Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 16, 1905, Image 3

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    General Information
State line Harder Sliop!vvopwvvrt?w
. ut ofHeA riiMtk lO nn 4n ...11..... i i. .
Call mi"' - "r m i-niumi was arrested
,,,11 kinds "f literature, an.l flic for "moral ofTt." The result was
tio.mrl.-M at low price. -TMl Ho made the air blue with profanlt v
So Increase of population In Iakc
c:mw. except IrrijrHtlon of our arid
'land iKtoiiM h wrtAfntT.
In M'rro County lamb a ro-
,rtl 'l.vlnn for want ol irraas.
Tl,ey lutil a drouth last Summer. "
Look at the ilwriplioni of the land
nnunl The Eiatniner thia wk for
tale, and select your pieos Mora it hag
bren wld to come one e'ws. tf
We have itome valuable lnj .'or sale
chenp. ll niuft t wold, and en be liad
it figure that makes it good invest
ment. Write vhe Examiner. tf
John It l'lrttt of New York, who
gavr nrgn-ss nearly s-vrn hundred
tboUHniiil dollars mid sued for Its re
covery failed, as he should, j
Thi inoHt complete Joti tK-k on or
the railroad is to le found nt The
Examiner otliee. Klrst-class work'
mIhiivh. nt reasonable price, tf.
IViiii" Ivania lends ill the States
Senator Knox of Pennsylvania In
In Klorl.lH fo- hn health onl It is re
ported In I'lttsbnrg ! is a nflllcted
with Bright disease.
I.ake county gets $T,,m from the
State "five per cent fund," for the
Unerit of public rondH. instead of f.V
100, a published last week.
Land for wle. The ect half of 8ec.
2, tp. 39 S.. It. 20 E. The laud joins
Frank Duke's plane 5 ndle ao-nh of
Lakeview. Thia in a anap. Write The
Secretary Tart has decided thnt
the failure of Congress to puss the
canal hill docs not leave the Presi
dent without authority to govern In
the canal zone.
A residence for sale cheap. One
acre of ground, house, l.iirn and out
buildings; has city water, and is a
desirable place to live. Ktxi niie at
The Examiner oflicc. -ji; tf
Statistics published l.v the Natlon-
Iniiie iiiiioimt of appropriations for nl bureau of lalmr show that labor
-gsShaving and Haircuttlngs-jD
Proprietor . Wi-rN A
eMh 4? -. r"
Hous , lar Paper
Painter ' .Ftjt.Pf Hanger
The Best Vaquero Saddle on the flarket
AIao a complete line of wagon and buggy ha mesa, whlpfi. robes
rintas, bltA, spurs, quirts, rosettes, in fact everything In the Hue of
narHiiifa A.rw1 lSrarao f 11 rnf aht n era Tf&ra liHn rr hv onmnafAnt mon
liiliwiivs, havitif; ulveu $(i,.VH,(H)0 In , trou'.iieM in the I'nited StnleK hi 1!
iini'liill.foriinprovfiiient of herroailn. ; :; reduifd the pnrcliaKin ahilily of
Novel i.y pojiular nuthort, lic- j the American pi'ople over fl. o ut, inki.
rtonari". h-avy literatim-, inaj
aziiiiH iiii'l a!! kimUof reading mat
ter lit tie lionk ton In the poht
oSiir. ' -! tf
Miivnr U illi iniH of I'ortland, nayn
,he ill lc a candidate for reelection j
If the p-ople ik li i nt to. Of coiirw'i
they will ,-ak him to" if lie will J
nek tliein to " I
We Imvc a tail
t l'o"i., oami'len
ami IhiiiiU, with price llt. If you j
ure orKRiilzin it utiK'k coiupuuy net
our pre on ct.K k certificate.- tf
IMHpatclieM from W iohii.Kton li. c.
iail!cate that the I'reMiletit ha de.
i (erinined upon the appointment of
('harleK W. Anderwon, a tieifro, to Ik'
I lnt rnal Heveniie t'oliectorof the IU
J t rit-t of New York.
l ood roadt in western Oregon ix
which The Examiner ex
cells. We have all the late
styles in type and keep in
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no dela' in executing a large order.
Our prices -will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
t of MyKell-UoIlillH
the jjreat lne, remark the Oregon
Daily Journal, t'ertainly. Itlwalno
of Stock Certificate 1 Kr,'at ti(,llt,l,'rt) Oregon Ishuc and
the euHtern Oregon immie and the
northern Oregon lwrnie and the cen
tral Oregon irtHim. It Utile luKue In
t lit tihrli iibue jinil In the low nlaeeH
We are now prepared to anil M-verul . . . . . .
