Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 05, 1905, Image 1

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NO. I,
-Action of the Federal
Dismissal from Office of United States
- District Attorney J. H. Hall
Untied HtHU'i Senator John
H. Mitchell, Congressman
Bingcr Hertwin and George
Jiorenson, formerly 4 deputy sheriff
of Multnomah county were Jointly
Indicted Saturday 'fcr the Federal
Orund Jury. j
The Indictment alkfw that John
-H.,,Mltchell and Binge; Hermann did
Ln January, 1W2, unlawfully and
.'feloniously conspire together, and
with each other and with S. A. 1).
I'uter, Horace O. McKlnley. N. W.
fTarpely, Km ma L. WaUon, Salmon
1. Ormstiy, Clark E. loomls aud
William H. DuvIh and alien to de-
f.'raud the Oovernmont olthe United
tsauds Hltuated In towiUp 11 south,
jrange7east. by means'ot forged and
tfalse affidavits and flctlthiiB persons;
land that, In furtherance if such con
lracy, 8. A. 1). I'uter Ilk! on March
I), 1902, pay to John Hj lttchell the
?num of f 2000 to secure) Hb Influence
jwltn Btnger Hermann, thro Commis
sioner of the General Lanl Ofllce at
Washington. '
Both Senator Mitchell and Con
gressman Hermann denmuce the
.Indictment aa the result of basest
VouBplracles, and both May they will
Poor Showing lor Fafc Sex. I
Only 23 marriage license were Is-1
sued by Clerk Manrlng in Like coun
ty during last year.
I Any other year but Leap J ear this
ftjeord would be wondered at; but
She coyness of Lake coauty girls" ex
plains thesmnll number of imrrlages.
J'here Is nothing on record in show
that a single marriage result from
li l.eap Year proposal.
I Following Is a list of the Marriages
; performed from Jauuary 1,104 to
Jlanuary 1, 11M)S:
Edward Campbell Amle lturnes,
l ebruary 4th, F. B. Houston J. P.
!M. li. Troth Lenora tosterly,
ebruary 21st. J. H. Howafl, Min
ister. !
; Clyde It. Klger France! Suit,
ItprllSd, S.O. I'euse. J. P.; ;
1 G. W. Perkins Lavlna .Mcnvell,
-pril Sid, L. A. Myers, Ministe,
John Young Edna Fay Shsyfonl,
unol2th, J. B. Stark, Mlnjutj-.
Alfred Coonse Mabel Barr June
sth, II. T. Cheek, Minister, ij '
William Edward Toiiey-fcuuh E
)dbert. June 27th, J. B. Stark Mln
'ter. '
I Hem-y K. Uanan-EdaL. Baxter,
1Wlfh M V V? nil
, Mlnlste,
I Fred Sehalh a i.
filth, B. Daly)'
I Austin Day" i s
3tta Maxwell! J t.
la Clark, July
-Jenuto ,,jia
h, J, . 8ark,
I .
iora tlnoy,
Joseph' 8.1'
ug. 28th, B
tntj Jui.
Harvey D. Bf
Aug. 31st. U. f
Mints tir..!
C. M. Jot
ept. l."th, 11.
James D.
-ewls, Sept. J
T. P.. A Hi 4
.1 Del 4 M. I
I,..,.. II A . 'I
in l'Aki.'.i
Grand Jury Follows the
be able to remove nil doubt when
given a trial before a jury, fluch Is
to be he hoped at least.
Acting upon the recommendation
of Attorney General Moody, the
President removed from office U. 8.
District Attorney John H. Hall, of
Ad v Icon from Washington that the
Presldeut had removed District At
torney John H. Hell from office
created a profound surprise lu Port
land. It came as the climax to the
When District Attorney was
Known the dispatch, he Bald:
"I do not even know who has pre
ferred the charges against me, but I
am very much surprised that the
President of the United States would
so condemn au officer, whom he had
bo recently appointed for meritor
ious service, without a hearing and
without a chance belug afforded me
to defend myself. The ofllce of
United States District Attorney is a
very small matter to me compared
with my good name, and I shall
leave no stone unturned to show the
people of this State that I have been
attacked In the dark by the weapons
of falsehood and misrepresentation."
James Reeder Dovle Mario Blair,
Sept. 23d, W. B. Snider, City Ite-
Ira M. Bradmuss Nora Leila
Green, Sept. 28th, J. H. Howard,
Chester Lawrence Withers Melva
Lewis, Sept. 2Sih, J. H. Howard,
11. C. Mitchell A. J. Pratt, Oct. 11,
W. It. Snider, City Recorder.
William Gibson Ethel Dixon, Oct.
l."th, W. K. Lehiburger, J. P.
