Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 13, 1905, Image 2

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i 1.
, i
v: 3:
I'! j
! 3
In which Figured one of Goose Lake's
Prominent Farmers-John
O'Neil Fought Indians in
IS58 inthePalouse
tec ol kouuailM Public l.muii In
Notice if KfHioriilii'ii (( Pnlilu- I. hihN
to S.-i t Ifiiiftit and Kulrv. Hopurinient
tif the Interior, (icnetul Land (Mhce,
Uushinninn, P. C. I'eln'iaiy 4. 100...
Notice is herchv nivi'ii thai on .liiniimy
ft. 1!MI.", the Secretary l 1 1 lntcHor re
I. 1. 1.. Iii (tttinit ileHcriiieu areas
I111111 iiiiioritrv imiiram Mill. If lot f Ul-I II AC purposes,
mill rc-tored 10 m itifiiH'iii "II lif v
cunt pulihc lands, in'l otherwise resin v-
I I'll, tlllTflll ; Hllll tllllt tllf HIII'I l llllt- H(l
restored to heltleinciit on .utniuir ,
I 25. So-. 2i. S'v Sec. 27. Seen. "0. ill, .'!-',
;t:i, H4, : Hud .tu; in inwiiHiup.n jv,
Kitnirell K.. Seen. 1, 2, il. 4. ft hihI M;
In T.iiikIiii 22 S., Iinie I- K.. W'j,
Sec. . Sec, li and 7, W'j See. K, Nee.
111. V See. 17. Sec. IS, N Sim. 111.
Sec. 2tl, N VV'4 Sec. IT I ; In T..w nnliip 25
S., Kittle 12 Siu Nee. fi. SU 4 Sec.
I'll. Seen. 27. 2S, Lit. ill), ill, JI2, il.'i. M and
illi; In Tow iiHliip I'll S., Unlike 12 !'.., Nf
ii. in. II,
22, Sees.
,,.., I,.n.I SU'V,Scc. 1 Sen.. 2. it. 4
12, 1.1. 1 I, 15 hihI H, S'u Sec
2.1. 24. 25, L'li mill 27. I Sec. i4, Nccm.
ilfianil illi; In Tow iiHliip L'7 N , limine 12
i:., WNct. 1, Si-cm. 2. It, 11. 12, HI mill
14.SV.Ser. l.'i. Sec. Hi. See. 22, SecB.
. ..I'.vi ,11 .ir. I Oi: l.'i w 7 Ui;L C...
1005, Hi.-I nut ,.ll.crv,.sc ic-civcd. ,,. -; . - --"' V'V .TlB
In-come Hitl.iecl in entry. IiIiiim ml mi-i 'J? . ., ' '" -;' ' 1 1 '
lectinn. uiiI.t tt h.iiiI resUicniiMH, nt In IowiihIii,. J8 S.. Kiunrel.' I'..,
- i;n..e.l S,.e. 10,.,.. 2. . 1A 4 ,,,
I,....- (. I li. , U 11 llllll (I IMI I ICIH 1,1 IIICII "' 1 1 "1 - -
the liuiilh lie, 'M. : lliePii'lefiiiul Luke
view, ( Ireunn. (in M11V 21. ItHlii: In The
IihIIcm I.miiiI liiilrict ; In l.iwnhii Ii s
i IS, NVj N-c. 1!, NV, .Sec. 20, ,S 1
.!. ; 1 11 I " iinIi
in 1:., v.4
K.'.. Sec.
L'l . M : III I u iihIii i I S U nite
II K . t lie enure Inn iir-lii ; In 'lnwii-
1 1 1 1 1 IS S . l; inye HI I- . Sei. I - llliil I!,
I'.'.. Sec. 4. Sl'.'4 Sec. V. Sec 10 11. 12.
i an. I ii.. m.'I 'A see.
See. .4iin.l 2ft. I'.'.. See. .. s, , :!'.: In
. i -I i). 1" s
e 1 . . .1 I . -1 . 1 1
iiil-c M i: . S
. '. 1 . 1 1'. I
I 1
:: i
.:t ;.V II t !'.-! V-'IT I-- l.
rile .ill llei.i- .ilel l..-;MioW
t he 1 1 1 1 1 1 ':i 1 1 -i ii ;. ; r .
the Weill i h . if ililil' ::i :i!
.-ml- hi
in ; niu
it iii the
tliui.h 1 : i i ! (i-tt larins. tie- triumph
i! (juiet ami peaeealilc nccnpaiiey, lit
tle suxpects that the white man's
io.-.-.e.-.-ii Hi uf that fev'ile region n-
at (me time liitterly"-teil by the
Intiinn tfities which are now crou il
ed lievinul its In uvler.-,. !n met. not
iiint. y uf the reiileiits nl that cmia
tr' realize that liti inly eiicnutiterH
liave (iccareil iinniiiK tl"' liills and
vales lietwei'ii I'nite.1 States suhliers
;tii(l Spiikatie, f (HMifd'Aleiie anil i it her
ludiau triliesruen, aiid that nO yeurH
ngt the white niun who ventured
I., ei-ii-s Ilia!, then ninieh trass
cii'.ei-eil plain, on his way ti or from
tic- I'ainnliati liouinl.ify. or in n
" wise direetion. uas fortunate
iiiiieed i;'. lief ore his (lestina-'i-.Ii.
his seaiji was ,..t re.jliireii of
in lv."is, less than 'M years n;o, oc
ii.M'eil the must lioi.' iile military ex-pi-iiitious
iulo and tl.r eiii the I'.tl
ii. -v ,-i iiiutry of which we lui'i' any
iiiMory. imiiii-ty . t h of I 'oloiils
Mi jilut' am! U'rihi. I nfoi't una tely ,
v-; tie- detail.- ol these :u.- history We
have is mainly tradili .aa!. burdened
he vily with t he lift ii e ms.
in t ri:w s , ' i ol:-.
