Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 26, 1905, Image 2

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    " C. O. METZKER.
Plan ol seivice of Putor of tb M. E. j mrr stt.
1ft and 3rd tun-j nwldent Tnsodof bMmll
of ro the month. . I vu-pt
Beth.l .tll.-m-. aw rwv-;
I reek t 7 p. m., -nii iou u . ,rtar7 latently . niBiwri
At a meeting of -wrator from
the ts. th' pro
priety of diverting count rhrtTtut Church. Lakeiw.
fund the purp.
educational Conirre-e- tot.Wil at
latere t ts Ps rat Laev1w. Or.
tlkf ' jrtnlvmlWit W.H.Taft
J.iJi t the Mine time. '" moniu. salary of !Ury W. H. Moody
..Ih.-lM esoerience ti the teacher
l One Year $?,of the
f Tbr.TlotM, ..
Lakeview at II - n-. P- - cniirTilCoaBm Ueo. .Cartelyoa
-r-i i- ,u Seerecarr of Aaneaitura jm" "
tat-, thin Aeems well, but can Prayer ' mr-7 - , pi-UBm,t U.nrT C rar.
. ,vhoi)l House at 11 -m. nfrmi . P.C.Knaa
30 ! is be done The ia w sevro to re.,ure .
hers county institute to be Del.! uneview f - : ceo. Caamherlaia
LAAEViEW.CBEQOt. JA. im. t9-
i and n-t'iirvi teucber to attend tlieiu
under penalties for failure. They
icaaaot beheld without fund. Aain
i n vited to all the services. -
vi.irwai) Sitdii, Pastor.
1 eia the fuud for thin use le turned
! to another however. ciweiy related
rtfveo win aa iaro per -- w
T.-B pr "nr "' owerrwl e-
j M ...r jotuc'i
tJ .rnt."M::...ol -a-" j OOt pnTi.le.1 for by U.
rr-:pt .'-iria .n.-ii orrp:-l. ;
T-a .-r-i s.- inr-:.m. ni 1 - Arrest It! f JO Rewara.
.U(f.M "S-."" :. F,.r , aa-e. tl ZE VIA. t
; trcntmrf of ia
I TrrurrT
I Artoroey General
: wipi. Public tutraccina.
' Printer
Dmirr and Poud Com
riwAt, rn.
Lad1 0ffl at Laka-viow.Oraoa.Jaa.
oary 20, Notic ia baraby rug
that tha following-oamad Mttlar baa tti.
eJ Dotte of hi lotentioo to tnaka final
prrof ta aupport of bia claim, and that
Mill hroaf bm Biativ beforo Keyist
anl Receiver at Lkiw, Orexoa,
ii ireh A, 1905, via i Xavier An net. on
nf the hatra of Joba Arancr, daveaaed,
(or all tha heira of aail deceased aotry.
man. lid. Entry No. for tha g',
S W t4'. N V, SW't. iec. 34, T. 37 S j
1 K.. W. M. He eaaaaa th lollowia,
witneaaea to prova bia eoaticOtwa ra
done upon and enltiTation of aaid land.
via: rre.1 rnyder, John McCulle.
P. t. Ihrebarf William M.Culley atd Dora McCatlet,
4 8 J. 3. WATaoM, Beifuter I
Sheep or Cattla Ranch.
M.ire ram-hea lor sale. Thia time a
jheep ranch of 14 fortiea !yin al.n c-8-
Pitt R;ver, and cuntrola a vat rante on Coarmii .--
the banks of the river anil lor mile
back. ThU ux-k ranch is a nap at ' ?prm
r, r- t.T ' L L; f . LI L, ( , - f! 'C II C v. - r , Him JTOIHAl. DIFTKrT.
tlje new' KAl'IU KKMKi'Y Ki. ZIN K aminer for particnlar. Ja.te
nil notrllrf pmDipnv. .end t.Uv fhr Jn ,lilitiia t the above 14 fortiea Attorney
earree rrea'tueni uu ieiii there are 3 forties lvinif 4 or 0 milee
d;nary B'.'t I' HtMiLAL , ' k;.,
. A.X.Crawnr4
i. B. Akrmaa
J. R. Whitney
J. W. Bj'y
i i. H. Jfitrbril
I .. w. rvatua
Binrr Herman
ris At. rvar.