' ' and everywhere clw. It in also the
'! u( land ..t t'riee? that will Ktartlei. ,, .. ., . 4 ,
' iiHHiir h!1 over all the other t-tuteM of
Jfuo, ie( ml ! v
ilii the lix .it t
if you are acquainted
n. H'e liuve lund nil the
the L'nited Stat". (irantu I'awi Her-ahl
wr, fr, tl M ,n acr up to f 16; un- KwII,u,.r ha, for KJlll. ont,
Improve! or improved, to auit the
purnm r Lake County Examiner, t
l)liiiiL. i ..Iw.. f ie... '..i. !
('imiin IKM1I .e JU(K IU J ll-
liurg. mute that the Culted Platen
Kteel (
(he lK-nt HtiK-k rancheH in Iikecounty
1 on verv reaKonnlile terms "0 acres
til feiiceil. and well watered. ThU ix
a great lmrgain and will not remain
orporation ha made prepara- . iir ,,,,, v alo have a dozen
tloiiHfora general UiereW in wage ' ir lltlli fllI.niH t(, uu,Ke
"f nil eiuployern. Jt will apply t
170,"k;o and will add fl2,00O. to the
live aciiK of Irrigated laud
In lielin
of. If you ha ve any land or I'rojKT
crty to nell, li"t It with the Exam
iner. Semi In description and we
in i will Hell it for vim.
cr upplea would, when T1 .llllljllt.r .M ,, 8.Hcre tract
tteln. were tea year of agf, pro-1 on,in,j f(r wtt. ttt a l.argaln; the
due four thotiHand boxen of apple.. J WH( ll(.H , H mm1v , the northern
oly two thoimaud hoxe- wit h" a . I(Iirt ()f ,(,k,.view, and h now set
railnm i they would l.rlng at l '0 a j , ,.,)V,.r Hll() ,illluthy. and yield
",S j 'jo tons of hay a year, leaving a val-
Ail keKli.l.. In the Ohio IMver U do-1 uahle pastuiv. The hay sells at
'"KKreut damage to shipping One the top price in l.akeview. The
iuimlru.) ,. i, , , inu i in u desiralde one. eit her to re-
1U7 A !?
Tf A T7
Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all
usiiuiuii uijapvaitii nn viwaiiiui v.oaiiir, K. t hail t' .tm. . n
ie now lieiug curried from the : tain III one piece or
'iiiinitl harlior Lv an lee tLnv.
'liieli may do damage to coal ves-
"l" lll'e.i-,.,1
low, that will !c fuor-
to cut up into
lots for residences. Anyone desiring
to huild a Home in Lakeview will do
well to investigate this proposi
26 If
' pi'oi,!,.,,, ,,f regulating freight
rte ,
t i . . ,
expert railroad
i.. .
Jim rain
lallroadn may Is-, and
very Intricate. 1 he
'I'lovi-n llicoinpetetlt to estalilish
and t he people will never
wnte til-gin- the necessity of Its
"K undertaken by the gov eriiineiit.
oiyer met-tlngs were held in umiv(
'I'ttii one hundred homes the other,
w''ulng, nt J'oi tland. home hi ai
k'l'eu diet rlct is desljsuutod. at which !
th 1 . i . .
"uaiu hi tue (Jlstrk-t ure ak-
to lueet. unH . ... l.u muu
The Czar has signed a ivsceipt
granting the people right te "express
their views on the preparation of
the laws" of the empire. Uirough
reiresentatives elected by them.
This does not mean litierty to the
people; but It Is a concession along
the lines which lead to more popular
institutions, and muy become the
foundation of mere liberal grant by
which the people may gain some
power in the making of laws. j
At it cost of fifteen millions, eighty-1
eight thousand dollars, the iSlmplou i
tunnel through the Alps has lieen ;
completed after six years of labor.
j Tuld Ui.Ja-1; U T:r-:.'T?"r"rv mw nf tllf
'greatest engineering feats of the
I world, extends through the Alps ;
j fourteen miles, from HlngeerS witzer-'
' laud, to Isst'le Italy, uud Its highest
point Is two thousand three hundred
urjirlae valley Union High School
District has a total assessment of
property In the district of 1,21UL
The district received from the Stute
I about 700, with the State's aid of
7m that district conducts a High, The authorities of Douglas County
School, employs two teachers, and have offered a substantial reward
pays a(l expenses for one year and j for the arrest and conviction of the
hus f 1000 left, upon a locul tax of .12 person or persons who murdered
Japanese and Korean Showmen Ex
hibit Great Skill in Educating
Birds and Beaata.