Tl,"ie are now but fe.v stirvi orn of
tl.o-e expedition-, and. probably, an
l"A of the Indians wle opposed them,
left to tell tln-Mtory. The writer, there
f ire, ci uisldered himse'f especiully for
tc.iiate in a recent ace uaiiitalice
ii man who participate 1 in both ex
j.editioiiH, and from whom he ha
1 'I'.i ned many details of those events
v. iii' li were never fm nd in any pub-
I -I.",! l-eeihtl Tlli- ellt lelll.'ll i:
' :i.l I, '.Neil, Wlfl 111 J - 1'esl.ier. ill-i :it
'i ( iiii.'oi-t.i -i ! :' ' !e- ).!
t.een thai siaieai i nivm, roj.-rt wir;, iiai:,-; the
I : 1 IS 111 t III' I OWII t . ' i ' 1 1 1 I l eeh ,
V. iliei, 1,. ,,, ; ,.. i ),..;, .,, .-i,e.
Mlioli-il lollleiill . .-il his t.lll'C
- or- year.- and ten, M r. I'.Ncil i- sil
.i:oI'ihin in li.-nUh and his tall. rue;.
ii"d loi'Ui lieai's with apparent ease
ti.e results of hardshii's that have
t dlell to his lot ill iniliel'ollK MIICCeWK-
'Ii dm iiie, u ).!,. ,-peiii on t In; frontier
Mid in mining, legion.- hince early
n..iuhood. As he relates his exper
i aces wiili hostile Indians, the kind of his jet leen e; e and the zest
i'i-pln.i ell wlcn tin iierative jior-
I I .t. s i,irl leuiarl;. cio - and da ii:;e,--
s.i li'k. IO.I-, .'ill: . i.i'ih une ;liat.
i .. hi- y on ,,-er t(!,, (,.. v. ti. ' ! I . .
I en a !' il lllidi. I" .. ."hill II ell a ,.;.'
I Mtlelieli!; and i- ton.'!,.-, but
slifjiiiy on hi- per-'uial cpioiis.
lie inli.aed ia lie einiv ,; in
.New Voi U cil.V in 1 -e', and wa- inii.--lercd
out at Vaicoitvei in I 'iii'. His
i..teerity h tiiiii'ie.stioned and he cu
joj'H the friteeni of nil who I.iiowh
Mlt. o'.NK'l 'H N .1 lilt ATI VI.,
I olio winc irt U hrief aecoiint 01 the.
steito(? mid Wright expedition- as
.Mr. o'Nell related it:
In the spnii; i.f ! Coiom-; t..p
Ii.e, toiiiiuaituir ol Kurt W'ulla W alia
r. 1 1 ' . . d a n., from tin- i.t
.1 Ai.'ii.' and ."-jioiMi lie t:';!i"- lo collie
in'. . . t neir i on ut ry lor ; he purpose of
lioidii.e. a council with a view to ar
rivit)e;at a treaty set t linn t lie (iies
tioii - fa rou te t hfoituli t heir country
and other iiiestions incidental to
travel thereupon. Accordiimly. w ith
one company of cavalry, consisting
of ion men and three Nez rerceMcotitH,
he set out from ll'alla Walla very
early in May. line howitzer was
taken with theiu. ami each man was
provi.ied with 4n rounds of ammuni
tion, snake river wub crosseii at what
' wan then known aw "Ileil Wolf ltohk
ins." w hich whs near the month of
Alpowa creek. Proceedim; north
ward, appri lachinu the the moun
tains, an l follow inn, f'f the greater
part, the Indian trails, they must
have crossed the North 1'alo'is river
Hot very far west of w here I'aloiise
now is. They passed east of Stptoe
laitte ami Mr. r.Veil is of the opin
ion that the 1'iitte on the west
am' the mountain on t lie east were
about ettiiilistnnt from the route
tra ersed.
i As Slep toe had been teijiiented to
'mala- thi- trip, his appr. iwh was
evideiitly beinn' watched for by the
Indians, ami before the company
i reai-h-d the North I'aloiise "111(111111
Mtrn" was observed and u little later
hinall parties of Indiaim were dis
covered headed toward the north.
I' PIANS r,l:i'o.l; INsol.K.XT.
(n .-uturduy evetiine; the com
niaiid reached a point which Mr.
O'Neil thinks n about ten allien
north of Stcptoe butte, and went in
lo ciir.ip on u Htretcli of bottom land.
c !'.
s . 1" ' . e
.. I . 1 1 1 U t '
. 1 . ,
.,..-. s.,-.
1. .in.. H '
e -7. L's. 20. ;..i
ee lift. See. eli :
oinire 12 1. , Sec-.
II lle
'! v
- 1. L1.
I 'l 1 1 .
i 1
111 I
.. 1.
I . " I
; I.
i ;
1 .
N i.
S-i 22. '..
. :;2. :;:.iiii.i
In T im n-liip
i. :;. . a, ii.
in, ii. 12, i:;. 14. k. Hi. i7. i ;o
22, 2:i, 24. 2ft, 2ii' 27. 2S. 20 und :
sec. :!2. Sec. ;4
Tiev n-li ip 10 s . Kiiiaii
I h.
- I ''.
.'I.l. o
I. Il' I t ,
mi I s
2i' in' I
10 s,"
7, s, o,
20. 2 1.
is, si-2cec. n i4 Hif!. :m, ,.(. .
