Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 16, 1905, Image 4

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Cmutg T:xx nlnrt
PrS-.lirtf . Try TkirH
! ; t. fi "?.- l-tr.t Or.
' v : c:.!c :.i t'. t
it,:'-!t:.n of T-H' er iv-
0!l e a- d...t I wit . tl-e
N.n . i! .-ij-IT-i'rt.tfJon. H-e
tu-t;- t; of t!f i -pie em this m.itt.r
shu'd ff s:lt" tirmc
such v b' lf a are not useful, and
continue proper impport to all
others. Wf b-ok thi position at
Om Year. $2.00 firit -,, ,ty with it.
EKMS: SiiMoatk 1-00
f Three nostns,
Honestly Don.
We .urain refer to the fact ihat.
h;if the leirisUtur- was in seio
There i now hold rumors that,
should two-third ft the member
ship "f each house of the legislature
sira n agreement ti meet. If a will
should te made by the &xrrn for
that purpose: and piedire themselves
.tfjr-was ;n a-ioc. tl tht. pIV.nt appropriation
The Examiner declared its belief that .rxTinrorri3non
there were more Normal Schools in
tbe state than wrre useful, and that
we hoped the h-s latur would take
the same view of the subject, and
di'ai'lh oLr or two of theiu.
hills for the institutions, aud not
take up other legislation, and shall
piedt'e themselves t. d' this w Ithont
pay. iitrrinr f''wrl.tin wotdd
Dot l.-k witb'disfavor mi a meetin
however. t'.Kk a d 3-r- . . . .
. ff legislature in extra se-sioll under
rf: in i
t-rit vi-w (.f it. and so all
le-i; xi-te(KV.
The? ii.stituti'Ois were-:ab!ihed
year a.:--. .Mid must le ted.
i t ;! ;'; ,- it rse that
the ;-. .; l fl--r. iu at.y way.
i:r. ; t:.r i.i'-r t.. take
such '.-in-t:nitHniT-i.
To Arrive Shortly
I.- :
It s.-!ti)s ri-ar to us tfuit sotiie
U'!y at al ui. wlm h::s !f u f.vir
i: r"T-r-:.'l.ii'i. is n-.w trying to
stuh1!! aay fs.xu It, ''
r-ii:;:.; t be ;-t l:vf ; t ;.i n : i.iv..:,i.
; r ie. w. :!,. -r h .
, '.,;. .- i n:..r l.asn-
'- r,i' .. I ;. -
A complete line of Dress Goods.
Ladies' and Men's furnishing goods,
Fancy Goods.
Men's, Boys' and Youth's Cloth
ing, Hats and Caps.
- . i-n t.i-:t !-
alley S Massin
TUe e i i:;tr.-i i --d in t ;.e it-
a--i;.-:.'. i'.i-f
- i : . t a-
: I- H ,.!... lj..:.d d -.i..
M. tt i :.''A : f law
i' ..a''- 1 ft-ry l::til -t '!''
. i- t a w ii::rv;i!i is
. . .... .. i . ' --if ;, r-,.- ;r .ir I ! r t !.ii-( 1.
, V.. . . . T .
r.i'-'r n i u ay t ;i. v.--: t
f.iv:- m ..- r.
ehir- f
- ; r .v-:;. a:, ! t..a t;.e
.f ti.r !--a:. i-f..rv
. t:j- truth ..f the
-I'.'ie-l t- t!ie -
r r..;i--:i. V le.'iture aU t..
t-.i-- iiee!itire -fi- in the
it;r- b rT t ."rr i"."h' jl arc itu-
att-1 -;-;-r'.vt; i.f ttee fcjr..rta-t:-
-u-. nii i this. If rly of bar! w .r ii.t
fj.r:.-r aiid iLhai.i.- ar-
' r..y cbra':tenl as irrr.f;-r. tb-re is
r t
a ; Tr jr;a-
r. v.;''.--! t y a J.ud c.o'iiv.
lr h.-id a e:'i-r t't
j Ir j:q anr county havi::'
t 'i f :!:. Wi.ui ' Latr
s n; 'T -'.-r'.-y','.i f..r
Does the Qovei nor Keg rtt Hi
Certainly, f n tu disatebsent oi-.t (
fruni Siil.-!U, 'invert, r :!iti.-rl ;
is wux to - that fi t-1 ti
1hsm!i t le .ruu 1 Jl the eS-n-t eer
tain t'i follow the disa;proVitl Ny the ;
jsw, j,)-. through ttie refereuduiu. of !
tli- ajjpropiriation bill.
