Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 23, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 12.
Adopts By-laws, Appoints Working Com
mittees and Designates Next Friday
Night for Next Meeting.
Ii mlanee could lint have been liml.
imhI explained Saturday evcn-
railed to Ofil'T l'V,ll as tilt II III. IVt'd till' I.I'IIUIU'
. I III.' 1 V. rb 'pllli'Ut LrUlitle
A m.i liii- l.-t .iturday night
XL"',,,V " ""t Mul' " li,rs:''
row.l. lull '"
muil.-rs iiia.l.U.iuelith.l-inMil.
I'l.e liiii'ti:
iK.t, .,r,..i,,.,i ' . 1.. Suelliiig, in I ! j ii'lj' nu n until ui'Xt Friday
ilw-nev I'r.-i'li nl Sti'in.T. w In- j M,iri i at s i lock.
uHMHi'l- r the weather anil did nut
j,,liki' att. inline. Tin- minutes .f
lie previous in.-rtiug were read, and
ilifiwrtilig soon took up the bllsi
:kh presc rihcd for It at tin- previous
niwtiuic. that of receiving the report
.1 the roiinnltt.-e on constitution
mi! hy litwH. ( huirman Boone of
the committee presented the com-
:,iittee report and the by-laws were
read by tin- secretary. The by-law
were adopted it h lew slight change.
,nd It is Mi.-ved that the orgnnlzu
:inn Dow haa ..lid foundnth m.
Ttie following working commit tees
ere appointed:
l n i ti i:
1!. Italy, V. II Hdrk, Harry Daily,
all kinds of garden stuff was grown.
In recent years the lake dried up,
and now gardens are an nuccessfully
irrown on the lake an anywhere In
hompson, editor of the Al-... ,. ,, . , , ,
1 ' the valley. Thin we have from good
.. .. . I....U..
I (lillli.ri llj .
The question of the presence of
w-uter causing frost und preventing
It has been variantly discussed.
In an effort to disestablish the
, theory of the pressence of water
creating frost, disbelievers dcmon-
wnich ' :S follows: ! Htrate their argument with the fact
"Tlie press of l.akeview is taking ' that to thoroughly saturate the soil,
a commendable stand in favor ,f in which tender plants are growing.
! turns I'lalndealer, In last week's Issue I
of his paper, suggests a line of work
that, while might lie accomplished
1 y a newspaper. If proper facts can
; lie obtained, hut is more t lie work for
our Development League. We re-
inn was a had one fur holding such
a meeting, and sugm-Mcd Hint Fri- ,,,'v,,,,,l,'tf ' '' resources of t he conn-1 wit h water in theeveniiig. the plants
il.ix nlulit would he a better time. '-v' A I'evelopmenl League has been i will not be damaged by a consider-;
formed and steps taken to advertise
the resources and to induce Immlgrn-
able frost. This is a fact, but
nevertheless, it is no argument'
i tioti. The first thing they should do j against the removal of large bodes I
is combat the unreasoning prejudice of water for the purpose of dispell- j
.i i ne ncxi nitiing 11 is 10 lie ...... , ... . ,....,.., . . . . ,
: ii iu i u t i lie iu ei ink in mauling m i lll hum,
hoped all of each committee will be , i(M1KP Lakl.. t said that nothing ! There seems to be phenoininal
present and have their duties assign- ., ,((, (lou contmrv to tltf .,,, f j atlU08plu,ril. comlitioiiK which cause
e,l to them. The personnel of tl.t-; the of the VulU-y. The press ! frost to act differently upon vegeta
different committees were carefully h,)ow t(J t,)e ptonIu t,mt u , ! tion or hl otUvr words, two Uin(
selected and are all men of ability j to ,he ,litePelt of everyone to make of frost, this Is admitted. In one in
nnd especially useful In the capacity ! m.w buIHW where ,U)W tJ ft dreliry Btance Wtttniay enfely U? put on a
assigned them. I .. vint,.pu ti.n now livlnu- iniirleii lii tlii liiornlnrr nfrer n. fi'osr.