In 'I (iwn-hlp .10 S , Uanne ill K.( ,,,,'
.'I. 4. i'ihiiiI 7. M l hihI Htt'.j Hec. h'
mccn. 1 2 ami If!, i;l a nee. Il, fee. ,'
M l Hec. Ii.kccm. H mill It), 2 mm'!
at), hi'ch. a.'l, a I, 2.") ami ar, I, .2mcc. ,'14'
hcc. 3ft; In TowiimIiIii JHi S., Khuhh hi
BecN. a, :t, 10, 11, 14, ift, aj, z
2n, 2;, ill hikI ,'tft; In Tiiwnuhip :ia 5
Khiic HUv, itecs. 2, II, 14 mid 2.1, xeoi'
24 and 2;. V. wc. 2(i. V.U. Mec Hw.'
,'lii; In TiiMiinhip .'Ift S., I;. Hi ).;., n'
.'Hi; In T(iiiHhip:i2S. , KHiitie 17 K.,
III; In Towimhip .'It S , Uhiih 17 K.'
him'h. 1, 2, .', 4, ft mid (I, KtNec 7. bcch.h'
II, 10, II mid 12, Notice. 1.1, hcch. 11,
in nun ii ; in io,iH(iip ,n n., KHtie
u i',.,eten. i, a. it, t, i.i, m, 24, '
211, ,H, .Iii HIHI ,m : in lowiiHhip lifts.,
IUii(f 17 1'.,, V hoc. 2. hkch. ,1 mid 4, l;j
HtHi. H, mw.. 10 HHC. 14, PUC8. 1ft, 111,22,
mid 2'l, seen. 2b to ,'Kl, i nnl iihIvc : In
hip 211 .v.. limiire 12 I-.., .s lowiiHlnp .11, S., Kniie U 1... S und
.Sec. 4, .S '. hikI N Jj .Sec. ft, .Seen, ti, i , ,N tt J, sec. I, l,mc. 2, N I A, Htm. 1 1, u
S, lli, 17, IS, 111, 2!) hihI :t0 ; I n Tnwimliip j hcc. l2.ecH. 24 mni ,'lli : I n I n Iishii4us.,
! 21 .S'. Kiim.e Tt 1'.., i:'v.Sec. 1. N", .Sec. 12; U. 17 K.. hcc. .'Hi; In Township 41 s!'
In Vntt nshlp 24 .S., i;mi);e i:l I'. , .Sec. .Hi ; K, I i I,., w HfC. I, sec, !i, hcch, 12 In Hi,
In TiiiiHhlp2ft .S'., Kiinire I,'! 1'.., .Sees. I , . in. Iiihivc, K1 hoc. 17, nil tluit pint
II, 12, l.'i. 14, l.i. Hi, 21 22, 22.. 21. 2a. 2i. , mcch. 21, 22. 2il, mid 21 Ivlni! In the Stiit(.
-i . L's ..... ..(. .. iiiiiii.ii.: in law ii h it i n , in neeiin. hi ii.Hiisiiin .i.i -i.. io.ih.k
2'. .S. . Km i ye 1.. I .. , Sec-. 1 . 2, .1. 4. 1 1 iiml
12. W '.. .Sec IS. .See. 10. V .Sec. Jill;'
In 'I'.h nship 27 .S'. . I C ii nue I : 1 i. . ,S'ec. ill. ;
In Township 2 .S . Kmiue I-'. 1'... M '.,
.Sec I. .S'lj .See. 2-'l. See-. eft II II 1 ,'tli ;
In T ttiish'ip :'.o ,s . Kunee :i Ii,, SI', .
.S'C 24. .See. 2ft. S-' .See, !',, ,Se . Illl; i
la T.iw li-lup 21 ' , liilnte 11 I ., .S'U '., '
.S'e . .Se,-. I illi.l ft. .S'U' Nee. Ii, ;
,S"C-. S. 0 and 10, NU I , .Sec. Ift. .Sees. ',
In mid 17, N '4 und M .1., .Sec. Is, N'
lied .S'.VI, Sec. 10, NW'V .Sec. 20, NK',1
.Sec. 21. .N V, .Sec. 22; In I.inslii
24 .S.. KmiL'e 14 I-)., U'V, .Sec. !t. .See.
is 1...M 2 sec. 22, '., nee. 21.;
Tnw OMil p "..) S.,;e IS I I., sec
Ii inclusive. . I "n.c. 1.1, .N J B. e, 21)
SI L' nee. i'.i. hi .'., 2L. ,N I 2 iiih I
SW '.. hec. 1 . He . ell. Nil' nee. ;; ...
S , loine - !;
r.iw it .-1 1 1 1 .ii, s.,
Mi; In .,uii-M
-ec. Ii. S 2 -ec.
Unlike s i;
hcc, 7, sec. s( tt sec. 0,
nee. ', s-2 mid N I o, Sec.
N J sec. 2. .l 2
-ec. .'ill. N tt I. mc.
u...- i: la
" ' ' '" ' ' h
ec I',. .S2
20. s 2 n lid
sec. 2s. . j -e . 2!l
ft. N 2 cec. :(:;, ..
I .'lli; 111 1'lltt Ill-Ill II i!7 S., KllllL'e I'.
