Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 30, 1905, Image 1

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    in "i lib t MirtWIBBIM
H math
NO. 13.
,nteIjor Needs Kailroads.
, y IT tiit lt-r. chief engineer of j
H.-rUniiitl"" crvlcv. Oregon dls
.t.Miition.'lul IVinll. t. .ii. Which ;
B.rt nf..ll'-":
',.i,lletin. ' 'ivgoii. Mar. I'.HC. (
New Transcontinental Railroad.
.1. I). Negus of Salt Lake City and
Cheyenne, the greatest single-handed
railroad builderof the prevent day and
generation, lias come to San Francisco,
unobtrusively and unannounced, to
perfect plans for a new transcontinental
railroad that will revolutionize railroad-
Mi! f. . 1 "
,,r Sir:-
!,,.,. to n. i.'m
nr of tin- I
v.iiir niil"'!'.
ii lhoi:l.l
,mc rMpi.i
! uri.l pott,
.lire voii tl
over w it I' interest
i led.;.' IVt
l ilir1 . and copies
(,.r which I thank
! er ulnl Indeed
! papers ill
H i.I llir H- IIIIU M, , ... i,,,,,,!!,.- ,..H ,,f ;, ,.,.., ...l.lii I. . .,1 ICI i i 1:1..
I tl.iv ii tf aUvn.vs ,,,,. by mot all pn-sctit. and now the league has a little money on hands. Anyone who wishes to hell)
; hi.. Hi the development of Lake county may do sn by joining and donating such mud us thev tnav feel like eh inir
TlK'firft cop - "I "'HT nave .,) ,.,,, Urli M-ehed. ulid I Hill
,.,.(! to not-- the interest I Jike u.r t.un 1m. understood ,)V reading it.
The S-cretary win instructed t. send out letters to every taxpayer in the county.
The object of the let-
.iiDty Ih general Is taking In the
rlttlliutioli Service Investigations.
Xben arc very :i!tiK ie
.inm about certain project in
.cilitcrlor of the state, but there
v uIho utinttnictivc featureH lu
Ty project, chief i.f v hich, in them1
wrier project!-, is the hick of tnms-
.rtiitioD facilities. It has npeareil
Dip that the line of work which
ill do the most goisl !"r the In
ri.irof the state in t ti i matter is
it to hurriedly construct some pro
t without very dctliiatc data lis
i Hater supply available, but to
induct our Investigations with the
t end lu view of showing what
in lw expected troin these regions
. the future, ;t lid so in. hieing rail
.iid int'Tests t enter the field, that
i Ioiioei i v acliiai rniml ruc-
Ml UK Up;.r- pr.u tieable. To
i!!fiid, 1 l..m- no opportunity to
Ivcrtii. iiti.l promote, as I am able,
if irrigation in the
Very resMftiiilly.
,I."HI. K. U Ills'lf IK.
Senator Fulton i. Home.
I nilMj States Seu-itorC. W. Fulton
'turned to Oregon Inst Saturday.
Seutttor Is glud to gvt back to
,rHKio again. Mr. Fulton said the
"Mo canal would Is- built by the
-"vtrmiiciit, and that 'KKI,000 bad
w appropriated.
''etiiitor Fulton Is-lieves that the
rriKtion projects lu ( ir. goii lire lu
-'"l shape. He thinks the Klam
project will l. tak. ii up by the
-"Wniueiit, i,m, the draining of the
" ill !. mci-oii, j, lulled. Thej
"'ur.lii,.. ,,,
The letter fa given lu full below:
Lakcview Oregon, March 2Sth, lOOo
"SU Jiou,
E. K.
!he, and he
"-h the illametU'
faseiuli- Mountain
I olni..'lfi tf i.tfortii'V
Wutluii ug.-dnst the i oiuputiycon
are a, ,t t)) lH. Ill)l(lt, bv ,t
"'h Will permit of the Malheur
"'1111 beinj; carried out . ThUcoi.i-
'M".r l wild to have Mood ill the
"'"y of Irrigation of that s.itlon of
"mr' lu which It owned about
of l.m.l.
U" the Harney and I'mutilluj
",""3rlri.j.rlsare1 l.U,.,. hape; !