Japanese ti nd Korean hIiow men,
in addition to their skill as jup
glerH and ucrotiatH, display a truly
marvelous skill in teaching ani
mals tricks. They not only exhib
it educated la-ars, spaniels, iiioji
keys and goats, but also trained
birds, and, what is most astonish
ing of all, trick fish.
One of the most curious exam
pies of patient training is an ex
hibit by an old Krean boatman,
of a doen drilled tortoises.
'!- it I lif tii a;;
small inetai ilriini they march in
line, execnie various e olut io::s,
and conclude by climbing l;: on
Jow talde, t he' larger ones ;o ?,! r;.
of their own accord a bridge m -(lie
smaller, in which the b-af
would otherwise be impossible.
When they have all mounted,
they dispose t liciusclveH in three
ot four piles, as though they were
so many plates. --
"igellstlc work to be Iwjcun In
"" ity soou by Dr. Chapman.
in every ne, the Japanese govern
'"nt u applying the maxims of
I hrint ii i.ti ,. ... .. , . , ,n
i "- ini ci tiie nit 'oi
UttlM I,
II... .
'"'iLtinent of pioners. A t.'lirls-
''"'."hili,:,.,,!,,!, wll!.oiit( l.r!sllni,l'y
on the hundred dollars.
This Remdy l Specific,
dure to Clv tifactlon.
M. m ftj aT
oivii ur . . -Khurp Williams,
It cleanse", aoothea, heiihi, and prote ;":
d xuembmuo. It f Catarrh aud , tuition, which
The Oretfoulan'a Wusblugtoii uews
bureau sends uevi that two factious
jf the(deincs ratlc party have devel-
, oped, with Bryan aud Hearst as
leaders, of one favoring government
uwuenthlp of railroad, and John
leader of the other
oppose tfovrruukeut
' war, h, their conduct of the; .Iriv.sawHy a . Col i iu j1'; ' ownership of public utilities.
''hiu Cuinpalgu, esjieclally in ! , u c .i.taiiw no inj irious druj,
, ..: a . ... .!..-, ...Ati-is Ull l KlerUxl.
iV.';'..'. i'W.-, r.'i iU at Druist w hy
, j' J" real ' .v 1 '
tu n.ioTHtr.s. rs v:.-.m.fl ct r.'t Yo.-k.
The National Editorial Associa
tion Is coming cst In June, Will be
ill San l-'r.'illcNi'O .1 1 'on l the .',tl,.
Jack Hodgers the tluiUr cruiser.
It is now understood that Francis
J.' Henry will return to Portland
about the end of March and take up
the work of laud-fraud juvestlguttoh
when be left off." "
Manufacture' material constitutes
more than one-half the imports into '
the United States.
Bmti Ui s9 I Van Han km Eui1
8 'er
The Leading Paper of the
Pacific Coast
Tf San Francisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The very beat weekly Newspaper
published In the entire West.
$1.50 a Year
Including pntin to any art of the
United butux, Canada and Mexico.
It is best because, besides
printing all the news of tl)e world
each weak in an Interesting way
and tully llluiratlng many
articles, it has apeclal depart
ments devoted to
and S.-0KT3
These are presided over by
editors having a thorough knowl.
UK ui l) iti. .;... Ti.4
pages devoted to Agr culture,
Horticu tare, Poultry ana Live
Stock are well Illustrated and.
fl led wiih matter of the greatest'
Interest to all engaged In these
industries, every line being
written by those who are In cloae
touch with conditions prevailing
on tl.lj Cca.t.
u It will be aent free.
Do you wart the Chronicle
Reversible Map?
Showing the United Statea, Do
minion of Canada and Northern
Mexico oa on side, MAP OP
THE WORLD, presenting to view
In toe oontlnuoua map, with all
areas In true pre portion, the sa
il ro surface of the Earth sn the
other at do.
Sena 3 aae get the) Map sad
" m mm p vrmw J llfi
lags aMfSM sa Map a4
The Dairy and Map
aeA ussxs ai4
Only a Year
U. H. s YOUttOt ,
" aVVwfi'eteeile,
la Fraaoteoo, CaL