CARVED DIAMONDS A FAD. EPAULETTES NOT FOR HIM All gort of Novltli Eng-ravtd on Alexander, the Future Emperor Precious Stone i'ni jeweier Foremost in Art. iiHimoinlH ran in- ciiirravod in a vi-rv iirtisli'' tint it imt. This dcvH ,iriit ,f ! HMT1 ( lit 1 ill- m-t l.iiiK info i-ximcinv . a new iliisit i't jt'wt'ln, n a '''" .jnVNlhlf "i' llKilitl is rKjK'CltMl, ! rliino ilif "'' 01 1 . .crahl. It VtilS hellcW'll '''lit dill nitnid fttiilil ii"i ! mrravril willi safe or sa t isMciorv ithiiiih. a'S rouulili ntrni veil wtM'c fiiunil in 1 1' 11 a diiiinwi.d was ( xliil'ilt'tl '''' 'Xl'il in isTx fit w li ifh ii I "i t i'ii it of l li" lini; nf IiiII;iihI waw m i it I tiiiMl. Kilt (lie wik wa iii!'fi'ii't t iiii'l ihc HtnlirS fl''' '"I I"'!' tl'misll('(l I hail 'iiu'i;i ft. Smiic "f lln' lillol sic('ilMt'llM of lil.ltliulnls are the 1'ililM t. ,t I 'any jew .i s Mi') -'n ic; IT irhan. "I w-'mi Ii Hie l t r i 'Hi'M d . i:d t he A i 't ! r is a lut'c "II M I. i' ll II u' i- is 1 1 i-j i veil. I II !- i n is ii knife i '.I . . .1 . I Wilde Willi IWU ll I.I III'IIHIS. , II .liilxiriile ' i of work is a liicy li nf hirli i li- w Ihm Is arc t wocir 'iiliir cK:iti:i'!iils. Tin- Ki'kcK arc ii. i . i niirixr in cci n 1 1 iics cniim vci in, mail Hull Sought Too Many Bowa-Dia- grace Reaulta. AcfonlinKiothcHLstomofK,,,. ", Alexander (th,. f ,,.,, ,,,. P'TfilwIicn j.iil.',! II..' .. ..I. tan service 118 a ,,,,.,. 11 '"' '" a! K'i"'l. A fcwda.VH alter hi, J' '"' Pi.xN.,1 u,,,,'!. lt hall where acni-..! i,;.,i. . , e im.ii in i,s ll I i.i.S ,,UIk ,,, P.., ,llM .,,,. " ,MM-i '' " I'.tMfi.a tlie tl.i't. U is;, ,, i.j,,, j( jn I'-'J " tsal ,,est;, ;,.!, ,,. ll-' I !'!! i l ., I... I 1 " " iii.ii a ' J'l'fxii.iislv ,ai. h j in ,,,, "vi'i'iil hiah "liirial.. wt'ifasse,,,!,!,.,!. Oi.thcaiipr.ia.l Oflh-la ineethev l.sea.,.,MV,.,l .imi'iinii:: "ii ,rk cf M. I!" ..,!. I Mm' i ,lii'p- :i liliitic is ;i si' ii'l ti;i ml ;i !'iil' Iri'' si'iiii will; ilS fell. 1' .mntlii'i' ens.' 1 1 llll.-l l.i all: .: , , a a him i i 1 .. . ", ' 1.1. 'i I i l" i ,. ' : ' i ; . 1 1 I I I S. 1,: , Til ll.'lsll'll, I III " !uij. ' a in, , .... l I " i i ii. i The l.i.. i ml w i I:. he !i;, I .H'lli'll .' ill to . -I 1 1 !v iiin hack it Ihc 'i l I. ' i-c 'l.i I ies :ic (linliiuliils. A iiir'i'il :ii c. ii'li axle. Aiifilhcr (Jia iimiiil ihi'iirvcil likcatish. A hand miiii lirinicli i a M arahacUH, nur "iiiiinlcd by naf'pliircs and tiril IlllliS. Tin-iniiKt rcTiiarLahlc i'h a ri nr iiiiiilc of due diatmiiiil. the intcridr -iirfii'T hi';ti'' j '.'i-hi-il nnd the i i 'rinr el:il"iiiiirl en jrra vcd. r 1 1 r- i''iin'ii s are hi mielies. rep Mies, cf w '.j.-li wins ijiin i riu' .i ei i iiiiiinls. a nd wo diii'iiiPiiiK eii i.i cd with a r Mii-i i! I ,i i -.. i h-. iiiiierial " "f !.' I- us- I in mi" llSti'lii'i- en 1.I11M imhI eilir le' I IIHI'l il'l'lllri- I n. 1 ,1 1 I " M. iJ'irditict I" llii" "ll 1 line, 1 'I'll nun SlI.II'.Mit inn " 'i'" Wheel, Hie I ;, . ,,"t ;ifi " ih. imii ;i 1 , ,-c tiiiiilellli'' in ilif I'.iiis, ihc Russian :i tins ""I 'lif M-,n;ihaeiiH. ll,. has in 'iii"'l tin-He IimiIh hitiiMcIf and in ''I'tlftliiii his hi, 11 alniicNhall have Ii" llm-of tlietn. Thev arccxcccd "Rlv dcli'iite and 'difficult t" """'If. lie ha t.N-nt .