- - o i r-u- ..i.l vuu I r t t Have You Decided Where to place vour next order for your season's necessities? Some store may quote you redieulously low prices on inferior oods to at tract you to their store. Others may offer you sugar and salt at a loss and charge you from two hundred to five hundred jkt cent, profit on other snoods to make up their losses on the sugar and salt. It von hae money to burn and can afford to buy your necessities at such places, you are at blurty to do so. HERE AT .MY 5T0RE, business is conducted on different lines I have !::t One Cash Price to all. I aim to make a fair and legiti mate profit -. all ales. I rkr r.u laits and solicit the trade of Cash Buyer h are on the lookout t -r Honest Values. When y.'ii -ay here "you always get your money's worth," or Money Back." i: you arc r.it .itist"ud. Satisfied Customers make a striving to attain these cikvts. mess irrow. and I am constantly flY PRICE LIST IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL BIEBER'S CASH STORE.... to relatives and frieuda Inthlx vat Icy fint of tli week. . , All the lateat novcltle In Indies Belt At the Lakevlew Mercantile Co', in a day or two. The tuost popular saloon to Lake view Is lmt & Kind's, where the beat of everything la kept. ft-tf Take your orders for goods to Weber's Caah Store. A saving on every Mil of good purchased. A large establishment, with ample capital. In soon to he erected In Portland for tlie manufacture of clothing. Compare the GOODS SOLD BY THK LAKF.AIF.W MLBCANTILK CO., with good sold by some of the other firm iu tow n. The M. Co. will have Inn few day the lnrgt and beat line of Spring KiHiilnrvtT brought to lkke view and their price will Ii- lower than ever lief ore. Dr. J. S. Iiewey la now ha-atvd In Boom 44. (fimt floor I Hotel lake rlew, the frame rooina he occupied t i wjien uo wax nere ueiore, aim la pre- WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT. flolow we give a report of the wettber aa recorded by tbe Government ethf bureau station at The Examiner Otfit. Thia report it changed each week, tod if our reailera wiah to keep a yearly record of weather condition! tor future refer ence, cut out tb report atone the black line and past) it in a arrap book ot week after another. Thia reord will t taken on Tueada- to end each week tti begin on Wednesday for tbe next meek. Government Weather Bureau Sta tion at Lakaview, Orejftm, C 0. Urrzxu. Loral Observer. Week ending Tuesday, Mar. It. 1DIB max jmin, frclp lattoo n'w (all chirtour of aij wJTjT3!lTj fhur. lUriL'fl" frid'yj M :t? aiit'rj 1 :r j aim." ! :.4 " iiioii. :i tue.rr.v. f:i out jETT " . no" I o clear l 'I " I JH.MI,l7 r i a" ! .J WAY GET SOAKED .,, WKM mb i mm OILED CLOTMINC- will yw ear h rut m t T5A3? "an StMt .tTATai tMOWIIK TVUL LWC O (aaUT H1TV A J. TOWH CO.. OtTO Bttl , u LakeviewAnd Vicinity Frvfeh candy at the Monogram. J. P. Duke was up town Tueaday. i rang and Letuona at tbe Mono gram. Jim Partin U on the rick liwt thia ; wef-k. Warm rius ;irv reportel ( P. Sit-y. lin-at IleiiijLt Sale i now en Jit L. V.. Cii. pared to do all kinda of dental j j work. 6-tf It baa been deinonatnttel that If Chief of Police Hunt had no kno edge of tbe an loon a of Portland be ing open letaeen the houra of 1 and j a. tn tie la Portland'a eolitary monument of Ignorance on thia eub Ject. Oregon Journal . J. B. Blair returned thia week from Anaconda. Mont, and Pendleton Ore gon, where be baa been on an ex tended vlwit with relative. Mr. Blair reporta bin fattier, who 1m near- !... t... I.'rt n...l. .....1 .