' 1 ' i j - ' 1 1 Urn ,' p will kS I j wk mi I VOL. XXVI. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905. NO. 10, ,Am . COUNTY EXAfifflNBlL'S THE 'Mr sir rl pat- The re Id 1 ad. The iwltj r de tat i'kmt d the had ait IRRIGATION AND DEVELOPflENT LEAGUE NUflBER IRRIGATION, APPLES, SUGARBEETS, RAIL. ROADS, CASH That growth mnl lii'ttfi nn'iit- lu .millions which occurred years iipi allowing counties to develop by 1.1. ......I ie HlOW proci'iwn in mvih.m-mi.mi use. Im now treated by alt progress- e communities an no progress at II (food fortunes, which ire not ii result of Intelligent, iKixIstent flort, are things of u day, gone Jor- ivir. The commuuiry wnicn in inis Intury waits lor something good come without going for It, and uinpelllng It to come, niuy expect ii we the prizes go the other way; l i... . ii ... i. I ItHWH UJ l u vuv ifllirr nivar Hvery established productive busl- H'NH III JjILBC t'UlllllJ HIUPl. Ivvuker ami lent remunerative, unless oincthlng Is done to push utmig, by iNpiring citizen. (renter productions; ( 1 1 f k and heap men iin of transportation to uiit'ketH; tlicMe niv the protihniH that ippeiil to our metal, and we shull li'iniMiHtrate our tHueHrt for a place ii the rail ks of those worker who ire driving the world forwnnl, by Ictermiiutig iiiHii i line of policy and a (irk in this connection, and dogcd- y iiei'HiHting in it till we hme won. Here Im ttie plainest, broadest way, hi the multiplication of population md wealth, now otened to Lake 'unity. We tin ve IIOO.WHi acres of urid land, worthies la It present state. We must see that It Im Irrigated, This la i lie only basin of growth for Lake view. The water is lu our streams Hi be stored; the government has the money, held In trust for us, to do the work. The money Is ours if we miike km; wn that we have pructlc dile lan upon which It nwiy Ik) ex I'ended. rive thousand thrifty 'inner i.,r,d their families, of ten to twenty tliiiUHiiud people are ready i') occupy the land and catie ncb a O'aiiHfoi'c.atloii of rural landscape 1'or the dull, stupid suiiiciichh of Hie gray hngebrush plalu, now a fit habitation, for the mangy coyote, we should have the verdure of the alfalfa, meadow, field added to Hold of golden grain, acres upon acres of oweot, ordorous fruit farms, sections of sugar teet; sugar factories and ''luuerh. juodern daries and cool "'liars tilled with uutty flavored golden butter; and, certain as the needle points to the pole, railroads. Will you only ask for this? it not ""'y will not cost you money, but l,000,(m) will bo expended In Luke 'oiiuty lu building the works. Js "'re lu our isouls none of .that spirit of aspiration for something Utter ''J which these facts appeal? They 'ire tacts.1 There is lu It all, but one element "f uncertainty, and that is, a sulli- lency of water. (u the Chewaucan, even this con- 'agency has Ikh-u eliminated, and earelu possession of facts which 'ndlcate plainly that' tin- l'nited Mates Intends to ju.t from seventy "ve thousand, to one hundred thous- and ucres of rich, virgin soil, under water, in the neighborhood of Pais ley. What other significance can lie In the act of the government disal lowlng the application of the state for 12,(HK) acres of that body of land, under the Cary act? The Irrigation of one hundred thousand acres of land in that local ity will insurthe addition of three thousand people to the population of Chewaucan valley. Population Is wealth. The very highest form of wealth, the wealth that benefits everybody; that benefits the public, and compels public' Improvement, and makes public improvement easy. Men are money, and more than , ,, , money. They are a living energy, , n-ii. 1L , force, power. " ith the accessions of men, which Irrigation will make possible, Lake county may choose w hat else it wants, and take it. Is this not worth striving for? If we go for all of it, we cannot fall en tirely. Tart of our hopes will lie realized. Organize, aud WOKK. You are not asked in this to spend money for what may turn out to be , . , , a gold brick. ou are simply asked . . to talk, write, demonstrate and ... . prove to the government that we ... ... ,, . have schemes of Irrigation which are . , ,, feasible, aud thus realize our own, , . , , , . .1 n. 111. .It ! In. '( UU tllUV llA tnilf.ll CllIU n Ull II Ullll mnv mnj delayed, and without which the work might ! done in such a way as to prove very unfortunate to some of us. Future Outlook Encouraging. 11'. 