I .e. nee. .I, I. 2 sec. 24; In I iviihIi
24, 2ft, 2'i, 27, , ''iiiiije is r... mcc. .in; in loun-hip
:i4. :ift mid Kli; 4iis.. Kmine s ... j, i.s, 21
lift mid III.: In In Tattiishii, 2ft .S . Kmice 14 K. . I he I ''"! -. r-'t He . .I.i. sec. .Hi; 1 u luwii-
II I" Ihe entile I entire In a nsh I n : In Thh in-hiii 2H .S'..!"lop4 h. , KmiL'e s l, Hec. . l
14. Ift. Hi. 20. 21. 2:
20, :iu. .".1. :i2,
mw n-lnp : I n 1 (iwii-liin lo ., loiiiL'e 10 i Kmiire 14 I... .Sees. I, 2. II. 4 ft, Ii, ., H,
i:.. se.-. 1,2 mni:;. m:!, s,..- iu n1... io, 10, n, 12, m, 14, 1:.. m. 17, is. i.
und Si:'4 s. c. 11. sees 20 21. 22. 211. 24, 20, 21, 22. 2H, 24, 2ft, 2ii. 27, 2s mid 2H.
2ft. 2i. , 2. . 2S. 2!' mel HO, N1'4 Sec. 112. .Sec. llli; In Tim nship 27 N., Kimi;e 14
Sec- l',4. lift ami lili, Sees. 12. I.i, 14 mid I I '. ., Sl' .Sec. 111. ,S'i? .Sec. ll..sV',( .Sec.
Hi. si!'. S-c. 10; In T.nwidiir 20 s., 12, .Seen. Hi 14 1ft. Hi, 22, 2H, 24. 2ft, 2i,
Kane lli I'.., Se.--. 1 . 2, Ii. 4. ft, Ii. 7. S, II. 27 mid 2S. .S';'4 .Sec. 111. Sees. :S2, lili,
111,11.12,11! 14. Ift, Hi, 17, IS, 20, 21, 22, 114, lift mid .'Hi; In Vinviishlp 2S .S'.,
211, 24, 2ft. 2ii, 27, 2S, 20, Hi;, Ii4. lift ami
llli; In T'nttiiship 211 S , limine 1ft I'..,
Sees 1. 2, Ii. 4, ft. I.. 7, S, It 10,11,12,111,
14, 1ft, Hi, 17 mid IS ; In Tow nship 20 S.,
Kimee 14 K., U '.. s.i
Sec. IS, S'v mid N U '4 Sec. 10, SVj4
Sec. 20 Sees. 20, 110, 111 mid 112, W r-ec.
I!.'! ; In T..w n-lnp 20 S , KiniL'e III K., S'j
See, 1, Sec-, 2. Ii. 4 an. I ft, .- K, mid N ll'j
s-e, ... N i hcc, s. Sec-. 0, Hi, II, 12, 111,
14. lftaiiU H., I1.. Sec. 22. Sec-, 21!, 24,
2ft ii id 211. K'.. sec. 27, M:'4 Sec. Ii4,
N '.. Sfi', lift. f-ec. Ill
Hani;.- 12 I! , W1..
Kanvie 14 Seen. I. 2, il. 4, ... Ii. .. S,
0. 10. II. 12. 111. 14. 1ft. 111. 17 mid IS.
IV, Sec. 10, Sees. 20. 21.
iii. 17. anil 111. NV. mid Ni:'. .Sec.
mid NW'4 lili), ,SV(H. il2 mid ill!, N'4 .Sec. i!4. NV,
-ec. III. Hec. In in liiclilHi ve, M 2 fee.
17, se,'. Is. all that putt (if hits. I'l tu
24, inclusive, h int: in the state (if I Ire-
tnii; In Tnw iiMlnp ilft h. . liuiiKe '.l K.,
sees. I tn a, inclusive, I.I 2 sec. (i hcch.
S ti. Hi, inclusive, I'M 2 sec. 17, hcch. 22
to 20. inclusive, hcc. llli; In Tew iihIiii
ftl.s., KniiL'i' III 1.., sees. 1, 12 mid lit,
si 2 Hec. 11, nl 2 und w hcc. 1ft, hhc.
Hi, slH. sec. lit, hcch. 20 tu llli, 1 1 ic 1 1 1 -i ve,
N w sec. ill, sees. 112 tn ll'i, iiflusivc;
In h., Ii. Ill 1'.., Nw1;. hcc.
1. Hecn.'i. :i, 11. In. n;. i; unit in. N1., Hit. ai. w.
hen. -l. Hi.. See. 'it,. NH'4 Hec. XI. Hi'CK. M. 3,"
hikI Hi; la Tuwimlii,. ; H., KsiiKc '31 K,, Hect.
I In Is, ItlclliHlvii, NK'.Hci'. til, SWi. s.i:. 'il,
Sec. K', twr.. XI, I", Hett. HI, Si c. ti,
I II Tllll IIHI11 iii s.. iihhi;i. 'il r... s.t'l.
.See. il.i. .See. ,'tli: In Tnw li-hin HI .S'.
Kitime 14 K., .See. itli ; In 7'iiwnsldp
i!0 .V. Kanire 14 V... NV, .Sec. 1. .Seen. I
Hi, Ii. IS. 0 iiiiiI .0. tt i,, .See. 2s. .Sees, i mni NC. sec 1 1. s.Mh kii.I I I. I.'
ill. I'M mill id. N V. .S.c. 111'. .N U I , .Sec. i 'I see. "I . I n I ,. iihIi i . :'i, s . i;., -i K.. -,n.
e S'..e "i; I T I.. "1 S' I1 1 ., I., 7 Kllll . W '.. K(.r. U, Seer,, III In I lli'l ll-lvc.
' .-.. . si hec. '.'I, hi .cu. '.! In :i'.!. Itii'liMlvr:
1 1. .See- ., Ii 7 lli 10 II "1 "7 I n 1 utt llnlill. :!7 h... Itunm "I I-... s. , . ... i;, 7. II.
