur day under the auspices of that order. For lurk of rorrei t history of thin pioneer we are prevented from pull lisliing a more deserving write-up this week, but by next week we Initio to have a full history of Mr. Vlnvaril. lluglcs tlntertain. One of t he most enjoyable enter tainments given in hakeview fur some time was given Tuesday nilit by the Kimlcs at their hall, liui'h member invited a lady friend. A hunt Ml or '.Ml guests were in attendance mid partook of the elaborate spn-iul prepared for the occasion. Miss Hatlie Nyswnner sang a few selections, which was appreciated I)' all. After hiinchcon was served tlie room was cleared and the hakevit'K' Dance Orchestra furnished excellent music for the dancers, who enjoyed themselves in the mazy whirl until about two o'clock. The Kugk' hodge, thou new one in hakevien, Is rapidly coming to the front us nil entertainer. Disgraceful Affair. Monday evening a disgraceful fair took place Iu the street hack ! the hrewory Saloon in which ulff white man Indian Maggie Indian John were the participant. The episode ended iu an altercation between Indian John and the White John Murphy was arrested for dis turbing the peace and lined .'. On Tuesday the district attorney, after an Investigation found that u wore serious crime had ben committed and a warrant was issued for Mur phy, charging him with Indecent ex posure. Ho was given a trial yen terday before Justice hayley hiiiI"" represented by J. M. liatchehler. Tbf evidence was conflicting as to Iden tity and Murphy was discharged. ""L., !.""""". "in Milium.! iin" Pi IEVI STRAUSS SCO OVERALL . in III III iW tot Hi 'n ml ifiii mi 'i'. i-ri -in, l. Vo, 'flu Ulh 'Vllt ire "-in I 'lie itt 'Til H i rt l-l.