it tj ii gala Onwtg SsvtaV C 0. METZKEJR. Serond-t las Matter. On VMT. ..$2.00 TERHIS: ' CI. Mnnrtn 1.00 00 SO (Three Montns ADVERTISING RATES. Fifteen tent n Inch per wee.lnirie cot. TVn net rent, for preferred ipaee- Ten per rent, rtiarount on yearly contracts. n pT o-nt additional diM-ount whore d- -vertist- rs furnish eteciroa. chanrta prepaid. Ton rents per line first insertion, and flv.-1 . i, . -.... ... v itiuirtinn. to k , i. .... in,, tnd miiM In vltn " ' oew mstter. Iefeiona: Card., one dnilar per month . T:niler-land notice and all otnr ieai no - .... ..k.' nih!i.., lh tic ui..uf .-..- - Uomeatead final proof nottcei. liea-rt-iana nn- . 1 pnwf notice. hort fiirm Conteat notices Ad- tidll tilt' JSlireuU will flll'lliwh lllfor inisiratnrs' notice. Notice ol .pp.nntn.ent of , ..ppiy 0f ,,le timU-r Aflmiairrator and all oth-r lapl notice re- 11 1 tjninne fire weeks' publication. 7JU j Mild Hliell jjeiltTui advlfe an I1IH.V lie M-tnortai. Cards o! Tnsnks. Lod,te Resolu- j ..r r I unrW tian. etc.. ti-it). LAKEVIEW, OReOON, JAN. II. ISOs- UURATION OE TELEPHONE POLES. Tbe lencrth of service of a tele- rapb or telephone pole hi determin ed in a section of tbe pole not more ban-a loot or a foot and a half long. In a standing pole this sec tion extends about six or eight in -chee above and below tbe top. of the abound. This Is the universal point ut attack upon the life of the pole, and Is called Its breaking point. De- ajr Is tbe arch-enemy of these poles. It seta In at the ground line and reaches both up and down the pole, jot onlj so tar as tbe. conditions exlat which promote tbe growth of -ood-destroylng fungi. A few Inches below the ground there la lack of tbe tteoeeaary oxjgen and heat, while at about tbe same distance above ground tbe requisite moisture falls. TTie exact time at which decay be- gtos its work depends upon the cli mate, tbe character of tbe soil, and wimllar conditions. In a hot, moist climate it ordinarily sets in with ?reat rapidity. But at best, in a wery few years after tbe pole is set struggle has commenced. The lecay soon girdles the pole and gradually eats Into it deeper and deeper until It is so weakened that t breaks under the weight of its equipment. The experiment already made by the Bureau show conclusively that polee can be subjected to a preserva tive treatment which insures ma terially lengthened service. This Treatment consists in impregnating the wood with antiseptics which prevent the growth of tbe fungi that -aue decay. The treatment of tel vcrai li and telephone pules, when attempted at all iu tbiscouiitry.gen--ral!y hu Iieec applied to the whole pole, reijuiriiij; (K. (Jf ,,;r t;i;;; - lindeif Imi feet I.,! - .,r inure. In I fire Mi!.j-.-;e,i : o ),, 'iii- Utile, wle i t-:n4oe til ii'-' i r i : ii in 1. 1 ui III--. 1 , 1 1,11 - I iieVlill i in- -.. , ,i- ( .. -ll. 1 ' :ia :K. '1'ne i-re .- , e i., ;,.! will !.- iirted Ulid (lead oil of coal tar for. e.i through the butt of the p. " In n it in kuovu' Unit decay, h. a teriuiu uu in Ur of years, cute the liaiueter from tverhas 12 to v inches, ' and that below inches the weaken ed pole falls, the course to be pur sued is obvioaa. Aatiseptics pre vent, fur the tiaie of their effuctive uetm, the starting of decay, aud tlm Jiertiiit tit the outaet the seLttiou of an S-lnch diameter rather than 12-Inch. The 4 Inches saved repre sent a tremendous difference In the lae and age of true ued for pole. Both tbe companies and the ownii of forests wjll he.great gainers by thin economjr. with Itsjdiortentng of tbe length of 'time neceJary to grow h pole. Another feature of the cooperative work will lie treatment of rrose arms. The companies have lieen treating them, but report too much utiHorbtinti In Home caws and not enough In others. The Bureau will more carefully grade the different. kinfls ol woiki. aim irein eiu-n cuinx ... I . . sepruu-i. . iu ( Vil to secure a HHire e mil nborl- ! tit !! mid more .i i I ' , l it'fcf an I lie ihmiii mmiiih ' .... .i; : . . cntruttf. tiiouirii in hikh- j riij,iiirnii u ' ..- ........ Arrest It! f5 Reward. Foranv kin diea!. Kl'ZEMA, OLD SORES. FILES. Pl.MFLKS, etc.. which the new RADIUS REMEDY EC-ZI.NE will not cure promptly. Send today for afn tnnii nipnt Riitfif'int tn rnre tnr ordinarr tn. BuYD CHEMICAL CO., Rand McNally Bldg., Chicago. The exhibit which' Mlsaouri will send to the Lewis and Clark Exposl tlon will lie one that could not be duplicated for $3d0,000. It will con sist of the cvam of Missouri's dis play at the Louisiana purchase Ex- position, supplemented by an elabor ate display collected for the Western World's Fair. A C ha ace tor 5 pec ulators. K-CHOOL LAXD. 280- acres of level unimproved agricultural land for aaie cheap. DiscripUon : S H , f? ol NEW ami NW of BEU taction 10. Tp., 39 S E. 19 E. W. M. This is a desirable piece of land, located is Goobs Lake valley and will make some man a good ranch. The Oregon Territory, which Lewis and Clark opened op to settlers a hundred years ago, when they made their expedition, which will tie com memorated at the Lewis and Clark Fair, had a population in 1900 of 1,093,441. In 1890 the population was only 747,524. $10 Reward. For a black heavy set mare brand - ed, 1 (hat) on riirht ahoulripr and J2 on right stifle. Delivered to F. O. Bunting at Drews valley. Or a suitable reward w ill tie paid for In formation leading to the recovery of said mare. 52 2U C. A. BUNTIJiU. Merrill. Or. To Care a Cold ia One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tatiiets. All druKKiata relund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's itiiiature ia on each box- 25c. CUPID'S MIRROR. The beauty of a woman's face or fiirtrre U but tie external ign of the good health within " savs Lr. R. V. PieTce, of ! Buffalo. X. V., the ' specialist in ! women's diseases, j hUTtaer to Vie h?. Iy and beautiful one mu:-t naturri"'v hav- jr-tr.rl h'-..1..::". :r.-i J-.iir. i--e:i: r y-r 'AIM 1. ' - . ... .' i :,- ; . . ,.: .. ' n.--t'.n -in-' rr iiat-Ui-ii. 1:: n. my i. :,r k. V. 1-n-rtt" - 1 -tSf !--. , i-Tip-i.jT! ml; I!t xn- ne:i air; lix;y in hvai'.nv f.nhacn. I-t:t '.i.e sun- Hi it i, Iir I'irrce, hi ofTcrs a r-:ward of .-ii fur wuuieu who cannot be -cured of Leucfirrhea, heniaie W'tai: ne ' PTolajisus, or Falling- 0f Wotuli. All he 1 a.-ks u a fair and rcaonaoic trial of bis i mean of cure. . y.. i 4iow me utraier to insult your intelligence by oflenng you a cheap sub atuute. bend ji one -cent (tamp to pay exjiene of mailing and get In. Pierce Medical Adviser iu paper covets, Ore. Adcfcaa Vr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo V V. Tn. Pierce' Ple,nt p !:c!1 -rf m tUanable iaative for dchtaie womca. j Vl '; f - Sheep ec Cattle Ranch. More ranches far tale. Thia time a heep ranch of !" 'in long Pitt River, and controls l;veat range on the enks of ther-river and lor anile back. Thii stork ranch If a .snap at ItfSOO. 'Write to the IkjCountr Ex- mlnar Mr oerticulars. v u ik. alwiM 14 Im-tlM l in aumuuu u ----- --. - , there are 3 forties lying 4 or 6 nUM, 6 miles , distant, on which there are two large i spring. The above price i lor tb en- lire 17 forties. Flaal is iu. Notice is herebT Biven tnai the (olioainB named settler ha Bled ( I IIIO IIIHI'IIVH ' . ti trial b A Until ' tirnnl in minnort of his claim, and that ..i. 1 . ,J J. anl prooi win ne maae ueiore wiira i j. Catlrw. U. S. Com. at his orfi.-e at IVnj() 0ngoB m Janul(rT oy, lw5. vi : Charles F. Hnllowav, Hd. Entrv No. m. . - l ffl ' at) VU't.- VU'UVH.' 4a T 411 S. k. t if . . L. f..n , r.. . M. lie nimn me mnnmina i t naomi In nrovA hm tNintintitiiia rpi ; 7 ' ; n." : iliinon mmn nnit rnltivatinn nf aaid land. vii : M. M. Doan, E. L. Holloway. , Kred Allen and Jte Catlow. All of IVnio, Oregon. Dec. 15 2 J. Watsos, RetiUu'r. Ho! For the West. Tell yonr frienda that tbe colonist rate are coing into effect March let 1906, ' to expire May 15th, 1905. The rale, from Chicago, I1L , will be $33. Peoria, i 111. , $31. St. Louia. Mo. and Sew Or- leans. La. , $30. Council Bluffs, Ia. , Sioes City la. , Omaha, Neb. , Kanaaa City, Mo., Mineola, Tex. and floustan Tex., $25. Rates apply to main line points in Nevada and California. . For further information apply to Southern Pacific Co. Agents, or to, A. H. KiRiKfl, Acting D. F. A P. A., So., Pac. Co.. Reno, Nev. . . ii) If "i Some Real Estate Bargains S We Sell land on Smallest Commissions Vp Unimproved Land for aaie near (ik Paisley. In section 28, 29, 15, 54, 23, O in tps 34 R. 19. 