Land Office at Lakevi. OrvKnn,
January 20, 19IV5. Notice ia hereb
U s. illiamaon j niven that the following nan;ed tettlr
iC E. WolTrrtxn ; haa tlel notice of hia intention to maka
J wm2. ' fi"' proof in support of bia claim, and
ma. nun prooi wn w inaue Deion
Joint !xnur
nm.-i J: dh.m noit. D-er! n I p ;.. l-;..'f.. tbu-aito. dwUnt, oo araicn were are mo large
ai proof n.nws. sfrr-ffcm Conte wiiii-M 1 " "' " prin. The alcove price is or the en- ttpren'aC
.... ,u s.iiiioi ooi)tn:i'nc i ) a
.H LllitUU- l JUUf.....
m , ::
. ; Sheriff .t
Mol For tbe W est. Trvarr
l.gwnu Carls of Than, U.'.- R)ia
aeo. tc ILju.
Thou.-aDl! .'f detnocrsit roteil for
Mr. Rooeeveit ia the belief that under
ai direction the uovernment would
be honoetlv. fiir!-.iiiT. and wly
FL J. Hoiiiie. rr-id-nt ( fiianu-
f.'iictnrvu A-wi-iatiou tf t'ortlaml. in
hi report minie to the annual meet
ing of the A.-woci.ttion. thee
. i. ..... ...t
oifjn r.. i,k t.i.'l"; TVi
van..-euient in every thin that per- fmm chicaito.'lll. , will be $:13. Peoria. ; r"mml-",0,!r
tains to co-nmercial !TTiwtli ia thin i.i . , $31. St. Loa.e. Mo. and New Or- ' 3tock IosD't'r
( nmmanirv. in the record of the year leans. L. , ffl). Council Blaffs, Ia.'. ;
Tell your friend that the colonist "r
rate- are noinj mtoeffect March 1st 15. r0" '"P
liu-te.-cebv. and we are betfinnina ; ;
a.laiQirtere.1. in a pmx 01 jut.w to ; Tne new ytnu w-iierc.u..t.wu.- TfX $.:5 j, ,ppir tl) B4ia Une the
4kU t!ie r'..!!.-. Thewt .enjoT!t!C ! tnerfja.iy tha a we nave ever rMnU in Neva.! and California. Al the
ut . Kilw j. Catlow. V. S. Com. at bin offle,
, n"" ! at Ienu. Ore.., on March 4. l'JOo. t:
J- " : James Cwk. lid. Kntrv No. 2.T4 f T-enie
, . ' Oregon) for the N, SKt, SVV NKU
Jhn A. L.yC0ck , w T f K
R.E.t Wi-iar ; w. M. He namea the following wit
) Jonn S. j nei)ael to prove hi continuoa reMtdenc
B. r.j , upon and cultivation of aaid land, vis:
...A. w.nrtn AJa.n Admin, John Gary. Fred L
... E. E. Rinvhart j Allen and Jowph J. Catlow, all of lenio,
P. O. Ahlstrom Oretton.
w D- ! 4 J. ". Watso.v. Register
J. Q. wuiiu ;
, C. E. Moor
W. A. -Aimer: f u
. .. J. F. curkjon j Cue et of 13 volume of the Amer
i tcanlxeil encvcloitedla Rrittanli-n. na
. , . , , , ' irood a new some of the volume
More behoof Land For Sal. . . , , , ,
e will ell cheap an? on jrxxi terms . - , ,
we-tbalf cf seclw. tp. ji'sRJ) E. f,r one-half the fl rat eot. laquln
et half of ec. 2S, tp. :W. S.
oter uelievtHf t!?t aociatetl .'ap-' known." There in j:rit ;u--.sur:iai.-e For farther infirmation apply t R !'.) .
tta.! w:weir..ein from the ceo pie ! and t.ronii.-e in th:." .leclaration. Bat Southern Pacitic Co. Agents, or U, AU tbialaad ta an improved ami beina
atore than a f.tir s-hare of the profit j the situation ia Portland w not ex-
at this office.