; III Tow nship 20 S., ; .... . .... I,, in.. 17. Ih kiiiI In. S'., mi. i XW, .Sec In
sec. 1, V.. Sec, 2, ! ,'.,. , .,-i.i,, v l:.. ...... u I s..u
SI. ce. 11. U I. Sec. 12 Nl.. ."ec. I . r. -" . '.. ... .. . , ... '
. ' . - ,,. i . ,.. ... ,. n. ... i' i. i i . i -i. i.i. ni. it.
s. I'K ill. i7 mni i.'. N' .See. :'s, .sVch.
iti. i'.o, mni ::. U 'v .Sec.":;;'; In Town
ship il.'l.S'., Kanye ! K.. .SectimiH I. and
7: In Tnwiishin i'l ,s'.. Kunire ft K.. .s'L
portions of which wereiiiite hwhiii-
j continued on iai. six. i
The Toiler ina Gwr
i f." wrrkm-ii in tie- -.,:lil i .m .li. ... -.
ore- ta.- -.nue lntel'iience that oni .:.
j An, ' ov.ii. w.irk men aim wnttict, aie c
. - . , i i.. mm ... i,..
: vKfi v , ; ......
C" ', JJySfci ( the win Id in iii.iin.i.e
'.. ',''.i?.'u ; h,t " '
i Inv V4( brain and inu.cie of cai:
't i YfitW Vankee Lien en..
: iV 'Afli'i3 lolf.irlllliately wl.C'i-
,i i 'J B t then-i-Ninokc, dirt in!
i'a u1 und little HinilijrM
i iT i""-wiJ t,ltr' al" can I nmiiil
-f i -f t'l fi-rniB of disease.
j-- ii . STfh--M Katurt'i (treat dininlVc
ii :MbI m.M taut is aunliKht. It in
t) ttttinJ in the factory, the work
I I w m -' o."l', itir iiiiicc, mat
A Lia-'aij c I men a"d wntie n .suliei
rrir.,..j:io o ' from discaM-H which r
in the dust ami the had
air. fa ii c h il i s c a s e
fi'-rnm enter into the
Mood in two way-,
either through the
l.mji'. or KtotiiMch.
AUi r ycir- of ex))eri
cik c in an active pi t. -
- 1 V.r. I'.. V. Pic
! ' V.. dl.-'.MVetcli a ,1'IK, ...
' nt.t, i-r i el ti .Mm liiu. . -'
' ' tune !,,,, vim s a coiiiiii. I ..
i- . ' ! l.-rei i l.oiiii il .! lie,.
i v in ii.t.-tative exlni.'t lint as.,i ,
in ...' -'.ioii ami p.- nil i i.i i ion o( tie-
'-I I' lie' t.iuOil K I ',,S eleHK ir.
Ilolll t,e J '.. 'lllC'.S of (li;;. slum, tile liver ill
lie - . : i.iue is nan. (1 iittii activity and
Inc.- i p.-f-et c 1 1 in in . : inn of wa.ilc lice
nr. 'in.- . -r in n of (tr.p, malaria, calami
or i ..a ,iiiiijtiiiii find a fertile held if tiif
body i., iii. t kept ill peiiccl cider nj
tie- I!.. ci pure.
Ilecaii-e the sloniHeh In r1iseBerl titers I
is a diminution of the red corpuscles of i
the Mood. This IH why one in hlecplcicv, j
I4IIKIIH1, iierviius aim lullamc. hennitoe
hluiiia. h uioau aloud at the irriulniK cod
liver oils, hut lliey will yet all the food
elein-ills the tissues ieilllje by Usillli the
"f'.nhleii Medical Uiscovery
Tin- '' 1 1 i.m ovcry " is al.soUiti ly n in,n
aleoholio and mm - narcotic mi (li. iiie,
Xhele ', p.itlinilf l-l.-c "jiiHt as !oo(i."
1' I'L '- l'1-a-aii! 1'etl.a , the 1
btxi'.l'. In 111:. I , .:!. p (.,li.. 'la,;:
CUiC I.. .11 .UiAllloll Ulld LililllUsliLak.
'I; In the I.akeviett Land Ih-tnet; In
T..V. Ii-illp'2 1 S.. lianee S ll.Sec. 1, K'..
See. 2, S1., Sec h. S1;, anil N K'4 Sec. U,
V'.. ee.lU, I'.1., sec. 11. Sec-. 12 mid
111, si,, Sec. 14, S'a mid NU 4 Sec. 1.1,
sees. Hi mid 17, Sees. 22, 211, und 24, l.'.j
fee. I!2, .sees. IIIl. I!l. i;." ami .'in; In
Township 2" i , llm'iue s 11.. se. s. 11 mid
4, !: Sec. 5. Sees. H. SI, 10, 10, 17, 20 and
21; lit Township 24 S., li.inne 0 l.-.S1;,
Sf .. 7, S.'.j -ec. 10. SW4 .si c. II. Sec-"
loanil I'i.'S'.j See. 17, Sees. IS. 10, 20.
21, 22 mni i'li U '.. ,vi' 21. S.'cs. 2o. 2ii,
27. L's, 20 ill. (I IH'. N See. 1,1, Sees. 112,
Ii.'!. 1.4, Ho mid lili: In Tottii-liip 2."i S.,
Ilm.u. !' K.. N'.. S e. 2, Ni:4 Sec. 71.
