, ,M';i If-lt.l.-:.J! ! I'll Wee (i ' i-:;i t i l'r-.v.i nun"! said: I'll,- l.ukeview papers i " ,.lin ninlMT ii.r. .rm.i t i. .11 rc.mirdum C. O. iMfH"ZSJ.K luilliM;. , N1 ii,.Mi'ii( !il Mlllow MvtnH- luiiiiiint Knnch." Tin1 r.xn mint t would he - - mtu'li nhlii'il lo The Plain. lenler Mini K,..r.,, "Z;ZWn'0t' ' t III'!- papers if tlll'V Ho.,1,1 I H.I 10 -. ,,inre dierimiuntinu in tlu-lr credits i One Year, ?'!!!! for these Items. There has been no TERMS: J Six Months. I -MO . Wlow (Three montns, i 's"1" A'anch. so far as we know, nml Tin' LAKBVIEVV.OKEUON. APRIL i. IWj. Kxa 111 itr does not wish to lie cr.-ilit- j ..- ,,, Willl liavlllU SCIlt OUt thl'Ml'l We Favor New Court Mouse. false statements. , In this and former numbers of TIh- Spokane Spokes-j i:.xaminertl.e tinnnciul situation of K(,vi,w if mvlt ,,. ,,,.,, I Lake County has been .1Ik.-umm.m1 at 1U1 int..r.tli.is i.rtlt-1.. written for; length, and a poHHlhle course of ,1.1- uwutiWMU . y I ministration has been outlined dem- ,,t.,tll(.v f r((11nt.v Clerk j onsfrntimras wo believe, that It is . Tllt. Is . try of! now p..sibic to Blv.. tl... H'o .k- a nH in(iii(n mirjn WlMl,liptoIli substantial reduction of taxes, pay wlk.h JoI, .N. lf ,., Cm.k Mlr. I ,"'H"fl,--V l',",n,-V ,,X,K",H,,M; tU-lp.tt.Ml. Tl..- Kxntnlner Is repnb-; H,Ml ""'""""" ,hl" vtmn" .ishinc t.iv storv. Keud It on the; three venrs ."Mil.nmi of a final desi";- ! '.ml, tli ami t It panes. liate.l by lis as an improvement fund, to l.e used in such manner as Harney eounty boasts of two the taxpayers think best. trees l.eariim Heedless apples. A F.verv citizen should indicate his wimple of t hese see. I less apples will wishes on a subject like this. Some be on exhibit a t 1 lie l.e wis a ml 'lark action must ami will be taken. We Fair. Mr. Mel IVnwich is the poses- 1 shall either .11' off the entire 11'.., sor of these trees, and has s-'tit out nulls, or we shall retain n part of il hiliidi .'ds of urnft inus t o oi-char. lists for improvement. It i- public bnsi- of the slate to see if ihey will pro- liess. and as one of l he ma n y w hose pojratc. dlltv it is to express themselves on - An Iowa man who recently nr public iiuest ion-. The Examiner does ' ' rved ill I'ol'tlati I stated that Hot hoitale to de.-l;i!V in f.-. of o re- Ihr. uiirh the action oi ilie Portland tiiihin- li mill.- ..1 it iorimproe lit. Commercial l luh liimdreds of low a and we also express the Indict that ... people would co nc to 1'orl la ml t Ins the most indent public necessity to venr to locate somcw I civ near tlie pei, pie of the coiiiitv which wc - ' . , Ihere. can 1 . 1 iilo now. is a new . moilern courthouse, to cost about 4u.uan. The Yrekn . I. .urnul heads an article We hae studied this .piestion from 'Fourth of .Inly." and under this, every standpoint of public interest, black face Iteadiim' is two American, and believe that our conclusion is tlaus. followed by "Koiisiue; Celebra- j disinterested, ami fully justified by t ion t . be held at reka." Wish we , the facts. hieli we shall in the in- could heal tin article like t lint for j ture recite. I.ukeview. ; In all our treatment of this kiiI, Nv"ssa progress says that j ject. we have reasoned front facts .. jU1(, t,, ,.,.,,,,., and figures iven us by persons w ho ,.lHt 0n.K,aI1 ,,. t. only papers1 have positive knowledge of their jn !;nstern (iretioti that dares to tell I correctness, and no motive t i.- , tnltll w,.lt lut 1)f ,,,.! lead. We believe that the b.cts. in ;)Htt.rn ,.,.,, j the several articles on the subject. have been correctly sta ted. and that '!'; title to the riylit of way for j in our several articles, taxpayers t he (Vlilo canal has been delivered to i will liml a true basis of facts from Juyor Lnriiitt. which assures the! w liieli to reason. early construction of t he canal. We are anxious to publish your iva-onin- and con. lusioiis, w hatever Another slrike w as be-un in they may be. so t hat you a re a tax- 'In'uro last week. Units and blood pa v. t of the count v. shed will be tlie next st a rt line; a li- lioiincemelil . In a short editorial in The Kx- "" " amine, last week on the removal of Another Chance to Advertise. the land olln e a lnistak clirred. There is not. a day passes that, we In on.- p bee where tin article should "I" "t receive letters of ii.'j uif.v have i,ad "land ..Mice," it read ahotit Lake county, liimdreds of county seat." However, we pre- people want to know about the siime the klnmulh Falls eople country. What we should do is to coiil ! moe ; j,,. county .-eat of Lake sei.ecvery opporl unit y offered to ad- i'oni.! to Kiaiuath falls a- easily ertise I lie oiinty. We are piiblish- ;i- i h eoiiid I lie land dlice. iny, below a letter received by the ed- itor of this paper from the piilislier V are ,j.,,se, I,, note that, tlie of The I'aeilic Northwest at l'ort- . . . . ' ' I . i 1 , , h . . - L 1 1 I J , i . e , e ill' i ' ' 1 1 ' I ( I i j ... 