Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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i VOL.
, 1
u t
Representative Steiner
, t T5 i.1 1 . 1 T . .
Make Trip to Portland in the Interest
ake Trip to Portland in the Intei
Of Lakeview and Lake County.
i. i.f i.nkeview'i, slromresl and
,,., ,u.r. lo-ines men. V.
i ...m .mi t n L'itii.l
. . . ,
dhvc hi the ih"i iniercsis hi nis..
. t,, ii, mid quirk tiincl when Nome
lint! mm ''
rid )ri i - -unity,
Ir.i- !'
,ne t" .i -i. i i,.!e I he mow l Ii , -
. l.ut.cvicw hum
i v rel in neii In. in u it it
uln'ii' tiy previous iiirt'ce-
i I'-irlinnl
,Ui,t lieiuel ll'in. l. K. !.. Meuier met
irtlif uiiiii-.M.t l'iiI.Ni Hahielhii for
Fir-t, I'.-r In".! iiiiit be Hr.msed tci n
II-. i. ixr miii law ill iiliawiliu' lie
auvef I. ii.e l- lad .i" rici: j.iniu ii.lo
lie n; J liei ' it ins, lien it iniiiht ,
-uM.i!v i.e 'Hj.iutv I bv Piirtlfiiid. the
ity t. til.irli i! iaiim.iily heloncH. i
Vi'irc it.- liii' iueHH f..f his laved :
.uk. vi.-v-. a:.'! evt aleri, did not fail la !
.... i, . .. a1, l. i ik.i.'u j.r i I. .
ll'l ' I. ' -1 i f '-i iiiri'
Ill I..i!m-'.i.-w. w la. Ii. 1'T llie til si lime, i
.'Vi . I ':! t-. our met ioio!i- w hut a wealth '
I tii"iiii - n.i- bete, and w lint v. ere the !
Uwsii.ia-ie- ot expnio-ioti uud crow th, j
mm t..:!v witloii Iw reaeti it Uie i H y
j hi cir u ii I. nut iiti! Wiilanaiii tic, hut traiihportat ion lifter this iai! . Mr. liol
ett.itiily (..iintr beyond her Viusp. ' uhird will he in I.nkevicw in idunit two
I'ortiuii.l ..(..'iieil her r es to lo'-k upon , w eeks, interview 1 1 i llie pe .pie of Lake known befure. N-i:li .('iiiiiii v.
Of Interest to Wife-LieaJer. !
ISen:i1r Si- lieTs bill for the punish- i
hii'tit of w if.
-li-'atets provides for :
furty In .lies witli a whin to be In- I
;!i.'ti'd hy ( . lier he sli. riff, rmistiili'ii
.r rity tii.tisii.ii, or inipi ionuient
Imr uiic year.
l'ri'sjiietit Jtoosevrlt in
ids llles-
Mige to C(itie,r,.Ms said: "The wif"
iu'liter Is lmideiuiitidy punished by
tllprisuiiiiicnt, for iniprlsonment
'iiay often mean uodiln;; to lilin,
wlille it limy cause hunger and want
utlie w ife itmj i-lii Id re-u who have
victims of his brutality. IVob-
HNily tmiiie (on,, ,,f eorpoal ptmlsli-
"eiit would lie the most adeiiuatr
way of nnvtluK this kind of crime "
Governor Chamberlain, in Ids lues-
-aKPto the state lrlslat lire, saj s of
'aie crime of w ife-beatiue,; "C'rlm
''"! "ttitutes will not reach the brute
who Mtriki-H and beats a defenseless
w"alliu, the inuMier of bis chlldrt'U.
1 'uprUutiiiieiit. niuy be a severe pun
J IH'U''ii( for him. but it Is a severe
Jl 'lie fur the helpless wife, and children
J 'ko ore Uependeiit upon hliu for
"j tiKlr duly bread. I'orsuch Inhum
H a creature the public whipping
iJWt hiu hei-u proven to lk the moat
jffeetlve puulsluueut, uud I recom
"'ond Htich u law for your cousldcr-
fcision Against Settlers.
Anotlier (leclsiou lias been handed
'""ii, this tiuu. by Judm- ItruHon of
first Judicial district, adverse, to
nattier,, atul In favor of the War
'""Valley Stock. Coiiipuiiy, upon a
""It Iron-ht by t lie Ma tr of rcgon
'"till-Interest, of Met tiers upon lands
"tuner Valley. Tim contention
"'tin; Ktock company, a set forth
li'lliurrei's i;i...l I., inti tviiM.
lllnttl"! 's''ite haxiiiic received full
x "llie for the lands, had not sutliclent
'"'"fst in then, to enable It to main-
'"ju U suit, this demurrer wan sus-
J Jl h. a decision lecently render -
fc,,t I" favor of the defendant, !