U "... s.,,'4. S'.. See. Ill, V'., .see. II, S'..,
Sec." Ill, Seen. 14, l-"i and H'.."N e See. 22",
NK'4 Sec. 24; In Tott n-hip 2S S., Kunwe
! K., ;i4 Sec. 10, S'.. Sec 11, S'., und
NU '4 Sec. lli. Sees. 14, 15 mid Hi. S'
sec. 21, Scch. 22. 211, 24, 2."., 'Jiutiiil 27, N j.j
Sec. 2s, Sees. 31, iio hikI Uli; In Town
ship 20 S., KiinucW K., Seen. 1, 2 and
I!; In Tou nship 24 S., Kane 10 K.,
S'.., Sec. 12, Sec. Ill, S1., Sec. Ill, Sees.
24 "und 2j, SU'j4' Sec. 2S, Sec. 29,
Sees. 311, 31 ami .'12, NWJ4' Sec. .'11. Sec.
lid; In Tow ntdiip 2" S., Kbiih ID K.,
Sees. 1, 2, 11, 4 and 5, Ni:'4 Sec. ii, Se h.
7,s,'i. 10, 11.12, 111. iri.lliand 17, Nia
and V'4 Sec. IH, II1.., Sec. 211, N 'j Sec.
24; In T.m nship 2'i S., limine PI V..,
Sec. 24, N'.j and SU .1.,' Sec. 25, Si:4
See. 2i., SI-.'.,' Sec. Ill Sees. I!5 and illi;
In Tittiislup27 is., liiiliue 111 11 . N '.,
See. I , U' '.. See. 2, K,1.,. See. li,.S'.. anil
N U ;., See. II, S .. .--ee 12, Sec. l.'i,
SI-:'. See. il, See. "ti, I-. 1.. Nee. 21, See.
ami NK
.1. .Sees, iio mid llli; in
1 Township 22 .s'., Kmii;,- ; K., .Sees.
land 2. N', and ,NI',i4 .Sec. (),
.Sees. , 72, '!. 74. .. mid M, Nil'.,
I .Sec. 2, .Sees. 22. 211. 24. 25. 20 und 27.
; l.K, .Sec. ill, .Sec-, i',5 mid llli: In Tott 11
I ship 21'. .S' , Kmii;e "' I... .Sees. mid 2.
I'!1., .Sec. II. N I'l .Sec. It. .Sees. . 2
J il. 11 mid ii. I.i.. .Sec. i'l, .Se, -. 22. 2.".
; and 21. NV. and M'"4 ,Sec. 25, N 'v .S'e,..
i 20, N '.j .Sec. 'Si. .Sec. ltd; In TnttllHldp
ji'4 .S'.. I.'miu'e 5 II.. .S'U 1 , ,S'ec. iill, .Sec.
..1 ; In 1 oh 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 i5 ,s'.
tt 'v.S'cc. 5, .Sees. 11. 7, S,
20 mid 21. S1., sec. 22, S
W 1, S
Kiinire 15
Hi. 17, Is, )i,
, ht'C. 2H, htt'i
sec. 24, hech. 25,211, 2i'. 2s, '.i, 110, ill,
112, .'III, i!4, 115 and llli; In Tow nship 2(1
S , Kai.iK'e 15 K. , the entire tnttiisliip;
In TimiiHhip 27 S.p liuii.'e 15 I'... hecs
1, 2, il and 4, K'sec. 10, seiH. II, 12, 111,
14, 15 and Hi, Yt hec. I, scch 111 and
24. w), Hec. 20, Hecs, ,'to and ill, nee.
iI2, nee. itli ; In Township 2K S., Kanye
15 K., S1 and NU'J 8ec. ,0, hcch. (i, 7,
and II. S.I sec. II), h ',; nei: l.'i, huch. 14,
15, Hi, 17", is, 10. 211. 21, 22, 211, 21, 25,
2d. 27, 2 and 2!. hcch. ill) and ill, N1
sec. 112, H'.j sec. lilt, hec. i!4 ; In Tott ii
hhlp 20 S., Kitncc I-M , hcch. 2, il. II,
12 mid 111, hcc. 14, S',j and Nv sec III;
In Township 110 S., limine 15 K , hcch.
Ii lllld 7. S2 sec. 10. sec. II. NV, see. 12.
sees. 111. I 1. 15 and Hi. tt hcc. 17, l:
sec. s, S I '. j hcc. 10. w '., sec 20, Nl'.lj
sec. 21, se-it. 22. 21! and 21, V., ami -Ki
I 'I utt iinIiii. :'..i S., ItHlille '.!! 1... Sec. ;:i.; Ilil.m'le
! si, 1 1. Ill s. I:uliue -Jl K . s. c, a., stvi.
s.',;. :iil, SW. See. ;n, NK1 , See. .1.. see. Li.; Ill
I. .n nship 11 h., iiHiitii. '.'I h., s' j Se. . 7. S't
s.-c h. Seen, II. to lh. Ilii llislM. Ill, thill .iin
.if Sees, l'.i, lin iiiiiI '.M li nn' 111 ilie hliitt. ill
Ore:i.,i: In InwllHllll. 111. h., Kiilii;.' '! il.,
sees. I III IH, iucltlHlve, Scch, '1 III 1'h. IliehlSIVf
sees :t;i to IK.. tiinltiHtvc; In I'nwusiiip si
S,, limine'."-' K.. Smb. I to 1. llli'lllMlve, SiT
il III Ii.. inclusive, N.l. See :, Sel H. S'J
llicllisll c, Seen. 31, mill 111,; 111 'I nw lisll 111 .V
S., I 111 1 1 lie -1! K.. Hcch. 1 to It inclusive, hec. Ill
lo I.i, iiiclitmvc, hcch. to .f7. mel iisi V-. stci.
.1-1 10 .) tni'liinlve; III '1 lltt'lltlttl. Mi! H.. llHIIHe
-'- K., Sc.H I 111 II. Inclusive, Sees. Ill III I'.
