Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 06, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 14.
... .... .. i... i
ni(. SHUlUt'l 1 "' "IT, wn . ae
,,, irrigation mul drainage inveMiKa
,in tin- IVilir State", nd nig under
Mclinfli-iiH i.ltlK' IVpartn.eMof Ann
,)tn.f nt WhhI. itijjt.i) . " Portland
..Mi-mIh.v. cm" ll '' 'riV'iiiau . i March
,(i nil lilr '" ! L-'.-y, Cal.,
, liciinik.- la- ln-nil.-i:n.-t. IT. if.
,rt.r ha I"1 11 ' I"'"1 "' i; '"
.,11111111! tin- In ions !! I intern
v,i u fpO'l- irrigation lr. I'-l-Mi'inl.
i.: V :i-liiiil'uii. . I.icl of the
rijtalinii iiivi-lnMlions iI the I'cpart
,1'iit ill Agriculture, in expected in l'liit
iml Monday. Il i uniltT!-t.'.l tlmt lie
ill ali nmki- atrip through Eastern
"I visited several diiferpnt.sectioi a ( LOWER TAXES OR
i was at i rnatilla, Pendleton, j
Kcho and IhroiiKh Butter Creek Valiev. j
It i the same an in Crook Ctmnty. I
will teK you what tin y have been loiiIK '
in pertain portions of Putter ("reek Val- 1
ley. Tne hi renin from which the farm-I
ers obtain I heir w ater jroc dry early in
till! Spring. However, t.y ,, the
IhihIm in February. 1 he foil is no deep
and rich that it retains the tnoMure all
Siimiiier. They raise ne uood crops imd
bh vi'ii'mi. dint tree.- by Winter m ijra
tiou an we do in California.
v iiileon liil trip I instituted a small
experimental flat ion ut H.-nil, Oregon.
The Deschutes Irritation A Power Com
pany ave me the line of six acres of
land. Ellas NeUon, a Kia.luate of the
M'yoiiiing I'niverHty, who has consider
In imp Issue of last wwk It was
mule to appear that. unless Un
people of Lake county decided to be-
Say whtt public Improvement you
favor living first made, If any. Or,
If you don't favor lieglnnlng any
such work, and lielleve that only
sufficient money should lie raised to
conduct the public business, without
Kin some wort of public improve-! 0UtrlK "P'n any work for public
ment, there would be no necessity, j
betterment, say that 10 mills will do
ex oerirtlt'e with irriirution In,
The inwrtiKuti. ..( IT.... Earlier of
ii' climatic and noil condition, of East-
n (Jrtfion regarding irripiit ion are the
nt wie-utitir researches of i hid nature
it have ever been attempted by the
.overuiuent in thin State. It it the re
lit ill a request made by iovernor
luailietlain to Secretary ll'iUou.of the
VDartnieiit of Agriculture, tl.nt the ir-
igatinn conditions of Oregon be invest!
.iled liy the ovei ninent.
The purpose of Prof, Fortiei's trip to
nil mute la to prepare and outline the
.urktolie done hy Prof. A. 1'. Stover,
I the I'ni versit y of California, wha ban
annnne.l to I ireitoti for this coming
ent time. We have six ai res planted in
"We are trying three methods f irri
gation to see which will prove the most
successful in the climatic conditions of
that vicinity.
when our next tax levy is made, for j11' K'W"o bo wishes to be
a rale exceeding 1(5 mills, w,,!, ; on this iiuestlon wIIMh- Klven
wiinlil in. ill ,..iii. w ,y, oi'liortunity. There are. lilferent
pr.'Mrnt rate.
The former article showed that 1
till the re.iiireiiienls for all the funds
necessary to be raised in the county
wniild necessitate the collection of
i !?:.i,(MMI to meet, the demands of the
' state and conduct the affairs of the
county lu the usual manner.
To accomplish this, a rate of 16
! mills only, is necessary to be levied
upon the,100 of property now
iiisscsHcil for taxation.
I We don't say thisestimatelsexact.
The Ijuke County Development
league met at the court house In
Lakevlew on last Saturday evening,
with V. I. Snelling, Vice President,
in the chair.