0 0 0 0 It) 1 .1 m '.IU . 1 i rrtri4ii ircctort. nnrw art at. Pjaaideot-.) ., Tbaodor Kooaaralt Vlea-Fredeat.. ? v ' Hecriwarjr'lif "taw.... l;johHy KertataxyyVTrwMury ...... Laalle BUhaw "Secretary Ulartor X. A. Hlu hoock Secretary of Wat Wm."H. Taft orwiv aTw. ...... ,;..Wra. H. Moody , 1 r . . jewiiat. r: '...., jo,mrOnrral. .Henry C Para Attorney Ueoerai .P. C. Knot . STAT. Governor.. .....Geo. K. rhamberlala Secretary of Stata P. 1. Dunbar Treasurer. . -C. B. Moor I Attorney General. .. A. M. Crawford . t. B. Ankarman J. R. Whltnny J. W. Bal'ey l j. H. MlM hall ( :. w. r ultou l BlntiT Herman J. N.WIlllamaoa . " ' --v-"' - V. 8. Senator ronreainen ...j 0. E. Wnlrerton Supreme Judge.... K. 8. Hean F. A. Moore sixth jrtiiciii. uiirrairT. H. L. Benson W.J. Moor Laai rneirnr. Jodffe .... Attorney.. J",nl 'n,nr John A. Lay cook SR.F..I.. Kleiner John 8. bliook B. laly A. W.Manrlng ... E. E. Rlnehart ... r. O. Ahlstrom W. D. Wert J. Q. Wllllu C. K. Moor I W. A. Currier I C. W. imnt ....J. r. Clarkaoo Repreeiitt!e. . . . Jndae ; Clerk P her Iff Treasurer. School Hnpt Surveyor Commissioner 8lock !". More School Land For 5ale. We will anil chean an on eood terma . the west half of ec. 26, tp. 29 8 R 20 E. Also the west half of tec. 28, tp. 3S, S. R 19 E. All thia land ia unimproved and 1eing located ai it Is, makes it very valuable. wt r call at this office for panic ;nlara. if Unlmpro red Land for aaie, near Paisley. In section 35, S3, 36, 2tl, tp S3. R. 18. Unimproved Land for sale on Lower Cbewaucan. In sections 13, 16, 25, 36, tps 35, R. 20. Klamath county. Land for aaie. Unimproved, at a bargain, write for particular! and numbers. Valuable Ptmture.W't wil! eell pas ture land in large or email tracts. If you own laud in Lake county andwant to buy unoccupied land adjoining it w rite The Examiner. Tiiutmr Camas Fraiiie. Home tine patches of timber can lie Uniiilit at thifj otliee. ;ir .;iAct7eii .om. . . , ; t- ;a 8J acrei'iif pasture land. Write or cull i'n'i' ll v hi iinl !,, line. 1 :ir C. 0. MliTZKIIR, Agent" n."E. qiUVCM DIRECTORY. , Dan of service of Pastor of tbj M. X. ' Qhnrrh, Lakeview, 1st and 8rd Pan. ., days ol each nyntji. . Bethel at it m , and New Vint Creek at 7 p, ,.ii nd 4tb Snndava . of each month. -Lakeview at 11 a. o., and 7 p. m.' ' Prayer meetini Tharsdajr. 7 P. m. 6th Snndny Union School House at l a.m. . Lakeview at 7 p. m. You arc cordially invited to all the aervioes.', ' t ! - SiKroab 6rrpBa, Tastor. TINREK I. AMD STICK. . United Htate Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, October 27lh, 1904. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with tbe provision of the act of CVingreaa of June 3, 1878 entitled "An act for the aaie of timber land in the states of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory, as extended to all the i'nlilic Ijind t-ute by act of Augant 4, 1852, Manuel J. Swarei of Lakeview, count v of Lake, state of Oregon, ha thii day filed In thia office his sworn rtate mentNo. 2IH1 for the pnrchane of the Swa Sw-, sec. 1, NwJ Nwt Kectioa No. 12, in Township No. 38 8., Ii. No. 18 E., Willamette Mer., and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for iu timber or atone than for agricnltnral purposes and te establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Ore gon, on Monday, the lrlth da? of Jano 190 . He names aa witnessee: Frank . O. Bunting, W. A Wilehire, James Young, Elnie Ruwtell, a I of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persona d aiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claima in tbia of fice on or before said 16th day of Janu ary, 1906. 44-1 J. N. Watson, Register oaoto: lam tea " yel M tal ttW Hem jag). Ufiaswra af i ml lfi i.l4,t,ini,WX