-!; i,p bsi in Mini mni'vmrni
and V. L. Snellingjw
' ' !
men uh Mr. Teal of Portland, says ttiat '
city aroused, and line u t on h. r wo.k- !
llltf L'loVt'S. S III' IS f Oltl I i I l 1 1 .11 L-., ,11 - 1
... i.. I- c -i i . , . i
" wiiir mm in runroiiu, possimy ey
: I lie I'ailes, lie retiw.i to : av
Imt ihi-v '
arn cmini: , this much w it its-aired.
.cxi ween w e iiiiiik we will luivo Mime
birt fuel-, to report in thi- connect inn.
Thei e i--, w hchur, .1 n-nl, hcaiiy.
tnn ileienidiiiitinn ia
l'milan-I to
come, and tn start suon.
W. A. Iln'.iiliird u pMtninent nulruud
man uud liir'cly iaterest'-d in the Weed
1 1 ne, in lne, la K lainat ii l":i I ! M Ii ele .Mr.
V. L. Siieliuif; met l.iin ai.d had some
rtti'mutd talk. Mr. ll.iluhml Iih-i (.llij
ulcl his eoiiii.utiv ti comidele its line in-
tu Klumnth 1 alls within 2 years, in eon !
siiieriitiiin el w lih'h the people of that
en ; erpriM i.c uml fortunate little city I
i i.'-. ....... i i i . .... ...
l ill , i: l i l . I it i ,-i l l Ul-.ll.n J u- HI J Uy
milniiKt colli puny fiW.ttU-J. J Ins coin- !
puny lia yet ".' miles to luiild to rt aeh :
K laiuu; h l'aau. l cxtiectH to build In!
I l-i i. i...... i .... .. i ..
this hide of 1 he mountains this maimer j
ainl uo u d hiinat Ii conn I v lniMness in
The Athlete Club.
Athletic Club has put forth ex-
traordiiiary efforts (he iast fewuees
to reorganize a Club mid secure the
neeensa ry fun-Is to ifl t liinssta rted :
oil in an iiiterest injc way. The boys )
Iiave found to their delinht that
everyone was willinirto help the
cause alotitf. last week soinu of the
more enthusiastic workers clubbed
together and deposited If. "it) In the
bank, took a check aud proceeded to
raHle It off for $100. They suceeded
lu about two days, and we under
stand (hat lr. Ii. Jl. Smith was 1 he
luckv man. The boys have secured.
the hall over the Post A; Kin;-Saloou
and are littlmr it up for a club room.
Tliey have sent for their Athletic
supplies and when added to that of
the old club will lie well fitted out.
Fighting the Local Option.
W v a re iu ivetnpL n . Copy oi tlic
Nyssa l'roe,ress, a paper published
at Nyssa, Malheur county. That
towu was voted dry at the Novem
ber election uud now that paper Is
bitterly fitfutlniiforthe enforceineut
of the law. The county official- are
said to favor the sale of liquor aud a
uewspuper upholding the local op
tlou law has a bitter fight ugalust
the liquor traffic. The Frogresu
should console itself with the tact
that it is not fighting the majority
of the people, for had not the major
ity wanted Jocnl option it would uot
have carried. The pnperthut stands
for law will win out eventually cveu
against a strong "whiskey ring."
The better class of people must ad
mire a man or newspaper who
stand lirnily for law and order.
i wool 3a!ea ihii
I Tl den this week 111 it to in
j ,u, .hboi hood ol 247.OO0 pouml-. K.
L, Mi;ir huH piiivhrttied 21.000 llcoccu
1 , . & MllH,i,iU l,out 200,000
dri. The price letuaiim llie
name 1
At a meeting of the shareholders
; of jlic First National Hank l.iKt
week, a Loan and Saving Bunk
an organized with a capital stock
' $20,000.00, to lie known as the
jLuk, county Loan and saving
! liank.
j Tlii "design of t he Lake County
Loan and Savings Hank is to afford
11 m " 1 thOHe vl
have not the fucilit leu for wifely put-
t Ing their surplus funds ot herwise to
use, and who do not care to run the
rk ,)f hmuirfs It to individual who
i may either fail or defraud them.
may either fail or defraud them. It
' imeiwieii to encourage me minis-;
j trioim and to induce thone who have I A (liHIlt,.t, fr(illl noW.,urs states
not. been kii, to I.hcii t lieir tiiine'ccs-1 iU,lt it u lUt. vnlyll there, the rc
Uary expense, ami to save Koine- : sult of furtM.r Invrstlpitionsof tran
i Ihiny; for a period in life when t hey ! s.,,., n 1!liM ((Ii(.,, wiillea.l to
. may ! l ablr to earn iiKiipporl. K,.Veral iinportAnt i n) ;c t iiii-ii t .-.
