Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 05, 1905, Image 8

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20 Pour,.! ("rrar.c'.itel 5c ar,
18 Potint! Bear..
2 P(v::-.i!s Com Starch.
2 Vo-7.c. L,anr.Ir Starch.
2 Boxes Blr.c:.
li'i poi:r.i r'riv-1 Peaches.
Pour. .'Is Choice Apricot?.
! ' Pour. i ' rr.Tr."c.i .
10 Pour.rI Graham Flour,
Pour.!s Pure Roiled Oats,
1 Gallon Tea Ganien Drips,
20 Pound box Savon Sowip,
6 2V2-pound cans Standard Tomatoes
UkoiiwAnd Vicinity
Wow Little. M r.0lT ta to
i thia wiek.
( J. W. Hcker wa
from tV dewerr..
A neat rriala
fa ta fcr wry lat aree.
I H. M. FVwin w here from Pic
! Cn-ek M.!Ay baafaawa.
VI r. M. T. ";tT wa reported
r ck II rot the week.
the heS ctif.V la
i i . i ..-1 a ir
'town. A clrtf factory.
..-k at Wrr-r with pieii..!y. In Lkeiew, Mta.i.y. Ji- 2.
to tv m Marry t-;. a. i ,. , . . ,
J ! Havana i i.-vn as storkaaaaa
TV. k.. Barry escaped frotu the ai;r!i e,,,,.
t.lT :iuiV n.l C;Oie to LAi?viei.
V. I iw re,;tTed At
the Insi-nAj htrt la PorriAuJ oa
ivceaiber ;4th.
Lri VnierpooA, aujcuaiaa of
Lakeview. u a bend Monday.
Coaaty Court I Jtt ewto thta! WEEKLY fcAintK kefot. f
wt i Bw rfw rap ! tha ww,
a needtd by in (rmmm'tin wtht,'
Hav rowr pfctar th at tmml tatiM at Th Eaamifttrr OA,
9c.KUfr Tlli rvnrt ta cbMtfnt Mcti trk, a4g
E.L Hartio wa bnrfueaa nr rwrt a-iaf ! ywrly rj
la Lkriw Intof th wvk. S
L. D. rrka aa.t J- Map(a r- i,n aa4 K m prm bnk a?
rlT br rrom Wnr MoUy. ft ohr. Th Mnri wiii kj
A two dy' thAr a1 rl tk " , . . mf
Brty &n IS .bow off U-e wl. J ornmnt WMthr Bur,,
Uin. ; "
Commhimf C W I Vat t br
thin wtk ia ata.lAmiiifoQ( ouaty ,
Court. ' '
Vie jfixl m-'lt sr-t tn of tUoe
a a
heay J .a the Aa.i
fT mt mi..; rH an'v
4 iitOMa eu
f"n"t'yj art" JT J j -
na. fx: "U m -
6 2 Vpound cans standard Tomatoes Uj 5
? 8 mi Erirr i. N". Wa.tioa. who hji
hea ;ct 2 or 3 wk4 k t4e t. b
trp tows -y;ri.
Ra.i AU BOr. to tuwa
I Nn Prpminm Cnimons will be eiV- a fc- 1 lickW the p of
Tb EiA.raiaT raaa.
AD of the above for only $10 in
Cash, or we will sell to you one-half j ; l
No Premium Coupons will be giv-
en with this Combination.
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOBS Wt5XEIX, PTvyr.etar
The Lake County Examiner
Is in Its 26flv Year
Established in 1880
J. F Ejrie n bt-re from Warner
MwO'ty h)i'.r. ftjr a roan to rfe
a t ra::h th- wicter.
M xLiarl. th i hotograp t r.
U tj-t tr prearil to take g-J pic
trm tow t)sa.a ever tjfunf.
jri. H. Ayre w tabes to aanoooct
tiiat b will &juMiy &oy orm tent to
, hira. The rwtult wUl be correct. 1-tl
A cnranirry U to be tatiiifced &t
Mt1U, Kiiait- coc-:j; st ti
' thic tLa,t woojj py ta tlii county.