The 'jovertior allowed this bill to
ts- omr law w hen .: judgment a
aa:nst it. with the vi-n ti vttii-.z
th- r-derwiduui aetion i.n it. .Sou
it- st-nis Ti thllik he Would like Vo
:ive the -i-iature a anv s;iijkiii '
by C .uije-'litia: th-iu to s?-n a pledge
to ass-tii'ie at bis tail and st-rv . '
mitboiit pay. au'. to doexactly .hat
tnr tiiiiht have caused, them ti do
w !:;h- in simply by follow ing
!. is i,u-i-!i,v, au l ilir;iii w hat h '
sti .ytd hav- i:if. Jf the nv;!'ir
had nia'le i;o t;rcals. about disa;- I
provit:' tie- !':!'., and yet. had juit t!y ;
dotrt- it. tiifr legislature would neet-s- j
iirliy huvr d"ne what is now ex-j
ji.-t.-d to i-oiupel thelu to proud- to '
ti-i. before a!!ni tliui t lul in ex-j
tra ! ti : separate bill. '
I'.' t. it must not le forotteu that
'jovruor ' hainls-rlaiu pr-palfd the
ii v i t r. (-rend'Ui) action. ls-fore he i
fijT;t-nt-l t-a!loV the bill to beeofiu-'
, a:id kjioM t his pi-.po-d
l-:ibt!ve extra -ion, while it
Would r--iiev- liim of hid just share of
Mii;i for putting in V'opanl.v ae 1
propria! iotis vhih nil utv are'
proper iti'l tnuch t)s-il-d, he eaMiot
preei.t the peoplf from netii: tni-H I
the ref. i-'i'Piui u any nuitter when
li' m i-.i to. and he initit t-HUr)- all
tlie i i'iiw- n( referendum dot ion
on ' le- or mole of the bills passed by ,
fie- it re ie,t ; t isfaet Ion We have ' fra u.
ei;. r. -ii'e'l f ,r a Inn,' tiiae. eonii -et- w ' " " honor ourselves by
ed with our work an publisher of The "trlvin to briit about action of the
Labor Trouble at Fair Ground.
C -:.t r.-u 1 1 -r f. r t!ie rt tioti -f
lui!-!if! oa the lar .rounds at
i'ori ia is ii.-ve t le y i;a e riicut to
employ tinioti t tmn uuiou men,
.ithoi di- ru'iitiatioii. nn-1 hrt inist-th-y
have d-i!ies(. au-1 a-rt their
Is-ii-l tbe.V tiierel'V Tn!l." tio olif.
and s:iy tu :i-t eontirnie to use this
liU-rty. Thas organized labor in
I'ortland is supporting: tile strikers,
and mure men have -eaed to wrk.
The ijii'-stioti of the open or elosed
shop is the one on which organized
la!r is most iiiis!ett. nnj it is the
:ne in which all law is against he
virn)i ia!r.
LF.E BEAU.. Proprirtw
v- h VJFU . Of f.HOV
W'e have coiit'lantly on bntxi hi ti.d (' pl.te St.s k
of Drug?, Chemicals, FVrfumen. s. T '! rtn-let Fanoj
Notions, Cigars. Etc., Etc
- Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Noti.-e is liereby jriven that there t
are fun-Is in my hands to pay all out- 1
standing warrant jirotested prior
to und iml'jdin March, lltli. U Ai,
and iuterest on same will cease jifter '
this date. March lth. lWt.".
1'. I. A MI.TIloM.
UirOi, Ore. Count v Treasurer.