Iliclli-IM-, Sees, mm n, M7, inclusive. H'.. ull'l
Ni:'4 see. Ill, Sees. 111. :7. nail In 'I'nw ll-lll.
Ins., InuiKc ."J K. Ml', sec. :t. N ' ., mni h',
sec. I. See. ... K'.., See. I,, See. H. s' Hull X IH,
s. c. II. se. See III. M '., Sc. . I.i. See-, lli HIHl 1.'
S.'CS. '.'I' tlllll 'Jl. ' S.'C. S.'CM. MS llllll '"!. N 1 ,
.-c.:'., Xtt i. see. a,', s.-c-,,. :i:;, x, hihI :.; In
Tim lislil. -ii. S., Kiiiikc 1J ;., SW;4 hice. 7, Sl.
i.. in ."j, ineinsive.
W. A lllr I, A It ConillliHsililier,
A i . i .1 . . ell :
H A. H itciicih K
seereliiry ul (lie lulcrmr.
N i : i
N ;,; Sec. 115, Sec. lili; in Tnw iislnp 2H
S., limine in I,., .-sec. i, N i.
K'.. See. 2. S'., 111.0 Nl.'., Sec" I
i;:, u ',. Sec. in, si;'., s.-c. 2:;, se'-s. 24 :
mid 25," !'.'.. See. 2'i. Scch. iill mid ill, Si., i
Se :. 112. Sees. Iii! and 111. S'.j and Sl'J4
.sec. il l. Sec. llli; In Township 20 S. ,
lianee Hi i: ., Sees. 1. 2, ii, -I, 5 and ti;
III Township 22 S., Kiine I I 11., Scch. 1,
2, il mid 4, I'.1.. Sec. f. Sei M. H, 0, lo, H,
12, Hi, 14, 15, "lli, 17. is, 10,20 21 ai.(l22,
N ll4 S.-c. 21, Sees. 27, 2H, 20, ill), ill, il2,
sec. .i, , sec. -n, . nee.
HI". 2, I'l'. s.-c. iill, S", llllll NI'O, HCC. 111. I
S' mid Nil, hcc. iill. SV, sec. Ill, Sl hcc. !
115. sec. llli ; I li I nw nslilp .,1 si., i,iui(. J
15 I... -(. li, 4 iiiiiI ".. NV, mid si I1, sec I
N 1.1 sc. ,. .N'., sec. K, Hec. 0, N ' mid
sw ', he -, in, I .', hcc 11, hech. 12 and 111,
hw J hcc, 15, sec. Ill, w hcc. 22, hecs. 211,
24, 25, 2o and 27, hi'.', sec. 2, hcch. iill,
114, il,'. and itli: In TowiiHhi,. il S
he.'H. il and 4, I'l1- Hec. 5,
and ill; In Township 211 S., Uanuu
1 1 K., I.'j Sec. 4, KecH. o, li, 7, 8, Hi and
17, Sc. l's, exceptini; 2, il, 4, 5, (i, 7,
10, 11, 12, 1 1, 14 and 15, Nut:. 10, except
HU Lots I!. 4,5, (i, II, 12, lli and I t, W
See. 20, S'm and N K.'4' Sec. 2d, (s'a' Se:".
27, S' . Sec. 2S, Keen. L'Oand Iill, Sec. ill,
exceptmo Lots 10, 1 1, 12, Hi, I t and 15,
See.-. 112, I'll, i'.l, l!5 and .'Hi: In Tow nship
1 1 I!., N '., und SW. Si
2, . i".. II. ( and 5. .See
I.-. I- . n. I", HI, I I
!' .S'i . 7, . e, j . 1 1 i ' J.'.ts
i .. 1 1 , I:', 1;;, 1 1 and I-'.. I1'. N 1 , Mr. I 7, Sees
Si ', ,s..e. ;, I. SW' ,' See.
AllniiuixtrBlor' Wuticc
mitick is iii;i:i:uv given, Tht
the iindcrHiiMied AdininiHtrator of the
I'.Btate of THOMAS S. MIMNA, DeceM
ed, ban died hid FINAL ACCOUNT
us Mich AdininiHtrator with the Clerk of
the County Court of Luke County, Ore
Him, and that the Hon. It. Iu!v, JuJH"
of hhiiI C'.urt, liHH appointed Sutnrduv,
the 22nd day (if April, 1005, at the Court
room of Hitid Court in Luke view, Lake
('utility, ( Ireynu, as the t ime and (iU'
lnr tlic hem inj; of olijecl inns to such ll'
mil Account, if any there he, mi l tl"
hcttletiicnl thereof.
I'itted thin 2l!id day of March, VM.
Yiiiuii. Conn,
I'lmiiilNliatrr nl the r.Hiuie u
THOM AS S. MIMNA, Deceiihed. 121"
Kmce 15 l ',
l-'L kite. H, Hech. M. p) , II w I H(.
hch. 14, 15, Hi, 21. 22 hihI 2H, til
see. I.i' ; I ii 'l ow n-hip 25, S., liautie i
UL., Sc.- I und 2, S1., and .N '., Sec.