Two committees were appointed
and Instructed to collect data, and
public works so urgently needed! ri'l""'t', upon the number of acres of
that we believe a part of that n.i ! ' '-' 'and m Lake county, eiitimerat
! mills should be retained, ami. some ,n t,,e purees of water supply for
! one of them should be tapen up. Irrigation of each body, the reservoir
! ..I ... l . - .
He don't forget that :W exemp- j K'll''" .or storage oi water
on each stream, and to secure nppll-
tlons will tend to reduce the amount
of property taxed, but we believe
the assessment will show an Increase
of property in the county which will
more than keep the amount to lie
taxed, up to the amount taxed at j
There are about 1..100 taxpayers.
Five hundred of these are non-rest
more or less, will be required
I ur estimate Is, however, based
The Event of the Season. : upon given us by those who
A birthday party oil such a graud j are well informed on the subject,
scale, we lielieve, has never been and is sufficiently accurate for the
given in Lakevlew as the one given i purpose of this article.
The comity board will determine le)t8 Hm at ,(U(it t,lw IlIIldped
this, and may find that a few mlll, t)tlurH have no fiun,lle8. XcltlleP of
at the OjK'rii House Tuesday even
ing by Anna Schlagel, Scluia Hery
ford, Ottle Fields ami Kssle IVulaud.
One hundred Invited guests were
Nimuier. Mr. .-lover is proie-xor of ir- presetit to part Iclpate in the pleas-
iiatiiin at t!.e I niveisity. Me will ant event, and to feast upon the
!'iid tli.-eiilire -iiiiiincr il.ukini: trips j good supply of delicate cake and de
uriiugh the nr. ! .'ctions of iiiin stute j llcloiis Ice cream.
ml itudyin ti c differii.; .oiiditions. I The entertainment was opened
tic will also conduct ex pel iio.iits. in : wit h music. The large phonograph
lie Full he ii: - . iu w here I of I'ost and King's furnished cou-
' will compile a report
urns ant! expci audits.
If the report of Prof. M
f 1 : olmerva- siderable amiisetneut: the vocal
i selections bv Miss llaltie Nyswaner
wi is luvor- were listened to with rapt attention.
.Iile it in very probable, thai the (Jov-.Miss .Nyswan.T has a sweet voice
The Hople will determine whether
they will demand to Is? taxed to
raise money for improvement, or
simply to defray the usual county
expenses, and for the payment of
state taxes. I'pon this proposition
The Examiner wishes to express the
views entertained by its editor as
uny other citizen may and ought to
express himself. In defining our
position, we call attention first to
the fact that, next year, there will
be an exemption, to each house
holder, of if ".00 worth of property
from taxation. This will, at the
mnieiit will decide to locate u M.ruia
"MUMatiun ! investigation in Oregon
" it ban dune ii. oilier state- 11 such
that everybody greatly admires, former rate, be a clear saving next
Card games, danclugand all sorts of
amusement were Indulged In.
i the case the Legislature will ls3 asked ! It is Impossible for printers Ink to
'" appropriate several thousand dollars
in the work. The i.-verninent was no formal program, the guests
ween to furnish an amoint equal to were at lils-rty tr. play games, dance,
''"I appropriated by the Legislature, play cards, listen to the music or
"'"PPaiiguu.eiit has been uuide by the chat.
"'part ment if Agriculture with several , At 11 oclock refreshment were
11 the U'enteri! Mutes. j served, to which all present di 1
"lam surprsi-.l that Eastern Oregon ! ample Just ice.
'"ml mote i!i-vei:.ped," mi Prof. For-! Music for .lancing wns furnished
'lcr at the Ii ;. l Portliiiei esterday ' by several pianists, which alone.
iiiitiiuuii. -It . almost nstoi,ihing," i was stillicienl to furnish entertain
cunliiiuct it eteiiler progress J men t for 1 hoe hi d id Hot care to
iriiiiHiii.ii i.. ,,, i, ,a.i.. . ! Iii daiii inii or uanii s.