George D. Ecclestou Bernlce K.
Case, Oct. 30th, B. Duly, County
J udge.
Oscar B. Hess Luett a - Foster,
Nov. 1st, W. B. Snider, City Recorder.
A. J. Hlckerson Uetta Gibsou,
Nov. rth, B. Daly, Couuty Judge.
John N. Watson Cornelia A.
Knox, Dec. 7th, Sanford Snyder,
lioys Have Fun at Bidwell.
A few evenings ago at Bid well,
Modoc county, a lot of vaqueros
tame in from the range and started
in to have a little fan. After load
ing up on John Wall's whiskey the
king they drink lu Idaho the boys
went to the livery stable where they
secured a one-horse buggy. They
then lassoed a wild stoer hlched the
beast to the buggy, and after placing
Charley Streig, the one-legged fruit
peddler, on the Beat and tying him
down with ropes, they turned the
steer loose In the street. Then the
fun commenced. The steer run aud
bucked and "bellered," but the buggy
and Charley staid with him, down
one street and tip another, till (inul-
iv the whole outfit piled up In a
i.M'l on the hotel porch, where the
I . ......... ... . i.l l I jii i nrn-
,1 loos.', alio Mr. Stn-l. Bi.'tirwere
The following from the Redding
Free Press shows that the Redding
people have tried the "happy-go-lucky
plan and nave found it cannot
win. ' Lake county has leen trj'lng
the same plan, and If we did not
have one of the best counties in the
Northwest, with more natural re
sources than any other, we would
not lie in the flourishing condition
we are now In. Even with our great
possibilities we cannot expect to
hold out against the persistant ad
vertising of other counties and "the
efforts of other people to head off
the good things that . would, unmo
tested, come our way: , 1
"The people of Redding have at last
awakened to the realization of the
fact that unless some active work Is
done, the proposed Fall Rfver rail
road, will make some other point on
the Southern Pacific its junction.
T. B. Walker, the millionaire tim
ger man, who Is behind the railroad
proposition, says that be prefers
Redding as the juuctlon, but be de
cided that the people of Redding
show some desire to have the road.
A call for a mass meeting was cir
culated and it was litierally signed
by citiaens and business ioi, who
will now work together In an effort
to get that road."
This action on the part of the Bed
ding people to secure tb terminus
of Mr. Walker's railroad at their
town Is probably as far ia advance
of actnal construction work oa toe
road as would be a preliminary
movement such as organizing a com
mercial club on the part of our people
to secure railroad facilities for Lake
Mr. Walker's statement as to his
position regarding Redding as the
terminus of his road is not different
from the general sentiment of other
railroad proutotors. People clamor
or a railroad but do uothlug to int
erest railroad builders. Men of
means do not have to huut for local
ities in which to invest money.
When it Is known that capital can
be secured for development purposes,
there are hundreds of undeveloped
counties In the Northwest that are
organized aud ready to rush to the
front with every Imaginable persua
slou to induce the capital their way.
Who do we expect to present our
case to Investors? who will do this?
The answer no one, unless the people
themselves make a move. How are
any people going to make a move in
thlH riirectlou unless they organize a
club and elect their strongest, most
influential men to keep their case be
fore capitalists- It has long been a
tuotto of Lake couuty that "our
latch-strlug is on the outside."
That would be some inducement if
capital was compelled to wander
around seeking and begging entrance
but when there are hundreds ready
to take these capitalists by the hand
and lead them from their own sanc
tum Into the open doors of their com
munities and Into the open arms of
a greeting public, then It Is that the
"latch-etrlng-on-the-out-slde" moto
ts cold comfort to the investor.
We now have the opportunity of a
lifetime; the prospects tor a prospor
ous year ahead, Government irrlga
lou in sight for pur thousands of
iu-Vis of valuable- let mis, money act
ually dreaming of a situation Iden
tical to ouim. Why not present it V
Wo are luvlted to Join the State
Development league, th'.' cost is so
trifling as not to le an obstacle only
$5. and with this $5 we get station
ary actually worth more than that
Call a meeting at an early date
and organize a commercial club. Do
not wait longer.
Two Serious Accidants.
Last Wednesday evening when Mr,
E. Keller of New Pine Creek, part
owner of the electric light plant at
that place, which furnishes light for
Lakevlew, with his family had re
turned from church, the family
alighted from the sleigh and went
into the house, while Mr. Keller went
to put the team away.- The team
became frightened and started to
run away, tipping Mr. Keller out.