Uure Ihe pn.ii.,,1 making1
torFult.,,, hum that he and
' ''fcultlent had . ve. '
f,r,-t!"" appoint III! nts t lw
'""Jl' II..
Je wim ii.,! ,.,. ii,,,, ti...'
't',UrK hiur olllce uastobe tilled I
"U Dew
' ' ' ing in the M'est. He has brought with
Ihe Lake county Ivveli.pinent league met again lust Friday night and accomplished much good, him a little piece of string, which he
, .VHfdiei. were made by W. H. Shirk, Daniel ltoone, J. N. Watson. C. V, Snider. Ixv Beall and W. B. Snider, which ears ' tch pocket when he is
elpt of how that a great deal of interest is lieing taken in the league. I "ot ""'"K il to denionstrate how straight
It wiim .l.-el.l.-.l i.. u-fit.. i..i. - . . i . . . ... i a railroad can be built across the . ineri-
ii was iitdiieii to write letters to several government officials and men in authoiitv for informat on w i ch . , ,
;l, , , can continent if a per.on only knows
' int n"t ,lM' K,,t H,,Pl' ," l'r"-' " ith the work of irrigating Lake county. i ,low.. Wjthollt asking for financial as-
W . B. Snider was elected treasurer. J Stance from any of the big railroad or
I he le ague is gaining membership all the time and more enthusiasm is manifest ; at each meeting. Be-1 ""! ed interests cf the country, he
purposes buililing a railroad froin the
Missouri river to California. At pres
ent he is a guest at the Palace Hotel.
Mr. Negus ie a western man, and says
his road will be distinctively a Western
road, owing no allegiance to Kaatern
railroac interests, and to be operated for
the advantage of the West and the West
ern people. Incidentally it will be the
shortest line between San Francieco and
the Missouri river, he says, and will be
the easiest and luoet economical to op
peroteby reason of its easy grades, which
will exceed at no place 1 per cent.
"I have been working on this project
for twenty-three years." Said Mr.
Xegus at the I'alace Hotel Saturday,
"and have at last gotten things in such
a shape that I can confidently eay the .
road will be built. I have invested f 400-
000 of my own money in the project, of
which f 175,000 has been expended for
surveys. The only way I see to get uay
money but is to build the road. So the
road is going to be built.
"I am not asking for any American
capital to carry out the enterprise. Of
course, a great del of capital will be re
quired outside of my own resources, but
1 have this money promised. It will
come largely from German capitalists,
although some English capitalists are
anxious to get in on the deal. I have
organized companies in Wyoming, Neb
raska and Utah for the purpose of con
structing the road through those states,
and a company will be organized in Cal
ifornia for building this end of the line.
"This w ill be the shortest line to the
Missouri river, and w ill have the advan
tage of the easiest grades. The builders
of the Central 1'acibc made a great mis
take when they located the present line
through the Sierra. Nature made one
natural passage through the Sierra, and
that is tiie valley and canyon of the Pitt
river, which is the outlet of Goose Lake
up in Modoc county. The waters of
Goose Lake empty into the Sacramento
river and the bay of San Francisco.
When you get to Goose Lake you are on
the other side of the Sierra, and you
have climbed to an altitude of a little
over 4000 feet.
"Now, to the uninitiated it may seem
a roundabout way to build a transconti
nental line by way of Goobo Lake, up in
northeastern corner of California. J'.ut
what difference does it make which in
itial direction the road takes so long hs
i 1 '
r lu, i
lk-ar Sir:
I beg to state, that at a recent meeting of the LAKE COUXTY DEVELOPMENT
LE.MWE, the Secretary was instructed to write you, and all other residents of Lake
County who are likely to take any interest in the upbuilding of our county and the ad
vancement of our mutual interests, imd not only invite, hut earnestly solicit you, to
give the matter your best thought and influence; and when possible attend the League
meetings held the First Saturday in each month, and give us the benefit of such sugges
tions as may impress you as being beneficial to the League.
