Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 16, 1905, Image 1

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    ' -ft
f I
Meeting Was Attended by Men Whose Pur
pose is the Upbuilding of Their Com
munity in Every Respect.
li llie evening ui i ne
tlll'IV llSSItllllieU HI till
House In Lakevlew, alert, Mm a
ilihl.inllil. business Men, clear audience, phowed a keen interest in the
'fulfil hankers, cultured profession- j proceedings, am) declared himself pre
weii, live merchants, stockmen ' pared to work fort cause that promised
11 tli firm .1. K. Bernard k , Son- another
Court j man whoee aife and character made
alert, . him a conspicuous personage in the
riiiiTs, nrid mechanics, nil ready to
Jlo whatever they might, to promote
lie general welfare, and place Lake
'utility in the catalogue of commun
ities that profiler and grow by
letniH of pluck and energy of It
Mr. V. L. Suelllng, of the Lakevlew
Mercantile Company, called the meet
ing to order, nominated Hon. It. E.
,. Stclccr for temporary chairman.
klileu ls-lng carried by a hearty,
so much. Man? others spoke hopefully.
When the last speaker had concluded, a
motion to organize Lake County Bui
ness Men'i Ievelopoient League, by
adapting the temporary organization so
far effected, as the permanent officers ol
the League was carried with cheers of
Several Vice Piesidents were chosen,
as follows : Geo. Conn, Paisley ; F. XI.
Ciirisiuan, Silver Lak; V. L. Kiwdling,
Lakeview; J.J. Monroe, Adel; E. Kel-
imnlnuius aye, Xfr. J. W. Maxwell ler, Pine Creek; YV. II. Bernard, Goose
Kvfin timde temporary secretary. Lake.
The chair, after referring to the! A committee on constitution and by
hject of the meeting, asked for gen-; laws was appointed, to report at next
nil expn-hfloii of sentiments by the meeting. The president held the ap
pointment of committees, to be made
when he had more time for careful
ieeuili!y, to which a uumber of iht-
I-miih renpi 'tilled, sjienklng without
limitation in warmest approval of
lie purposes announced in.tho call
r the meeting, and proclaimed
lieriiwlvew ready to assist In every
iwittilile way. the forward niove-
A Trip to Bly , Our Telephone Service.
A roving disposition led us to The Examiner moat detests of all
I make a trip to Hly met week. The ' things, a knocker or calamity howl-
l trip was a rough one on account of er, and we believe that If XIr. Xle-
the roads. Right here we wish to Klmtey would look well to Lit) beat
state that, while we have been urg- Interests In this country he would 1m
lug better roads in Lake county, our led to lielieve as we do, that the ruu-
roads are a macadamized boulevard ; nlng down of the telegraph line from
j compared w ith what we found In here to Madeline was a lowing bus
i Klamath county. For about a half iness to him. The line has been In ft
j mile on the other side of Quartz val- bad condition all winter, and many
ley the grade is a solid gliire of Ice, times It has been Impossible to get a
and across the "Devil's Garden" it dispatch out or In. Mr. Burke has
Is impossible to describe the condl- endeavored to keep his section of the
tion of the road. It Is all one can do line lu as good repair as po; ilile,
to remain In a wagoncrosslng It. j but the line crosses the mountain in
When we arrived at lily we were; two places and here is where the
met by the genial host of the Pioneer j trouble seems to be. We understand
Hotel, Mr. W. F. Heed. XIr Iteed j that XIr. XleKeuzey has under con-
has an Ideal location there and does i temptation the scheme of erecting a
a good business. He owns a good line direct from Lakevlew to Alturas
farm and raises all his own hay and j such' a line would run all the way
grain to run his feed stable also his j along the stage road, and could lie
vegetables for his hotel. kept up all times of the year aud
The Watts Bros., who once owned would give Infinately better service
a store at what was called .New Bly, ' than we have had and . we hope,
nave purchased the merchandise j while at the same time we are nl
storo formerly belonging to XIr. , ways auxlous to Jtear from .Surprise
Smith, at Old Bly. They have a I valley, that this line will lie cou-
neat brick store building, and, from j scructed at the earliest possible day.
all appearances are doing a good The Bell Telephone company oper
ates a line from Ashland to Bly and
busluess. A deal was on while we
were at Bly whereby Creed McKen-
are seriously contemplating the ex-
dree was to take a oue-thlrd Interest i tension of their line to I akevlew the
The aBsemhlaue demanded an add i em
by the President, which was responded
to by a clear and forceful statement of
p ain truths that justified beyond cavil,
iieiitfur promotion of progress in the oricunizalion we had created, show
dl our Interests, aud In the develop- ing the necessity for an active central
iieiit of unproductive resources In body, working harmoniously for the
Iiicli like County abounds. common good, and pointed clearly the
Goorge Conn, venerable with age, : way, and only way, that leads to success.
aid he hud known l.ake county for 1 He plead for harmony, and cautioned
urty years. That he was quite familiar ; against the expectation of results at too
with most other counties in this state, I early a date.
