Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 02, 1905, Image 4

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    fiol' County Br nttter
Published Evr Thurly
MimiiK Building
Enteral Hi thi- I'.wl Offltf t I.kevlcw, On'.
Smiid-l'laM Mailer.
We do Not Agree.
Juds:v Stephen A. Lowell of Pen-
dleton. In an niblrcss ih-iotv me
Portland society of IliiiiKhtiTN of the
Revolution, takes strong grounds In
fji vnr of suffrage for women.
The judge "hnll never lie allowed
to iro licvond us in reverence for
u'oiiiiinhiioil. nor In confidence In
her purity.
hen the irreut lawyer nays "the
tlmeN need the Infusion of a new
element, we fully coincide.
A PAPER WITH CONVICHONS. . when m,dH-"the entry of
The Kxniiiiner realties thutlts first ,Votiien Into politics," we doubt.aud
House Hill No
Tlie follow inn is the law ps-seil by
2.17 PnS!eil.' 1 'es luive bee n paid, w hieli mid Btnek
1 ..i. ..ii i... .1.: - ....... ...... I l .. ,
: nimi in- .iiitni m 1 1 iiii:-ihm iiiiu
I lift i 1
(One Year
Slx Months,....
(Three Month,.
'.illinr .ill ti I in n.i.l L.ii.l 111 UllilfUiliruu
ate lei!ilalitre, providing for the taxa-' 1 . .
,Ble 1 M ,' ' , lor the pnriMwe of prcparmg lite aame
lion of livexKH-k kept parls of the year mafktfU
in different countiei of the state. A .
11 ...... i Persons or corporations owning or
studvnf Ui he instructive to many I . '
. . . . . . . iiiiviiik I., i nniKVitiir iivrnwuh, nnu VIII"
owners of sheep, who ielde in Luke
" 1 j late the provisions of this act, are liable
co""ty: , .. i i .i . . toa line of flTi to UXX). or imprinoii-
til ...,iaf lui iia.Mil in Mm I1M- 1 1
. ... . ment for U0 days to one year,
ua manner bv assessors, and the owner I '
." .1.. . - T,, is Rtmernl in its n
. . applies to all counties and all livestock
statement, showum a description of the i .... .
stock. ith the brands used; where the ."..
stock has been kept and will be kept, i Accord.n to the lanK.,.g o the act, .1
iiHtnre, and
duty is to collect mid publish facta j dtmiot give assent to Its wisdom,
and occurences which are of peculiar I The most ulurmlng condition of
Interest to the people of Lake county political corruption found to pre
wbether the facts exist in the county I va throughout any state recently ,
or elsewhere: or the events and hap- iM ji0wn to 1k lu Colorado, where
penings are of local origin, or have wiUei, vote. A tnnn who held a
taken place in other localities. If our Beut i tu, present congress, lielug
social, political, or material interests clearly elected upou the face of the
were to be affected, it has been our returns, voluntarily resigned, after
constant aim to see that Kxauilner I j, tne eviih'iice of fraud employ-
readers should find lu Its columns all e(1 to un. his election, without
the news obtainable on such subjects. wutllll, (,. renort of the election
How well we have served the peo- cnilrtee, and It was reported us
pie ns4a news-patherer. those who clearly proven that three women
have perused our news-columns wtv the responsible, guilty iere
know. Itut, in addition to this duty P..t . ,r m,.wf ..f it
conception of public duty amongst
We would give woman any tiling
she asked fur: but we tremble when
she goes into politics.
to gather and disseminate news, we
have had ideas; convictions oit.' sub
jects in which we have felt that we
had an interest in common witli the
community, and we have not
thought it amiss to frankly declare
ourselves on all such subjects; not
with the expectation or desire to
lead others, tint that we might as
sume our share of responsibility for
actions of the community in any
matter to lie determined by t lie gen
era! scntiiiK'Ut. or opinion of ali.
In promulgating our convictions. The Kxainiuer does not desire that
"me ineu 10 oe direct;, so mat at once, L,ake couuty siiull risk, un
none would Is? left to guess at our advisedly, upon some public work
positions, and we have ever done li e want to see our league orgauiz
this with due respect for the convic- ed, with the strongest, safest, clti-
tions of others. who had or declar- zens of the county as uctive ineni
ed convictions and with deference bers. Meu of enlightened, conserva
11,.... i... ... I . .
.u lu. ui BHn:iiui Mioniij;i'. ne live progressive views. I lien we
have never offered you a wearisome hope to see, after our various prob
verluage for thought, nor have we lenis of county improvement have
sought any manner of substitute for been carefully studied, and our re.
reason, in discussion of any subject, sources well considered, a well mo-
There are now. questions pressing tured, systematic plan of improve-
themselves upou the attention of the iuent adopted, and an effort to set
eoplu of Lake County , anil especi- in motion a well matured, determln
statement to he made when they assess j
livestock. Proportionate assessments, I
however, are only made upon livestock
that is. "kept, driven or pastured, or li
permitted to range or grate in more
than one county of the stale during the
Dr. Olsun If he lias proveu nothing
else, bus proveu that one uian al
leaet.U the age of AO hie own age
has passed Ids day of usefulness.