while In another ca--e such an act
would cause the plants to turn
black and die when the sun comes
We would suggest that farmers
make some experiments along these
It Is also hoped that a large at-. ,Hlve ,he u, ()f t)e ake
tendance will Ik? had from all parts w,lh Wllv,ff ,llea(loW8 of wii,i
of the county, ns It Is exiKKted that
grass. There was practically no
a line 01 prix-euure ... ne uiscuss.-., , (.())Hl, , ake t,R,n( ,(Ut ft 8Inning val.
and decldeil upon, so that work can ! ,(.v t,)at W(U,(, furHh i,ome8 for
lie liegun without delay. The
hundreds of families. To return to
Ingiie wants the cooperation of the! tl(Uc()n(ljtion jt ,H only llt.fessary i lines and get results which will be
entire county. I'nlted effort Is what ; t() )lniin or partially drain, thepres-
will iiccomplish the purpose set out t,nt ,.ke ,K.(, T,R, f ,)0p.
for. It is U'lleved, and The F2xam-; ulltloI1 would build up the towns, a
. Biets-r, V. L. Snelling. i:. C A III- iuer has, ever since we commenced m.w jllllmHL. w ould be gi veil tofarm--trom.Ji.liii
Morris. Plush, I.. A inn- urging the organization of this Ic-! all,i Htock raising and making it
v..rtli, Piiii-l.-y. 11. M. riemim: .Tine vi lopmeiit U'ague, nearly a year wort, while to build railroads. It
r. v. i.L-iii
;:. F. ciieiii-y.
i i 'v si i; .
F. M. Miller. C. T. Snl. l.M
ai-.o. laid stress on the fart, that ii--: would mean progress, not stagna-
i i- i i
ligation should be the lirst subject i
tloll.";i. I., lake up. We have said and still j Now then, will It injure the farms
convincing In themselves, rather
than for The Exuiuiner to undertake
to argue them into our way of
If frosts can be eliminated by re
moving the large body of water,
then there is one point gained. We
do not pretend to say that the argue
inent in favor of draining the lake is
believe that one thing at a time; ,J" M,,n the iiiuikIh f iocs.- Lake to ! complete with the above, but If this
I .ee
t hat one thing riht and then 1 ro-
drain or partially drain the Lake?
. , ii ..... i
cii.l loaiiotller. liocci, m-imu- , ... . . I l.i.m''
ciilW-M. li, ,ler. ;eo. Wlnir- League l.-.w. headed with a force j M TIOIH,,Hon caH it nn UI1reIWoii-
. . .i - t ... it'. ..,1
ol earnest corners as usoii.te, s, ...... , ft)le ollj(.t.tioll... We have heard the
The president' arose and made a an army of heavy weights with their
w appropriate remarks und ex-, nhouhlers to the wheel, and there is
reused 111 regret that a lurger at-1 no chance f ir a, failure.
in no doubt hut it will 1 a perfect suc
cii.h. Truly l.akeview can be ever
boastful of Its people, for a more Kener
ou and broad minded set cannot be
objection made, but do not know
exactly upon what foundation the
objecttion Is based. We presume
though, that those who look with
disfavor upon the draining of the
lake, do so with a spirit of honesty,
and not from any selfish motive.
Now If there are facts that can lie
The Reading Room.
The rejrulur meeting of the truMe- ol
' Laltevieiv HeadiiiK Koom and Li
rarf Aswx-mlion a held at the ourt
I'juie Muii, lav evening
"Binittein were mhiiiitted and it w uh good cam-f , and with perHHtetice, uru j tlu-m, pruvllio; l.o.voiul a reasonable
:"Jn that tl,. work of compl. tin.' ar-lllie eslablit-hment " Very wormy
f.afUJttjts and lurnihiii( the ieii.lui( ' eiiterprixe.
-Hi iu at an earh il.ite
I'Cogr.-ofM.g rMj.i.IIy. The i-oin has
lieport. of; found. They are ever w lili.itf to l.e.p a un), Tiu I.:xamlm.r ,.au get
a tl,.,roiih H-novut
of a,
;u, 1
doubt that the proposed draining of
(ioose Lake will not Injure the farms
Taxes Rollinjf In. ; along its borders, and if facts can be
week The Kxamiiier stated had to show that these farms can be
.... i 1 . I.,, I....1 ..f lli.. I,. I...
il,,.i I .,L,. . .anil v was out ol ueiil. oeneiiiie.i .i.e. i.. ... ... -
"ii i,, :,, , i... ,., u-, made into ciiuall.v as good farms,
want it to I
........ ii iv.-imii-v
ci.irrlul, homelike, I ' , ,,...,.,., the the undertaking with as much zeal
one point can be gained, then we
might take up another point and
discuss It, and we will ulways allow
the farmer space In our columns to
present his views.
