1 M Us y 9. . IrwiW iat Xtttloa Ship. its- nrit!htrttwUnir fleet lnth orth son mlpht be likened to 4 Dtini; town, ii i"'"!! ...... ftrttii fWta iitltl atllrituill '" ' . " ...7.. uUntv i not neciiTien. mm fl.t in it miHHion vcmel tipon hii-h M'liirious hitvbii are neia. D tli wneel or me mmaion ampin i i. Kl.mna aiiiil- 'Knlln- ne nnd 1 " ,n,,M ou "I,prB oi -ion,'" This btuit la aaid'totrt iniq'ne anions tUltermen. Chica ,0 Chronicle. Barely Poaatble. He wnmlfr w ' lat '' vrrap n'i;i nnxlous to now'tln- worxi if hi ncifililior? HI.lnili:iMv bcciiUK' of the- i t:..f niiujtpv Invaj uUIJiilliV. llirmiinii r-imuui-r. A lilll I" rcinrifil to liavi lin In mdiuvil In tin- W'lxI'Hur.' l..v ivp .Hciiliillvf Still t It of JoMcplilnc. miilliijr f''"1" t : i m 1 1 1 1 1 . IioiihcImiIiI OOllH of 111-' . 'lilll' of .MM. Mllll.V ifWim! Imvi' not niniv ttuiii half liiHiiii'iiii of lioim-lioM roHTt,v, vliile (iIIhth liavt- tlmt much ani iiurh nuir'. If fxiMiiptloiiH are fur joumlmlil pood only, the iMMifflta Ivlll !if niwipial. Oold by Dredging. Very large addltlnna to the nuppl.v of sold In thin country Rtt tvnltlnr from dredging the Yula and Feath er rivcra In California. Each cubic yard taken from the bottoms of these rl vera Ih yielding from 10 to 20 In gold. Hitherto them operations have ex tended only about 8T feet In depth. DreriKee are now being made which go down 60 feet, and the operator are aur he lower depth will yield more. FouiikIi land to constitute good omen for more than 3,(KHI fu milieu vlll lie reclnliuwl and made product- re by tbe completion of the Klain tb Irrigation project. Have the copied! Uike couuty uiImmciI any- hlng through want of activity In falling attention to pomtllillltlea An apple nrchnrd ot 4 hvtvh at HchxI Klver In Oregon lifted the owner the hnndmiuie hihii of $:iooo. ' What poHhllillltlcn till HUggeMtM to1 the Lake county fariuer when the' Uallroad coiiich, nnd InmiicH him a curtain market. No Letter fruit can ' le produced any where than In grown In ourcounly. No liet ter condition:! of climate can U found In which to Ktore and hold fruit for the U'Mt wa oii In which t Hell. Applet will lie! the licM paying crop in Lke county! when hy meaiiH of Railroad we can I reach outHlde markets. I When the ( car of Kuaala complain- J to uue of IiIh MlnUten of the prev tkuice of ieculallona tf Kunelan of kluk exclaiming, "the thieve tight to he iihot" fata frleud quietly rvHKiDdc(l, "I(kh your iuaenty wish o be alone lu tle F!mplre?" Such h tbe bra&'ii, tthanteleisa and dlahoo- ty of HuHHlan otllclal life. ' Tbe Tout Olllce appropriation bill reported ly the Committee on out otllccH and iint roadn, in the fluuiwat W'iixhlngtun ottka for the ppropriatlou of f 1xo,7k1,UKS for the urrent year. , Kuropaiklu l to make a Hupreme ffort to cruidi Oyuuiu U-fore bin leluIorcemeutH arrive, but the Japa will "beat" the cruMhlng. Laud fur arlu. The et ball' ot ec. 'C. lp. 39 S.. K. 20 K. Tbe laud ioine Krank liuke'e place 6 mi let ro'ith of Ukevicw. ih id i a n!. Write The iKiwuuier ' The growth of co-operative effort! tor town and village liettermeut la ludicated by the growth of the Alass HchuHettM Civic league. The organ ization haa no leKa (W9 hranchea In the atate of MatiMachiiHcttri. It en cuoragea the formation of vlllagelm- provment aMHOclatluna, art and ' crafta' aMHoclatlona, civic cluba, i grangea and other agenclea for social f uplift and hlglter civic culture. One of the effect a of the organisation haa been to atliuulate a healthy rivalry between cltlea In the matter of gen eral Improvement lu various de partment of civic Industry. Aah land Tldlnga. tlie Kind You U&t&Atwaya Bougiit, and Vhlch has been i tn-se