Did that he had no hesitancy in saying
tut Lake had more of the natural ele
ments of wealth than any of them, in
iis belief. lie assured na of hia svm-
thy and hearty co-operation, and de
lated we had plana of public better-
went which he knew to be practicable,
wd George Conn ia not visionary, nor
njiwlead by mere enthusiasm.
J- K. Bernard, of our big hardware
The Lake County Business Men 'a
Development League has on iti roll of
membership, the names of men who
are not accustomed to failure, its use
fulness is not a question of doubt. , After
the address from the chair, the League
adjourned to meet on Saturday the 18th
at 7:30 P. XL, when anuounrement of
regular working committee will lie
W arner Contest Case.
held in the world and honored as It
J The IloU-ru vs. ICfggs contest case was t know that the children
Ui. Jji iUuj oiiiuei,,;. ! Of f nfcerfr.H' thnt w so- every dsv
'"'a eight Burner oeonle are iiere I 'I'd this" work, Is a source of extreme
linear as we could learn the slacts
a the case are almut as follows:
'vernl years ago Joe Jones settled
" 1W acres of land on the margin of
of the lakes lu North Warner.
lhe lau,l was uusurveved and Joo
''fid it as a squatters' claim. Joe fl
"Hly old his right and Improve-
"flit to j. v jiv,, .i. i.,.P M. ,1,1
'w same to Harry Roberts while the
""id was yet uusurveyed. -lu the
"''aiitlinM Iarry ltlKgll 11(JV(1, on
llietlace, and when thesui veys were
"lu,Jeboth parties Ju'ld cl.iim to the
'""d. 'Jhetr puiH'fs were win to
'I usliiiigton ami were iviunicl to
' " Jun.1 office receutly for uctio.i by
bi ofli.-o. ri,,. t.'stlmotjy w,m yet
taken wheU Tiw j:vniiilrier
nt to press.
pleasure and satisfaction to every
patron of this school and to every
resident of the town. The pupils of
the Lakevlew school now have lu
preparation an equally Interesting
exhibit for the I!wl and Clark Fair,
whl u will be bound and placed on
exhibit net year in Portland.
view School, Inhibit.
txhlbltofthe laki'tlew Pub
Juoolst.nttothcNt. Louis fair,
J"t Ua returned, To look
""thls work and know that It
'aWu to Nt. Louis on at
,,a of tb larRt world s fairs ever
Hon. K. E. L. Steiner Interviewed
In uu Interview with Hon. It. K.L.
Stelner yesterday, a representative
of Tin' Lxumluer obtained from him
this stateineiit regarding tho Extra
"J think I would attend an extra
session of the legislature should one
1m! culled, without pay. I would
not, however, pledge myself to do
certain things aud nothing more, I
U'lleve betb-r results would follow
an election ou the inulUis- involved
by Initiative, thaucaa be obtained
In any other way."
Chadwlck Trial.
XI rs. Chadwlck has leeo contacted.
Jury requlrod s!x hours to flud her
.she will probaly get II years lu
the ieiiiteutlury.
in the business. They were taking
an invoice of the stock, and while it
seemed a deal would be consummat
ed, wedid notstay to learn the result.
Oue could not say that he had
visited Bly without going to tee XIr.
E. Casebeer, who tuns a hotel at
New Bly, about a mile east of Old
Bly. Xfr. Casebeer has built a large
building aud iscomfortably situated
He is proprietor of the stage line
from Lakevlew to Bly and Is con
ducting the line iu good shape.
We found the people of the' Bly
country happy and contented; and
well tbey might be, they have a
good country, though the town Is
small. There Is good prospects for
abundant crops In that section,
grass Is starting up and some of the
stockmen are turning their stock out.
XI ra. Jaa. Taylor and daughter
spent a day In the town in the inter
est of a social organization known
as "The Young People's Society."
This organization Is one whose pur
pose Is for the upbuilding of thecoiu
muulty and the bettermeut of soctnl
conditions. In talking of the socie
ty Xirs. Taylor said: "We have no
prrnertfr. nop ehnreh or - Knurls v
school for our youug people to go
to, aud we are utrivlug to keep iu
exlstance au organization that will
tend to lift up and Improvo morally
and socially." The people of Bly
are to be commended for their hearty
support of such a move and The
Examiner will have more to say
about this Jn the future, for we have
arranged to keep our readers In
touch with this movement.
coming summer. This, too Is great
encouragement for our people to be
come Inclose communication with
the outside world, and Is a move
toward the, goal progressiveness
assures. Thfc Bell Go. proposes to
operate a day aud night service to
lily, commencing, we believe, this
week. The little town of Bly with
only three business establishments,
besides the postofiice, raised $.'!00 to
have the telephone Hue built to that
Kuykendall Defends.