- . . Moss has been In town the i He had a good trip and wi'ii lot of country on his travel. Phil Lynch la bere from Warner. The Kit Restaurant for a firat-claaa meal. Did you rvad P.iebera advertUie nient? J. Burua came over from Warner Sundav. at ! pant week. C. s. Andrews of San Fraucinco waa here this week! j J. X. Teal of Portland, a capitalist ien. Lynch waa in from Spring . IntervMed in railroad buil-Jing in Ore- e t!.e i;-w adv. of L. M. Co. in ( re.-k Saturt' S2.00 Reward. I- rrr i ' by Lake Cty-r.ty W - : i.r AfH: .ati-.n fr t!.4 ,-r !'.; t.r.i n f.iay j-r.n cr ;-r-'n if 'ii'ry of ...ug or maiming arr sL,rr-p r- t j:iv ctrtiiber of ti"i --:ia;.' t. ty ( r !rr of the Excctive Coaiitiit'.ee. S. E. HiNDLt, Pels. J.N. Kjis-vj, fta. tl.; ;-ue. i-'or aooihiu refr-t-iimeutp go to ' I'u-t lis: Kiii. l tf W. p. U-jut a ix a vUitorin Lake- '. Y Xli'.ri Mvet. 'rt-'U reJtctiuu in men 'a L;it of a I kivi at L. M. Co. Wui. Aiford came over from Wj-r- Ler f.rst of the week, i W. C. Laird la bere from Warner on l.uine thia week. D. M. Bryan 6pent several days in Lake view the past week. Don't forget that Ahlatrom Bros. i are filing hata and ahoea. Lake , J K. M-Innea and wife came down fiom Chewaocan last week. . Mi-- Bertha Iean of Alturaa la tbe i.a Pi.r. ,,, ,vaitrv at Hotei Lakeview. 1 t.:,.-i aif- Ijirid Office, lkevica. Oreioti. 1'r .'l irv io. pi". s.,fi,e u D.i2 BatUter la a riaitor iu ....... r . (. tfi lettice f in- ' ' - -r rti on 'ietjert- 'ay. ron writea to Dr. Steiuer, March i'tli. Sheep for 5ale. i have for sat-, about 19-'iC ewes and j yeri:ng. which I w;a to nell within the next month. .Voi-p may U- at Thousand .Sprint-V'aJi-y Valley in umtaer 'J'Hof. H. .StIKHI.Oi.-E 1 -:. s r: , iw froi Paielev thia week. H. siilri r. turned from hi re- C. M. Harvey wan here from Altur- j that the building of a railroad into in a few days ao. ; thia country from the dirr't!iu of H.Ient waa In from the Bunting ; Portland, "l now l-ing taker, up fttx-k farm Monday. land agitated with the purpow In Mr. Polly Wither ia vixiting Mina view if accomplishing aotnethin.' I ir;ice Hall thia week. i I'ortlaad in waking up. Dan Chandler waa in town from! G. L. Holl.rook came iu from Jun- "U. . r- :. a: ir.ir Oregon on -t'.'.f :ay, : i,y ! Man, 1 '..'.. tit a:.r l .r i-A.jVk'iiii w:tfrfKea i. :rriirtiijri aud rec- ' I Krne-t L. Holl-' Si, M-!.-:r, M. fi.n. . H. MuiiH-- tA i -r I I.. A i i--n . all of Jnio. Oregon. I- J- 'ViTao.t, Keii'er. lai !. 'V -a, : la .). A. Nv.v, irner atarteJ to the r.: ilr. ,-. l after a load of freight AIou d:iy. Pont ii King keep the very beat wine and li'iut ra to la- bad iu Lake view . U-tf Hurry Bolerta and Jeff Pariah in-.rt i a iui rnr. i'e'j'-.jry 1), Notice u i came over from Warner flntt of the neV tf.at' M-lviu M. Jkh, of i we-lc. lirt',, Orrrvsi, t,a. fild notice of in-' tertian t-j fr;k- pr.j oa hia deeert-laud ! .1. N. iivan tame over from Adel m.:. 