11'. Bcott, special agent of the gen eral land office, arrived here last week from Klamath lulls, where he has spent most of the winter inspecting ap plications and entries. Mr. Hcott be lieves there is an exceptionally bright future for Lake aud Klamath counties. The fact that capital and railroads are looking strongly this way warrants such belief. The Heed road is most certain to build to Klamath Falls, and there in ulHotnlkof the road branching off at Merrill and one line running to Lake- view. J his niav oe aone n nenner uie road irooi the rvitl or U.u uuu Uilil the South extend to Lakeview or make demonstrative efforts to do so in the very near future. Lake county needs a railroad, and its vast resources will at tract one from some point, especially if irrigation ia taken up by the government wlthiu our borders. . Road Fund. 15y an act of a former legislature, the S per ceutum of receipts by the United .States, from sales of public lands lu Oregon, paid to tbe State, was set aside as a road fund to be apportioned among the counties' of the Rate. A 'Viuall bill" In the late legislature was designed to repeal this old act and was surreptitiously passed by the House. , On discovering the fact Dr. It. K. L. Stelner and associates followed the bill to the Senate and secured the eli mlnatlon ofthe obnoxious prpvlsiou. Thus our roud fuud will lie aug ti.il In the sum of about 5.100. x , , . Tula amount wuueu 10 our cuuuiy road fuud and properly used will be helpful to our roads. PUBLIC READING ROOM AND LIBRARY FOR LAKEVIEW. A library and reading room for the public benefit in Lakeview is going to be made a success. Those who have taken this work in hand have shown from the start, that it was no mere impulse. They have a well defined purpose of public benefit, and they are not going to submit to failure. "We are now situated tc conduct a reading room for two years, well sup plied with the best literature," said one of the active promoters, "and we intend ' to make this so good, and the place so 6 ' r pleasant from the start that every paA , J r tron and visitor will be glad to contrib ute to its growth and usefulness." This spirit is sure to win success. People si -a ays recognize a good thing when they eee it. and never fail to. give aubstantial support to' every altruistic work. It has already been fully recognized i aa nf lli is Viq riptpr anil a .niril. nf cim 11 ; lHtion of who shall do moBt for it clear- ly manifest. Dr. B Paly has assured ' . i ' the workersxhat they shall have, free tof rents, or charges ol any kind, rooms . , for their accommodation. Anthony and Keller, the firm which supplies electric ' ' liuhts for the town, have given assur ance that the rooms shall be well light ed free of all cost to the management. Thus the ae60ciation is full of confi dence. Everyone they meet is asking "what do you need?" What shall I do to help your enterprise on? It is understood, that Ahlstrom Brothers and J. E. Bernard & Son are contending each for the honor of put ting gratuitously two nice stoves in tbe building. It has been decided to allow them to divide these honors equally by accepting the gift of an elegant stove from each of them. There are now flWl in the fund to promote the scheme. At the meet-1 ing Tuesday evening much was oc- ocuipllshed toward the desired end. The constitution and by-laws were i ' tkppiu'lU. . ' "j Graham's Baud honored tbe meet-! ing with some of their fine selections, which shows the spirit of the town in this work. Think of This. From Lake County ia taken annually about $1800; possibly much as $2400 to pay expenses of persona residing in this county, attending schools in other parts of the State. Tbe latter sum is sufficient to defray the expenses of a high school at home, save the money for home business channels, and put three times the number of per cons in high school. This ia worth thinking about. New Telephone Line. j t Is learned this week that a tele phone line will be constructed from Lakeview to Adel and thence to Plush. The Hue Is to bo connected with the LakeCounty Telegraph and Telephone Co' line running from Lakeview to Silver Lake, and belong to tbe same company. Tins is a convenience ouee enjoyod canuot be iHspensod with. It will put Warner valley in ready communication ntth all other parts of the county. Heretofore It has been necessary to send all messages by carrier, requir ing from 12 to 20 hours to get a mes sage through. In cases of sickness or other Important communication the delay necessitated by the slow process of overland travel has lacon venienced many and even endanger- ed the lives of people. We congratu late the Warner people in their good fortune, and welcome quick commun ication with our neighbors It isa ! great convenience to us. also. A Safi Death. Last Saturday. March 4. 