m Ml ft! ) ( M s t.1 -A U Nailed." Th (YdnrvIHe ' Kccord bends an MKlethu. Thf nrHrte appearing nrtrr the hmv hrarilnir wHMtheone nhlVihrd In The Examiner a couple LTpk w" n,'H,t mMIM' ya Well bavin nirMtl time with a nd ftttvr. h luofiry ami Charley Itrvijr. The Kmml quote the ar- LleM i.iill"hoi In TIh bxamloer .ndndiUthf follow ln: -MVlmvi- malf Inquiries rrtfanl Vij LtheaU.vp nml And that It Is a J Lpnaml ximple. No smell a di J! jJrBoWul ixTiirrriK-.' t...ik plmf there. t I throuuii Hin-n ne " e ijc imt MihI'k- U mlvertlMttl to lite out. ,,,) ,..rl.l mikI rreated fur It the un- lrtTel reputation of l'ln a wild ,o,l wtMil.v et. l"tr nlmme. Iro. t, !,,.( vnil HliotiM eorrect UH audfMiH (irtltli- In your itxt Well. Urn. Stai.lev, f will Itpnl Wr M'vrr t-tiil Jnhn Wall's llikry, I'ut have known lltt ivn- lemiin for tliene loins jeam unil we ikfhlro. HUwhUkey w no tfouot L pKl n any. W know, Hro. StaiiWy. well iiM you tlo, that all hlskfy i" Kood, liu t Home Ik letter Iwn ctlx-r, ami If John' whlnkey I .he liettiT klinl we are mirr.v that we liil it w ii t In- aim) drank In Mnho, I fchffv wiloim nii-ii compel whliskey rummer to InJ'ft tlin-c drop of tH'irp'MiiN Into a rnblilt, and If the iilihit nin't lick ahull t!f ihy do rt bur it. fxonomy in Interests of Panama Canal. Wpcamiot rvrraln from emphanliiPK urHatiitfiK-tion at a determination ornardu economy dUplayed by the ipproprtatUin conmilttee In tlie Fed rnl Huuxe of representatives. We lieTf that lehiud till- reaolute pur omp, In a detiire to keep always In It-arb ample f u ml for u-elnauyeiuer- MK-y that may arle to Impede the rogretm towardn completion of our tent national enterprW, tlie fan xa Cftii&l. Though we wltneM with pleasure very act on tlie part of the jrovern- iient In t he Interest of borne enterprise lurpclH pri.le u In the expect Uou that undreatmf of benefits f ill aceure t t lie japle of the Ptcl5c oat Id the completion of that, .wans of transportation between 'Urtwom-aboardH. tH am I.S14- a.rtll i,i.,tl. woffineD,! to cue some jfood. reilahls f UUUUII 11 k & r , 'j,- . i"crr new ior r"Kuai. Nasnl pATARRII su iu atauoL ft Cream Balm sooa,ai,lUeaU siaaiijQ BiKtiibrane. '"cstarrh awl own y told lu the bead "aui Bah,. I. ,.i...,i i,.,.. .... ,,it. ..wta '0i kui t cure f,.l.ov. Il la ,...1 VU.il, due 2 ""'''! IJirt-e fciM, M 'MUU U Prug- "Wr mail; 'I rutl 6, Ju wt. LI toWUiiUa, It Warrou fetntet, New York 5u.?,t.!trcsiDr a sV'Xad UiSJlisd I avil f rtj rirt- j vtiu.u ' ,H,W " 1M Moe tuaraa. fiarfj" IN. AtU COUSTSIIt. "1ft and InfrlnawnaM SracIlM f icLtalvaff. h SttuaT;" ' v 0atU4 Statss fatea OSUi. tt 1U1 i r : i i ' W'W'tsawMi'i.W'W'' .i For five year the university Buffalo hv Utn .V voting much time to luventkatlon and rxptreiuenta tlon relating to cancer. Asa (lineage cancer Is found to be parasitic, and In type, Inflctlou. It has lieen tran- Mated and reprod need In the IxhII-m of animals and cured by u of serum prepared In the lahratory. .Sclent Ists are hopetul now tf producing a er- nm that will certainty cure this dln-i ea In the human ImwI.v. Hank cleaiaticea In all ti m.. ..t the United States for th wk ..n.t. ' Jujf Jnn. l.'ih. -tiovv iui lut-niise of .