Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 12, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 2.
Labor Commissioner
Report to Governor and Legislature
Made Tour of Every County.
Through the courtly of O. P.
Hoff, Commissioner of the Bu
reau of Labor, we have receiv
ed a copy ofthe First Biennial Re
port .theBureau of Labor Statis
tics of the State of Oregon to the
Governor and the 23d regular resston
of the state legislature, which met
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
and Inspector ' of Factories and
Worttwwops waa established by an
act of tibe legislature of 1903. A
hoard consisting of the Governor,
Secretary of State ana State Treas
urer appointed O. P. Hofl commls
Moaer, and onr people will remem
Jier his visit here last summer. With
A tIow of more thoroughly studying
the labor conditions In the whole
tate Mr. Hoff has visited every
county In the state.
Population, 2847. Land rolling. Gold and copper found
Water abundant. Water underneath surface. Good water
power facilities. Roads bad. Roads kept up by tax levy.
About 1000 mile6 of county roads. Market local. No
streams for logging. Some good timber lands. Wood
costs about $5 per cord. Hay, cattle, horses and sheep
principal industry. Health good. Cool climate. Grand
scenery. One pauper. He is kept by county on contract.
Stock-raising county. Soil is a rich alluvial loam. Coun
ty has numerous lakes. , Unimproved farm lands cost
from $4- to $12 per acre. No railroads. The maximum
temperature is about 59 degrees, and the mean 53 degrees.
Snow falls in the mountains in winter. Wages: Herders,
$30 to $40 per month; vaqueros, $40 to $60 per month;
wood-choppers, $2 to $2.50 per day; day laborers, about
$2 per day; bartenders, about $75 per month; carpenters,
3.50 per day; clerks, 40 to 75 per month; bricklayers,
5 per day; stonemasons, 4 per day; tenders, 2.50 to $3
per day; teachers 40 to 90 per month; painters 3 to3
50 per day. There is sold annually out of this county
about 1,0,000 head of beef cattle, 60,000 head of mutton
sheep, and 1,200,000 pounds of wool. In the county is
pastured about 220,000 sheep, 10,000 head of horses and
50,000 head of cattle, besides a large number of mules,
jsoats, swine, etc. The hours of labor vary. Cowboys
work from 3 to 20 hours each day, while sheep-herders
average about 12 hours a day. Lakeview. is the countv
scut. Lake county is the fourth county in size in the state,
containing 5, O(VJ,W0 acres, 1,801,550 acres being includ
e.l in a public reserve, and 921,457 acres having passed
from the government's .ownership. There are 1,046,293
acres of unreserved land that has been surveyed and 700,
000 acres yet unsurveyed, or a total of 2,340,293 acres of
land which the government offers, or will offer, to the in
tending settler or purchaser of timber land. This land is
three-tenths timber, one-tenth mountains, three-tenths ag
ricultural and three-tenths grazing.
I-A.U,nllusU.lU.UuA.-l.l.uUllonitUUsr Uken Iruw IU.. -.... of J -Mr.
H..'. mport tl. pupuU...... of Uk county l boJ an th. mnnber f cMMnm ...roll
iu lltu cliool, l8,ull, '.
O. P. Hoff Makes His
The benefits to lie derived from the
Bureau are manifold and quite ob
vious to those who take the trouble
to study the matter out In their own
minds from every point of view.
It Is not Intended to benefit Labor
unions and laborers alone, but Is
calculated to embrace and bring out
In relief the nature and scope of the
varied Industries of the state In such
comprehensive manner as to be of
Inestimable value to Hie state.
Mr. Hoff has made a thorough re
port to the governor and legislature
and give In detail the conditions
found In each county as they, exist.
He Inspected mills and factories, and
where repairs were needed for the
safety of employees, recommended
Below we give Mr. HofTs report
on Lake county In full:
New York Tribune.
"The extreme reluctance of lead
ers of the Senate to intrust -to Mr.