4 T,.. I; .i", f:, w. ..Wfore - w""i;i.r witneaa in the land con- J. ( '., t . (Judj., at Lis ! teat cane, fr?i al J'. riK rv.,i!, n .Saturday, 'tbe .! day -A March. Pr'j. He name Jad the big new ad vertlaement A t.,e fee.-i u.o,,-, v, t.,..ve U.e l-.a.-y i Maenlugill in tklat iaaue f! Drew valley Monday. Call tn L. M. Co. and get their price on all tinea of gooda. Joe Jonea waa a Lake view viaitor from Pluah firat of tlie week. . O. O. Hefner of Lexington, Nebras ka, wan here firat of the week. A fine aaaortmeut of ladiea belt, juat arrived, at Bailey &MaaaingUl'a. L. B. Moaa and George Batchelder cauie in from the deaert firat of the week . We underatand that tlie Palaley Public whool will lieutiu another week. '. palmerlee waa regiatered at the hotel firat of tbe week from Plunh. t ine Begiatered Percherou Hal lion for aale. Box W, ' Aahlaud, Oregon. It-l" E. J. Nbbatd waa regiatered at Hotel Lukevlew laat week from Chicago. The town council under planed the flume thia week and made tt aub atautlal. John P.U-b of Klamath I alia waa regiatered at Jtotel Jakeview a few day a ago. j:. '.. Voodcx k baa ret u rued from i tt4 Ij'.'J: (!:iu:. y. Jloiioaav. xam iljer. t-ii-t I . II -. . h. . Mur.r. ml.) . ...... j B'-iio w here be aiieut the winter with r i ne lien ii'jv. oi j.. luwurtr, i l;i f itlier. t'i jtkevew-BIy .MJie contractor J. A, Murria, the Pluah merchant, Ple.4 i.. A .fii. .l !-:. n i J. N. w dr. .ii. ;ler. J-,td i u t-aMi . (.'fii e at J.aiteiic. iud Jlotel keeper. February L'-i, 'J. ret:iij, I h.i. M-Jnii'-n came down from I waa iu Lake view firat of the week oitm.ier Lake laat Friday to ajH-itd ! aft- r gooda. AOti'e i hereby ii ..i . 1 u 4, .1 . ,.u i t. ..... L..t . i... Ifj rCTII tilt. I'i ,vj.,-,i.,fc . WI-. I , tiU tiiwd notice ul in iiiteiitiou to tunkt-, a t-v dav iu tiiO rotiuty beitt. .wK'Ki U."! M- Mae Snider baa received j '-i' their mammoth naaortment v P.etrater and Be4ir at Lakevjew. Crr la.-lta. n, on Artl t. vut: bvoj.unn K ! fUrnum, IJ i- Kotry No. 2317 for tl.eiKJ 1 aiiottSuiU, hkirU, JackeU Itaglana j 'J'Le L. II. Co. are Selling ull ahoea B. !4 W. and lihlrt WaUt Kuita. Ml t S7 K I:. 80 E.. w. ui. He namea the joilowtnit witneaaea to prore Lia cjoUo- j su eu with beda oa their backs i ,or Lalr r,ce- aaid land, via i. C. Myer, w;; H. Men- j were on tbe road between" Lnkevk w j J". O. Bunting and family were Ju laMirt'umt"1 W' T K'a',,t',, Ml1 ! au1 w la,,t Thursday, coming from j from the Dnjwa valley farm several jj3 e 1 ' J.. N. WATioa. Egiater Klamath Fall to Iakeriew to work, j day a the past week. ( i.11 at Bailey &. Musvlnglll's and made by Edward (Stan wood Khoe a ij.ier Mouutain biat week, w here the Holbrook Bros, have wintered their abeep. Mr. Holbrook Informed ua that Ida sheep are fat and that heex pecta S pounds of wool to the sheep this spring. He started on tlie re-J turn trip Monday afternoon. laaac Bobnett, the stockman and farmer of the Willow Puinch country, was lu Lake view Monday. M r. Bob nett'a family has been In Oakland, Calif., tbe past winter Jw here the children are