H. A. Deboy registered at the hotel Jjonday. ) Dick Drown wan on oar streets Tuesday. r )C B. Kooior came down from the ranch Tuesday. 5 Wulter'Butler was here from Tine reok Tuesday on business. ,,C. O. Reynolds, was up from Pine Jfuek Tuesday, transacting business. j The paper trust Is under the ban I Iloosevelt's widespread lnvestlga- Jon. Roy Faxton was brought In from o desert Tuesday seriously 111 with jieuuionla. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Watson have ioved Into their new residence In .talters Addition. 4 TThos. W. Johnson came down r.-pm Tiilslpy Tuesday to be present a! the present term of county court. SV. S. Kd wards, who went to Xobruska ubout two months ago on a -Visit to his mother, returned on Tuesday's Southern. Me was so anxious to get home that he hired a livery rig and driver to take htm Isuiiie In the night. trn.ve.l or Stolen. Heavy-set, Mack mure, branded LI connected oils' left shoulder, J 2 on right stifle. Ssultable reward will be paid for relnrti or Information as to where abouts of said mare. ll-tf A. I). Orkkn. James McKee came over from the T ranch last Saturday on his au K&il visit to the county seat. Mr. "."4Kee reports no snow In Warner, i-Ml stock are looking well. He says ihfre seems to be lots of snow In the :n&untulnn between here aud Wur io. Mr. MvKee returned home terday. "reil Weldey of Talsley who went . -Madeline after a load of barb-wire ro himself and W. K. McCormaek, irrived here Monday on his return iKflne. He suys the weather was add at Madeline, being 12 degrees clow zero when he was there. Mr. v'ldey Is thinking of fencing his -niii h nt Abert Lake. 1 punier valley was pret ty well rep tiiited In Lakevlew first of the 0 (U. John (!oggburn, Jas. McKee, i4 Jones. J. K. lioone, W. K. Harry, l:MT,v Roberts, W. P. Overton, L. ). I I'rakes, ('lny Rambo, Geo. iiajipln, . T. A. Crump, ('. W. K'ttt and 1'Iioinus AtnlcrHou. verc all here. We understand that uof L of them caiuu here to put lu l l.ld in some of the swamp land to o sold, lying east of I'lush. I 'i'Aiesdaj- evening wheu the electric ; hts were turued on, the new sy.s- ndjof wiring being lu operation, liff-o was the greatest rushlug :!-iud one ever saw. Those who u.'J not changed their old lamps for Lkunew ones saw their lights bum IJllke a Hash and lu many cases li-jfuse burned out. The voltage p-i too strong for the old style yis, and the town had provided ones and notified the people to l. ijigo. Lakevlew can .boast of as 1 a lighting system now as any ii in any country. 1 i! eview Mas an Assav Office. Ay res has on unsay oflice 111 view, which will be much to eon venlence of parlies having o test. Mr. Ay res iindentai:d (business, and returns obtained iiu can be relied upon. Of late to has been considerable pros- ling going on lu tbe county and rock was sent away to be tested. . cost of sending tbe rock away having It assayed and tbe uha Juuied was so great that many Hid not bother to send it, .ud have thrown away' some very aore. Proceeds of Council Meeting. At the regular meeting of the City Council Tuesday evening at the City Hall the following proceedings were had: Roll called and following were present: W. P. Herjford, Mayor; Harry Bailey and D. P.1 Malloy, councllmen; W. B. Snider, Recorder; A. Bleber, Treas.; V. L. Snelllrig and J. W. Tucker, councllmen, absent. A license to sell liquors for 3 months from Jan. 1. 1905, was Issnedto Ay res & Schlagel. Bills allowed for town lights and other small bills. RESOLUTION. Introduced by Harry Bailey. Resoi.vkd: That the rate of tax ation levied upon the property of the Town of Lakevlew, Oregon, for the tax of 1954, for general town pur poses be three (8) mills upon each dollar of valuation of such property according to the assessed valuation af said property for the year 1904. Be It further Resolved: That a special tax be levied upon the prop erty of the Town of Lakevlew, Ore gon, for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded Indebtedness of said town. It Is hereby ordered that a special tax of three (3) mills lie and is hereby levied upon each dollar of valuation of such property according to the assessed valuation of said property for the year 1904. It Is further ordered that a road poll tux of three dollars lie and Is hereby levied on all male inhabitants of the Town of Lakevlew, Oregon, and subject to such tax by the laws of the State of Oregon. Moved by Harry Bailey, seconded by I). 1. Malloy that the foregoing resolution tie adopted. The roll being called, npon the adoption of the foregoing resolution the following yote was recorded. Ayes, Harry Bailey and Dan P. Malloy, The Mayor announced the Resolu tion carried. ' Store Being loved. The Ahlstrom Bros, owners of the well known "Monogram," are mov ing from their old stand between the Reynolds & Wlngfield store and the Whortou & Lane saloou, into the J. 1 rankl building on the corner north of the Bank of Lakevlew. The Frank! building has been vacant since the Ay res & Whitworth stock was sold to the Mercantile Co., lust spring. The boys realize that they e leaving a good stiind, but are also aware that they made it what it Is and they believe their old cus tomers will hunt them up wherever they go. The new location Is also a popular one. Mail Changed Again, Another change has been made lu the mall schedule. . Begglnlug last Tuesday the Bend stage leaves Prine vllle on arrlvul of the Shanlko stuge but not later than 3 p. in. and gets through to Silver Lake lu 110 hours. The down stuge reaches this point now at nildmgbt and leaves for Priuevllle at 5 a. in. The up stage reaches here anywhere from C to 10 o'clock and pr x-eeds' south soon as thq mall la uLaujc2. Eoii.1 Eulletiu. Losing your hair? Coming out by tk; combful? And g doing nothing? No seiue in that! Why don't yt.