forroerj.J50TcX8.lJaa.Aorn6 tho Blftnatnre of : and has been made under his per fz "sonal supervision since Its Infancy. ' Allowno one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations And "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatoriais a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. - It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrbslincss. It cures Diarrhoea and rAVind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 MBIBBSSSKSBBSBBV Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's How Discovery For C' rMFTloil . ...... rw-cw , mOL- w m 1 mm ULII A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : ' " ' Lung Troubles. Menay back If (trails. Trial Bottiaa fraa. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yeari, 4 . m annua hunm vav aratrr. an voaa mm, - Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law.. i3io Conneticut Avenue . Washington, D. C. - , - y All peron vho have heretofore made FINAL PROOF In may kind of Land, Mineral or Tim ber Entries, which ha been accepted by the Register or Reeciver ol any U. 5. Land Office, can have the luuance of their V. S. Patent for aid Land promptly attended to by (ending me their Duplicate ReceiU, or Certificate of Entry, and an agreement to pay me $10 when ever said Patents hall iue. JOHN MULLAN, Oregon, California and Nevada State Agent 0MMU BO YEARS' --EXPERIENCE D The Smart Set Japum: ur leaving tbla country '-'S lHb I'ortlaml auJ San FriuiclMco imylU) llirlr iiwii fXiK-iiwa, iX to "lu the ui'iny iu Mauoliuria 'IV l('KUlntnr? of Mlaaoui-1 Im not '"fa Hhlf t el,.(-ta i:lt l .statea '"ittor, Hit' n'pulilii aiiM n-fu-in; lu "'litf on any cuniliduU'. A Joint n noliitluii lijtn.-li.ti-d In ri'ta-houw of Hi.- Orvgoii k'UlHture j "pemw tlmt liody Mlnill n.ljourii 'Hruury Huh. j V" V jj, - i: A - TLii frrcat atork medicine ia a mony ksv.t for iitrxk ruiwrs. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coxrwr form than Thedford'i lilact-I'raught, renowned for the cure of the digestion trouble of pernKam, it haa the same qualities of invigorating digeetion, itirring np the torpid liver and lootening thaooniitipatod boireli for all atocx and poultry. It i carefully pre pared aiul it. ai-tion u to nealUUul that at k prow and thrive with aa occasional ' doe in their food. It cure hog cholera and make hog grow fat. It cure chicken cholera and roup and make hen lay. It cure 4!onntipation, dmtomper and cold in hortieR, murrain in cattle. and muke a draught animal do more work for the food coimumed. It givca nniniMln and fowl of all j kinds new life. 1-lvery fanner and raiser should crrtumly give it a tri::l. It cost 2.1c. a can and uvej tea M tiia il prica in prolit. prmai'ao, Ka., March , WOt I have beon using your Blaek-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine on wy Block lor aoiua tiime. I bare ud n kind of etook lood but I have lon4 UuU roan U Um beat tot mf purpoM, J. . KAa&OIf . S. ' A Magazine of Cleverness Maazlnea hIiiiuIiI have a well-ilettneil purpoHe. ' Genuine enterdiinmetit, aniunemeiit and mentiii ivcreation are the motive of Thk Smart Skt. th 1 Most successful of magazines I to novela (a complete one In each numlier) art liy the moat brilliant au thorn of both heiulaphereH. , ' . Ita abort stories are inatclileHH clean and full of human Interest. ltn poetry covering the entire Held of veiw pathos, love, liuinor, tenderneHH Ih bj' the must popular poetM, men and women, of the day, . Its Jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the moat mlrth provokluK. 