11 .. ,, ', ;!::! Into. t!.e murder. V "i .,,. , v ,,., ', i . 1 1 . 1 1 a-.'in. I l- I In !' ni I'm 'l.ih-l I t .lane. 1 . 1.1 1 1 v I, ., -, m.- nvv : of - 'I HTril.lr thin. " u '"' " ,"' s,,""l iiin! heard the .Indue prori. .im. i- the sentence I.. In' hatiucil I'.v lit'' neck ..! t.'-nwnly 0?.va uh;cs eu-iic.J t-r Thurdn c. (. metzm.k. Mj.onK Huiiilln To Arrive Shortly Kl'.t- r. ! HI tie ''"' ".' I n.'vi.'. or, a- , , niuM ih M' I' r. 11 I i1 - until It.' lell." "II M: "til. .One Year, $2.00 1 itlnn wept and "' teats rolled TERMS: Mon . . . -.1 -0 , f , t , , liff Ileum ended, rii.uitrli he LAKEVIEW.OREOON. APRIL 0. IOO5. ( has lieen nivcll more tlHH" to prcplllV ----- - fur il.-nl Ii lliiin hejruvc his poor I11- Ar? Unwarranted Request 1 -t-iit victim. Tin Klamath l.ills pnwr Inform ( ' ,t. .,rKf7t plowing outfit in Ore UK of a movement ly citizen- of that 'j,,,,, rn.,.,ty unloaded in Pclidle town to remove the land otlii-e ft "in t(ll) ,m. n ,1h,,,j H ( ntutilln ! Ijikevfew to Kliiinntli Pulls, county farm. 1 1 consists of it piliir Tin- facts which iH-nr upon this ,,f ,.jelt 14 j-ti pious pulled ly 11 question are no directly opposed t' .,, r traction engine at, the niovemeiit that It il.nn not weni t)(1 r.n. tlf .,. ,K.,. ,,,ur, chIcii That any per-oii colli.! lmwl,v 11.?- Ilt,., tl, ,,,v :) acri. of hiinl in one tIK'llt' it. dllV. Then- an- in Malheur. Hartley. . Lane ami Crook counties vnafl.nnti 1 ;.-si,.'his of urciroti City ami of acres of overnm-nt land wlic-h din-kanm- .-oiinty arc protiiiin: must lie entered at the land office in liittet ly iiiia inst t lie rea ovul of the this district, if the district is to re-' laml otli ire from tliat city to Port- nmiii as it is. laud. Th-y w Ireil t lie president t.. To imve tlie ..thee at which I lies.- eivc 1 hem a fair show, lands must he taken to Klamath """"" """"" lulls will ohlie every settler in "' '' "Wlil th.- ,-o,1ti-d.-sn inu t., take late! ha-.liscoverd thai a -.rent d-al. and in this ,!r,-,-, to -ravel "-- "f "'" :,rv' '"' lr-d i..ii.-s fur-her than t l,.-v must 1 ""-l" ' 1 ' now. 1.. ..,.., tl,.- w,. land, while Mountain reserve in l!nin. was (rmi.- f ,i. .,' tl,.- j .- wh.. iiletitly a. .iiir.-.!. prnji -. -' -1 . - ti;t.e,: aii'l i-iitM'.ali t h-- i i ihI-. ! ii;' i ! Iioiie-- ami 1: s .- ii 1 ; A complete line of Dress Goods. Ladies' and Men's furnishing goods, Fancy Goods. Men's, Boys' and Youth's Cloth ing, Hats and Caps. ailey Massingill tic t,i,:r . W.- Iia Ve sit. .Wll ciea ! What Ititluein-e I he c. i III 1 1 1 i ! t ee op- ..iiht.--l a ' K l;i mi 1 Ii I alls t.. Inim- I ha', f -.a .a.- f: i--' ii part ni t Ii.- ia n i .111 in- ivi .1 a 1 k t he ia'i ! 11. l.i di.-tri.-t. I - tin .vim .villi ! h' -.-si . -lit an tn- i.tli.-.-s-ttl.-- a Kla-I.a'l. 1.' r.v tn K !a Ilia I a I 1 1 a ;- ali that I- i a.- il.st rii-t mi-lit II it-ln-'.ck. 'I'll.- lAaltilli'-l- u ra t Ii.-r a- it di-i-a-s. -1111:1 h.iM- ai-. lie-' nii-1 I-.- niiri. se:..-n a - ii-retat fit'.- a adl.-t drive. at Ii s ia t Ii.-r i 1 Ii aial lli" lu'-ei-i .if tin- ui.ii. i rikinu his , ;,? fa'le full t he hi-a.l. 'I'll.' l.o I le-li ra 1 for his i.un lif.'. The father l'lie s.-i-i.-t a r ui' tie- I a t eri-1 1 has ,1,,.., ., , , , . ,1 , .... ,, ,,.! 1, 1 .1,. si., .is '" ''i'-,iu'"1- u",!'-" il ordered the wi.l.drawal from entry aI hi, tt..,.ius. ,,, ,!. n.-h of tin- laud is n-arer t,. !.R.-vi.-w if).,1( in-n-s ( lain) r.