r.i,-: Help it Along. In I.-im week's i:amiii. r we pui ii.hed .-irti. I- copied fr,"n ""' ( r.-i:.'i.ii.ti I re.-, tim. the " 'f'V" I ,.,. i-t." ..vv In -re i" the firtirli' iliil l.akrvicw appear. I. lit p.-. pl.- who nr.' fniiiili.il- "ill" I-ake county's so called "drsrrt." know that the arid t One Year. $2.00 s,...tioit ,,f tin- count y is the same nil ' 1- . U . I (111 taHf (r.-mnU P-sra -ttnrf C O. MHTZt- r.w. Mink Hinldins i s: iii. p..t orti.-cKt I Uli.-Vlt-K rr ?.Ti'inl-i'i(i Mtet. r. 'F1H1S: Six Month. Thre Month.. 50 over, iiml that Idle the arid tvtflon . i.. . l . . ....... )....., . . - j,! lJHn' I MellSIVC IM HIC muuiri ii LAkEVIEW.OREOON. MRCM Jo, fOf. part ol t In colltltv. it flitfll.lt almost - : to tht California lint, tifttfii miles Annual 5urplus of J2I.(KX smith ot I .afci-view. Tlif noil In tin Now that l.ukt county is "lit of Maiiu. tin climate is the name nml tlft.t. unless ir ix to fiiitHirf in some the presence of water at depths of work of pulilic i:!ip-ovt !;i. r.t. t!i.-r.-iTf fi;,u in to .n feet ir I lit' same. That of taxation which we paid last year, the - im-on l.erf I" nttrwtlim 27.1 mills, will, if continued, haven widespread a t ten 1 i. n t lirouuln ut ritrpltis in tl.e treasury. tlieKarti riirtat.-scann.it In- longer The coiinry neeilr for ireiicral pur- denied, poses aliont !1.ixhi f..r school al.-.ut Tin onl.v r . iron these lands have fll. una, for roads al.oiit ("'sides not Ut-n taken tip years np is sinip- the $.".iHHi or H.iHHi that come from the y Uvaiise t here as no effort made state as Lakes share of the nmnev on ! he art ol t lie teoplt here to in received from the sale of pnMie lan.i ,i,-t. m-ttienieti upon them. It is a and for state taxes al. out 111.'""1, or f.l(.t that the lar;e stork raisers a total of :!"i.ihm. v ere iiol an 'nu t o ha e tli.hi set- The total taval'le plop. rt i ,!.-d up. l-nt now t hat it is l.--lieved lMi.liKL levy of ;.'7.1 mill- on tin- the raiii.---is a t him; l 't he past . and sum would yield ntioin "!'. ll'-. I . ret t lenient .f i here arid sections is duct from t his. -.T7t' i .n nc.-.nint !' ' an in.-v it a Mr c i iK i'l'-iire of s;..verti reba ti a nl .loulii- t a ,t! ion. v. . - ! m.-ut irrigation, the stuckmeii are left. ".; 4!T. rai"l in tn" i-!l'- ' i...t ..pp..-,.,! t.. t 1' ! r.-i 1 0-- . lasr of fr--::. : :-phi- .: v.' Til- To Arrive Shortly A complete line of Dress Goods. Ladies and Men's furnishing goods. Fancy Goods. Men's, Boys and Youth's Cloth ing, Hats and Caps. . '.. iii- - ; it--.. T- l. : . ; for t . . . i . of 11 1 '..".. i ' i , , i w . 1 1 i v . . i i:r 1. 4-.:. Thi- wotlid ' ii. .: . .!. if '. h.- pr ;. ' r-i ' ' ii- la .: ; :n i-t V-::-'. '.!.' r ..J !. : . . :. :,... :a- I,: W . ; ;. tl :!.' d - . . ' i . i-!;. ;t --.ir. - : o-.r t'-t;.; ... :..t ; -a . ;' W ..-.id I" a!, we rho .1 ! ! ,li ' '- p--n -. v.:.i- .-ir--. II I -. . etnel. t . r i !' - sj i:. t . t he ' . i p.-i - r-. k'ise Alfalfa Seed. ;ie. ;.e 1, i .1 l ia- ;! t h- c mi n'.v . Tin y i-.-liil m i ;iv. and u had 1 1 ; t a- ie:l -.!... A a d i-poi Moll to I e : h. tii k'adl.N a a I weicui.- t i i 1 1 . in!" 'Mil ialid .1 plenty. 1 1 He 'f! l. ' ! Ii W .1 I e - . . t M ; ' ' ,-i!i. peiaa . : . - -1 1 1 ur.'illli : - i la.r-'are s niie f.n-ls 'I'll.- r.ani- i-: ii . i . ... I. in' -ne t !- i;n-r - . -iii.l like to I. film !.(.. t he !.et. ' ii ' le !-t e.,.-ti' i j p.