General Information THINI1.4 TO INTEREST ALL Ol.'g READERS Call t the pout office book ator for all kin11" ' literature, nd dic tionaries nt low prtee. 2-t! Rioter in Euwiiya re supplied with dynamite nod avre wrecking public building wherever they can reach ihem. Yellow fever ! reported to exist ntbe cruiser Boatou at Panama. Tbe vessel baa been ordered to Puget Sound. Alexander Leubakl, a polish leader and organlier U In New York and .ay Poland la fairly well armed, and ready for revolt.' Look at tha description! of the land hated m ith The Examiner thla week for tale, and nelttct your piece before 'it haa been cold to some one e'ae. j tf We have oonie valuable land for eale cheap. It muHt tie aold, and can be had tl a figure that naakea it a good invest ment. Write the Examiner. tf The most complete Job stock off of the railroad is to lie found nt The ExmniiMT omve. FIrst-clnss work nlwi. nt rciiHoiiti bT, price, tf. 1 nil Ire orange crop of Nortn-i-rti Florida in reported killed by fro :. ini'l it I fenl'eil that great dainti;.'"' li.ii been done the treeK. NnVfls by popular author, die t!!M'.'! !!. I'.e.'iv.V; literature, nmg-uzi.-i -h iiml nil kinds of reading mnt ter l tie bonk store In the post nfliec. 'J-tf (iopiiii, tlie lender of KuhhIhu riot em Iiun Inhim'i a prochitnntion to his follower r til 1 1 lit; on tlietn to sluy officers of the government, and dls tro.v government root and brunch. We have ii full not of Mysell-JColllns &('o'm., .aiupk'M of Stock Certificate and IiohiIm, with price Hut. If you nrv orgiiuiriiig a stock company get our prices on Mtock certificates. , tf Oregon apples are now worth f2.2T ht box In California market. Ta . me taxpayers or the town, La Urande In Union county will pay a total of hi mills, state, county, school and city taxes this year. American shoes ere Incoming popular amongst the Chinese. They must wear them In China, for the Chinaman will never tw popular In America. Canada la to build n Hecond conti nental railroad that will cost $12.V 000,000, or about 5 times the value of the productive Oregon crops for tho year 1901. A residence for sale cheap. One acre of ground, house, barn and out buildings; haselty water, and Is n desirable place to live. Knquire at The Examiner oflice. 3G tf Union Coifhty Is feeding n monster hog for exhibition at the lewl .and (.lark Fair, lie, now weighs, 1000 pounds and seems to lie taking on hit as rapidly us when feeding 1k--gnn. The ( ierniRii Pai iianu-nt has appoint- j ei a rotiiiriixHiiin to io vent iat e differ ences between coal miner- und their em ! ploycp, h ml mine onerhave expressed j their illinne'-H to abide liy the com- uiiscioti" recommendations. ; V.. P.. Carver, one of the Med ford, j salooniKts arrested several (lavs ago i charged with selling liquor in vio lation ol law in the Medford dry precinct, whs tried on the:? -ith, and acquitted. The dispatch does not state on what grounds the verdict w us founded. Japanese are constantly leaving the 1'nlted States, voluntarily sur rendering positions In which they re ceived good American wages, going to (oiu the army in Manchuria, in which service they receive 2 cents jer day. lu this is shown a patriotic spirit that will make these little State Line Barber Sliopiwowpvvvo t S. F. AHLSTROM jkl, J S. GALLAGHER, Proprietor ' -Shaving and Halrcuttlngs- Parlors in EDE's HOTEL, 33. jTOTiTi ri'jLjL House Cartel Papeir Painter JTTT Hanger,. NEW PINE CREEK, - - OREGON S t t t t t r t Proprietor w-n n iT. j ' - ' O LAKEV1EVV SADDLERY $ MANCrlcTCRHU 6t ' The Best Vaquero Saddle on the flarket Also a complete line of wagon and buggy harness, whips, robea riataa, bits, spurs, quirts, roseate, Id fact everything In tbe line of ' THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER Wfo j RINTING IS AN ART IN VY I11VU A JIT. iAAJUinCK t.V- cells. . We have all the late styles in type and keep in stock a large assortment of high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Our prices will be found to compare favorably with other prices. Tut- NgtmiiHl Association of wool .ManiiUrtiirett in ita aunual report aaya tliai (im-chh'h t',(KX),0(K) of fcheep yielded IK'ople hard to conquer, in l'.iM lu-arly llfleen tnillioiiH pounds ofj The lOxaininer lias fur sale one of 0'l it-Mini; the haddsonie kuiii of (he UHt stock