1 George Kins came ta town firat of
j tae week from hi atock raaeb wnt
of Do LaU. He reporta aooct a
foot of aaow there.
Lare Ioton, w ho haa beea rhllnx
I on the ZX r&och tor qotte a while
ha taken a lay-off aod wfU cpend
a couple of ioootha rtattts at hia
hocie la Laii cocnty, Calif.
laniel Booae went to J'losh Moo
day to hlp Mm. J. a. Morris w!th
tbe potoffice affairs Mm. Morria
wa rweotiy af-pointed pottaaUtr.-sa
at I'ljnh. vice I). lioow r.n'.ael.
T. A. Ouiip wait a btirti&-iwt riwitor
froa firt of the J.
aivMle BAen, hare drntrihatl ; ! j j '
aotae nice caVodara.
Bear, real wtll bar, caa be aeea j
roaaUXj( the ttrnrU ut Bead occaa-
L. B. W hxtoa, who baa U-ra
daavrui!ly aick for aeverai weeka,
w aa teelit better the laat we heard.
Lr. Hail got iot coming from
Warner the other night, and wander- j
eti a boot for hour before be found
a ho;.
to!. j 4-i
Slate Um Topics.
Mra. Oibbina a ad daoshter USQi
and Minn apper cam Bp frota XV
taraa Monday.
Mtaa Etbet Neweil waa vtattng
friea lsi ta riae Crvck a k daya U.t
The Mak V-nui cauieull altb averj
giKl Attrn.iace. Moat of the crowd
1 w aa tUArked.
ata Dai- t.w lea-e-1 the hi FoiMwm;? are the aamra of thoat
atabie ft of the fir.c Nati.nal mttt) nkfl aud the character rep.
B,iak and w ill try hi band at the nateil:
tar,ie owDna. Ma feart Moa F
Fjt. ScjVr artit to IVthel to
hiI a -ri-si irt rm-etinsf Lut weei,:
bat had to clow the tu-tiri on ac-,
count of iiint-9u. i
T. A. Wimiota Lai accepted a poai- '
tion from j. W. Green, foreman f.r
the XL Tattle Co., and w21 go to
the Abert Lake ranch thia week.
W. A. MaaaingiU received the aad
aewa laat Tharaday of the death of
hia mother at Lake county, Calif.
She had bees afck for aome time.
She waa aged about 70 year.
Laat Saturday the little 1 year old
girl of Mr. and Mra. Geo. W. John
n waa playing about the booae
and fell with lta face on the hot
tore, aereniy borulng lta face.
Ian GrmJ came orrr from Ely laat
Saturday, where he has been tend
ing idvf-p tor Mr. CaM-beer daring
the pat eumnier. Mr. Graf eijwota
to remain iwre Indt-flnately.
Tlie lak in ai 1 to lie froiu ovr
at the lower end, aUo the nhallow
p..rti.a of the uorth eud, !.t Mot
auffi'-iently to i-rniit fcka.tin- uu the
Has the Largest Guaranteed Circulation of Any
Newspaper in Southeastern Oregon Gives All the ma'3e of Wttter at4d waur w
Local News and aSvnopsisof AH Important Foreign
News. In THE EXAMINER You Can Find all Land
and Stock News of the Country,
M. Uatidl-y ha receutly cotuplr-teti i n-porf-l the raw at litU
;i new r.i-u-- r.,r Mr. rum;i. Jim U
low t.uil lit;- a L.,uw f.r Andy Mor
rix at A JrL
EJithbinrton J -Tia !'"t';r
Add.eMulkey C'ardi
Rora IVarrett-ETeningTaillght
KiiU Cojtue, Italian 1'aociDg
Ethel Newrll Loat
Emma faiallaber. Queen of
Mra. L. Rraatiac bt-Cjgees of Hearts
Eiia Tugglea School Girl
Anna liotler h , G .