"'"e- I Ll. ii f.e p.,ssil offered! The young ladles were aaiue.I
' oii,Brfu.. I had io until 1 tin' highest compliments by all
"'"Jf this trip. i their extent. Vuu present . who expressed themselves
""plenty,: ,!,,, n,,, u.rv richest las having enjoyed the event lm
",lwili"l the climatic conditions could ineiisel.v. The Examiner wishes
year of $8.40 to each taxpayer get
ting the exemption. To many peo
ple this means a plain reduction of
doscrllie the pleasant affuir. There. ,10 ier ceut from taxeB paid this
'""llr I improved U,
"I liavebeer, u; the Westf..r nearly JO
nd :n t .oiougldy fiuniliar with
'figation BH it i s bee-t cnduebsJ in
"tales. Nevertheless I was greal
'" I came to Oregon, i
11,1(1 Practical Uu-thirds .,1 the slate
",r'lor.mi.a-;d land, an.' although
''re is bii ahtiuiluuce of water, very lit-"''tiautUi,-.,,!.
Jfw,. ;H,i , he water
1,141 W Wasted in ( took County iu South.
""Caliiumiu iL ollld be worth tholis-
il"i of duiiuts i., ll8 i,,.,..,,,.,. WOUia
""'""Vary portion 0fit.
ladiffurent in this M.He, though.
uIwvbUm. la-..dud a',,.', the witter,
l Xu have pi.! 80 ,liuc!, ttt.t.lltii, to
""ter,, pa-t 0 tiiu uu, Uiat j,.
egun 1'tts overlooked. J f you
""Hiave Lteu along will, u,u when 1
Crook County and Lave seen the
aiill J ,'"l! wl,ile ,1,ro,,Ku lu
' ' "UWu1 large stream of water
year, aud to some, 75 pet cent re
duction. Then If there should be a
reduction from the present rate of
1-10 mills, tl'iere would be left a
levy of -2 mills, or, 10 mills for usual
county and state purposes, aud 6
mills for what we will call an im
provement fund. Six mills on the
present valuation of property for
taxation i if-MMj.lOl ) would yield
fb'J.Wi. With a very small increase
iu taxable property which certainly
wiii iioui, ,u ahouM mrili-.' from
1:5,000 to $15,000 for an improve
ment fund, and have an average re
duction of about -'0 per cent to all
taxpayers, 50 per cent, aud even 75
these classes being entitled to ex
emptions, there would be only seven
hundred left to get the benefits of ex
emptions, and many of themnotget
tlng as much as f :t(H), for the reason
they do not have so much of the
character of property which Is ex
empt, the reduction from the total
amount of property taxed would be
practically nothing. We even expect
the amount to be increased.
lie believe the promises and con
clusions of this article are practically
correct, and are pleased with the
possibility of seeing a people who
have manfully relieved themselves of
debt, relieved in turn, of part of
their old taxation.
We derive equal pleasure from the
reasonable prospect of some material
advancement iu public utilities,
which seems to us, a binding duty
these ladles many birthdays, and per ceut to the smallest taxpayers
hi.jHS that each one will bring us
much pleasure to as great a number
of friends.
' wulil he diverted i.-i irrigation
would thinks., loo.
Burned to the Oround.
The Albany, Oregon Woolen Mills
were burned to the ground ou March
JlMli. Only the brick shell of the
boiler room was left standing; the
machinery was all ruined, but the
slock and finished product iu an ad
joining warehouse was not reached
bv the fire. The h's is said to be
about . 10,000, with J0,lMW insurance.
The mill was owned by the lw.nnock
biiru Woolen Mill '.. of Portland.
.1. W. Mikel first of the week sold
three head of horses to I'atU-rso.i
aud l'hllllpp- tov 100. This Is con
sidered a good price tor bur Of
course Mr. Mlalc's horses were fine,
large fellows, but they were pretty
well along In years to put on the
11111 rket.
The householder who this year, on
a valuation of a very little over
1,500 paid 12 taxes would, under
our plan, pay about 25, at a 22 mill
rate, aud '500 exemptions, aud the
county under this plan would real
ise about 11,000 which might bo de
voted to such new Improvements as
the people may elect, and continue
to pay cash for all ordinary county
expenses as well.
We. as a citizen, aud taxpayer,
favor the creation of an improve
ment fund to do some county Im
provement, whatever the people may
decide upon; aud we believe It can
be done as we have tried to show In
this article, after granting to tax
payers a very liberal reduction from
this year's taxes, and without creat
ing a single dollar of Indebtedness.