Tlie fame ot!ieers and directors
wen' elitiecl to the new!za
tiuii ;is were ejeeteif to the Fit
NatiiMia.1 I ; 1 nk.
Married wnim-n and minors m iv
'ivi dep'isits hi their own names,
nibjecl to their own control. Ie-1
M,itK nmv be s'eiit from miv tmrt of I
t I .
rnited Slates by express or j
money onlers or draft upon any
hank or business house. Imt the
bank will not be rrspojisibl.
1 heir safe delivery. lutcr.'st will be
paid oil all deposits from one dollar
up, the directors having the njiht to
designate the maximum deposit,
after such deposit has remained In
trie bank for a period of six months.
Interest and dividends payable in
la unary and .1 uly.
No entrance fee will Ik demanded
ami no cliafe be mad.' for pai-s
books. The directors will, from
time to time, fix the rate of interest
to be paid to depositors.
A savings bunk provids a long
felt' want Iu Lake county, where
hundreds of young men are striving
to earu money to enter a business
for themselves, by working for
wages. .Many have, tw the purpose
of putting their ace u 111 u lifted money
on Interest while they woried for
more, made bad loans, and either
lost what they had saved up or
tied It up Iu slow notes with poor
securities, while others have spent
their wages as fast us It was paid to
them, simply for want of an oppor
tunity for safe luvestnient.
A. W. Charlton Dead.
Frank Keld received a telegram
lust Friday eveuing from Touopah
stating that A. V. Charlton had
died that eveuing. Confirmation of
the sad news was received later by
ot hers. Black measles was sal J to
be the; cause of his death.
Only a Bhort time ago Mr. Charl
ton wrote to bis sous, Ivan and
Oliver to come to Touopah and he
would secure thein a good winter's
Job. Mr. Charlton was then getting
$4 per day for tending stage stock.
Jle has been iu that country for sev
eral mouths.
! . a. V. Charlton was av.od 57 years,
months aud 2.1 duys. He leaves a
wife who lives in Lakeview, aud five
children, two girls living with their
mother, Mrs. Frank Held, and the
two boys. Oliver and Ivan, who
were probably with their father
w hen he died.
Mr. Charlton was one of the early
settlers of (ioose Lake valley, and
has .been very prominent here in
,..!.. I I 1 ..'..,.. ..I ...I... ..Ill
polilics, uauiis 1 .ui nu ".ni'ii
three times. Jt can bo said, too
that Charlton wan at all times a
good o Hirer.
The news of Mr. Charlton's death
will be sadly received by many, as
he had a very wide circle'of acquaint
alters, and where ever lie had an ac.
qunintnncc lie had a friend.
koseburg I.and Office Removals.
.1. H. Hooth and J. T. Bridges,
j Register and Kecciver respectively,
in the Itosebnrg laud ofllcehavc lieru
suspended from oilier, by order of
the I'resldint, nt the sustention or
requeiit of Secretary Hitchcock, the
whole lielutf based upon the declar
ation of prosecutor Ileney, that '"af
fairs in the oilier were In a bad eoii
dition." A S.:cial acnt of tlir-tJov-
rrmnent, has bern placed In cluiriic.
Wliat thelesiiic oi the suspension
from oliice, of Mr. I'.oot ii a ml Mr.
I'.i i'.'.X' s of the llosebuiw 'land o.'iice
is imt a prop T Kiil'ji-cl for conj 'd nrc
by t liis pap We must, however,
express onr sorm.v that there should
be so mucli apparent, necessity for
iuvi sti"at'ions of Oregon's ollicinl
e nil feel our state pride wound-
etl. Honorable men must hope that
those who may tie proven to have
bet rayed public confidence, violated
their official oaths, aud sold them
selves to the corruptors of the public
conscience, shall be surely and ad
equately punished, the innocent have
nolhiiie; to fear.
finter a New Fit-IJ.
Charles McKnight Sain and C. H.
Keith on Jan. 17th, began the publi
cation of the "Coos l!ay Harbor,"
at North Liend. We are in receipt of
Vol. 1, No. 1.