-5 VMll'H "Willi: tliein to , i fccth.n.' It iH ''I'iilltiv..y f,.w w.arH Hin,.,. j, w I't'HNihle t In,), .H i .""""'"I'- This fe.u lli:,dc ,."kh ''M,t' I'lu. in cf .ii;liii(ndK mi a '"nil:, nltern,.,),',, ,,,..,,.1 lills w is ii,,,,,. p-iicralU " 'i'int.iMl . in 1: fcr cHtal.lish 'ii'Ms. s ' ' ' ' I" i I i ! : I ill t I Hi- "-all i.i. i j '1:1 1,, Hie I li.i I 1 ,,,, ,),., . , , " 'iii'i mi si 1 e ii i nii'i'sei mi vim , .'"" .I'.'ll.lelles. yn, 'f 1 ha I I lie men Im nll wish 1.1 he h.iiiiircd v (, , . "Ili self ,,.,, lu ,jlV(. KI'.iWIi e;lv j ,(. S(.,.xil.). (f "laic? T11 then, W.lir fallieri.ues his throne ,! (,ik lif.. u,,.. .1...,, is ""hleeelille.nel, itlldi,.!. Mtler iis a reiii h.,m-,.V(.n of t h v rani u,m' v,,;. ' t""!'"'! convinced me that luiimv .v"'ni: t" wear the cpaa !!'! that haw hc-n :iven von I "ill take then, .k. Vni'i-m, never re, hn'in them until vourcon dm t pnivi-H von jire citi;il,!e of wearing ,)., l,,,,,,,,..,!,. Al (, th" enijierof detached t'he cj.iiu h ues fii in his ami's coat, ami w anied him imi t,, f,,,-,., ,jH ,. I mill. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been In Use for over ftO vrnrn. hm linnui Kn l.nnii.f.a and lias been mado under bis per Honal supervision niiice its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jut-a-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Minstaiiec. Its ac is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cure3 Diarrhoea, and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and liowels, giving healthy ami natural shiep. The Children's Panacea The .Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery ftwnrMPTioiv oiih and LI frice McMI.00 A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If it fall. Trial Bottle free. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tmi nanw, TT muhkat sTKcrr, mm Venn crrv. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Connetlcut Avenue Washington, D. C. All persona 'vho have heretofore made HINAL PROOF In any kind of land, Mineral or Tim ber l:n(rle, which has been accepted by the Register or keeciver of any V. 5. Lund Office, can have the Issuance of their I . S. Patent for said Lands promptly attended to by sending me their Duplicate Kecelst. or Certificates of Entry, and an agreement to pay me 110 when, ever said Patents shall Issue. JOHN JVUILLAN, Oregon, California and Nevada State Agent J, 60 YEARS' L EXPERIENCE Somi'tthfU Uiff'ere-it. Wife - I low dues t he im e end ? I In I he, Ii' e ll ''I'il, ever after? lliishand- No. im! I. Thev It mi ' us. si i,!e In j I Li I 1 1 1 ll e Ii l'ji ever I! f t er ? , iei I' ll nil f:ieen I 1 llshlllld Nil. illl! 1 Thev i hn-ii nh!r in i P'l married, -t'hicao Iaik i le ii nis. o i N'eus i"' l" .-'ml Mil of ii tisli t f (he "I Hi- rii u. His tools i r ? -r"'1 .y 'T?L. ' ii R iiEDICINE J THE MOST DEJGIITFJL V' V : M Tj ,Lobstr" Aloiijf Maine Coaat. Tin- ui,;. .... '":kl;""l iH I'l ese, . 