- cv; ? Ayer's It air Viuor c n d 'r flair Vigor 3 8 promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow too, find nil dandruff will cli.s- orrenr fmilt vim rfflfin- 1 Klv cviii'i'l nnviliino ht-fter? " Tr'i Mull Vlr ia it gruui m nii tnm My hiur wh IhIIIiik "lit "try Ixully, lint lh llmr 'Ii;iii muiiul It himI li'iw my Imiii' ii. II riyhl." V. V. laiurtlioa l.tinlauy, f.il " I M a Uottlii. j c. avkii i ii. All ilruixl.U I-.ih-ii. I'-i.-l vi ill i. ii ' ll.'t Thin' Malni Ayers Eagles Installed. . The Eale txdge held their Install ation Tuesday evening, and after the routine work was completed a grand banquet was served at the Hotel. Their motto was "eat drink and be merry, for to-morrow there Win be no banquet." '" ". ' Tbe following officers went Install ed: Gus Schlagel, not present was made P. W.P. by virtue of having re tired from the office of W. P.; W.P. J. S. Lane; W. V. P., A. W. Manrlng V. Cta., E. R. Patch; W. Sec., Wm. Wagner; W. Treas., W. R. Steele; 0. 0., 3. Partin; I. G.,V. Sllva; W. Con.', L. Brautlacht; W. Phys., E. II. Smith; Trustees: A, A. Graham, Geo. B. Whorton, A. j. Smith. The banquet was A high-class affair, aud Light & Harrow did them selves proud. Each member was entitled to Invite a iady friend, and 60 plates were turned. Bought from the Republican. Amon Leanord was In Alturas Saturday from Davis Creek. , , Elbert Vernon and wife of Lake City were visiting frleuds In Alturas this week. Ed. Holler moved about 100 head of cattle from Cedarv'.lle to Likely last Saturday for Geo. Hapgood. In a private letter received from Lake City we learn that J. P. Toney Is seriously 111 at that place, having been unconscious for several days. Rufus Stout and Mr. Frakes of Bid well stopped here Saturday night on their way home from the railroad where they have lieen with a bunch of beef cattle belonging to Dan lirowne. Lands Thrown Open. About 224.000 acres of the Cascade Mountain lands lying on the West side of the mountain temporarily withdrawn In 1903 for forest purpo ses, was recently threw n open to settlement, and after 90 days notice can be located. The lands lie in townships 1 to 30 mostly In range 1 East. Lake county is patiently awaiting a similar action on the temporary reserve lu this county. The lands! withheld in this county are priucl-! pally agricultural aud none of them ! sutllcleutly timbered to be of any! value lu a forest reserve fur any pur- j pose. J lie department is holding' back the development of one of the richest counties iu Oregon by keep. ng these lands tleiruii in a reserve. ' His Bargain In Postage Stamps. "Do vou make any reduction in price Then you Bell postage stamps in quantity?" inquired the funny man who frequently bothered the corner druggist. "As you are a conbtant customer and the hour is late," said the drug gist, "I will let you have the entira stock of two cent stamps I have oa hand for a cent and a quarter. I happen to have just thirteen." "All right; I'll take them," said the funny man, who 6cented a bar. gain. The druHst hanoH hrm the thir teen two cent stamps and took full pay for them out of a five dollar bill which the wise funny man tendered, saying that a cent and a quarter amounted to just' 2G cents. CYNICISMS. Some signs He "No trouble to show poods," for Instance. j Good udviee usually says that every thing you do lu wrong. Vou emi't toll by a man's hand fehnUa how murli he thinks of you. The man who says lie will give bin lust dollur to a friend seldom bus a cent. . j Every one who thinks he U unluctjr euu find something happeulng every day to prove It. . Land Scrip for Sale. ForeBt IteHerve Scrip for securing title tu tlinlieiril or agricultural land for nule it loweut market prla. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Port land. Oregon. 4(1-5 OA8TOIIIA. Bean th ) h" You Ham Always Bought a Spring: is Come arid Gone s 1 A constantly on hand, a., complete stock of Hardware, Wagons, Buggies and Farm Implements . of . . . . . strict attention to ousincss, ana square dealing to merit a continuance of your nfitrnnnp-fv . . X O . ERECTED IN 1 900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnODATIONS SAnPLE Roon For COnflERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT SEpoLffiow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors m m 1 BEALUS DRUG STORE $m LEE BEALL, Proprietor We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Druge, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded m m m F. E. HARRIS. E. N. JAQU1SH V HARRIS & JAQUISH LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, It it Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE V JUST OPENED. GOODS AR. V T4 RIVING ALL THE TIME. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES Jfc Before Buying General Merchandise ?iiofj5i-.-- Bailej' & Mass infill . .. . . . " r I 1 The Palace I .....Now Under New Management,..., ' ELI, Proprietor. GOOD MEALS AT ALL HOURS Having purchased the Palace Restaurant. I intend ft! to guarantee the ADJOIMNINO ... Hksl NAIIONAL BANK and we are under renewed obligations to our many sriends for their liberal patron- fjr aire. We have in stock and expect to keep V all kinds, and hope by . 1 . T "I Respectfully, T J. E, Bernard & Son. Hakhvihw LAKBVIBW, OREQQN. Snider Building on Water St. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... V INSPFCTOUR MAnMOTM STOCK OP . : .... I i 4 Restaumnt.. S begt ol satistaction. BRFAD AND PASTRY ALWAV ON HANU.,