1905, at the H. R. Ileryford ranch, 2 miles north of Lakeview, Ollie L., tbe beloved wife of A. II. Hammersley, died after an illness of five weeks, daring which time she suffered continuously. A baby was born lb Mre Hammerslev five weeks 80. Ollie would have been 21 years old MftV 12 Bne as married a little over a year ago. lie was a Iakeview raided girl and jas well known and lik ed by all. She was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Heryford. The funeral services were conducted at the Heryford home. Mrs. F. O Ahlstrom, sister of de ceased is taking care of the baby. Mrs. Heryford was at Pamona, California when her daughter died. The Examiner joins in the expression of sympathy for the bereaved husbapd, kn.l .llt...,tt ' niiu 1 1 ihii vo No Canal Legislation. Conferees of .Senate and House on the Canal bill have agreed they can not agree, and have asked to be dis charged from further consideration of tbe measure. Thus the.authorlty of the President to govern In tbe Canal sone after the 4th of March, is in some doubt. ' Tbe only difference that could not le harmonized was the determina tion of the House to abolish the the canal commission, and the equal ly firm purpose of the Senate to re tain It. A Dia;reenient. ... There seems to bo no prospect of ugreement between the government and the Klamath Canal Company upon the value of the company's property and franchises which are In the way of tbe execution of the gov ernment's project of Irrigation in the Klamath basin. The company wants $,j00,000, while the government believes 50,000 would fully compensate them. Bought Lakeview Saddle. A week ago F. Ahlstrom received a telegram from Mr. L. M Folsoiu of Merriville, Calif., ordering a saddle. Mr. Ahldtrom shipped the saddle and yesterday received the following letter. Mkkkivillk, March 5th. Mr. Aiii.stkom : I received the saddle in due time, and can say it is just exactly what I wanted in every particular. The material and woikmanbhip is first-class. I bought two saddles from other firms the for part of the winter, and can say for them that they were no good in any way, so I think I can appreciate the one I bought from you. L. M, Folsou. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL MOnENT FOR LAKE COUNTY. On the evening of the 11, In con formity with a published call, there Is to lie a meetlug of the people at the Court House In I akevlew for the PW organizing a development or promotion league. Do you believe there is necessity for this? Do you believe there la some common benefit which maybe had by unity of action that may not be attained without organization and community of purpose?1 Have j'ou sonie enterprise of public better ment in view, or some practical scheme for the promotion of the gen eral welfare that you ttelieve may be advanced and made successful through the energy and persistence of an active central body? ' If you believe that harmonious movements of masses of people pull ing the same way, striving for the same' goal, along chosen lines, can acccmplish some good, which will never lie reached while each person pursues his own ends without thought of the coiunm weal, then goto that meeting on the 11, with your thoughts and purposes ntatur-. ed, and prepare to state clearly, what your convictions are, and pre pared to enter h.'Wrtly Juto the or ganization of a league, which will . take up some work, and push It o final success. The Examiner has repeatedly said it had no fad or hobby. For the league, we are anxious. We have not failed to advocate that ou all proper occasions. Wo bellove this Is a crucial period in the history of our County. We believe that a unit ed effort of the people at this time, acting through an organization in which their power Is concentrated, will bo effective in securing somo great aud lasting public lieuefits. Our readers know that we regard irrigation of our arid lands as of su preme importance, and that we be 5!f?v? thf peoble mlaht do something to insure tbe certainty of this under taking by the government, and to hasten tho beginning of this work. There are more than three hundred thousand acres of arid land lu this county that we believe may bo irri gated. It this land were litigated and put In cultivation la crops of any kind, at a low valuation, it would be taxed at seven dollars per acre, or two millions one hundred thousand dollars. More than the assessed value of tho entire property In Lake County now, This to be had simply for tho asking, if It can lj had at all. This is worth auy ef fort we can put forth to secure It, or expedite It. When It Is begun, Lake County's future Is assured. We are ready, however, to take up any local work. Will work with any others, for auy public advance ment, or convenience. We know that with growth and progress of production and Improvement lu I.,ake County we shall grow and pro- (CoUcIiiJlJ ou Uut ' f ' 5 I i. . ;) i .i i i i i '