- .V ..t..i IH, 11. I'll
;,im surplus
. . I., ,.!..... .11.. I, I,, I..
This statement was glan-1 men mis ' "-.j k..
i.. .,.
veryulK., specially the Indie ' ," ai hailed with de-! as it has to secure the organization
tview :. . . .i i i""""' " ' ' I . ... . ......... i..., .
Wit; thuuld intereht theiio-elveH
!"1 Unit the room and try to place
it 6uiii iwtirle to eiihiinif the
Ti' ay i-'ople have renpomled to
" movfinn.t ia nullicient pn..f that
'J in intereHed.. Last we. k we
U.M.l, .:...! , ..
i.'rutiuil Ol wai.UOK I
"v. iiid Mr. J. M MilH1. )ulB
") kindly donated oi
of the Lake County Development
lii.l.t the dav tin- last outstanding
obligation was called In for pay-1 Ix'ngue.
IIM.ut l or seventeen years Lake! It appears on (he face of the prop
county has not seen Its warrants all osltlon that little or no permanent
, For M'vent.H... years our tax- Injury would result lo these farms,
payers have Isvn striving to free but If the subject was gone Into
themselves of the blnllngobllgatloiis1M(.k.ltI, there might bo un
of 'outstanding, interest bearing j lM..(.t.(.Iiai feature that does not an-
i county warrants. The day liaM ' ol"" p,,ar w the face. In the first place
. '::,:,;:"::,;;i,r: ?rj !!...., ,., , r,,
b',.t. Such p ni-iou im- , )(rll laboring for this end. i be lowered to a given permanent
'tre what wi ,ke ...i. l: Una Last w-'k we boasted of a , 1,olti nMi ut allowed to till up
'ml ... .' 1 .mi-Liu lii the Dvasury; this week ';.,.., .,,i eovcr the farm that
" "If'a-llo, r,-,.N
l'.)l.aH kindly
fcU.'c.-. 311. I-. ".."I"' . , I" Hi"" ""
ntative.,, ..,,bon,j"'f ' " 'TCTo' ''" tlll 11,0
or last sslle oiinty J 1' "sun i i , .
ly doim-d .in 5.!' ;:;, ,,,,, the tax lake l,y .ra...
ed , on... hi, , .Ise.i i ,, state for the var-J it has been demonstrated that
u'!y will .i Li,, It..,,- sums sullicleiit to swell .., , HtlVcft of water causi-s frost,
ua''e one trillK a 1(ail W(J,M!llw General fund to 1 1.O0H.W) after , tliU mrilvUH lu vU))t() proximity
Dd A .
tho IJeadi,. K.Miu?
t ,DJ,t"i La an extra .hair; we
'J!, hilt He t.a-(1 maLv ()l ,
-Many have aiieidiied their
to doUttlJ L(jokt.
triil m "Uf U,e "iation, will
rJ"lueh donation.
- e -iu iijf lli tu ,,,..,1,1 In
. ...vvutumiiiiiieuv iu uu.u
lu APr'l arranged, and there J boast-.'
lakes tale subject to f loots
I ....(.. I...I.I ls'cii paio, m
'fill Will"..'" ...... -
-Lfui mi i.iijl llie i"
n!Z I, ten!, jUSu-r .. ddl- throughout te season. In Surprise
uaUon outstanding are paid. Our valley this hus Ihii proven. At u
state tuxes, the first half of which I tl(IM) wu.a the lake there was full of
are net due till J unu 1st, amount to Wlt,.r t,e runchers ulong tho mar
rt little over 1I,000. There Is yet f th(, ,alie colll(1 Bl-urcely rulso
veral thousand doiiats vo .... ... while ou
Cannot we J""" ".'. ...... ............ f,...ti,tit-
tno nii"ci limn, .""""I
Died En route to Lake view.
II'. P. Overton, aged about 24 years, a
resident of Pluah, Oregon, died last
Friday while enroute to Lakeview.