We earnestly solicit readers of The
Examiner to
District Cut Down.
From Tbe Portland Oregonian.
Washington, March 31. The Pres
ident today signed an order adding
south half of Malheur and Harney
Counties to the Burns land district.
This territory is now a part of Lake
view district, but is found to be
more accessible to Burns than Lake
view. Residents of southeastern
Oregon asked for a change.
The Laud Ollice had received many
complaints from settlers in extreme
Southeastern Oregon because of the
long Journey they had to make to
reach the Lakevlew Land Ollice, and
when special Agent II. T. Bennett,
after Investigation, recommended
that the lower end of these counties
be added to the Burns laud district,
a proclamation to that effect was
drawn. It was shown that almost
all roads iu that section lend to
Burns, while travel to Lakevlew is
at all times dillicult and In Winter
almost impossible.
(Officials of the land ollice here
have received no notice of this
cations to the government, from
owners of arid lands, to Irrigate
their holdings upon such terms as
may have Iwen prescribed by the de
partment. Mr. Chrisinan, Vice-President of the
League for Silver Lake, was request
ed to organisie a branch at his town,
aud George Conn Vice-President for
Paisley was requested to take simi
lar action at Paisley.
A feature of this meeting which
made It Interesting In the very high
est degree, was an address delivered
by Hon. B. Daly, in which he said,
among many other striking things:
"I speak deliberately, and say that
1 am ready to give one-half the arid
lands 1 own in Lake county to se
cure the Irrigation of what 1 would
have left, aud the other arid lands of
the county, and I am ready to give
one-fourth of the real property 1
own In Lakevlew to bring a railroad
to the town."
This Is the spirit that compels suc
cess, if there is enough of it iu the
county, and we believe there is.
Railroads cannot resist overtures
like this. Wheu it Is remembered
that Dr. Daly is the largest individ
ual owner of property In Lakevlew,
and that he owns acres of arid land
In the county, the full meaning of .
his declaration may be grasped. No
reasoner could show more plainly
than Dr. Daly did, that the interest
of the entlrecommunlty includes that
of the individual citizen, and that he
sought prosperity for himself,
through efforts to promote the larg
er, general welfare. He became a
memlier of the league and will be
active In promoting the work we
have organized to do.
J. X. Watson, Daniel 1 '.00110 and J.
W. Maxwell were appointed to go to
the 1'uion School house, on the West
Side, some time in the near future,
and organize a brunch Devcloiucul
I x'ugtie at that place. This action Is
calculated to lend strength to the
main League, by getting the settlers
over there interested so that proper
data can be secured.
School Fund Apportionment.
Below is the apportionment of the
Ceunty School Fund for April 1005.
Met Their Waterloo.
The Lakevlew fans hied themselves
the diamond with the Pino Creek
team. I'p to the fifth inning the
Lakevlew boys had an easy game,
but their hopes were shattered In
the last end of the game. At the
fiulsh the score showed 16 tallies for
Plue Creek and 6 for Lakevlew.
A game will be played on the Lake
view diamond Sunday between the
Pine Creek and Lakevlew teams.
Our boys feel confident of walloping
express themselves it to the Plue Creekei's when they
through our colums on this question, j come here.
District School Clerk Amount
1 Halter Butler $ C10 50
2 E. E. Thrustou 220 4S
:t P. L. Vernon :tSl CO
4 W. 8. Edwards 71 74
5 .1. 15. Fisher 2(!2 8s
li (i. II. Newell 127 20
7 Ida l inbach 270S 40
s W, P. Dykemau 152 CI
i It. A. Hawkins 178 0s
10 Elmer Harvey 111 lit
11 .1. I). Farra Oiltt 00
12 . Frank M. Harris Kil 12
11 F. V. Pay ue 058 24
15 15. F. Baruuni 71 70
Hi A. D. Frakes BOO 2
18 D. U. Clelaud 44!) 44
10 II. E. Keed 101 7
20 D. M. Bryan 127 20
21 P. E. Taylor 4i)l 64
Total 8,445 45
J. Q. WlI.I.lTB,
Co. Supt. of Schools.
, !
i - i.j
1 1 ,