When u man can any that all men
80 years of age snould lie "retired or
chloroformed, lie at least might as
well take his medicine.
Politics remain as impure iu that
state as in any other, and the weight
f the evidence Is that a greater
number of women have been degrad
ed by the contact with public Im
purity, in the capacity of vj iters.
than have been elevated to a higher pay said taxes to the stock inspector or
within the county, and the owner is lis-
b.e to hi" home county for the state,
county and other taxes. And the owner
shall, unless sufficient real estate ample
tn mwnm tliu Ajtnirt in linlilit therefor, navn
- . . .
the assessor at the time of such assess
ment the whole amount of said taxes for
the full year at the rate of the last pre
ceding levy, and take his receipt there
It is then provided in the act that,
when stock is permitted to range in any
county other than its home county, the
owner or his agent shall notify tliu stock
in pector of said county of the entry of
his stock. The stock inspector must
immediately demand a statement of the
number of head of stock toniing into the
county, etc., and evidence that 'the tax
thereon has been paid or secured in the Ue"' Ayn-H bus a pair of scales on
home county. The owner is then liable which he can weigh one three hun-
to the county into which his stock has red thousandth part of an ounce.
neen taken "tor the imrtion ot the taxes i n, . , . . ,
,, .i , , i ... i that is pretty Hue figures, but he I
thereon for the full length of time ihst
such livestock has been and will be wl" nut ,K Ca,l,',, "',0'1 to tw tlm '
within said county during said ear, ae- j extreme limits of the Instrument in
cording to the lust pteceding rate of weighing the product of Lake coun-j
levy iu kaid county for all slate, county j ty'n mineral resources. !
or other purposes, as other property in j I
said county is liable." The owner must i The .lapanese have lieirliu to ad-!
Kussian lines, clrr.
a powerful
ident intention
It is I
lilt 5I(iN Of 1ME FISH HEVQtll"
Remember this wtwnyoubuyVi'
WefcthJL(?l0ih,ns' i look for 1
I' name lUrUK on Mt button
1 ThUii&ndmliivunefwvtit'
1 IbrtluiBMTdurinflalxJIS'
ytm of Inert ajino skies.
If your deottrwtllnot uppVou write i ?
free ettalodue of MmK or yellow Jl
proof oiled co6lx liKtr. suits. nktsT'
horse coods for nil kinds of vt
m. mam. u. i a Im . " vl '
roaoarro, can. s" ftmt"
t $2,000 Reward. i
$2,000 reward offered by the hj
tiunty Wool Growers Association fet
the arrest and conviction of any p,.'
orM-rsons guilty of killing or msia
any sheip belonging to any msmkw
this association by order of the Eiemm'
K. B. CiiANnLRR, Pm.
J. N. Watson, 8k
First Class
lltiildinu Has lieen Knlargtil
To Accouimlste a Ijirge Trade
Dining' Service
secure the same,
If the stock remains in
ed popular movement in favor of
the adoption of the plan by the
While the children of some upright
poor parents in New York go to
school without breakfast, Mrs. Uall
iugton Itooth is making appeals at
Salem iu lebalf of her work for "des
perate vicious criminals, and is re
ceiving large donations to her fund.
MY; have no sympathy with this
character of charity.
It is stuted that a movement has
begun in Vamliill county to get up
a sufficient petition to cause .the
$1,0oo,(mmj appropriation oil! of the
late legislature to Is? submitted to
tlie people for their approval or re-
J-.jiiju, uuuci" liic I'vicieiuiuiu clause I
of the constitution.
ally the iieople of Lakeview, for sol
ution. In our lielief, problems if left to 1
solved by the force of circumstances
without our active intervention to
direct and control them, willcertain
t ly lead to results very unpleasant for
some of u to contemplate, possibly
disastrous to some of ns. The Kx
auiiiier dot- not believe there is any
conflict of interests between the dif
ferent localitii-s of this county. We
shali, for that reason, support every
measure of development iu the coun
ty, wheri-ver located.
Tin-re is one scheme of development
wlii-li. in our opinion is near at
hand the irrigation of arid laud on
the Cli.-u ioiran, near 1'ainley; and
we lvjoiie Ulievc it so certain,
i.e nuve waiciieri withnnxiety every
step of progrecs towards the final
adoption of this jiroject by the gov
ernment, w,. himi the work
begun, and in the future not far dis
tant, six hundred and twenty-live
families will If located there, on pro
ductive, farms, ami 1'alsley will lm
the metropolis of a valley the opu
lutiou of which will be more thau
the entire population of the county
now. IJefore the expiration of three
years, we exjH-ct this to be accom
plished, und the picture of reality.
There are other things to lie done.
The Drews Creek and Cottonwood
project of Irrigation MUHT receive
attention from the people of Luke
county. Wetter and more perma
nent highway, a public library and
reading rooms, a high achool, and
Court house with aufllclent room for
County oflicers und Juries, and final
ly, a railroad to Xukevlew, are all It costs more to haul by team over
sujects which are sooner or later, to our roads, a ton of wool from Lake-
vaiice.upon tin
ling to the Last, with
ie county i , .....
o. .... .i.;..i. ,i ...... eoiuma, w nil tile CV
Hik.i nc aiuio iwi T iiiv.ii liic llt. I lit 3
been paid, the owner must furnish t,e turning the KuhsIuii Hank.
stick inspector an additional statement' lsdieved a decisive battle is imw
and pay a further tax for tho time the
stock is to remain in the county.