A Chance for Speculators. ,
h;H 'L LAND. acre of level -f5"'
animprovi attricultural land for sale'
ch-ap. D'rv-r'.ption : !WL4. ?' ot )j
NE'and "Wl of E. .-action W. ' (
Tp..o9 R. l'i E. W. M. Thi ia a,
dewrahie piece of land, locateii in Gooee
Lake vailey and wi.l make some man a j LI
jjuod rancn. i
j bn.ine!" trmnactel in thecuuatry. 1 ceptional. Frotu all over the country
Ijeuj'jemtlc !eai!ers and detnoratic come wupI '-f S'1 cheer.
platform had dectaimei loudly, for
yean arxinet such thinzs, but had
neglected repeatedly, opportunities
to DO something. Mr. Rooeeveit
had not made each bouterou pre
wntiotw of sympathy with the
people, bat be had quickly done some
thing in behalf of labor that only such
a man a the President ia would dare
to think of doin?. He obliged the
Combined Coal carrying Railroad
and mine owners of Pennsylvania
and New York to submit difference
between theairtelve and their em
ployes to arbitration, a thing the
magnate ha-1 a!d they woubl not
do. Here wai a dieptaj of Srmneiw
and force, the pejple had not een
before. It inspired them with a new
hope, and they retailed ti turn away
Acting D.
Reno, Nev.
, A. H. Rii5o,
F. A P. A., S., Pac.
located tu) it . makes it very valuable.
Co. Write or call at this office for partic
( Itii IM 1m Haw .iran Banff
Some New Ideas on Ranching. I
We met the Yoanic Mater, Poet, j
thin morning, and had an Interesting!
Master Ro. "I'm dointoeedrand
pa. Drand pa' a wancher. He
waij- thinipt, and I'm doin to help
him. im doin to waiee me a new :
pup. and a kite, arid a new knife. ;
Roland "An I'm doin to walneme ;
j a new wheel for my cart o it wont :
be baked." !
from tbe man who had quickened Itj The Indian exhibit at the Lew!;
into life. Day by day their con- and Clark Centennial will be a large !
dfnce grow. Each mail brings con-j n,l extensive one. In many reupecta ! vf
firmation of the people' belief that aurpertor to thoae held at earlier!
the honesty and courage of Mr. j world' fairs. Superintendent Edwin J
HooBeveit U cf the kind thataurviven! L. Chalcraft of the Chemawa, Ore.,
Convention and political eampagn. Indian school ha been appointed to!
Tbi U nw eraphaMixel by hi
leclaration that every power of toe
government ahail be Lriiught to bear
to establish even Justice letween the
Ieople and the railroad. i
Every i)T-rsori whoee knowleI'
aad ex.ei-if:..;e -.,il 1 ! '.f ai.y val
ue, i f cuiiwiiiteil. 'Hie Rail-
road. are le:ng ffjrled every op
l ortunity t. pre-i.t tiieir i;!e of rii
-rt.e. All pm.:;.ie soiin-ex of know-'
le.!ge areappenie.1 to All the llgl.t '
that can be thrown on the subject is ;
to lie brought to hear. Something;
shall be d.,ne say the President. !
take charge of tbe exbib.t, and the;
work of collecting he display 1 well
'advanced. '
Some Real Estate Bargains
We Sell land on Smallest Commissions
..... i To 3e known piae to mamti
e wi. at to and the right way to ae i to hold th h unhand aa you
do the ri-ht thin,, -rv,.. . .ov-t oyeoeertalne of dtapoaitioa. ?a
' ft
iide to married fMppt- i .)
iouhvtd aa yoo wo tA 1
eaa of diaponttioa, I rjr.
dare tc do it, whoever opposes."
ence and keeping your yon'.hml look.. !
Of eoarae a freax many women arc haedi- I
Never wim eonflder.ce more wlse'r ' 5Mr The eonstantiy reeurnna- trembles i
I l.fed I afiict her are apt to caiue a soar I Ssy)
Ofke of thestipuiatioui., upon tLe i of or-g-a, a a atatf.
was. that upon .-. rr.-i.a ..i.nditioi. '
With U hich the .-r,it,-h.., roinplie.!. .