-,,i 1 tillM. Then 1 It- in' lit ia t . - I man ' ii'-n- than to Kititn fit I-.-d.s. wi.ihh. acres in Washing to 1 ac- ,.(t sllcniu ,M lt, his if.-. u ra I.U-d her I: 1; ad -.th-es ate establish.-,! (.- ,.,,,,,, f, ,,,.,, -M1 ,.,.,. ,i 11... family l-.-caiie- 1 1--ii 1 1 1 -1 1 i that ihk . -. y v'v-f .'T-i'-'f?-- i'?,r-V-r "f - -- v---'i"'' .'1 ;K -. : i DC A T T C nnTTr CTATir I I I: ItCAl.l.. I'r.ipnct.ir I.AkRVIEW. OKI'.O'.IN. tl t he iiell.'t! t 1 if i'l'.-a-'illU Set tiers llllll ., til" iaiid it: t ia - d. strict . 4 per cell t . ( if . s,i-, ...Tti.-i. nil; i,.-i, t!Mi'lll this .H-retary of tate llm t ee-ra I died the ."-late I lepa ft inent at U'aHhinj:- !!'! I ier i-i-llt . will I ... 1 .11 1 tn In -i ui v. -ni. 'in- l.y i t . ton from ' ' iliralter on March l".ttli. stating that his health was nrn-h V. e u ,t:,. -ii .-st t,, Kla111.nl, ' "' 1 1 '" v'-' ' Ka'i-th.it if their tii.i.- tn re.M-.-ni til - 1 1 1 i . r s.-.-' WH il.lliateil ,y a 'lesir- t- ai laiiio-la t- eu,l- ia Miiiii- :.- or Michigan, w lio want tn i-iiu-- --i tin- .-oiihtry tn l-n-ate titiil-f hind 1'if sjie.-iila t a m tin izn I er l.earl. Mee-nrden went tn Nvssu ':?" jit -nice her.- he ii- arrested. The 0 children. si in mi niher ent tnuliere the, t niotli.-i- fell dead at her litis hand s feet and loaded I lie if....M ''.s' c liody illi-.a 4 heellia ft i o and took it In tin- near t i,. -11,1, a- wno u-ie -;' t Ii- alarm Has Japanese Hands i Uiei 'I'll.- Ill-III I let's of t he ( a lli , 1 I nil! Ill is sioll llile fesielleil l. e.lest I if l'l-esid 'ht lloosevelt. Til- l'r-sideit will iiiiiint ii lieu coin inissinu at T In- I la ii k o( I ,a k, v ie has for sale ."jiiii.UUil iv ,,ri h of tie- I.liiiii.nall ,,t I Ie- .1 a pa nese .. i ruinen i llniels llicll llll i- heen a !, it lei) In I lie eapilalists of I lie I nii.-il Stall . These liiiinls ilr.i v I ., ;i.r c.-ai iaieresl iiiali.- semi ii ai. Hi l in e.iiil cniu ill 'e Villi- I i V l.nlals ,,a. lie had in den i m a iii - i-a ii, in. i. ii ii) itnd .--'.".iiiiii each ii t n7. ' - ! We liave conrtluntlv on tin ml a F:n imd (loinpict- -toek K ol" I'm-.'s, CliemicalH, iVrfunitrie-. T.-ile'. Arti'l-s, Fi.uvy Notions. Cigars. Ktc, Ktc Prescriptions Carefully Compounded r 1 ! . . ...... 1 - l i,. i- u 1. is in j:..- :aa. in--. r-l,ilil, ... , . , i . , , ii- II 'iderst a ie 1 that Ih.-i pie out . -j . - . I i ......... . . . -. I . ... I . .. . i - . . i: -- I .-t, , 1 1 , s ,e-1 i , i i , i f j . Ill the eastern part of till.- laud ills t 1 i toe.VV ' i.e-e I tile t ' I Ii il' II 1 1. Ill , . , , . , I net are latterly i,pp,,.se! (., In-tm an! p-up .a 'i,-- i.ni'l a; their t i'iiiistrred In the Hums l.-in-.l is. Icitll- .- -n ill! Tiliit Wnllll suit lie-t.i ..--t;. i- ta in t. inim- tn Khun- ' ' '' HI '',-' is I' Until .llhlue liell-nn ilini I.. II i c ' lc- ii -n.-i.t nf Klamath W'.-list.-r are spnken nf ii- candidates nai t ask fnt- an nppmph. f, ,r -i , ernor a t h-m-x i e i-u. i la ui.-y !i-'iin c. iti n less fn- a. ;, . :.at if i hey tn Favors Itetter koatl. "-'"i.i- iiotnei.uilder of this vi r ,.,...- Li!,. !.... it.;. ...a. s--- .- I I lis"-! - t V. ii i; .: laml nlll-e ill the least , j ,ss, , ) ,, mid road ipiest ion n ,: ii-- ia: 1 I i . ili ' i , l-r l -, i, ei; i.-ii .- t Ie- land of n.