Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 23, 1905, Image 8

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J 2 3
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5, .1
Hotel Building
Leave Your Orders
Now, For
Your Season's Supply
-of -
. . . and . . .
They will arrive here within
a few days.
Hotel Buildinz
An Editor's Opinion of the Royal
Fdyth Toiler Weathenvd, In de
scribing a recent trip over the Denver payers of the county residing In the
at Kiu urunue Kuuroau, says in " j. ne
Complain of Taxes.
There seems to be some misunder
standing among a number of tax-
"At lust the goal ofjthe ambition
iA yearn has been reached marve
lous, wonderful, grand and inspiring
Royal (Jorge in on either baud. The
only disappointing thing in yon only
have one pair of eyes, while the train
darts In and out of the tremendous
chasm. If any who have never seen
it art- wondering how it looks just
go and we. Thousands have tried
to describe it, vet every attempt falls
short uf giving the subject justice."
If you contemplate a trip Kant,
write W. C. Mellriile, 124 Third street
Portland. Oregon, for booklets pic
turing Colorado's famous scenery,
and any oth'r iiiformatiou yon may
desire. 3-tf
ASH Y0U8 DfAlED f 09 THE
TOWER'S eormtr.t iLirf
material In black trr yellow
for till kinds et vet work.
vicinity of Paisley, about tlie tuxes.
These people are of the belief that
the levy is the same as last year,
yet, in some instances, they say their
taxes are two to three times as
much. One or two parties who we
have heard from, who say they own
no property say their tax is as high
as $i; to S. Why this should Is;
thev are now trying to find out.
There seems to have either lsjen
some mistake or these i)eople are
ln-coming wealthy more rapidly than
th y realize. In any event Lake
county does not desire to collect
taxes from proerty that does not
Shep for Sale.
I have for saie, about l!HXewesand
!XX) yearlings, which I wish to sell
within the tart month.
Mieep may U seen at Thousand
.Spring Valley In .Summer Lake
Tnos. H. .S'ltKiti.tx k
First Class
iiuii.imii n. p,n Mu,Ur,
'l " A ii lite a l.Arf I i,i'ie
I 'ining Service
I'" excel led...
w I' ink cufkk.
Itrsrrt Land Final VnatT.
United Ntaten Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, February 10, 1905. Notice in
hereby given thai Charles 1". Ib.ll,. .i.
I of lenio, Oregon, bug tiled notice of in-
tei.tion to tiiuke proof on hit deaert
lam! rlaim N... 4.'ti, fr the f', nf-i ,
I M:S n l-'4 -c. Tp. 40 s., tC
I w. in , i. f.irc KiUin .1. t'atl.., F. s.
( 'mil at (n- ntlic,. at Deliin, Oregon on
Siiiiu.biy, tbci"itb rlay of Marr'li, p.i;,.
I lb-" the fiillciwiii' MliicsNeH In
1 liliilv Hi .-.,1,1 1. Jul.- rrioHij.w, Hn,( r(,
! hi i-.tti..n .r.ii lanil; !,.,, J,. 0n
'll-H. .M.-lMI. l,,Hf. w. II. M,,,,r,,..
I ' i'o-'l I.. Alleii, all of .;nio, Ore,ni.
j s ' N'. Watnox, Kei .r.
J--rt lud Final I' roof.
I'niied States Land Office, ftkeview
Oregon, February 10, lyo.i. Notice i
hereby Kiven that .Melvin .M. rVan, of
K-nii.. Oreitoii.haH filed notice of in
leiitii.ii to make proof on lux deuert-land
Cljilii Sn. l.'fj. for the M k I: u L f
c. 4. Ip. ., li. :i5 L, w, mi before
jl -Uin J tl.itlor, I . s. t orn., at Iiin
(of'je at Denio. Oregon, on Saturday,
j thecal! day of March, 190i, He nauiea
I tbe following witnefHes to prove the
; complete irrigation and reclamation of
'aid land: (liarlei K. Uolloway,
1 roit I.. Uolloway, w. II. Munroe and
I r'red 1.. Allen, all of Ileum llri,ii,
h I- .1. X. Watson, lieimer.
LakeviewAnd Vicinity
T. M. Vernon wns up town Tucs
For soothing refreshment go to
Post & King. -tf
Ahlstrom Ilros. nave h fine lino of
fishing tackle.
F. IF. Stephens, .Shillings' Best man
Is In Lakevlew.
Oon't forget AhUitromBros. are
selling watches.
('. Thruston was up from the ranch
first of the week.
(ieo. M. Jones came down from
Paisley first of the week.
( lo to the Monogram and look at
one of those punch knives.
.s J. Studley was up from the
ranch Tuesday on business.
Orders for Bee Keeper's upplb s
taken at the Ahlstrom Bros.