rniichesln Lakecounty 472. k on very n-aw.imlile terms MM) acres. Tin- country is pleased to learu ill fenced, and well watered. This is tlint Mr. i;disou the inventor has j.u great haryain aiKl will not remain coiiif (r.iiii under the surgeon's kliife ; luiie, iiukoIiI. We c.lo have ji dczen itrniix. im. I Ih reco frliie; rupidl.N j ol ht r rn iiclics ;i ml farms to dispocc Irniu th ( U'-i in of a dillleult opera-'of. If you have any land or proper- crty t o hell, lii-l it Mith the lOxam- ini'i'. Send In ileK.npl luu ninl LATEST LAND AND STOCK NEWS EIGHT PAGES LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED IN 1880. Ayerk Pills. The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, cemin. They cure a . u. ayer to, consripr.iir!. IjCvoII. Mass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich bi?ck? Use BUCK i k K .H i L Lii J DYE : on u. r. iuu. ui.. MAtuiui, . a Japaneae Chaw Written Prayer Into Ball and Hurl at Faca of Idol . After-Effects. Wi,. the. t'tnii in n -ni.ivin nikalivcess. ti.' i M. : " Ij i a 1 1 ' News r.'iic.iu iit " if ' i'. '. is fully convinced I I " i- iniuiit in thin fullered) lor tl Suimcly h'H prepHied by tile Marine lOHItlilwi,,,,. Jt is dllre tJlt) Kill unt even U- coitMiderud. are now pit' pa red to hell several tnrt of land at prices that will aUrtle 3"o, fHteiihlly if you are acquainted me location. We have land all the y horn ii.oo it-racim up to 15; un ItnproveJ r Improved, to auit the Purchaher. Lake County Kxauiiner. 'i'he army appropriation "hill, has Iaxt-.t the fid ted States Senate with will wll it fur you. 'J he cotton States le.uhes in .I.ijuui, is an idol about which iciiii'i s one of t lie most curious worships in the world. I'poii tin- crop jI tin- I'nited Surface of the stat lie are seen lit the enormous total 'h' pieces of what appear to he we .tf 111) ii , i A ... .1 . " ",K"1 pUlllug 'jfc in H.icinI(l1Mi,.Hn a ,)(lv orin uitanuro ,,f i:!u,(riM),i(0 hales, or about L',(HH),()()U bales more than the world wants. Last spring the planters were be seeching the government to save their crops by destroying an Insect enemy. Now they threaten to burn a large pari of the years production to relieve theuiselvesof an iinniurker able surplus. The Lxntulner has an S-ncre tract of bind for sale at a bargain; the In t In northern dried paper. If yon stand by the idol for awhile and wait for a wor shijs-r to come along, you will see what these bits of paper are. The devotee halts in front of the im age, then scribbles a prayer on m bit of pajs?r. The wad he then cht'WN up into a ball and hurls nt the god. If it liitu the face and sticks the prayer is sure to be granted and the pious pilgrim goes a way happy. If the ball st i-l. to some portion of the body (In line omen is not (iiiile so prom ' to exclude from it anything ! .... ,.t ,. !i,evt..- mid is now set'e.... .....i it u t., i -I , - ., - I ilfUD,, Ulltl II tl 1I1UQ lu nil. tUUIIIJ "ii uiiguc appij. lo, "'en in. MW M 'i retired olllcer attached to the Nut i01:i (lU,.inj tlt M,tMH, rer.M-et- ' hi- .iy. to clover and timothy, and yields j(iore is absolutely no hope, L'O tons of hnv a year, leaxing a val-1 " 4 ln ,l'l r-.., Ml).- . , K'-jiii'. ' hH't.,l.h ;, (' II I' 1 1 I nl m il of i'. the IVnpl. ' ') l.T. I Spokane Wiifli. i I'niti'd ( hutch s of hind in b't- liabli- p the t"P trad i- n t a i'i In .in Im - I. : r- ist lire, price ill ilesiralili The Iim.v hcIIs at;e i n. The . one. e'thi r to re- r to t nl uj into ; A ii vol." iK-.sir.ii-. I. ,i. .HII.U III - f licet to build H i it v ei - ii I ...i I'ut,, upon the prulit I '.ui. I'licv iciect till Vldcilll.H i ... . . " i, utm t A ll -eh jto W.ii t ion. i . i he liciilwTby faith. ('"'".iirieiit n-solution In the hiprcHi-utatlves at Kulem U i. . ... --""it to prevent further nc- f VHlnalilii tliml...e Iioi.Im In by the railroads under the W'lulloin scil,,,dUtf: lav. Jt is ',,"i,,,'fl that the Northern Pacific tlx 0 ",,,a,,u,J fur hundred "usniMj ncrcKof nnd of tho vulue xehange for woith- ''"I'l'l plnliis. I rylng preparations nimpiy deveh oi. dry catarrh ; they dry up tuo buereUoua, - I ii ... i. .....iiiIii-iiiiii U.1K1 daeoni i.oe, cniaiuR o far Wore berwu trouble than " ' . ' - m ....!. iu..i.l .. Mrv. IC.I iui? iiihidanU, fuiiioa, suiokea nud anuiis profitable. - Country sua ue una iu . - America i i.. l-i. v fvRiu 1 uhu la micli a remedy ml 1 R J and will cure catarrh or cold Iui the. head euudy and pleaanUy. A triul aiza will U uiuiiid lor 10 oeuta. All UW el I the OOo. aiae. Kly Urothera, 6(1 Wairen bt., fc.Y. 