Mitchell the chairmanship of the
committee on Inter-oceanlc canals
was not due to reports connecting
the Oregon Senator with laud fraud,
but was because of certain executive
measures exploited by Mr. Mitchell,
which, It Is believed, he would have
repudiated, as did the Senate ultlm
ately, had he Investigated their pur
pose" with greater care.
"The surprise that Representative
Hermann bad been Indicted was not
so great as In the case of Senator
Mitchell, because certain farts In con
nection with Hermann's adminis
tration of the Land Office bad leaked
out. It was known. ' for instance,
that only at tlie earnest solicitation
of Mr. Mitchell was Hermann per
mitted to resign Instead of being
4 Is missed; and that when bis resig
nation was accepted," to take effect
three weeks later, tier maun caused
to be destroyed bfi 500-page letter
books, supposed to be part of thel
records of bis office. Hermann sub
sequently explained that these books
had contained only personal corre
spondence. The removal of John Hall, It may
be said authoritatively, was not due
to bis having been indorsed . by Sen
ator Mitchell or because of Mitchell's
efforts to save bja, jbut because of
graver allegations, which will In due
time be submitted to the Jury."
"Something of a shock will follow
the announcement that such con
spicuous figures as Senator Mitchell
and Representative Hermann have
actually been Indicted. Senator
Mitchell has for many years been one
of the most prominent leaders oa
the Pacific Coast. He has represent
ed Oregon In the Senate 22 years.
It is only fair to say that during all
this service be has enjoyed good
repute, and we are not aware that
be has ever before been the subject of
any reflections. Mr. Hermann serv
ed as Commissioner of the Land
Office for a long period and, like
Senator Mitchell, stood in high gen
eral esteem and was regarded as a
capable and trustworthy officer.
So well was be thought of that when
Mr. Bliss retired from the Secretary
ship of the Interior Department,
Hermann's name was considered for
the succession.
It will be a source of pain if it
Eball be shown these men are gu'Jty
as charged. They will be given the
benefit of the doubt until evidence
shall be presented. It Is to be hoped
Senator Mitchell can vindicate him
self." ' .
Wanuinyton Post.
"In a review of Seuator Mitchell's
career inuuy expressions of sympa
thy were heard. It is only fair to
say also that his colleagues iu the
Senate regard him as au innocent
8. F. PiMteh to Bale in Sutvtiuan.
In the course of au interview with
F. J. Heuey, who arrived iu Sau
Fruncisco'on Jan. 2d, from Portland
ho said: .
"The good people of Oregon will
be as much astounded when they
hear the evidence iu the caso against
Mitchell and JJermanu us they were
when they heard the evidence lu the
case of Tater, McKtnley and the
"The case against Mitchell and
Hermann does not depend In the
slightest degree upon the testimony
of Puter and McKInley.. There Is
evidence enough to warrant and
sustain their conviction without
placing either of them upon the
witness stand.
"The Indictments already secured
touch only the edge of the vast
frauds perpetrated in Oregon.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
' One Thins: Lacking.
That Lakeview now has an excel
lent lighting system cannot be for a
moment doubted; one of the best. In
fact, anywhere to be found. This
much is commendable. Only a few
more street lights are needed, these,
however, will doubtless be put In
oon, the scarcity at present is due
principally, to the burning ut of a
number' of street lamps when the
new system was Inaugurated, and
the supply was exhausted before the
house demand was relieved. When
the new lamps arrive we may expect
to have our streets lighted. The
only fault to be found now la the
manner In welch the wires, both the
light system and the telephone sys
tem are stretched. In some cases
the wires are so slack as toendiMgr
life and property la case of a heavy
wind that would tangle the light
wires and the telephone wires.!
In many eases the wires are so
slack that they sway nearly to the
ground. This matter should be
looked after before a serious acci
dent occurs. h. . -
. , f . ... . . .
County In Qood 5bape.
The statement of the compilation
of the State Tax Levy for the year
1905 as complied by the Governor,
State - Treasure and Secretary of
State, filed in the clerks office show
a reduction in Lake county's portion
of f2,14O,0O over last year's levy.