160 pages delightful heading No pagea are wasted 01. cheap illUHtratlona, editorial vaporlnns or wearying eaaaya and idle dlacuHKlona. Every page will Interest, charm and refresh you. Subscribe now $2.50 per year. Remit Iff cheque, P. O. or Express order, or rejfUtered letter to THE SriAKT SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B SAnPLIi COPlii5 SENT r-WEE ON APPLIcXtiON. aw mm a. . . c -Marks " V Cl- COrVRHT AC Anvnne (enxlina a aketnh and deaerlptlnn ma qalcklr act our pinton free whether an Invention U troSaltir patentable. Conmnnlea tietuKrtctlveon0dentlal. Handbook on PatakU ent fraei t)lrti ienr for ruia-atmta. Patauta takeef thtoach Mann Co. raaeiva tptetal itsCtee; w'.tlsoat chsrs. la th :.',(-. Scltntific Medcam A handeomalf Olnatratad weekly. Itraeat etr. eulatton of anr aetenuae Joamal. Term.. W a vaar; foor nontaa, II. 0oM kjrall newadaalan. The Harney Couaty Live Stock A devia tion, of which I am a member, pay 7M reward for evidence leading to the con viction of partie tealtng (.took be longing to :tn mem ber. In addition offer 600 reward. Horse brand horae- Bboe bar on either or both awa. Re corded lnecountie Range, Harner, Lake and Crook Countie. Hone vented when Hold Home gold to paaa through this section will be reported in thl paper. If not so reported, pleaxe write or tele phone The Time Herald, Main 324, Burn, Ore gon W W Brown, Fife, Ore. X" OBSALB. fine Mhep Raneh In Modoc Cauntr the fined rhlch con It consist along Hit buildings It i aa It wUl be Tbe Examiner ha for ale one of Rheep ranches In Modoc county, v troll the beat range In California of 660 acre all under fence. It lie river for 2 4 mile. Bcutdea other there are two hou.es ll iniloa apart. Ideal aheep ranch. If taken quick old for ttiUOO. MHKKP BKAMOH. James Barry Brndi with Swallow Pork ia right ear for .ewes ; reverie for wether. Some ewe Bquare Crop and Bill In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Lake Poitnflioe address, Lakeview. Oregon Zac Whitworth Brand with Crod off left ear, Half Onderorop oft right for ewe ; reverse for wether Tar Brand W, Raugu, Fish Crunk. Ho.tomoe k.1 dress Lakeview, Oregon Northern Stage Line. N itmm mm Send No Money ONLT TOUR HAMS ANO ADDBKBS for Sa.rn.plf of Clofh, to. , ALL-WOOL 'lf A C f Ml 10 1S Medal Tailors a-71 Tbird roatlaao, Oa. flea mention this paper. 0r tl;,t5,m Eldradi ks atoed (or th Thl.. H1' New tldnd.! bETTCB UlrtV EVES, and aurior ty all m . viucr. rosiive iskc-ui'; erii -Yawm ,ma arlf tliicaiiiug huttle vdrS futonu'tu-lrnuoarelra..utuiuatic !'i j. "uohin winder: puaiiive f.jui tuoliou Hlr iP1 addl Ur; aoUcIf Kf ailiurting l"In?r"'J",',el. ' iio; bve fly "kVJS1,".'u,"ork. a fccautiful act uf :. '"Ux hinent. 'simih"' ,uf ItnproM Fldredga it ""l wuy "y uachiue uuul ou hva National Sewing Machine Co, htLVIUtke. ILLINO!. rTA I mm 1 .M,mftrB ano WW., f'NOCU R D " P,5 " .V iiJTiil f itwrnwrt. Duuynauia, art ALU COUNTRIkVt I P,unt and Infrinrameat Mctlc. laclaalvaly. IU V IUU. rt THE MOST DELIGHTFUL WAY TO CROSS THE CONTINENT Thaoueh Salt Lake City, Olenwood Springe Leadvllle, Pueblo, - Colorado Sprlnja and Denver. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art dallery Paaslng Caatlo Oafe, Canyon of The (Jrande. Tenneaae, Pasa, ' Marshall Paaa and the Royal (Jorge TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OQDEN AND DENVER CilUlPMENT Al feiEKVICK MKt'UN 1) TO NOSR SEEK NO FURTHER, FOR BETTER; CWT BE FOUNO For Detailed Information Address , V. C. HcDRlDE, Central Agent ( LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. . Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m- every day but Sunday, ' " Paaaeagera'-aratj. Round trip OFFICE- Reynold Wiugfleld't. Lakevtaw 124 Third Street 0KTLAND, OREOON. I aajaMh-afcrBW aaaawwlataa WitMlia i a mil- 'aaA.aiW"fc'lfaliiia i