1 j , , ( , . 1 ! ihlensl iu be lievehiineli I port unity t o e;.. sotiie II rst -cla ss a d - i.' .i-'.c .iiesiioh. Mr. ('hrismaii, enisiny. It is considered tliebusi- ol.e o! lie v i .-, -1 il'esiili'ii t s of the lies.- of loca 1 lie w spa pel'n lo attend i oaaiy . i run nizatii hi will liud a. to t he ad verlibin;;' of a coininiiuily, ready a.-.-islanl. iu the Silver Lake but ; lie people should not. ex peel t he paper ami unndi ",ood will come ne w i pa pers to i. . all . if I liis. Wehave I t a nraueii oi-,i.ui.ii i ion at that a .level, ipiueii I League, t lie oi;va.uiii- lov. n. tion of which The I a. in i ner lias -- worked on for ii year. ud now we would be n'lad to see the League lliake the best of I hese opport tl tl i I ies. The LeaKue may rest assured that the Pacilie Nortliwest will net Home t liiiiK' to publish about Lake county but there is yet Houiethine; fur the j To Arrive SE j -" 1 " " " 1 """ i j i I lortly A complete line of Dress Goods. Ladies' and Men's furnishing goods, Fancy Goods. Men's, Boys' and Youth's Cloth ing, Hats and Caps. alley (EbU assing 'Mi W: Tiv7-' F rank Sparser Oead. I ; . )ur leaders w ill remember a week j fJ or two ii'-co The I'.xa miner stated that Frank Sparyer, an Altunis boy J,.C who once worked on Tlie F.xn miner, was etii;ime.' in the publication of the UnwHou County Keview, iu (Wen dive, Montana. Now conies t he sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Sparser. His relatives at Alt urn were not aware of his sickness until the news of Ids death reached tliein last week, when they wired to have the body shipped to Alt urns for burial. It was looked for tlie lirst of this week. I'ranl: .-parser was born at Ilid well, says tlie Alturas New Kra, I'll years aj;o. He was well know n nil over Modoc co duly and was an ex emplary youtie; man, liked by all w ho knew him. lie learned I he printers trade iu Alturas when iiiite yoiine;, ami has studied the business hard to be able to be a successful newspaper man, but nrim death has defeated his purpose. The Kxiuniner joins in sympathy with tlie bereaved relatives and friends. Trees ure Hearing. 1'. 1). Maplesdeli, who is now iu t his section of couutfy taUiii"; orders for the Oreeou Nursery Co., has an advantage overall other a'eii is for nurseries, in as much as he has tak en orders here for shrubbery every year for the past seven years and people know llilll tobe absolutely re liai.ie. several orchards boiilit from Mr. Maplesdeli are now 'bearing and lie lias t his fact as a mi ra ntec of t he .tinlity of his yoods. Mr. Maji lesdeii is lakinu orders now, and as he always delivers iu the fall exatcly on the day set by him, people have faith in him, knowiue, that th.-v w net just w ha t t hey order. -." ,W'v -A'",i-"-.M' 'M"r'M ', 'tfM-tW t'M- tft' tfM:tMrifV!lfIV"ttWrtpU'l .l--A'rtU"-W.t.t v "DT7 A T T nDTTn CTHDU imm 1.1:1; Mi:ALL, I'roprle.or LAKEVIEW, OKtCON I I W'e luive tMitrituntl on hutel a Fine and Complete Slock of Drugs, Chenik.'uls, Perfumeries, Toilet Article, Fancy NotionH, t'innrs, Etc., Etc. - Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 1 m We Wi5h to Announce to the I TRAVELER That he can be as well accommodated at the MAMMOTH LIVERY STAI5LL5 in Lakeview as he can at any stable in the State. It is our intention to always have on hand a jood supply of the best hay and Krain to be bought in the market. We also k ep a force of experienced hostlers and cartful drivers, wIuj will always nc ready to wait on our customers. HIRYI-0RD& RJLLGR illlll'lllBJIlS Hill ill IIHHIIlliii! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiliiilln; ll'TVey l.ill.e. pl-esidellt ot til- llaia,ith l.al.e railroad has recently made a trip to roriland where he purchased two circus tourine; ears, which will l.e renin.. el.Ml at. the S. I'. car shops ami put iu serviceable shape for the Klamath Lake road. Mr. I.indley is a rustler and intends to hold the trade he has and net more. Two or three weeks ugo The Kx n miller told its renders about tin; chances for alfalfa raisers iu the fu ture anil what we believed of the adaptability of Lake county to that product. Alfalfas I Is now sellitie; in l.akeview, when there is any to sell, for L'H c ut.- per pound. j leiiKU1' to do. lielow is w hat Mr. Hates asks for; i "1 am preparing a little write-up for my publication of yuur county t am if you have a special issue, or I Homcthine; that will give me a.ldi ; tlonal data, 1 would appreciate your forwarding the same to this otlice. Tliauklnir you for any courtesy 'you may extend, I bee; to remain, i Very Kespcctfully, 111 i.i.i ! s. i: ti, I'ubli-her Tlie I'aeilie Northwi st " 8 "bi KUNliasr IN THE WORLD'' The Equitable life Assurance . . Socieiy of New York.. 0X15 HUNDRED POLICY IIOLDKRS IN UK1- COUNT V ASSETS $381,000,000 x y , , oMTh auKKi-U2,3,y,uuuuuu y Soecial Ai'ent Lf Gbt it lrom your STRENGTH-GIVER, SiS JAYNIC'S TONIC VERMIFUC. S