I We're Out
W j .
dr.- :
t : -.
W hole Mog or None.
.. : t :ir a; pr-pr.tte-: b.l Is?
: - '. t o t p i -r uppr-it ai
;; '' -val vr t i.e r Vreij-J Ltn.
. :,,T"aniv l.av to defeat
.r- i.-ri' if ar y prt A it. It.
:.-.. '! ln-lt J-LT the unHlif
. .; tiie reform
: .- wii oi. -r. t!ie
',.. tte-sfale ut.ler-tie-
Aricoiturai ',.
( aL; J the !mji-.J r 11
1'i.hiir h-js a;.l that
th- eb eter s. i.reat,
' .' i .e-i if t !h- Ui W eft
i.i . :i-r i!;i)ot aid in !'
.'- :t '. Is-ii. xe we hae
A n el. -.-t ion in the Surprise Yuliey
llib -. luol liiri. t, upon a propie
sitioii to bond the district for ,(Xrj
to rie inoii-.v to erect necessary
buddings, was held Iat w.-ek, and
resulted;! rotes for to 12 auaiiipft.
This district has little more than one
half the taxable property that Luke
c. iu nty lias.
B To Win . . .
pi Vour Patronage
I ! . !i ei.-, a-, '
- - f !. re h a i, ;
; . " .:f i 1 t!i.-
' 'I '..lis.- to lei
i'.ii j. b r-j:t.
The legislature of Kunsas.satiie.l
1 1. . .... rre'ss ... -- r. -..
by men intrusted by cominissiorier
Jartield to '.nvetiat" be-f trust
affairs, has usked t lie I'reIdetit to
ignore the report of tin- commis
sioner jm appoint more competent
t-ieti to do the work of investigation
The Mammoth Stables
Wm. If. HLkll-'ui'x. I'r-t;.rit tor
After August l-t f wi!! . n,:i.-,-, v,-1() j,l,KX . is,
stable on a level with anvarnl.-iil rallies in iv;i-.;.m
Orefin. We have jiurelbi-. i ai! the ris, -vt' k,
etc., and are now ready for .ur l:::re of tin- jn.Ws
jiatnjnae. Von will he asMireil ofjood nV's. i.-re-
mi drivers ano jood stoel;. jiec:al acer.n: .a
W tions for eonnnereial travelers.
ii!!i:i:iiiii:!i!ili'lii!liiiifai!iiii,';:m muqtiavtvnM.-r t!;,;;ifU' fcuiLU-1 1';.;
i To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tat-? ?7.auve DromO UlninC Tablets. rt
r i jxwe o.i ia pcu 12 moitf. This uzjiature Sjyr
Lxamiuer. i d.-riied from tle fi4ct
w e are priviie-.-i to p!a-e lu tliis Is
sue of the pa;s-r lis-card of The Lake
Comity bUMiiw M u'a Ievelopinei,t
people in this matter by initiative. If!
we must act In some way. We lie- .
lieve the l-islature iu pu-iu the
bill did w hat they believed right, and j
Governor Chaiuljerluiu did not Us-1
lieve the bill should Iteeome law.
Senator Fulton ha been Bsured If lie lnul followed bU Judgement
at the l.partment ,t Justice that jam vetoed tlw bill, be wouia Lave!
placed hituitelf beyond erilirlsm. '
Now, he is iu the attitude of having
pla.ved ftt polities, while the l j;isl;i
tuie must Is- credited with having
ui-t.-d in av oi 1 -e ;h its ji.)-(.. !
tri'l.t .
signal nre.
Ctrre Crip
is Two Pt
on every
wo eimryen of material imMrtaiice
have l-eu made against Juck Math
ews, and that lie w II! not be remov
ed from his office of I 'nif-J Mate
Mar-'. '. it i'lr !.! i' i e t-1 ' he Sen
a tor.
STRONGEST IN THE WORLDThe Equitable m Assorancs
ASSETS $381,000,000 y ' cmith
s ' SDecial Asrent
UV1 11
trviM jour
SURPLUS $73,000000