Lake's portion for 1905 is f 10,967.50
against f 13,107.50 for 1904.
A redction of $2,140 in the state
taxes and a small reduction In county
taxes places Lake county In pretty
good shape, and the further promise
of a still greater reduction In taxes
next year by reason of the .county
getting out of debt in April Is great
encouragement to our people. With
no Interest to pay and. an econom
ical conduct of the county's affairs
will be an attraction for outside cap
ital that is never overlooked by In
vestors. We cannot shout too loud
of the good times coming for Lake
county. Shouting only in the ears
of our own people will not satisfy
onr ambition; lets shout to the
Perished in the flountains.
A young man named Gua Bennett, who
had located a homestead above Calls-
han'a, in the Swan Luke district, Klam
ath county, was found lying dead in the
snow about a quarter of a mile from bis
cabin after having vainly attempted to
locate his abode, and becoming crazed,
evidently by the dread of Lin helpless
condition, became thoroughly exhausted
and fell in the enow, face down, after
being gone five days. Search was made
and his body found and brought into
Bonanza Monday night, and turned over
to the I. O. 0. 1', of which order Mr.
Bennett was a member. lie was-27
years of age, a flue type of physical,
manhood, and leaves a wife and baby
in Cheater town, Pa.
Theodore lloosevclt was elected
president of the United States last
Monday la Oregon.
We learn that 8. D. Chandler has
sold his 1905 wool clip to F. M.
Miller for an Eastern firm. The
price paid was 15 and 10 cents per
pound. Mr. Miller also purchased
other clips, amounting in all to 25,-
000 fleeces..
We overheard two very prominent
woolgrowers discussing the out
look for spring sales a few days ago.
From what we could gather from
their conversation the price would
be between 15 and 16 cents. They
both admitted that this would be a
good price and even at 15 cents the
wool sales will bring in many a dol-'
lar iuto Lake county, and tf 15 to 14
cents could be realised by our sheep
men tbey would all be in good shape.-
Since that day, however, a general
stampede to higher prices has takes
place, and some anr now looking lot
vwrttotter-than has yet been offered;
The gentlemen dealt upon the folly
of producers holding out for a little
better than' the market price att .
through the buying season, and
finally, when all the wool bad been
bought up and buyers left the field,
be compelled to. take even a lower)
figure than their neighbors had re-v
eel ved or hold over. An Instance
was sighted that Is not uncommon:
Some time ago certain local ' mer
chants were authorised to pay 17
cents tor wool. This seemed a good
price and a friend of a "'sheepman,
rushed out to the camps, where the
sheep owner was spending a few
days, to Inform Idm what was. offer
ed and advised him to sell. To wait
and get more seemed to the sheep
man like finding money, so be
waited for'18 cents. The result was
he finally sold for 13 cents.
We have asked a number of eheep
meu and local , wool buyers their
opinion of the price for the spring
clip. They all believe the price will
settle between 15 and 16 cents,
just as we go to press we learn
that the price has taken another leap
and that Bailey & Masslngill are of
fering 16 cents per pound.
Another Important sale was made
this week, not of wool, but it being
the first band of sheep sold In the
county this year and since the condi
tions of the winter have made it al
most certain that there will be a
light loss, makes this sheep sale of
considerable interest: Dan Graf sold
a band of something less than 1000
head of stock sheep, receiving for
them 13.35 for ewes and $2.00 fos
last spriug iambs.
Feed on the desert is good and
since the storms set in water has
been plentiful; the winter has been
an ideal one, sheep are fat and no
range trouble has been stirred, so
that sheepmen are generally happy.
This year promises to be a record
A. O. U. W. and D. of M.
The Workmen and Degree of Honor
lodges will have joint-installation
to-uight. Members of the A. O. U.
W, and their wives 'aud members of
the I). of II. aud their husbands, are
invited to attend. A grand time Is
anticipated. After the routine work
games and other amusements will In
indulged in until supper is voted,
then all will depart to the restaur
ant, where an elaborate supper will
be ser ved. V