-ati-. !: 1 1 ai'- in a pi- i t i- ui to ei u-e roai r ie cell- I made vv m 1 1 I , . o v ! the road it can In- I. A liK .Steer. Mlll'dock -.V I'oWeis, U i ipi ii-l oi s i if the surprise Valley Market at ( Vdnr ville, sa.vs the Ceda rv ille Pi-cord, last vveek liiitcheicil iindouliieuiy the largest steer thiit was ever put oil the I, loci- in Mnilne county. The vv as ii ii-rt'ec t I H-, i ii i y oi i lie IT fT We Vi5h to Announce to the TRAVELER El- A i,i.-i i, I ; i of , .tamis.- " to I'iii-lev now tln-v would he con vinced tl:ai son..-,,.,,! mad, at l.-.-.st. "''''"''1 ''1, all I hi points of vv;,,i,e,es-,tr.v . Mr. I arrow is heart- 11 I ro.lu.-er ilevelope.) ia the iiy in accord with the movement In "" "1,h ea rs old and vv he a i! i i v en n, to t i ,. That he can he as well -t'ccommodated at the MAAWIOTM IJVIiWV 5rAI5LIi5in Lakemiew as he can at any ;t?ihle in the State. It isS our intention to. -il ways have on hand a ;ood supply of the best hay and rain to he hought in thy market. We also keep a force of experienced hostlers and ca-eftil drivers, who will always Fe ready to w ait on our cut incrs. Inl i oci;n M.. -.-iohs ale pia.V - ,... ,,:,-- ,,((, ,,,, ..here the. r tli- i 'lest i' a. -ei.!. Ii.i.rli. i-niil ..,i I.i- I I... I.... i Sea les 1 III" I I i I V III vv as I i i lei I . I...,l . . 'A I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 - 1 1 -1 1 lilllll.. "I-.,! 1 - I : . i , , HERYR)RD & PULLER 1 -I ' Hit. I I In-kef. I tn coll-' fll-l e ,. I' i I II- II ' i , 1 roil i Is. to ' l1'1 I ids al ill.--:., , l.l, , ! ilunossioti i i. j ct t f.'. -nine -ii ,rl st l-'-ti-hes ni' ,11-rmaiieut ept:n 'ie- ,i l.ec.ia-e i.- e ' 1 1 H I f ni i ! . h o 1 1 1 a t ii ii inlellieent es. v. en i m- s a-.- rm ii , ; una ie ii! 1 in- cost 1,1 iru.i.i loin s ran i iV 1'IJf IVt'"I rt'T IM "TT Tr? tVr T t t-v . . - . ...... v g Avivuj x liN inc wuill ni" : rau-g lire A3'i:fancB j foOvWoooooowKX-..- ...s,, o.:..:km-s.-c-... ,. voch.-x:; :-r xnxcooWj V'CiPivof Mew t o k . in- a, -;. iia,-1 1 O X lull.v Is-loni: t.,!ie man m ho aives ii: In- m,-nli- known to Hn people, also J It ha- I ice u Ihmil handy acipni'ivcl. the efiect of them and iill world knows it A summary 'I'liis is I he t hinj l'lie l!aiainer has 5 (JN'li II I 'X I ) lv! II I ) I '( ) K'N'Ufll Ill.-K's:iv I t t , i v-e t d llockelel.., s henefactions Hhows lued. u ml we hope that the , 8 ASSETS $38 I ,000.000 . , , cMITh! that he hiis a i ven to charity the pie cull have some, If only it Hliurt Q SURPI US$7 3 000000 ' - - '- 55ll ' j eiioi-himis sum of fLS,7.Vi,()(M), ninu- J Htretch here and tlierc In plaeen tlmt ! 5 ' ' Special Agent in-,' from tl.i.iwo.ouo to the Caicao liecome imp.wHil.le at certain tlmew 1 txoooooc m'H'M - t mversity to flil.unu to tin Salviaioii of the yeur. ami in plat-ex where Army of ( levelaud. lie is now c. every resident of the county may we pected lo K'ive Saii.liuii.linii more to the i them and know the leal value of hicii o I 'ni v i-i ri t . "noil l oads. Oven though a portion of the Lake view land district .may lie cut off. i here yet remains over :!,immi,uiiu A Hloody Tragedy. ) A man named Meordeu living llllli UP your Strength W J V m - jnriMts TONIC VERMIFUGE, with acres of vaciii l land nearer lo Lake- I tin view t ha n to ; i ; i.' ' other town in t he i leied I ui o a fa inily ipmrrel w it h his disti I -i. ar Nyssa. In Malheur county, re- LJrf fe, a . . WVfc, .n.ed ho,,,. a few ih.vs ,i,ii,i eu-! 4- Vi P0 permanent Invigorator for WOMEN I..... f it t-'i Pr-5 CHILDREN and MFN ' C1iT i Wife. 'l'lie lil'lff n-.M-lll old liov of tl e 11 GET IT FROM VOrR DRnCGUT, 1 V" v