- of .;ikt- f tUlil.V. He have -! pointed Ih.lii out iM'fofe. and that is a r i i ailey (I& Massing!! "W ATM' r-AI"-JM' i' -t Um BEALL'S DRUG STORE . 1 1 ; i . t i : i t -. Imte fr-t:.t to iiuie i a r- - ii : 1 t-- I aiain-t Can't DLdge the Tax. t he ma t .-r . if ra i-iiiii alfalfa. There are iii.liion- and nnllioiis nf acres of tie- h-.i. t o; ai.r. MatiUii lie- nam-- l " 1 ' " '"' developed in t he Western ...'itier .-.n-l rtat-r It j. a t.al.i: Al'a.f.i tfuwi'iK is t lie most In ,, ease., for i...tai la th- '"'I-' "' "f "".v l"'oducl at t'.is ra-.,,; I'.,,!. s.vhania. M a-a. I, il,et ! ,! ",vl 1 '' lli'' '" a!id o'h.-r -tat-- Hint have ,,. I.KK tir AI L. Proprlrtor I AkhVIPW. (IVtUON. Va I 1 1n t,.,t v has pirke.l ;, !i.i nala---. ! lie reaoli iiivn are tli,,; it-' l : W l-iut illii t' ra irili, in--!) writing Iiumih - letter- Iia ' I .r Mat-- p'irp tl Hot the Mine to sped the fall tialll" a I i vi u a- p i ( ': ti " t . pa v pi t.r r- p-:, I -va I. a a.u-- e,e i, '1 1 1 1 i I-1 1 . ir 'p. -ri i ill .1 t he ..s i's av-fa. , , I'.llt ill t he ear.- of trefoil. . . vv II Illlio, tll-'-' names take little . of the localities x here development is t he t heme. The demand for alfal- 'ifj; ia seed is iiici-c asin-f and there is no end to t he fin ure demand for it . p2' To rliovv that it pavs to lnir- til- ;".' W'e have constantly on liitial Ki hi d ('..ti p - -tuck of Prupr, ( 'heiiiiculr, I'erHlintrie.. I'.ile' Xrtales Ffclicy 5: Ntitions. (. 'ic-arH, Ktc, Etc Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ; titiie or spare to V I' i I e t he f I , ; nai.r falfa s.s-d we point to our neiiihliois , ... in "-arprise valley. A lew mouths j-:.:; i.,J,-.J,;,.J.J,-,;J,iJ,:.,;.n.c;,T.;.l ''. V'.i r.'( .-ii'.HS, ,,,iu than to al.i.rev iate th-ln. people..! Tl,.' Ia.uiihi.T printed astate- vv l.i' h ra: .-1 vv a '('! .V ' !l- ,l Vli-- If. llr l.'. . if .'!:.'y :..r a peri .1 .f five 1 fa ' r . lie.-n Ii i .I'"'' ! i.-i : - ' o r"!n . ; a , a ' '. ' i Wa- rial.'!" ' . f t ,.- i r.'i;oti. esperia lly , i ai-ti : not forat sh-.rt Hi ! word that d..n.i l"- t heir ll'itn... We hope that llfeyol,- !ai;s will, -iarii.ji the v a r thai I h--feat state of ireii-.n I" a tr.-.eti!,-; t tiltlell wa.rid i'le a'lelilioia ta. i he i nil'- end ti-.ai.le la w rite t h ia ! nam.- i t iie.r lioin.-. W ri ' I i trt'ii. .'i . not i if ., ir ,r . ire. . nor l 'I . h : I l h . 1 . i I st a ': a , . . ' 'l-.'iioh. he iit made hv a fa i liter . if that val lid that the vear of V." X I t a I r 1 a 1 1 a. i i I I. a "I VV I pa.v lie '. I ' I. i . :.a- hot appa . ..a . a, .t - pr. Il . . . . s I . . Ml.. ....... ' i .: : i V. a . a,. .' ' -.1. i I. v on. halt ; '.. a ; in i i-. (,,. v. .. i 'ii' .-I.. - -'.Ii ' II. o- e . at o V. .... : , .. ,.v e . VV h urpi is-- v a II. y t uriied off over f 'l.".. 1 1' ' vv oil Ii of allall.l seed, and t he ear of l'"l 111"' pr.te.f-ls from the v a 1 ie v et op of a I fa I fa seed amount ,.,iom..'e than all I he olli.r pro .firi. . .1 I he v a I .-y put 1 1 niel ln-r. II. n. W. T 1'resrier of ledaivilie rohli I I lie. t si a I el lie 1 1 I . W h i. Il VV an made let Win. Toiie.v a farmer of I he I. a, e 1,1.1 l.e hliol hood. Ti.-' .Ml u I. -it papers prinl.-d a news i'l in last vv.eU al.oiit M. M. (iarrett ol l.al.e I il.v, having iurchasei a raiirli last year for which he paid g; ''r'.'Mi. ' In- litt y.