.1. F. Nicols of San Francisco was
iu Lakevlew hist Thursday.
A woolgrower of Modoc county
sold his l'.XC. clip In Alturas for 171....
.lohn Davis of Davis Creek was
registered at Hotel Lakevlew last
Post & King keep the very best
wines and liipiors to ls had In Iike
view. .tf
Hepresentatlve .Steluer expects to
return to Lakevlew about the first
of March.
N. Fine atid wife were at Hotel
Lakevlew lust Thursday, registered
from Sun Francisco.
The most popular saloon in Lake
view is Post & King's, where the
best of everything Is kept. 0-tf '
John Mulkey lust week purchased
the residence proierty of Harry
Hazleton iu North Lakevlew.
Dispatches anuouncuthe death of
!en. Ix-w Wallace, hero of two wars
uuthor of Hen Hur, und other books.
.1. J. Moore and wife of Paisley
came down from there Tuesday to
attend the Hood men Annual lJall.
Mrs. T. 15. Vernon, who has been
visitiug her old home iu Arkansas
is ex pec te I home some time this
A bunch of keys, and a ring, have
lieeu found iu Lakevlew, and are at
I this office awaiting identification by
the owner.
Assessor IF. 1). Il'est came down
from Hlver Lake Tuesday. He ex
pects to iegin assessing the sople
about March Oth.
IF. IF. Fluley, the stockman,
was doing business In Lakevlew first
of tlie week und made The Kxumiuer
office n
J. Flue was over from
of the week.
Dan Oraf has gone to
Lake to work.
II. S. Jteed wan here from
Creek .S'aturday.
V. M. Oliver wan tip from
Kanch Saturday.
A. Ptorknmnn Is making a
cigar for the local market.
Flush first
Ilelnw we give a report of the wethr
ha recorded by the Government weathtt
bureau station at The Examiner Olflca,
Thin report U changed each week, and if
our rendors with to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions for future refer
ence, cut out the report alons the IiU.a
lFllloW ; Itln a, naata U In a un K....L ..
....w I " .n umi,
week after another. This reord will hi
taken on Tuesda- to end each week and
begin on Wednesday for the next week!
Government Weather Bureau 8u.
Mm. A. II. Ilaunnersley Is reported tion at J.akeview, Oregon,
C. O. AlmiKKR, Iooal Observer.
line i
quite sick at the Heryford ranch.
Mrs. Withers of Paisley expects to
pay Iakevlew a visit next week.
Unite a rain came up Sunday after
noon, but lasted but a short time.
There was a pleasant dance given
at the XI. much last Friday night.
T, It. Townsend was registered at
Hotel I akevlew Saturday from Hose-
F.d Lamb came down from Paisley
with Geo. M. Jones. They returned
.las. Poore returned Saturday front
Kim Francisco, lie expects to go to
Toiiopah soon.
li e Invito expression of the senti
ments of our reudcrs on the High
SchOOl OlR'Htloll.
Week ending Tuesday, Feb. 21. 1905.
Day max rata, pn-fllp mi'w character
nation fall of dty
wed. 4l t 14 I O.UU txlij etcHr"
tiiur. 4rr"25 I o.iki (H) "
frid'y MjMTO.IHI (10 "
satv l :"lij 0.00 Jh) I "
sun. "4r"f"2" Q.1M jw"" td'Vly
,nl"L 0 H) jMjoJuTe7
lues. "5.' Jt 0.(H (H)
-"Sold Times and Old Timers.
Isaac Lccleston, hi n very early
day, lived where Frank luie now
resides, and Mr. Walters says Ike
was your true tlonwr. A brother
to everybody, the Jolllest fellow of
them all.
pleasant cull.
Oliver Charlton returned recently
from Tonopah. lie says Toiiopah la
a "good enough place, but there was
no place to sleep."
l.'.-v .FA. Davis has accepted a pu
sition as assistant editor of tlie N.vssa
Progress, published at Nyssa, Mal
heur county, on the s. 1" railroad, i
Tom McCulley fell on his, back Into
the water iu Duckworth & Hatch-
elder's bike the other night, and as
sured the boys when he got out the
water was not hot.
Tbe San Francisco Chronicle inti
mates that the chief of police in that
city was removed that tne adminis
tration might have a chief that "will
retrieve without wanting to know
i lie reason why."
Charley Snider wus here Curly Id
A.M. Smith andJ. L. Humptou j the history of Lakevlew; he was,
last Saturday and has ever Ikhju. a vital force In
the life of the town.
The first attorney to locate for
practice at Iakeview was Charles
A. CogsweJI. In Charley Cogswell
was rare enerjry, much force, and
suoh tenacity as we do not often
meet. Charley was liberally public
spirited, and even worked for the
progress of Ids home town.