1 1 ' m s 11 ' I si-clll " i'lf ih.n 1 1,,. I'lt'iirilljr 'cr fa I sler is dis t . i . I " ' ' ' ' ' II Kill I ll'- ""rWll,' ' H,hut 1 1,,.1( ihccrusta - i a-r s-nt, hi of Maine l.v '"' "ii'iisiiihIk. JH,'ii'.vtiM. r ( t.i,., v. toI)H ,.,. 'H'1) li' i.i.. '"! Ht.nie ..v dim o " "I'll I w II. U..... 1 -K in.,, are .i.valon.h' ' I I I L I I I i i 1 l.l'llL' I n (ii i i until ' M ward. The nea lies i now on, and riiiL' in the dealer. Ijewistoll Thin preat iitock nietlicine ii a money i vi -r for ntnk raiwr. It ia a iniilicine, net a clwap food or C'ltulitinii powitT. Thouirh put up iu tmirMT fnriu than Thwlford's lilack-I'miitrht, rMHiwncJ for the cure i'f the dipention troubles of jvr'i ik, it hu the name qualities of invitfiiratiiiif dijfention, Btirring up the t ir'iil liver and lixisening the cut i --ti pa ted huwels fur all utixk lltid i"iillry. It in carefully pre. pared it 1 1 1 iid aeti'ni is so healthful that iitm k eruw and tlii ive wit li an Odinlial 'l".-e i their fued. It Ctin'K ii"! rii'iieia and iiiaiv. hum, prntt- fil. Ilcun-d chii keu rliuleni and l '"l' and maken hens lav. Jt cureK i nii-'l ipatiun, diiiteiiiper and cold in htirsen, murrain m cat lie, and makes a draught animal do inure work fir the food connumod. It given an i main and fowls of all kinds new life. Kvery fanner and raiser should certainly give it a trial. It cohU 2 jc. a can and saves tea tiuies it price in profit. I'mam'au, Ks., March 28, 19M. I liavu been using your Hlw-'k-DrauKht Bloik ami Poultry Medicine ou W alo. k f"r aoiiio time. I hvo used nil "irnls of HU-k food but I liuve f-und r." .i... I....I f..r in v uuriHiw. (.lUit juum i. vww r i Tliaou;ll Sail Lake Cily, (ilen wood S;iii L iJvi I. Colorado 5prin,;s . nd lienvir Daylight Ride Through ia'nrt's Ar Passing Castle iate. Canyon of I'lie 'i -.inilr, T niies . , Marshall Pass and li e ir. TRAINS DAILY UtiTWEHN Ofi I , .M) in. SEEK NO FURTHER, FOR BcPiR Cifv'l B' For Detailed Information AddreKP N. C. flcBKIDE, tkn. . m 124 Third Street M .j.tnery 3 Bottling ie Nothing von alwavs take a v'":' .v"u on ii iUhiiir trin?" "" tl'Tll,....,. . 'Jt'i.ianded thV (.I "it "ii. im, l-'UM S,. Hill li hat foh, Huh?" li.tu. . i2lul: -uii." iiiiiu- '"w : Von don't bed Hiju, 9 Kiiidtiiii Hhw Ala8 Bought 7 . . m W I T POMMEL SLICKER ! nrnr. wnni 11 in int. Mi 'ike hll our wawrproot ... . I a 3.1.A lAt S rordlKiiidof wrt worh. II li 01 tC" MIH1.UI.V- ncvci riuun- Modt ir. blo-cK or yellow ' , Avmwm Lao 111 HVAI I 5TICIV TO Tut . jivn tl IiwiiiiaksMNM. SIONOh the f-IMl ii. Look at the dcHcriptioiis of the land listed with The Kxam njr this week for Hale, and select your pie.-e before it has been fold to some one eW. tf WHSTORN STAGE LINE OHiix' at tin? Mercantile Company 'h Store Lake view, Oregon. Uood Stock - - Rasy Coaches ai!y from Takeview to Illy, connect ing with llaily 8taB to the railroad. Office at the Bly Hotel, Oregon. E. CASEIJEER, J5ly, Oregon. Proprietor ft pnoCURED AND DCFtN DCD ti J lilodel, I H limwiii-c ui li.ilo.tort;xK:iXiRi.iii'li uml 1 -' r'"i-t. H H t'VH HiIvU'L', lluw to obUilu tauilitn, litulu lluukM, H c.iiyiifc'IHA etu., ,N ALL COUNTRIES. H tfirtri with W'tisiuigloH iaves time,U H mtnry aii.i often Ihe fat?nt, H H Patent nd Infringement Practice Exclusively. H I mm Wnm or coiiim l u. at H I T " r a i 1 it" "" i : "- -r"-Tf , '" ' v;"- .'