As soon as any such livestock is re-j Governor Chamberlain vetoed
turned to its houie county, or if not re-j twenty bllin passed by the leglsla-
turned, then before the expiration of the .,, , .,-.,',,
.. .. ' . , tiire. He allowed .iL' bills to 1r.
vear, the owner or the ierou to w hom i
first assesse.1 shall present to his home ' " '"."out ins iormai ap
lie fougiit. Ix't us jiruy.
Lakeview Cigar Factory.. .
A. Stoiikmax, Prop.
county tlie receipts showing the taxes
paid to other counties on such stock,
whereupon he shall beentitled to receive
from the County Treasurer out of the
migratory stock fund "that part of the
amount of taxes paid on such livestock
in said county proportional, as the total
periods of time fur which taxes have
been paid in other counties within the j
proval, and honored .V bills with his
approval, Ml new lawsuit- the re
sult of this legislative session.
Maker of (
Havana anil
Domestic Cigars
(ive us a trial. Store in the brick
building next door to l'ost A King u
loon, Lakeview, Oregon.
state, as shown bv tlie receints therefor r,
and presented, is to tlie whole year." i
Taxes are made a lieu upon tho stock I
in any county where the tax is due, and i ;-S
upon any real property of tlie owner in I ;y
i ... . . . . . i (0
saiu county, auu sucn taxes may ne col
lected by any protraction or provision
al remedy.
ELI, Proprietor.
1 Guuiaora anil mttur inaiuiiilova m unl I
iiuqvccuia nuu iuot,iui o ill not. (
uiake monthly reportu eliowing the ' 'Y
stock aeHjeiHed, the time for which j 3
anHetHetl, ana tliu amuunt coUoctedt;vu
Bread, Pies, Cjikcs, and iu fact everything in the
pastry line kept constantly on hand.
Board by the Day, Week or Honth:
First-class Meals at all Hours.
which amuunt must be deposited in
2 North of First National Baiik
the County Treasury, where it shall
constitute the migrutbry syjck fund, j
Where ruljatt; for livestock is mado to a j
Lakeview, Oregon, s
To think of undertaking at once,
to do all7 the public improvement
needed in LakeVounty would le to
place the whole Hllbject lu "thelimbo
of the preposterous." To say we
can do nothing that things are ' well
enough," is equally preposterous.
Lvery sjrson iu the mine at Vir
ginia Iu A luhamu. at the time of
the explosion that has Issm rescued
is dead. Fifty two had been recov
ered, when last heard fronO Five of
them were alive when found, but
died soon.
liefore we begiu any work of .pub
He Improvement we wish to .see
created a unity of appreciation of
them, aud tbtta prepare the way lor
allliujr cooiieratlou of all the people.
receive our support, wheu our pro
motion league shall. have determined
which of them Is first to ! taken up.
view to Amedee, than It dews to
transport It from Nun Francisco to
New York.
pertDU other than the one by whom tlie ;
tax was o.iginany pant, sucn payment 1
must be made upou the certificate of tlie
Assessor or stock inspector, w hich shall
show the name of the person entitled'
thereto, the number and description of
livestock, the time for which tlie rebate
is allowed, anil tho county or counties
in which taxes on such liveplo'k have
leen paid or secured to be puid otlier E
thsn the hfrre mm'?,
At the first regular terrn'of the Coun
ty Court, alter the 1st day of January
of each year, the Treasurer cf each
county shall report to the County Court
the amount of Uses on livestock receiv
ed by him, and the number, description
and owner thereof, and the time for
which the tax was paid; the amount
paid on rebates, aud tlie number and
description of the stock, the name of
the owner and the time fur which the
rebate was paid. . If the report be found
correct, the balance iu the migratory
fund shall be turned into the general
fund. No rebate can be allowed after
the Treasurer has made his report for
the year.
The provision of this act do not apply
to stock sold by tlie owners thereof In
the home county, upon which the full
tnllllllflinillllllilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii iiM! mil! mnT7TmTTTTTmTTmnfnfTTnniTTrnTnfnTTnmng
' ',"""MIMiinill(IIIMNIIMMlIIIHlinMMIll'T
We're Out i? I
1 To Win . . . k :..
I The Mammoth Stables j
Wm. R. HhKYrOKO, r'roprietor
ft . a
Alter August 1st we will endeavor to nlaec this H
i stublc " a lcvel with any and all stables in K astern 1
uregon. We have purchased all the rijjs, stock, I
etc., and are now ready for our share of the public's
1 Patronage. You will be assured of good rigs, care- I
lul drivers and good stock. Special accomoda 1
s nons lor commercial travelers.
your Health and STRENGTH with
Vmx&n-A pema"c", women,
I. -. it A-c.iv, yj,u jr.iRglst