The first school taught Iu lake
vlew was by Henry Duulap, father
of Fannie Duulap, the baby, first
born, to gladden u mother's heart,
In Lakevlew. Fanny was 'boru Id
a tent, at the jnouth of Dullard;
she was everybody' baby, and
everybody welcomed her.
Dr. Wright was our first physician,
and this good man almost starved,
the i tlie people were so healtliv.
Our first divine services wen- con-'
ducted by llrotlH-rs P.onner and
Vlnyard. These two good men said
tlie gosM'l Is the power of God unto
salvation, wherever it should 1
preached, and in the absence of uny
other place to meet, we all asseinhl.
ed In the upsr room of Jeff Hick
mun'e saloon, where the word wns
ministered to us, with ull the power
und comforting: Influences as tf It had
been agfldod temple Iu which wesat.
Iien Mr. Watters spoke, saying,
those were blessed days. We were
young, strong and healthy, had ull
our children with us, and life wus
so simple and Joyous. Hut, the
present with its duties, demands our
thoughts and though life may be
i'-om !(.Hs bouyant, ewii day brings a
: lllj.. p,.flM. W(. nfnrf,,j. n. ff,rrt .,r1 .
e wish for all those uf us who still
were in lakevlew
from Plue Creek.
L. Vuuderpool came home from
Prlnevllle last week and Tuesday re
turned to that place.
Mrs. McOrath went to Paisley
recently to visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Alex FlUpu trick.
Yesterday was George Hashing
ton's birthday. If living he would
have beeu 1711 years old.
Mrs. IF. F. Petree Is keeping the lit
tle Griffith babe, whose mother died
uear here a few weeks ago.
Thos. II. Cloud, the soda works
man, opened his shop Tuesduy: Mr.
Cloud anticipates a good, lung sea
sou's run.
Have your wheel cleaned and en
ameled. 1. 11. Cloud will do
work. Full line of Bicycle sundries
on the way.
J. H. Fisher was over from tlie
west side Tuesday and brought In
some fine trout to his friends. The
fish are running.
Mrs ll'hitworth gave a pleasant
afteruoon whist purty to numU-r uf
her friends yesterday. An enjoyable
time was reported.
Mrs. A Florence hud the misfor
tune to severely cut her foot ou u
piece of glass last Saturday which
took her off lier feet for u few days-
We are in receipt of a copy of the
American Newspaper Directory from !
N. W. Aver & So;i, of Philadelphia,
which Is a vuluublc 1 ook of ii f.T..i... I
Air. John p.iMish was dow n
uover fiat last .Saturday, lie has
been suffering from rheumatism for
some time.
live, a full iiiniiMiiM ,.r tin. i...,,-
1-. O. Lveret, tbe well-known Chic m.s ,,,, , ,
ago drummej fl)r Hlbbanl, .Spencer ,i . '
Hart let r i . . to those who spend their young lives
"" me mm, is do- so well.
lug business with Lakevlew i..r.
chants this week.
Dr. J. K. Dewey Is now locaU'd Iu
Boom 44, (first floor) Hotel Lake
view, the same rooms he occupied
when he was here before, and Is pre
pared to do all kluds of d.,nt,.i
iKUMljl IN THE WORLD" The Equitable Life Assurance
, - , ..socieiy of New York..
ASSETS $381,000,000 y , , 5MITH
bUKHLUS $73,000000 - -" .
TMCJt.l.Wll ... m H... millllllll Ml . lll ii.,JMLI,l,,wMI
To Cure a Cold in One Dav st
na m
oKe ivhajuvc uromo quinine Tlcts. m ,
sven m unw toid in part 12 month . fyj tignature,' SfTjCpr
on every
Miss Minnie Vernon, daughter of
T. H. Vernon, was reported unite
sick last week, but wns rapidly ,.
proving first of the week ami is ex
Jiectcd to be nrlivly well b, n few
K. N. .la.pilsb recieven letters fr...,
his wife that are a source .,f eiicuur.
ngement. Her physician also writes
Mr. .la.juish that the patient is lm
proving rapidly and there is m.doubt
of her recovery.
Mr. L. H. Whorton, who has 1.mi
sick for several inontlis, was able to
walk over to Prof. WIIUU' house j
last HtiLduy and take dinner. All '
oi Mr. Hhortoii's friends will be
highly pleased to learn of hi con.
John . Hull formerly United
Ntates dlrtrlet attorney and others
have been ludlcted, charged with
"conspiracy to Impede tbe course of ,
Justice' hi an alleged attempt to
defame United States district attor
ney Heney.
A. iStorkmanu returned yesterday
from his trip of canvassing through
Lake and Modoc counties.
for ncn wfco foil
I ft