.9 f i .vol' issssss )V State Line Barber Shop s. galZagiTer, Proprietor ' i . - havlnn and Hairrultlnoe" . . 'WM 'j j " Parlors in HIDE'S HOTEL. Thirty r:r.EK others, roilivc take-up; i Years House Painter NEW PINE CREEK, rOIiX.ZlTT Paper Hanger OREGON IT li ( rTiV The nin.e Eldredge bis stood for th V'l kl ST In ihc SewiiiK Machine World. btl ICR to si sell set ting ncedlei Mrlf threading bliuttie; automatic tension leleabeiauloinatic bobluii winuVr; lKjuitive lour motion feed; ccied ncddle Itur, uoist leHs self adjuting rollrr lu-uring wlutl, piduan; nve ply Uiiiiunlid woodwoik. Willi a beautiful feet or .eel rli .1 trrl att'U'lnui no,. fti. . ur ilt-iiiu I. ii Hie Improved nidiedge 'li ' : .' Uj U' t l'i y any uiuihinc uniil you havf M-tu i National Sewing Machine Co hlLVIbtkl;. Il l INOia Trade Marks Designs Copvriohts Ac. Anvnne sending a sketch and desciiptlnn may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communion. ttftiis utrietly conddentlal. Handbook on Fat eu:s sent free. Oiliest aireney for securing patenta. Patents taken tbrounh Munn & Co. reeelva tpecial notice, without ehnrga. In the ' Scientific flmcrienn. A handsomely lllnstratod weekly. T.nrcest nir on la t ion of any scienttllc Jtuirnal. 'I'erinn, a ynar: fnur raontba, f L &otl byall TiowsdeaWrn. IVSUNN & Co.36,Broadwa"- New York iaticli Otlice. C25 F SU WashiUKluit, D. C. Tlu llftrnt'yCount j Live Slock Associa tion, of which lam a nit-nibcr, pays $760 reward for evidence leading to the con viction of parties stealing btock ' be Ion i n to Mt; mem htTs, 1 ii addition offVr foot) reward. ilorse brand horse shoe bar on either or both jaws. Re corded InHcomitiea Harucv, Lake and Crook Counties. Hon 8 vented when sobi Mors is soUi to )asa throiiKli this Meet ion will be reported in this pttper. If not ho rriorted, jdeawe write or tele phone The Times Herald, Main 324, Himis, Ore gon W W Bhuwh, File, Ore, I-' I lie Hlieei Kaneli in Hodiic t'ounty The Examiner has for sale one of the finest sheep ranches in Modoc county, winch ceu trols the best rauge in California. It consists of 560 acres all under fence. It lies along Pitt river for 2 miles. Besides other buildings here are two houses IS uiilea apart. It is an Ideal sheep ranch. It taken quick it will be sold for JoUOU. IHIKKP HKtXim. lampc Rsrrv Brni,s witl1 swiio fork tn JulllCd OdilJ right ear for ewes; reverse for wethers. Borne ewes 8o,uare Crop and Bill in right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Lake HostnfBce address, Lakevlew, Oregon t i i It hWe. Knnge, Zac Whitworth Brands with Crop off left ear, Half Uudurcrop off right for ewes ; reverse for wethers Tar Brand W, Kangu, Fish Creek. I'ostomce address lAkevlcw, Oregon Northern Stage Line. LAKEV1EW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. ra. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m. every day but Sunday. Passengers' are $3. Round trip 1 1 OFFICE - Reynolds Si Wiugaeld's. I.akevtaw pamijy'Ti";iy.w'j" ypmm I 1