Mr. Overton had been sick for several
days, but the serious nature of his illness
was not realized and it was late U'cJiies
day evening before a doctor wua sum
moned. H ill George made the trip to
town and Dr. Hall responded to thecall,
arriving in I'lush early Thursday morn
ing. The physician found that Mr.
Overton had a completely strangulated
bowel, ol tiie most latal type, recovery
from which being one of the rarest oc
curiences in medicine.
The unfortunate man had a meagre
show by operative measures, if Lake
view could ho reached, where he could
have the closest attention subsequent
to operation. Mr.Overton wasapower
ful young man, and it waa thought his
vitality would justify taking this one
chance for life. A plain statement of
the facta was made to Mr. Overton and
the family, and ho bravely accepted the
alternative, fully realizing tho hardships
and danger of the long ride.
A good bed waa arranged in an easy
riding vehicle and the patient made as
conifortablo as possible.
Dr. Hall then returned and made
preparations for an iiiiiniidiato epila
tion, but all efforts to give the young
man the one slender chance for his lifo
came to naught. He succomed while
enroute, near the Drake Camp, about
half way.
Plum Overton was the son of Mrs. J.
N, tiivan, and brother of Mrs. J. A.
Morris. He leaves a wife and two
children. t
Mr. Overton Lad a 1 1,000 policy with
tl Kquitable Lite. Ho waa also a
member of the order of Pioneers of the
The Examiner joins a score of friends
in extending heartfelt sympathy to the
bereaved relatives.
The local land office ofliclals here
and every real estate agent in Lake
view are receiving dozens of letters
every week from pcrtles inquiring
about the release of the forest lands
in this laud district. We are send
ing out hundreds of copies of The
I.xaininer containing the released
lands to these parties, and it is be
lieved t hat a rush will be made for
illl t he lands, made vacant by this
order of the department, after the
2:!d day of May, when the lands w ill
be subject to entry. Owing to a re
cent bill that passed Congress and '
signed by the President, no scrip
can be placed on any of these lands,
and it will be taken by actual bona
fide settlers. The repeal of the lieu
land haw. which has been the foun
dation of the famous land frauds in
the public land states, will make it
almost impossible for boodlers and
grafters to work their fraudulent
schemes to beat the government out
of its lands, and permit of a more
equitable process of locating lauds.
There is about 175,000 acres of
land released within a rudius of 30
miles of Lakeview, mostly covered
with valuable .timber and some
good agricultural lands, to be upeu
for settlement on and after May 23d
under the timber and stone act aud
the homestead law. This does not
include all the lands released, as
there Is a large body of land l the
northern .part of the county, that
will be opened at the same lime.
There Is every reason to believe this
land will not lie vacant any length
of time, as it is ktiown that there is
not another body of merchantable
timber between it and the eastern
boundary of the state. With the
prospects of irrigation by the gov
ernment of our arid lauds, w hich is
certain to bring railroads, these
lands w ill be considered first of any
In the western states as valuable
It Is not idle prattle when we say
thatforLake county people to get
ahead of the hundreds of non-residents
who are now looking to Luke
county for lauds, both timber anil
agricultural, It will be necessary for
them to secure their timber tit tho
earliest possible moment when these
lands are released. It may be said
that most of the valuable timber
was taken before the reserve was
created. Some of It was, but there
yet remains hundreds of quarter sec
tions that Is just as good as any
taken at that time; and there Is not
a quarter section of laud In Lake
county that has even a small pro
portion of timber ou it that Is not
worth many times what H costs,
$ U.fiO per acre.
Lakeview Boy a riillionaire.
Tho .Van Frauclsco Sunday Ex
aminer of March 5 in a w rite-up of
tho Tonopnh mining men, gives
George Wlnglield, a former Lake
view boy quite a send off. it slates
that owing to Mr. Winglleld's wide
acquaintance with mining men and
mines, ami his ability to estimate
values, he lias, iu the past three
years, amassed a fortune of over
Geo. Wlnglield Is known hero by
nearly everybody, lie is n brother
of our townsman and merchant, M.
Wlnglield, of tho firm of Peynolds &.
Wlnglield, also of Mrs. 0. ExCuiupleU
lit Paisley, It is with pleasure
Lake county people read tmcli ac
counts of Lako county raised boys.