Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 05, 1905, Image 4

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    gait QUmnts ntnr
Published Eti-t Thunday
Mawnlc BalMInf
Entered t thr Pot (f!Wt l-nkrfiew, Ore.
X'nnd-l'lM Manor.
(One Year $2.00
rERMS: i Six Months 1.00
(Three Months 50
Fifteen eeuU an Inch per ween, lnle col.
Ten per cent, added for preferred fpace.
Ten per cent, illwoiint on yearly contract.
Ten percent, additional dlx-ount where ad
vertiser! furnUh electron, charm prepaid.
Ten cents per line first insertion, and ne
cents per line for each subsequent Insertion, to
ke set In news type and mixed in with loial
aews matter.
Professional Cards, one dollar per month.
Timber-land notices and ail other lnl no
tices requiring ten weeks' publication. $16.
Homestead final proof notices. Pesert-land fin
al proof notices, short-form Contest notices Ad
ministrators' notices, Notice of appointment of
Administrators and all other letral notices re
quiring Ave weeks' publication, 7.40
Memorials. Cards of Thmiks. Lodge Resolu
tions, etc.,
Quarter of a Century.
Thin issue in Vol. 2ii. No. 1 The Ex
aminer iH now in its twenty-sixth
year, a (juaner of n century. The
beginning of the New Veur begins n
mw voluim
We have endeavored tit give the j if proof is made no lilutl papers will
news just as it occurred ami if vej'HSl"'- This applies, of course, only
have failed or made anv mistake we ! tn hinds included in the area with-
are sorry for il
for it was not done
We ha ve endeavored to please and
if we have not done this we are
sorry, sorry because there were two
ways and we could only take one.
In the last year of The Examiner's
existance we have made many
friends and brought the venom to
the service of those who have never
lieen our friends and never intended
to be; thus we do not Itelieve we
have made any enemies; simply
showed up those we had. For the
friends we have made we ure glad,
and it is lucky for any man to know
his enemies. We have ours, so has
every man. We intend to deal with
ours us leniently as their own uc
tioiw will permit. We have not
named tlieni nor eounteil them; let
them be who they may, they are
those who could not handle us ami j
becanieangered. li we have an enemy
it is not our fault, hut theirs.
However, we hope tile new
win miijg us more iriemis, we want
the friendship of I h. .-,- who have op.
posed us. hut we do imi intend to
buy it . with our ri-lits as a free
The Examiner can lie as good a
paper as the people want it to I.e.
tie- more patronage given il the bet
ter service it can render. 1 1 has been
iii' iiiciiu s 1111,1. 111 rue II llliliier ,,,, ,.r'
. ... , j
y.u,,,, ie past -J., years
....w iuii.iiii aim loconiinue on in thel('K.w
xanie line
Lake county, Lakcview
or any other place can .make its im
jiortance known to the worltl with
out the aid of the press.
iuc -xumiucr has the age, the
stability; it has helped you and
your county, it does not ask for
charity, but patronage.
running in Surprise valley is con
ducted on a much different plan than
in noone ivike valiey. ier then
'n' I
not a bit of fertilizer N allowed u
I" waste. J , o:-a -e ! !
" larni -I mi,', iron,
ib-, y. j,
da i". i'
'' ' i:,ll and hju-endliie ,, in. r ,..
fall' t held. Tlie process i.s hlou but
tiie result is telling, as he owiick one
of tin; best alfalfa farms in the valley.
There was a good-looking man
here from Warner first of the week
who announced that since any of
the fair sex failed to propose niutri
moiiy to him during leap year, he
would take up the search for a wife
where he left off one year ago. (juul-
iliLiitions of applicants to wear a
A New L-rrd Ruling.