They bought the printing plant of
the North Bend Evening I'ost, and
now issue an 8-page weekly.
We have known of this move for
some time, but through courtesy to
these gentlemen aud at their request
have said nothing of their venture
for fear that their plaus might be
frustrated, through the publicity of
their scheme. Mr. Keith published
the Chewaucau I'ost for several
mouths while Mr. Kaiu was working
on his scheme to start 'a paper at
Coos ISay. They are both thorough
newspaper men aud iu the pasteight
years have owned and published the
ijoiii Ctvv'm. i';, Mountain (JilJ
Times, Klko Daily Argonaut, iol
couda News and .Lovelock Tribune
in Nevada; end the Paisley I'ost In
Oregon. Mr, Sain has been In the
newspaper business for 20 years, and
has also published a number of
novels. lie is a good writer.
He has property Interests in Lake
county, the Oregon Potash works,
and has for four years lieen engaged
helping to promote a railroad us an
outlet for this country to Coos Bay.
Mr. Saiu and Mr. Keith are both
well and, favorably known iu Lake
county and their many friends wish
them success. Whoop em up, boys.
Died in Portland.
Mrs. Mary Clayton, wife of Harvey
Clayton uud the second daughter of
the late James Applegate, died at
Portland, Oregon, on January K,
100.". Mrs. Clayton formerly lived lu
Lake Couuty. She was a sister of
Mrs. A. McL'alleu of Ashland. Shu
was aged '13 years; leaves a husband
and three children, Herbert, Alviu
and Jiewiti.
The history of the wool market
shows that prices have declined la
the past few years, when the facts of
the wool situation Indicated that
strong prices should prevail the pres
ent strength of the market, It Is
claimed Is in part a reaction from
such a depression. It will require
a very sagacious mind to determine
from present reports whether prices
are likely to gain strength or suffer
decline. The problem for the wool
grower now to determine Is. shall I
take chances of prices being main-'
tabled or advancing, or sell at offers
now made. The growers situation
may be an element of determination
in this matter, the facts are, there is v
a shortage of woo! la the world and
buyers are anxious to make pur
chases. Conferences between the President
and his trusted advisors develop the
fact that all the leadinu' members of
both Senate and House are opposed
to an extra session of Congress to
revise the tariff nt a dateearlier than
Oct. 1!)05. livery meinherof Congress
from the Pacific coast Is sticking for
as late a date as possible, and most
of them oppose the extra session and
tariff revision, this seems to give
strong promise to Lake county's
wool growers that their wool will
certainly bo iu the hands of manu
factures before there can bo any ex
tra session of Congress or Injury to
prices of wool from tariff agitation.
Prices 'might be effected, however, by
other causes.
Nearly 4000 bales of Australian wool
have reached San Francisco in bond for
continued shipment to Boston. This is
about 1000 bales more than arrived dur
ing the whole of last season and indi
cated a heavy Bhortnua in the American
supply and doubtless means strofig
market for our own product.
Juwtiee ltateman A Co. in circular,
sent out to customers to express tho bo-,
lief that across, between the merino
and a coarse wool bred will be, for sever-
al years, a profitable sheep to raise
where wool and mutton both are ob
It is the opinion of high authority
that present prices of wool can bo pre
served only upon the theory of butter
employment for wool machinery. He
believes any serious lalior troubles
miht produce a decline iu wool prices.
Manufactures of woolens have bought
nearly all tho J?0t crap Of V.uul tmai llm "
dealers and are very hopeful, even con-
fident of the tuture. This has been done
in anticipation of their wants, evidently
showing they don't expect any decluie
in wool prices. There are however those
who, while admitting a shortage in wool
supply, believe that the present preval
ing prices may not be permanent.
If it is agreed by all authorities, that
consumption is now closer upon stock
than for several years past, aud that the
danger to prices is from possible labor
disturbances which are uot threatened
and a reaction from prices w hicli have
gone too high, so as to check consumpt
ion. All tho wool carried over into January
11)05 waa in the bands of the Mills.
dealers holdings amounting to practic
ally nothing; and this was only l,1 pur
cent of (he amount brought into I'Jdl
from 1003,
Thud you see Low small the supply ii
comparatively, uud whereas dealers hud
it nearly all lat year. Manufni'turors
have it now. Last year deiders, seeing
themselves pressed by the approach of
the new clip, 11 r god sales, and created ti
weakening 0 prices. This cannot occur
this year. Pealers having no stocks u.'o -buyers
an last week.