in school. He expect them Lome next week. Mr. Bobnett made Tlie Examiner otlice a pleimant call. thought to be a candidate for Guv. eruor. Mr. John waa a candidate for the republican uominatiou time yeara ago; and, in referring to thia fact, the Telegram aaya, "hadne re ceived It, there la reason to believe tbe reault of tbe campaign might have been different from what it turned out to be. , P.cv. Jeaaie Kirk, leader J,A the Klamath Indiana on the reservation, in an interview with an Evening Telegram correspondent, ; 'charge the agent at the reservation. Cuptnlu Applegate, with dUlioneaty, and aiwcifie the collection of rent f-oui stockmen, for uae of tribol Inuda, and failure to account for many so received. The Mercantile Co. are makiiig some Improvements In their eat'ab. lintiUii'Dt that are urui. and novel. They are boxing In the show win dow lu the drygood department aud w ill tine It w ith a flue material so that when the windows are dreas eJthe articles w ill show off to the best advantage, eapeclally at night. Harry Haxxieton la dolug the car penter work. lily News Bi.v Oim:., March. 1:!, p.mj. Tli Iidiea Aid .Society met at the home of Mm. Jnme Boyd, mi Feb, M, ami organixliiK the Society and electing the following officer: Mrs. Jan. Taylor, Prvaldent; Mr. Louis Pankey, Vlce-I'renideut; Miaa Cora Klnley, St. and Treaa. Then ad Jourmnl until March. 2nd, when they met at tbe home of Mrs. Pankey, and pna-i-eded aa follow: Made and ad opted, resolutions for I?neflt of tbr Sia iety. elected a new Sec. aud Treas. and t!xik tbe following tuemla-rx. all of tlie three societies, under one Pres ident: Ividieg Aid Society. Mr. Jas. Taylor. Ja. Parker, Inila Pankey, Tho. Smith, and Sutherland. Young People's Society elected Mrs. loul Pankey, Chaieron. MeuiU-n inn follow: MlHeCora Finley and i I'-eth Taylor. Mer. George and Jan. Boyd and Jack Watta. P.uny B."-: Chaperon, Mr. Jm Boyd. Memla-r a follow: Vrs Iat-tteki-n. Grace Anderon, May (' U-er. Ague and Ivan Pankey, bur ner and Pearl Lundy. Carl uiilh. I Nori Boyd and Glen Packer. Mr. C. H. IIiiIm. jur road !t. made a trip to Dairy lant week after j a load of need grain. The atockuien have turned inont l their atock on the range, an the weather la fine and grass fairly good and now devoting most of their tin to putting In spring crops. We are having a little rain at pre eut, tbe firat of tbe week. Mr. Jas. Taylor started to Ashland on a bualness trip and will vialt b daughter and other relatives wblk there. He was accompanied by Miaa. Cora Finley who will take three months course In Photography liefore nhe return home. Mr. John Wells started on a hus!- j nena trip to Minaouri iaat Tueaday. Mr. Courtrlght of Bonanza 1 visit- lilt' hia daughter, Mra. Jaa. Taylor. Mr. Metzker, of The laaktvlew I aminer male Bly a bualneaa call Fri day. IU;v. Starr from Klajnath Falls ex Iecta to be at Bly to bold BellgeoM Sen lcea on March i'lat, and the week following. School started at hly laat MouM with Mias Dora Goss as teacher, aod will start at Garner next -Monday with Mias Hamaker as U-atber Bothyoung lad lea are from Honaua. m ill IEVI SlWiSS SCO OVERALU r !l)V " i 'All M ll Lit 1 ua od i iliij tu