li. ee.i. I. 5, I ., 7, h. It, I'l, 11, 12, ,1, II. I
I."., i'.. 17 iiiiii is, Lou :;, i, 5 and ti of
s.c. I'i, Sees. 20, 21, 22, 2:;, l.nd 21, I'.Kj
See. 25, V.. Sec. 20, N Sec. 2H; In
. Tow lo-hlp 20 S., Kane 11 K., N '., und
i SU',1, Sec. lit, Sees. 2, 2s, illi, h and
I ; in 'Jow iiHiiip 27 s., Kitnyi) n j;.,
I U .'.. Sec. 1, Se-M. 2, il, 4. II mid Id., iS'.j
and NW '4 Sec. 11, SU'J.,' Sec. Hi, S'
j Hid NU'.'., Sec. 11, Simih. 15 und Ki, N '.,
. Sec. 21, Sees. 22 and 211, K.'.j mid N W'j4'
i Sec. 21, N U',' i Sue. 25, Keen. 2i and 27,
S., Nee. 2K, N.'.; Sec. iio, Sees. 115 and ill'.;
i in i nw nship 2s S., Kaiiue 1 1 II., Seen. I,
2 und I'., s'.. and N ','.,' Sec. l., See. 7,
U 1 ; See. S, Nl-.' 'x Sec. 0, Seen. II, 12
"H i I i, I '., Sec. 14, Seen. In, I,', ,id
' 1". Sec. 20, N 'm Sec. 21, SU'Suc.
24, v. Hec. 25. scch. 2(i and 27, SL and
Ni: hcc. 2. sr.y, hcc. hcch. iii, ;i5
and Uli; In TowiiHldp ,'til S , limit'e ),,
K., S hec. I, huch. 2, ii, 4 ami It, N'
Hec. 10, hcch. II, 12 and 16; In Town.
Hhit, 21 S., KmiKtt lli K., hecH. I. 2, il
anil 4, K1, sec. , Hech. 1, 10, 11. 2, Hi,
14, l'ltinil Hi. Nell sec. 17. i; hcc. 21
sees. 22, 211, 21. 25, 2'i and 27, I'.M n:
2. hw'j hec. III. hcc. .'ill, N1., nee . ill." hcch
I., excepting I il.'. und ill,; hi Tun nsliip 22 S., ii.n,.
15, l'.,J and I Hi 11., hec I, Kl -2 sec. 2, Nl-2 and hw 1
,11, 4,5, li, 7, sec. I, Ml -2 sec. 5, w -2 m-c 7 N .'i
s. S, , 10, II j see. K. w 1-2 sec. 0, 2 hcc. 1 , -.','.
Is, lo and ill, j Li und I'., SI-2 mid NL'., sec' IT, Sic'
I, I , ',. Sec. si'i . is. see. in, him;. 20, w 1-2 sec "I
sees. 21 an.
w 1 2
N W. sec. ,11, w 2 s.c. Il.i. I I."-.... -il
w I 2 sec. .'l.'i, sec. illi; In Tow nship 2:i ,S'.
liunire Hi 11., hcc. I, Nl-2 sec. 2, Nl '.
hec. il, SI-2 km:, li, hecH. 7, 12 and 111,
Nwj hec. IS, fcl:,.H. "if o-, ull, Jn
TowtiHhip 21 S., KatiKt) Hi ;., 8l.,.. J
In 'Jottiislnp 25 S., I;,,m, Hi K huch.'
ildrSf midil2; In Ton Iislnp 2li H.t Khiiiiu
lli K Keen, il, 4, 5, (i, 7, K, (i, lp J,
1... Hi. 17, ix, 10, 20, 21, 22. 2.1, 2li, 27
2N,2.i,3l. a I. iI5 and iiii; in
inwiihliip 27 ,S'.. UiiiiM,, it; j.;.. tint imi
tiru towtiHhip; In 'I'owtiHhip ' s.
KttiiKH HI K.. hies, J, 2, il and 4 I'l
sec. 5, hcch. h, II, lo, II. iA , '- ',
I.. 1!', 21), 21, i'2, 2.1, 21,25, 2'i, 27, 2H
20.:ilJ....d;:2. ivlhcc. 111!, hec. iill; In
I ow iiHlnp 20 t... liaii, pi J.;,, h,.,.s ,(
VT, 8und U, bee. Ill, Nl-2 btiu. 17, 'hoc!
I . i t laiml Kiual I'ruol'.
t nittMl StateH Land t.Hictt, Lakcviti.
Oreyoti, March 211, 1111(5. Notice is liert"
liy l! I veil that John T. Mitilpiu, of Adel,
Luke Co., OrcKon lian tiled notice of
leiition to make proof tut hiH desert Ihi"'
claim No. 425, for the KKjV SV.y,.
:i2, swy svt4M-:4', ,s'i.,:. ;i;i, i
il!S., II. 25 J).. V. M., hiifore Keiiint"
and Kuceiver at Lakeview, Oregon
TliurHiluy, the 11 day of May, l'.H)'. llr
nmiicH the following wilniiHHeH to prv
the coniilete irriution und ruclauia1'1'"
of bald 'and: Oaklev ' Ctark, Clurl!
I'.aty and .luck I'.urrv 'uf Adel. ('n'liO11
and ( leo. Maiipiu of Warner Ukf'
Im 17 .I.N. U'A'I's'iN, ltej!i 'l,'r'
A Cliunce for Speculator.
SCHOOL LAND 2S0 tiercH "t luv
uniinpioved tint icultii i u 1 land for f1'
cheap. JliHcriiilion ; SU',1.,', rJii ,f'
M;.'4' and NVJ4 of SICL.'. Nidioii v
J'p.,31) S.. K. 1U J.. W. M. Tliin l
(luHtialile piece of land, located in ('lK"
Lake vulluy und will muku hoiii' "ial"
L'uoii rancl1
We are now prepurod u ell wver-
tractH of land ut prii:in that will turt'r
you,' eHpeciullv if von are actnmi"1'
with the location. U'o littve luml id'H1
woy from 1 1. 00 per ucre up to V' v
Improve! (,r m m (.veil, to mot
t, i . , . ... l.,ir. l
.u..,immii , i.atvo laiuuiy I'Auiiiiii"--
qpt m