The question may be asked, what does the League propose to do? What will its
efforts result in, etc'
In the first jh'aee, the stigma shall no longer attach to us, that unlike any other
residents of the State; we either cannot offer any arguments to recommend Lake County
to the man of enterprise, the business man, or the home-seeker; or else our ideas are so
vague, our sentiments so selfish that we care not, how it fares with others, so long as
we are jtrospcrous or, shall this seeming apathy be attributed to our stupidity or
want ofinteligeuce, when we know that the tens of thousands of acres now unoccupied,
and produce nothing but sagebrush and jackrabbits, can be made the most productive
farms and prosperous homes in the County, if we will only cxeicise a unity of senti
ment and action that will appeal to our Representatives in Congress, and the Secretary
of the Interior, and other Officials, that we can be in close touch with, if we only make
them know that it is really the wish of all our people that the government will under
take the irrigation of our arid lands, and by this means make us rich in our possessions,
happv in the increase of population, and the lessening of our taxation, as well as the
quickening of our transportation facilities.
To tell all we want to do, and how it can de done, and the good results that will fob
. i r a i . - - . . . a. 'ill i a. a
.', would r-'dt' fhi a voluminous letter, ana tor me present we win ue content tosay,
.dvcus water and and plenty of it, for irrigation purposes and we shall see tliousands: -sow.ietme.i
of smiling happy homes on what we now call our sagebrush wastes or deserts.
This like all other enterprises, is necessarily attended with some expense, and to
meet this, membership fees are fixed for the present at Twenty-five cents per month.
So far, manv of those who have been enrolled have generously donated one dollar or
more the first month in addition to the t wenty-fi ve cent fee. Liberality of this kind
will heli greatly toward getting printed matter in circulation, and do many things
that money will alone do.
Consequently, if yon M !lbk' to 1nate a trifle and send in your name to the Sec
retary for enrollment, it will be much appreciated by the League!
Very ti uly yours,
Secretary Lake County Development League.
"'ll, but lUM..,cil It would
liully if iudlcti.M i.t- were o
"'""t I'-rldge. and Booth.
Elected ItelTateV
JJ1 ri'"yw" Wtc the fol-
'Htl'o Ut,'s,tu,t s"turilay uljfht
W- V.a.t,w'-ir'l l."'lge.t Port
IV, j J-'tsht. J. V . I in ker uiid
Automobile for Chandler.
V. B. Chandler this week placed an
rder with the Ahlstrom Bros., fur
., automobile. When tuU m-w
horM'less carriage urrivea Mr.Chund
lerinay be wh u most auy time hit-
. ,.i,.,.K Horses ami
I ling me i""
telephones are too slow
for Mr.
New Development League.
'Ihe Willamette Valley Develop
ment Jx'Uguo ww organised at
Sulelil last week with Col. 1Z. Jlofer
of Saleiu as president, Walter Lyou
of Independence an secrerary, and
Walter L. Toozo of Woodburu a
treasurer. The purpose of the
licague 1 the development of the
Willamette valley.
Three are Dead.
A man mimed Shook, employed by
A. K. Cooiier, a Bawmill mau near
Drain liot and killed Cooper, then
killed a friend of Cooper's, then turn
ed the gua aad blow cut kin own
brainn. The trouble arose over too
close relationship la'tweca Shook
and Cooiter'a wife.
He pulled a piece of hiring out of his
vest pocket and laid it, badly crinckled,
on the seat beside him.
"The average road has just about as
macy crooks and turns as that piece of
string," he said.
Placing a finger on each end of the
string he took up the slack with another
finger and made the string a right angle
with perfectly btraight sides, thus dem
onstrating that a railroad built straight
from San Francisco to Goose Lake and
thence straight to the Missouri river
would be no longer than a road that fol
lows the serpentine course of the Central
Pacific through the Sierra and through
the valley of the Humbolt. This geo
metrical secret belongs to Negus by
right of discovery, and he hopes by
means of it to revolutionize railroading
in the West.
Library Association Order Books.
A meeting of the directors of the
Library Association had a meeting
Monday night and ordered about
17) books. They wiro to meet
again last evening and order an
other lot. Any one having sug
gest lima to make regarding books
will do the association a favor by
consulting Mr . Itinehai t, tho President.
r 1 -
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