-nr he sold from this ranch J-d.aUU worth nf alfalfa s I. I....... i. .... Ivt'er !:iri-'! .!!! ,-.!;, 1o- alfalfa I hall riht line vvillnii sii;l;t of I .a Lev i.-vv , Iv iny tteiilit. III!!! !!!!!!!!!!PI!!!l!l!!n!!IIII-l!!!l!P Wm WM Wmmmmmmws m To Win . . . N our Patronage i i.iiir.'-iii.iii Hail of low a ha. spruaii a i-ii-aiiaii which i- ri ir n;.',, i.y ;o. v .'th 1 1 it-n t ..Mirials who think 1 hev are more hk.-ly to ji.-t on to (arts from the rtaie ii ml other ii. -parl.n.'iits. Mr. Hull mi.u that .lapni inlehds to try to l.n.v t he I 'hilppin-' I sia nds. a lid if il fails il will 1 1 ii lit for them. Japan lirl.e, ' nil a and has Kiis.ia ai.oul licked, i.iit tin- iifie- l.r-,vvn men had lieit.-r Hot ii- I a' l.i head over there a. hi. v em.-nts and jump ohlo n- Klamath county has a d.-lit of I ia Led tafes: rum. tiling miyht al.oiit ' I Uh.UUli ha itii i Ii" o v er i I . w h ile drap I III I Mil ,1 We're Out The Mammoth Stables Wm. K. HI kUOWn, l-n.pr tc tar A I Ut A u ''ii st 1st ui will tii. iv ;i ( t- 1. 1 j I.u ..is .... 1 a -:! i f ri jevt ; v. it;. o v .i ii. i .i ii t ;t i ik- in r.rtst( i ti Orc-onii. - liMVf iiiri-li;is.-( iIk- i-io-s, ? t - I , "1 t-'tc, riiiil ri i f now i t-.-idy I'. .r our sli.i i v of tin- jm' -'i. 's I i.-i 1 rt Mi.-i.L-c. You will lie ;i sMi ri 1 1 ol'oiioil r-i'.-s, tirr- 1 ti 1 tlnwrs ;t!)d nml stotk. tion lor v.'oniiiK ivi.-il t r;i vclt-rs. S i. ri;i .'iiruiii'ii!;! Lake coiinly owes not a dollar and I yn ha- lie .hev i n I In- I rennirv . pa.v iiiiiiMiiMiiiii iiiiiiia iiiii ui BiiiiiiiM 1 .' ti I . a . a :. va ' ,.,a l.-ea . !,..!..,: ,-. . e.. i, j,, J., .., i, I ;, a rer-ill ol . a.- a.-vv law iioveiaia. primary eiertin,.. v I. Uracil i, cltirmaii nf lie- n.ov nraiuzitlion Aiinilii r Japanese loan of l.".i i:ii",nuh i.a. Ii. en at ranged for. i.hhn, I..,. 1 1 iV i o , of N.-vv Vori. w in ooooyQr&jttoooocKc ma,-.. i ,,.,.' wi arim j STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" "Thi iminab'e lite As-mance "'I'M III I lie la I e Ol I I i tier crn I . o iucipw of NerY Y crk. - "" """" w lin""' 1 ""' "18 ONI! IIl'XDKI'D I'OLICY IIOI.DIiKS IN LA K li COCNTY rairhaiiks ,.,r President in P.H.s. j 8 i CCPTC tlfil lff '. . ...--.i wd.i.h is known as the "New ,eU , s"'" ''''" IN'Pul.lical.s will Mippnrt j 6 , .pp. , IC T WmnVwMI . J- U. b All in, l:-pul.li,'a.i oiaiani.atio... The pur- the vice-president fnr chief f xecutive. j g LUiJ JtJ.UUUUUU Special Agent ii rjs.. ,,t thir nieanizatioi, is I,, M-nire ; , ooooooaoovsxiaaosxM eaiididales fnr city couiicilin.-n that j are true patriotr and nnt "yellnw "lnjir." i The r.-uiaiiiK nf Mrs. Stanford were lirnuht frniu HoiujIuIii m Palo Alio, ' California, where they were laid to rest mi the -ltli Inst. l-'pnll arre;,r till? fijihtS of till)'' to t he i-i'v eminent The ialles-l.'eliln canal will he cnnstrurti'd . Therijiht nf w ay has Ii.-. n secured hy lliestat. and is icady In I"' transferred to lie- The Medfurd 6l Crater KaUe rail ii o v . i i . 1 1 at . ! ij.oii In- ajiproval nf mail w ill lie ltullt.Thls road will lie IMl.-rl'. lie- V I ! . I'll.'.V il'ln I ,'d. opell II p a Ii lie I im I.V nf I i III I HT. Meluwure Is still deadlocked. The 47 III liallnt for V. H. Senator shnwed no sius nf a lireak In the deadlock. your Health and STREKGTH with JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a pleasant, potent, and permanent Invigorator lor WOMFJ CHILDREN, and MEN. Cft It frcm your IriRKw'