The In'. ' 'I nientof thegovern-
nient now taken the ground that no
nppltciiHoim to retidvertlHe timber
claims within the area temporarily
withdrawn for forestry nurpoKe
will lie allowed not even If the ap
plication lie made within 10 day" of
first proof date. A cone decided tin
the 3(th of hint September Is taken
as the IishIh for such action. The
line of reasoning In thin:
The tlinlier and stone law tloeanot
authorize withholding land applied
for under it for a longer time than 10
dny after the date Drat named for
proof. However, the practice of the
government nan leen to allow re
udvestiseiiient when there wan no
adverse claim to Interfere. That Ih
the government would not object If
othein did not. Hut now the gov
ernment nppeiirn hh another party,
with an order withdrawing the hind
for forestry purposes. This Ih held
to prevent any readvertlHement
within the withdrawn area, the
govern meat's withdrawal order hav
ing attached Immediately upon ex
piration of applicant" rightH under
lirHt advertisement.
Not only doeH thin apply to future
appIicatioiiH but to rend vertisementH
already allowed an well. Proof up
on them will not lie authorized and
,lril xv" 'rem entry. And claims on
which proof has alreiuly been niatle
under readvertisemeiit nut hori.eil by
the government. If there be any such,
do not seem to lie covered by the
new ruling.
Some Bits from Paisley.
The Paisley correspondent to the
Silver Lake Oregonian states:
"That a girl was born to the wife of
Allien Iiunistcr on Decemlter 24:
that the large doll rallied off by
Ainsworth &i Withers was won by
M. ('. Currier (l!ud has the record of
winning every doll rallied off in Pals
ley.) That W. V. Miller's team ran
awuy with his new sleigh; that .1. S.
Elder is seriously talked of as the
next editor of tin; ('hewnucun Post;
that John .Shoehn.i, the Summer
Lake sheep king was in Paisley re
cently; that the first SHOW fell In
ey December l':id. I'.ini itlmt
was last year, yon known that tin.
j Woodman gave a Christmas Hall!
anil everybody ale supper at Hot
I aisley and then danced till the !
rooster crowed; lliata Christinas j
itee was held m 1 1. M. E. Church Were loadei
iwn 1
, . ,
' Mi eius,
ami a iso 1 111 1 lee,
i , , I
(that was hiHt
year too, the .. Co., discontinued
work on the canal through the Clic-
.., , .....
mug ami icet wide on the
1)()ttuI1) int,!n(1(;(1 u tj
aucan river at all stages, thus
keeping the marsh dry, on which the
company proposes to cut wild hay.
The marsh contains 1.,01)0 acres of
rich and productive land."
A Wonderful Industry.
"Think oi it! .More money came to
Surprise Valley from the sale of ul
falfa seed than from the sale of cat
tle mid hay combined'. This was the
statement math; to us by Win. Toney
miring ins visit to Alturas this week
and we learn is vouched for by no
li-ss authority than W. T. Cressier.
And when we consider that the ia-
':''":' v bi i!.. iiii.iii-.v we cm r.,riii
,,,,'!! ,! ' ' ' j a 1 1 j . a, j,. vhei, fully
li-'i'lopetl. ''ae ,os.-.;:,iii ies of the
""""ll i simply enormous. Tlie
seed is used for various purposes and
there is no danger of the industry
being overdone. It Is used for the
manufacture of oil, dyes, food and
various other purposes. Another
thing: Alfalfi will not go to Meed
on rich or Irrigated laud, but reijuir
e from two to three years for the
plants to fully mature, after which
no further attention Is required. "
Alturas I'lalndealer.
(It has occurred to us a number of
times and In fact The Examiner has
mentioned that alfalfa raining In
Lake county would lie a paying
Indimtrv. Alfalfa grows hereabund-
antly and matures. To think that
In Crook county alfalfa seed sells for
JO cents per pound and very scarce
at that nrlce. Alfalfa irrowers of
Surprise valley raise the need, haul
It to Keno, to Alturas and to Lake
view and sell It for from 12 to 14
cents and make a big profit on It.
If a lot of pur people would plant
their Idle lauds to alfalfa their con
dition would lie bettered.
At the Coming Session.