Seuator Kuykendall, la reply to
certain questions addressed to him
by the referendum committee of
McMlnnvllle, makes a manly state
ment of his own Independence, and
freedom from any undue In flu nee in
supporting appropriations for the
Normal Schools, and acquits his
associates in the legislature of act
ing under such influence, and the
members from counties in which
Normal Schools are men tallied from
any attempt to use such Influence.
He shows also that the appropria
tion was inado as it has been uni
formly made by preceding Jegislu-
turen, without protest from the
Senator Kuykendall destroys the
allegation of graft, or legislation by
so called log rolling methods,
Lake County Out of Debt.
In another column of thia issue ap
pears notice from the Treasurer of Lake
County to the holders of all warrants
drawn and protested on or before the 11
th, day of March 1905, that there is
money in the treasury for' their pay
ment. This is believed to include every
demand against the county; and it is
further understood there will be credit
balance of 12,600 after all legal existing
demands are paid.
It is a pleasure to us, to ccngratulate
the people of Lake County upon this
achievment of our County Court, and es
pecially the men who achieved this.
When it is remembered that, three
years ago, Lake County had outstanding
and unpaid, f(3,000of indebtedness; and
that the board has given the County as
good a service in other respects as any
former board has given, and that has al
so, been paid; then we can see more
clearly the value of that 'business tact
which has brought such good results.
There is, underlying thjs, another
very interesting fact. This three years
history of accomplishment by the ad
ministration, places beyond dispute the
fact that Lake County may, under skill
ful management, now begin to make
provision for taking up some public im
provement, without creating the least
distress fo tax payere of J.ake County,
and without danger of again allowing
indebtedness to accumulate. This is
proven as clearly as a truth can be dein- -onstrated
We-hope to eee this done.
Whatever one is deemed most urgent, of
a member of works, for public betterment.
All the State papers have taken
the position that by au error of pun
ctuation, all household goods would
be exempt frcm taxat ion; r, to the
amount of nine hundred dollars. At
torney General Crawford has given
an Informal opinion that the last
clause of the section establishes the
exemption to be three hundred dob
lars. He will instruct assessors to
Ignore the error in punctuation.
An Example in Subtraction.
If you have ten dollars to expend
for goods aud you thluk of sending
away for them, take a joutil and a
piece of paper aud figure, Use the
catalogue pikes, postage and dis
satisfaction for your ulnuojid; The
advertisements in The Examiner for
your subtrahend, aud your remain
der will be your profits by buying at
The Stark Case.
Acting under the advice and re
quest of the Oregon Annual Confer
euce of theM. E. Church, Itev. Bnyder
formulated charges of dishonesty
and lying against Itev. J. B. Stark,
former Tastor of XL E. Church at
Lakevlew, Oregon,
Testimony concerning the above
charges was taken at the XL E.
Church, on Xlonday XIarch 13th.
XIr, fcnyder is not prosecuting, but
is simply acting In the case; tak
ing testimony at thncomniand of his
Not Satisfactory.
It Is now reported by the examin
ing chemists that there was no
strychnine found In the stomach or
other organs of lira. Stanford's
body. ,
Yet physlolaus say, and Insist,
there was present In the appearance
of the body many of the evidences of
deuth by poison.
Order Books at Once.
The Trustees of the Library and
Beading ltoom Association held a
meeting Saturday evening and de
cided to begin immediately to fur-.
nish and equip the Beading Boom.
All necessary arrangements have,
been made and each member of the
board of Trustees has tuken on them
selves to push the work to com-.
pletlon and do all that is possible so
the Readlug Room may be opened
by April 15th.
Miss Lulu Garrett has accepted the
postlon as Librarian and a more
competent person could not have .
been chosen.
A donation of a stove is greatly
desired. Iet some one add this ben
efaction to the long list of contribu
tions. Miss Sands the. Secretary Is collect-
lug the money subscribed and the
committee is etlll soliciting, hoping
to make the funds sufficient so no
falluro can bo anticipated.
An entertainment Is to be given in
the near future to swell the fund.
Homo talent will participate and
many entirely new aud Interesting
features will be produced.
The establishment of the Library
and Beading Boom Is the combined
efforts of everyone, Xlay the good
work continue, and the product be a
luovoment of Intellect for tho town
of Lakevlew,
What Should be Done.
It the legislature had passed a law
disestablishing two of the Normal
Schools, and had made reasonblo ap
propriations for those which remain
ed, aud for other institutions, wo
should hear nothing of referuuduru
movement. . What more rational
course for the people than to do what
the legislature should have done?
Action by initiation instead of by
referendum would accomplish this,
aud certainly end tho matter as it
should le.