I irego'l is emiO- l r- .", j-r the ii :. ;.r f-d. of salts,
of all pui.iic Itndi ia th- etate (,old .
tae gov. r-iiu-t.-. Iw'-"-.i rr.o':.i
of goveruiiient ;..:.!( til.. .'. ia t!.i.
state h.f. e U-eii x.:ii.:.ij.-.l l.y ti..
goveriiiuei.t lit IktuU ia other stat.-.
I pon lands ao escuuug-d llie ntaV
ha rf" nire.1 Ltuing. ;vern.,r
ChamberLiin U'Hetes that Oregon
ha a valid -Iaiin the gverr,
r;ient for 5 per centum of the rnl w
of this land aad !rw b-y;'.i:i takiti-,'
measures to toil, , t 1:. If tii.i eidii!
there xciil tl.JS ! ad I. d t Oreuti'e
road laud, luore lUau 1j,jAi,
imposition, nerroiuaeM and a becioaded
0t. R. V. Pierce, the specialist in woman's
diea.e, of Buffalo. N. Y., after a lona; ea-peT-irafe
m tra:.nj such dirAe. fr.un.l
tnnt rr'ain and herba into
a '.n,'i:ii ririr.t. won. i heip the maj.,r'ty
of u:i Th. he ci.led Or. Pu rer, i Fa
vorite i're'-tnT.tifjti. Tliousnmitt of" women
l;avr t..-i;..ifi nirnu, -tntl it in f.u:
tin in tua-ie to be 'iniT procured a:nl
t l.i r.y -i.l oed:.:ine dealers. This t
a p'.'-nt rr.n tr tlie!y Httm
l-,j r.: -.i :t t.ii"..'i h.t Lr. Pierce in .L m.-r.:,
T. : X : o.:-:i : r --v ir 1 t.T -t.-f crse i.i
l..-':r-ir tt-.i. t- !1;A..- V-Viiao. .ToiitSU-
r.T i t.. -14 or V. ,'!;!. a'll.-T he run:...!
ru-e. he ,'4, t a f;t:r aad t-ar..jJie '
T D..l. a. f.idn.!. P-rkm r., S-'.r., "i w(. 1 rair.l:.: f,rrn.jl t.y l. w
u-et.t ;.r r.r'-i?. t-.v-.i- r- lr--?. -ujlMn, a. 'V
h.. C i I'ri.l .1 inarl r-i. Itjlr-ik
fjr S-..-r-.e i n.r iu.-.a.- i;s us .orU.
"raront Freicr'.ptim iru.e weiii
women nir-iTiz. Hi. k women well. Accept :
no .u'?)t:tuir ii.r the niedvrine which .ri
uujcri lor w . woni.-a.
hr. Pierce's Common Sense Mediral
pay epen '( r::.,.',.n-.f mv. Send ji , I j tamti .,r tli ..vr-cverd Vi-!
&. or -! . i r ; .... i n
v'-i .!.- A.: i. lir k. V.
ita..-. bucet, Lau'ao;, N. V.
Unlmprovcti Land for sale near
Paisley. In section 2, 29, 15, 14, 53,
in tp 34 R. 19.
Unlmprrt rtttj Land for sale, near
Paisley. In section 35, 33, 3n, 2H, tp
33, R. 19.
Unlmpntv&I Land for sale on Lower
Chewancan. In sections 13, H, 23, 3H,
tp 33, R. 20.
Klamath county. Land for sale.
Unimproved, at a bargain, writ for
particulars and numbers.
Valuable 'jwf re. We wil! sell pas
ture land in Iare or small tracts. If
you own land in Lake county an. I 'want
to buy unoccupied laud adjoining it
write The Examiner.
TUiilu-r l.jtn. I frj rTAff Prttrfo.
Some fine patches of timoer can Is)
bought at this office.
Senr Lakevlew. One mile aouth i
80 acre of pasture land. Writ or call
t this office if you want to buy.
Croukeil Crvrk. W have ffor sale
aome valuable pasture lands .a Crooked
Creek valley that can be had reasonable.
-4rt Lnktt. Pasture land at the
south end of Abert Lake can be had
reasonable. VV rite for . prices Jaod particulars.
The Examiner Company,.,
C. o- METZKER, Agent