The big fellows who do things In
the state legislature are busily at
work now formulating plans. They
have the speakership of the house
dwindled down to three, A. L. MI1U,
W. I. Vowter and T. 11. Kay. Mills
Is a Multliioiuali niau and will have
the support of the Multnomah dele
gation. In as much us Multnomah
has decided not to try for the presi
dency of the senate, they expect Mr.
Ktiykendall of Lane county who Is
a candidate for the presidency, to
throw his strength to Mr. Mills for
speaker. In the House there arc i"0
republicans and 10 democrats. It!
will take 2li republicans iii the caucus j
to land a speaker and Multnomah 1
has half of them. !
There ure two candidates for pres-!
ident of the Senate, Senator Carter j
of Jackson and Senator Kuykeudall'
of Lane. Carter claims 10 reptilili- j
cans in the Senate and Kuykeudall:
12, and : are doubtful, there being 2."i
republicans in the Senate and .1 dem -
ocrats. Senator Laycock will be for 11
A Bully Dance.
'J'hat the ladies can put the boys
in the shade on conducting a dance
was demonstrated last Saturday
night when the inemlM-rs of the
dauclng club turned the hall over to
the ladies for a leap Year dance.
Their management of the affair was
without fault, and now some of the
boys are wishing that every Satur
day night was I'up Year. Why,
everybody got to dance; there was
no wall llowers; even the Examiner
man was seen on the floor trying to
dance, mid it was remarked by some
of the most enthusiastic that had
the editor of tin- Herald been there.
even he Would have been lnxl:.l i..1
'dance. Such courtesy was never!
llown. The club dames in I.1.1...J
1 view in t lie Hi I ure promise t o be bol-j
US 1
ii i a 1 lenueu a nil enjoyable ev
,.. ,, ,. . i
"i" i-uie .yswiuier, ai rs. 1
s 1 11,.,., f 1(1. . ,
I'M i, linn .HI I
I "... .1 ... . 1 '
as lloor ma lingers, and are to In
gratulated. Oli, gracious, four
years till another one.
Committ:d to the Asylum.
Last week The Examiner mention.
ed the sad misfortune of Mrs: E. N.
Jaijuish. At that writing no action I
had been taken toward ,,
taken toward
ment of the unfortunate woman to
the asylum, but later in the week her
condition became so violent that It
Last Saturday Mr. Jaquish, Mr.
S. J. button and Mrs. (). W. lligby
staru;d for Salem with Mrs. Jaijulsh.
The affair Is a sad one. Mrs. Jiv
i)iiiHh w as agootl woman and well
"H-ed by all w ho knew her, ami it is 1
to be hoped that a short time hi
asylum will rest oce her ndad.
I he
Thus I 'loud ;: nd w if., have
to (heir Hen- home norlfc
school house.
of I In-
knl CATALOGUE Or DltrA.r.
nrfMUlypUln. iirl," . ISf-ASES. with
The Lakeview
Water Street -
We're Out
To Win
H Your Patronage
The Mammoth Stables
Wm. R. Htk
After August 1st we
..-..!. i.. i i
UllMl. Ull il IL (. 1 I Lll il II
Oregon. We have purchased all the ris, stock, j
etc., and are now ready for our share of the public's 3
.w.f v iii t i ..c. i.: .. M
HI 1 VIU W 111 111
ful drivers and jood stock. Special acconioda
tions for commercial travelers.
: E
$2,(KK) Reward.
2,0IH) reward oflersd by tlie Lake
County Wool Grower AMnociution for
the arrest and conviction of any permm
or perooii" (juilty of killing or inaimhin
any sheep belonging to any nminlMir of
this HHKociution by order of the I'.xctitive
K. B., I'khm.
J. K. V'athon, Hkc.
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
I'etition for Liquor License.
We, the undersigned leu'al viiters re-I
siding in CuuHwell Cn-fk I'recincl, Luke I
'utility, Mtile ii( (, respectlullv '
petition the linn. Conn'v ( uurl ol Luke 1
county, Sliili! of, p, frunt 11
License lo lieu. 1 1 . Mi'vcii" li.M.: , '
M.,1, I 1 '
1 1 ui'iiifl Liipiurs in !-
ipiainii ies inan g;ihon in (;,
.., 1 1111111
1 rccK rre-inct.