'J'ha Jialiu curea without puin, X not Irritata or cuuae iueezuig. It 8roadn its IX over aa irritated and annry pui fae, relief ina immediuU ly the painful intluiuumtiou. V'itU My'a f ream Jiuhn you ure aiuaed iipdiift tVtuiTh und Jly l''' r- COD PAPER-WAD TARCET. j CH,CACO BIGGEST MARKET. Both In Perishable and Other Fruits Metropolis Is Greatest in - he World. Along the sacred road of Nikko, i T,l(' nnniial fruit crop of the Muted States has a value of (MMI.Obtl. The orchard fruits pro duced each year have a value of 1,(1(1(1,(100; small fruits, .vJ.I.OOO, 000; grapes, $ 14,000,0(10, and cit rus fruits, grown principally in California and Florida, tfS,5 1!(,000. The seven great fruit-growing states in the order of producing are California, New York, I'enn nylvartia. Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. Michigan has more peach trees than any other state. Chicago's receipts by water of Michigan fruits last year were very heavy, but this year they areNstill heav ier. The receipts for two Hiieci lied days from Kt. Joseph, Mich., alone amounted tq ;500,00() pack ages, principally of peaches. Peaches also come by rail from nearly every peach producing state of the west and south, ami I lie turnover of apples in Houfi Wafer sli-eef increases from year ( tear. ' illinoi.s leads all the western .sl.iles in s, with an annual rodin , of !i.(l(),()()i) bush e!s, .Michigan coming next with S.orw.iioo bushel., and Indiana (bird with bushels. The apple crop of the conn fry, which in l!)0o was 1 7."M!)7,0(io bushels, has jncivnscd with the ex- I Clinun r ITTa ..... ll,...l. ! The department of agriculture has recently impoi-ted live wool- ens shee) -foil r ewt-s and a ram j - d'or use in tin-extreme southern states. A hea v v crop of wool is ;i ; umi.ii- in l.nk"vi--Av wiil do ,n.,len in hot, dry district, result- i it,. stl.aP- thl-i proposi-1 ing in a dii-ecf i'l eJTecf out he (jiial- j :Ni If ;ity of t,he ' mutton. These .slice)) are being expeiinienleil will) ly flic bureau' of animal indisslrv. Tliey are hardy und are easy keep- They were brought, from fhe The lading Paper of tht Padflc Coast Th? San FrancJsco Chronicle 7vZZ?tr ihy I-roved ! 'sioii of orebnrds i,, the west. Life In ! perisiiablc and other I fruits, Chicago is the greatest fruit market in the world. It now seems probable that, should any new Kt.iUtf tx' admitted t by this ConuresM, it will be OaVlv hnmaand Indian Tci-ritority us one state, and New Mi-xiro, ltli ArUoua llet l-hcd, '"' In the consumption of coal, Iron and cotton, the United Kt'ites lias, surpassed all the greatest manufae urlug countries ofKurope combined lu thy hist (-unrtcr of. a century.- Stlccr.-, The Weekly Chronicle The very beat weekly Newspaper published In the entire West., $1.50 a Year Including imstHri, to any 't of the luiuxi blau-ii, CauMda auu Mexii-u. . It is bcit because. btfLidrj prttithi; all the news. of the world eac'i w-k In an interesting way and iully Illustrating many articles, it has special depart ments devoted to AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE POULTRY VN. STOCK " MINING LITERATURB FASHION" and SrORTS These are presided over ky editors having a thorough knowl edge of their specialties. Tha cages devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Poultry and Liva Stock are well illustrated and 11. led with matter of the greatest tuterest to all e-ngaged In these indusiries, every line belag written by those who are In close uuch with conditions prevailing on this Coast, SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. It will be sent free. Do you want the Chronicle KeversiUe Map? S!vwuig tl,9 United States, Do minion of Canada r.d Norihain Mexico on one sine, MAP OK 'I HZ vOiLD, prcs .niing to view m ii9 cbntliiucus n.p, wlih, all aieaa In true prepurtlon, the en tne surface of the Earth on the other side. Send $3 and get the Map and "Weekly Chronlola" for one year, poetaga prepaid an Map aa4 Paper. The Dally and Map Only tl;5 a Yeir Addreaa U. H. tm YOUNQL "M Tie mm ( luwitale," ' 8aa f raitotMa, CaL CISCTJLiTIOt r)S-AHTMEMT