-'perciut ovt-rttiof of correspond'; ln date of lant year, aNliowu hy j Bradstreft. Thun it I made clcnr.l the country, on the whole U propter-; "d verv roi'croui. Any t on-! dltlon hhuwinu Hie contrary 1m local and inny U corrected. I CoaSolatorr. bat Sot Hrlpfat. I Do rich will have a hard time rH j On inter heaven." J "Tea." said Brother William, "ilntv! a comfortln thought, but it don't helo d po' man when rent's due." Atlanta ' Constitution. w Mm rm k Air. Taleton Yea, Miss Baruard. now mat I am graduated my fattier thinks lam eapable of striking out for myself. j Miss Barnard He must have seen yon playing baseball Philadelphia Take at Home Arc yon sufferer? Has your doctor beta bmuc CCMfuI? Wouldn't you prefer to treat youneJf AT HOME? Nearly 1.500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggiits and have cured themaeires at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor rhica. barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weakness. These are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't Win of C&rdni does not irri tate the organs. Taere is no pain in the treatment It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drug. It is soccesvful bees one it cures in a natural way. Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at tlW . bottle and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it? ass assssaasaaBSSBEOBDi la mm nKjlr1n .peUJ iSlraeUpai, I ".i.ry fbTclttKKa UaUaiut Co., Ui""Si Ttutu 3 S;H li'Ml' Send No Money ONLT TOUR NAME AND ADlHt:6 For Samplmt of Cloth, Etc. C ( CE 10 okutii TEo MeiaJ Tailors Portland, this ipw. ti. ,), h stood for lb Thirty fieri IS l'W a- a-a .7... tVtk. Sd hjipertofW others. .ro.tive '. - r. p,iivi tnl.e-ui; sen an- r t um uctdlc; arn i"'u'"i " -ti autoumiif t.-u.too '""'if I ears kcs 0,0, 1- ratitied nedi l br; noiavi ! - ;l'rTOKb-'. .(Ciul ViS Uminated wuodwork. wiin S Imuuiui s if S..5du til buy suy W.bm uutU yu bavs National Sewing Machine Co. HLViutne. ILLINOIS. es-Ti Tales mx. I I Plsksim svastf in I mmmmWmmWmUmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmWmmmm'mmmmmWmWmmMm afWWr-"" mm Trssssj fffMM AVcgetabk Prcparalionfor As similating fhe Food and Ee s?uti ting the Slomadis and Bowels of rromoles Digcstion,Cheerfur- ness and Kcsi.coniatns neither Opiunforphine nor Mineral. Not Nah c otic . 'A Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Ron. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of v NEW YORK. ass k jo mm m mt aprai v - mm mm mm mm av i a a e I EXACT COPY OP WRAPPm. I J llllf.llll II II II II II II 1.1 ' .a B y aJFJi eg ti mi,m 11 iui 11 11 11 11 1 ' t,,. . rs as w as aa la as sa vws ocaraua nsmst. mnt tom orrv. '., The Smart Set A Magazine of piisverness M HtfHJU utt hiiiilil n wel l-r't1 (ienuine nter.-iiiiii'iit. iinnis.-ineiit inotlvt'H of Thk SmahtSkt. the . MOST i C; E5SFUL OF MAGAZINES Its novels (a complfte one hi each iinmlMr) are by the tnont brilliant authorH of both liciulfphcrt . Its short stories are iuarclileH clean and full of human Interewt. Its poetry covt'riiur the entire tit-Id of vera pathoH. love, hutuor, teiiilfrneHM in hv tin- ni mr pofMilar poe'u, men and women, of the day. lta Jokes, witticism-, sketches, etc.. are.udmtttedly the niowt mirth 160 ' :s DELIGHTFUL kEADING No pae are wasted ou cheap HlustratloiiH, editorial vuporlnH or wearying essayH and Idle dlHcuMHlina. Every page will Interest, charm nud refresh you. Subecrlbe now $2.30 per year. Uemit In cheque, P. O. or Express order, or re(flHterel" letter to THE S.TaKT SET, 432 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B SAnPLL: CUPitiS 3ENT FREE ON APPLICATION. f ,,J...1 T-f,i,,J , rl - 1 - 1 - i Lll II I .IJBI "TIT ill j l1i'r Ii ' aim ' 1'nai 'i isj i HO! FOR ST. LOUIS WILL YOU Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies In uCC addition to the attractions of St Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." NKIVAI.ED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALLEI) dining car service NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Kuoklet ef Colorsde's Famous Ssghts sod Resorts A1. C. ritBUIDC, General Agent 124 Third Me t i For Infants and Children. . Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sign In Use for Over Thirty Years 1 it i pur pone. . ami tin-ntm recreation nh the Z WORLD'S FAIR BE THERE? FOkTLAM), OKCUON, iture Aw I f JAT If ' IF Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass It Dr. King's now Discovery f f LSLSi " ' Mcli.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure t . Lung Troubles. Monay back If It falls. Trial Bottles fra. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Connetlcut Avenue Washington, D. C. All persons who have heretofore made FINAL PROOF In any kind of Land, Mineral or Tim her Entries, which has been accepted by the Register or Receiver of any V. S. Land Office, can have the Issuance of their U. S. Patent for said Lands promptly attended to by sending me their Duplicate Recelsts, or Certificates of Entry, and an agreement to pay me SiO when ever said Patents shall Issue. JOHN MULLAN, Oregon, California and Nevada State Agent k BO YEARS' .. V EXPERIENCE Trade Marks , COPVRI6HTS cVO. ' Anrnnesradlna a sketch and description may quteklr ascertain our opinion free whether an li!YmHn pwthnbly patntitbl, rvrnimiinlrft tlnns.itrlctlyeonfldentfaL Handbook on FsteuU sent free. Oldest air en e? for seenrlng patents. Patents taken tbronrb Munn A Cp. reoelye tptcial nolle, without cbanra, la tho , Scientific Jlitiericam A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Ijirceet dr. culaUon ot any edentlfle Journal. Terms, J rear ; zoax monuw, at. duw py ait rnwuiiifc. o,B"-NewTQrlf es Bi v asnmaiou. u. b. The Harney County Live Stock Associa tion, of which I am- a-member, pay, S760 reward for evidence leading to the con viction of parties stealing stock be longing to its mem bers. In addition w- a Tt uiBiia m iimimiiii ii f 1 W.ia.nnia i,.iwM.i .1,, I Hraaeo omoe. 1 . I offur 1500 reward.; Horse brand horse- - shoe bar on either or both jaws. Re corded in8countUs Range, Earner, Lake and Crook Counties. HoriH-s vented when sold. Horses sold to pass through this section will be roported in this paper. II not so reported, pk-ane write or tele phone The Times Herald, Main 824, Burns, Ore gon U W Brown, Fife, Ore. Fine Mhrrp Kant-h la Jtfodoe Csuncy ' The Examiner has for sale one of the finest sheep ranches in Modoe oounly, which con trols the best range In California. It consist of 660 acres all under fence. It lies along Pitt river for 2 miles. Besides other buildings there are two houses IX miles apart. It is as Ideal sheep ranch. If taken quick It will be sold for $6000. ISHKKP BUANDtl. laiTIDC Rarrv Brnfls with Swallow Pork la JdlllCd DdllJ nKht ear for ewes; reverse for wethers. Borne ewes Square Crop and Slit la right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Cran Lake. Poetnflloe address. Lake view, Oregon 7flf WhitWnrth Brands with Crop off left tab If IlllnUllll ear, Half Onderorop off right for ewes ; reverse for wethers Tar Brand W. Hauge, Fish Creek. PonolHee address Lake view, Oregon Northern Stage Line. LAKEV1EW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a, m, every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m. every day but Sunday. , . Passengers' arsfj, Round trip fg OFFICE- Reynolds oV Wlngfleld's. Lakeview ..iithiii hut h mim nimiiiiKii a u mai.mi i tai J