1 '11'-" Hi.
.. rl, ,., ... .
1 1 - hi.-, ,111.1
,,..111,.,,...,. .11 .......
' . 11 1 ,-f- j, ,
IlllH LilHtoll
M i: .MnsgriiMM
elms Kcclertiun
I. Whetstone
J II Leliiiiiiu
I In n I niik
U E Charlton
Sylvister (iullaghur
' ' I'nm
Jsinic 1 Icter
Ai ( 'oonse
W M Liunh!
I ieo S use V
I! V llackuev
j lys
lhbert McKeu
li Lloy.i
L Vaiiderioo
W J McKce
John Vincent
C L ('on verve
L C KincrNoii
Win. blnrion
Hird Wade
V I'arrington
(inv Hn.ef,,,.r.,!,.v
HleVe Ilowti
("IlllH IllllllleH
E O I'ratt
iiernard M.:(iralh
La S rniiili
I' 1' Lane
(ieo Sherman
John ( llson l amu.erNley
winer iiaiiiinerHlev
r." I'entlleton
Walter liiitlnr
J V CJilihins
W 8 Vincent
Km met Wiido
A si imwn
Ihhbc KccleMton
Ueo llown
Henry Funk
(ieo Mctirath
Jay lliiliiliicrnlcy
J W Converse
(iidiioii Hlu-riiiuii
A K ConverNe
CC Lol'ftus :
Xotiro in ..; .i . .i
--. II. S,H ' , ' '""lZ
I lie I Iv 1 nii.l I ..i . .
, - oi i.hkc v.oimtv
I be.
" me .)Ui iiav of .L
.. ... M-e , Smol,s, audi ,
U'"""',1'"""-' !" 1 o.;,,r..,,-. ,.,,
' I':.- ttell ( .,,.,.1. I',,. , ..
'"'''"'inly, il, ,:..,,, ,,.., (iV .,
lllolllllS 1 1 Will ,hla,y 0 plj;).
I'.'ited Dec. Klh, lllUI.
-'l.o. .
111 1
Mercantile Company
Lakeview, Oregon
FORI), Proprietor
will endeavor to place this
i!.n ....i.E... :., T?..4 lit
. lilt I il II I Ml 111 IvllMll 11 3 '
ilUllll til t'Oll ll. Villi-
Soldiers, Additional Scrip
Military Land Warranta a-1
nud other kinds nf
Land Scrip For Sale
I I - - . w ,nc.
If you want Govt-rnnictit timber y
IuihIh, pet u title by locuting Lund
Scrip. Write for pricep,
5prinKfield, - - - Missouri
J'irst Class
I'.iiildiiig tins I'.ecu Enlarged
To Aceianoihite u Large
I itiin Service
OREC.0N uim
: a I.)
'NI,W ,,1NI., cl.,.;l.;K
. v-iii.i.rv,
' m
lakeview Cigar Factory .
A., I'rop.
Maker of
Ilavaua and
Domestic Cigars'
Jiive n h a trial. Store In the brick
building next door to l ost & Kinj; an
num, Lakeview, Oregon.
Send No Money
horSamplmt of Cloth, Etc.
ISe Mec'al Td'.ors
9-l XUlrd Bt. JPortlnurt, Or.
1 luus mention tlila iJUur.
FREE! ?,
Moat uful oi -
n lie Hand 1
Z Boon., eld 9mr
of fublio.tioa. Printed in I
VACES. ConUUii Correct
Xabls, AtlMaienieU d.
of JTmmmt. rat tad otlbr
: -mnm ana cnotca lllua
t :
f ai
; llOl
le a.
tlx tt
. 4
to. nl
i L
. II )u Ull .Z I,, .71? A,n"l!. Your SrT-l? . tfivaa io
w Kl u, l-UI U unm m UU. 0. jAkMK 4 SON , will .up.
atlft, WI1UUU.FBIA, will kriu to yiw FRE.