Mr. Mam Dlcka Sailor
Leo. Muikey Any Thing
Geo. Stephen American Nary
Frank Toller, Teoman of Un
. SSr-- OldThlag
li. McGrath.Ited, White afid lila
L. lirautliicbt .uut linah
Orrla Stepheuaon, Sailor of the
Cuaa. Harvey .....B. B. B.
I ruu Hu uimerxley. Npauleb luc-
log Girl
J. Avirujjuete Klug of Heart
lieruard A Njb made fcooie new
!ratei for the engine at the hath and
door factory thi week. They were
be run through the grau-a to pre
vent them from burning out.
Siiiii I'avin wih'i to anuouiiee
tliat lie now La charge of the fe-d
stable faciLg the Court Houite, ar.d
would i- trl:id to r-:.-tve a literal
hare .f ti- put ro:;.-4M. G-te Liti a
It. 11. lLi:.Ia) returued Saturday
from Merrill, where he took a buucu
of w) cattle. He oid them to
the Biooiuingcanip Brot. Horace
naya the price waa nothiug to
braij on.
The town of Bend held an eU-tiou
to d.-terrnine whetlier or not the clt
in wanted the town incorporated.
Tiie w a li4 for trieorporatif.u
and -! agniu-t. At tlie e..tion i
city t.rtii-erH were elected.
T'u.-re v ci- ik c
o'ith sa
-I fr
Koy ('handler
inur Huinuierkley
S. tiallaKlier
lioy liciiurt
I'earl .lulkey
Artie Kolmri
Ceo. Swawy. AH that GlltU'rn la
aiot Gold
1'ut Gitllugher, lied. White and
J. W. GIbblua..panUh Cavalier
Cloud Coouae B. B. B.
Will La-kia Auythluj,'
Fete l:iurtou School Boy
Si.tck Bin.
.- : c. i iu. .uuipr
ntt.rtied Kuturday evening from a
two week junt in Modoc county.
They Informed ua that ton of fruit
.1 t.r--
lit v- tii-ht. .,
trie the
:r..r- t-:
TWO Dnllir !l8har,SluCn th la Surpriae
AUUUl. TaIk?jri tUrre Mag no demand f(jr u
2 I KUNItKS Ifxl THk T7iT5T Ttt Tl.- r..:.Li. iu. . rS
i . iuj wvyAvtwav me Lqundiiig uib Assurance
I . ..Socieivof New Ynrk
ASSETS $381,000,000 y i i cmitm
SURPLUS $73,000000 T3" i" L, ?ITH
- if n r i-m .Tl i ii i in in in i- i i i.
i o Cwtq a Cold in One Day
... . - v.i lja.iil0 Telic;:. r? r-
Cure Crip
la Two V.-it.
i-n..o:o.-t.,r iJr.-,;,i ,,,
1- trlow u-tij -hriattiia day. If jt
wa not for thoe eold w'nd coming
from Altura we could raise orangea
The bugaboo about mlerobea beina-
carried fr.,m one perJQ to another
by kiaalng ha been exploded, aaya
an exchange. Jt u believed now
that the etory wa .tarted by a
Jealoua old maid to get even with a
girl of woo aald there were
flea on pet doga.
The editor of The Examiner wa
approached laat week on what thia
paper would have atartling for the
flrt wei k of the new year. We Lad not
-tadied up anything but suited
tfut we tell tlie truth otie
Thia four would probably )Ul,e
Fore5ters Install Otficers.
The f- ulowtug ofUct r were itistall
ed it .-uda.v eveiiiuir ut t iw rul.r
i-it'.:, of the Foretera Lodge,
Court I i tie wood Xo. V:
F. H. Snyder. C. It.; TUoa. Haat
loga. . C. K.; T. E. Bernard.
Trea.; H. 8. Colvlo, Kec. See.; John
Arxner, S. W.; Bert Snyder, J. W.;
Joe Arxner, S. .; L. Loubnold, J. B.
in everxt
, aw- .
;'- i i Mature, -
n tiict. uj '
""kt'J i.h'
.copper riveted 4?
, tary J,,;
I " "
t out of tlie n.ii.on.