He realized the seriousness of turn
ing the team loose with the sleigh
fast to them, and endeavored to
hold onto the lines and stop the
horses. He was violently hurled to
the 'ground wi.d landed in a pile of
lumber head first. Some boards that
were frozen to the groundLat oiieeud
i'.irniwhed a landing place for him,
one of them striking him squarely in
the face. He was picked up uncon
scious and remained so several
hours. Dr. Smith was called from
Lakevlew, and when he arrived to
dress the wounds be found the man's
tongue cut nearly off, several of his
teeth knocked out, bis nose broken,
a gasb to the skull on his forehead
three Inches long, a bruised arm
and badly bruised eyes. His
face was woolen beyond recog
nition. He was in a serious condi
tion, but when the docter left him he
was better and Is said to be getting
along as well as can be expected. '
Jim Glvan, a prominent rancher
ana Btock raiser of Warner valley
was outlast Wednesday with a team
hi ched to a loaded wagon. Some
way the team became unmanageable
and ran away, throwing' Mr. Glvan
out of tne wagon. He struck tb
ground under one of the horses
which kicked him in the side, break
tii,t a couple of his ribs, and knocking
hlru under the frout wheel of the
wagon, which was loaded with 3500
pounds of freight. He lit ou his
back the wheel passing over his
shoulder and breast. This turned
him over and the hind wheel crossed
the small of his back. He was pick
ed up and Dr. Hall sent for. The Dr.
left here at midnight Wednesday
night, arriving there the followiug
mwrnlug where he remalued in at
tendance upon Mr. Glvan until three
oclocfe in the afteniocui. : " ' -
Mr. Givan was severely hurt, but
the chauees of his recovery are very
Quiet in Municipal Affairs.
There has been uothlng new devel
oped since last week In regard to
the discussion up before the Taxpay
ers meeting looking to the city in
debtedness. No action has. been
taken to either bond the town or
raise the levy. It is very likely that
the matter will be allowed to rest,
aa nothing very serious can result
from lndoflnate postponement of the
question. Some say, that if allowed
to rest for Beven years the entire In
debtedness of 123,000 will be eutirely
wiped out at the rate the revenue
will decrease the debt It economy is
employed in the administration of
the city's affairs. ' No oivo ooeiiis to
be seriously worked up6ver the com
paratively snutll indebtedness. Or
course all want lb paid, btt tl o city
Is !ov on a revenue basin.
.enthusiastic Is the Oregon De
vel.)pment League over any step to
wrirjTTlhe development of Oregon or
any part of it that when the least
Intimation is made of a step in that
direction from any of the outside
counties they rush to the Portland
papers with the good news. The
following appeared in the Evening ,
Telegram of December 23rd: v
Now comes Lake County, one of
. r
the most distant sections from Port
land, for admission to the Oregon
Development League. In a recent .
letter to Manager Tom Richardson ,
of the Commercial Club C. O. Metiker
publisher of the Lake County Ex-.
aralner, at Lakevlew, asks for Infor-.
matlon as to how to proceed in re-.
gard to forming a commercial body .
to join the Oregon Development Lea
gue. He wants to know how. to
start off, how to organize and how
to proceed in a manner most sure to
bring results. He will be enlighten
ed, and Lake will be one more county
gathered into the League, leaving
but very few parts of the state thus
Portland, Ore., Dec. 23rd, .'04..
Me. C. O. Metzkkb,
Lake County Examinee,..
Lake view, Oregon.
Dear Sib:
Replying to your letter oi.lSth, I
was wonderfully glad to hear, from
Lakevlew and have that letter come
from the editor of the Examiner.
An extended article relative to tne
Oregon Development League will ap
pear In the Christmas edition of the
Journal. I hand you. a. circular
which we Issued August,23r.d a little
old, but the vital facts are just what
they were then. 'Also enclose a blank
list used by the Portland. Commerc
ial Club to gather list of names
from residents of. Portland or any
other point in Oregon ol their friends
residing In ot her states. Also postal
card we send out accompanying all
advertiHlug matter or copies of home
newspapers, we mure sent out large
numbers of special editions of tha
Oregoulau, the Tsk'gram.andl band
you copy of letter that Is now going
out to the railroadmen of the United
States, Canada and Mexico, accom
panied by an issue of the Journal of
Sunday. Would send you a copy
but the list Is already made up and
1 presume you exchange with them,
'if not. vriU ft that you get a copj J
of this paper.
Each organization uses a letter
head made local in every particular
as Is described in circular under date
of Augustl3th, aud in the Journal.
All that it will cost your city to hol4
a membership Is f 5 aud for that we
will furnish one thousand of these
letterheads, and as a practical news
paper man can understand that they
could not be printed singly for any
thing like the sum, even If the design
at the top was free.
It you get Lakevlew organised and
have them use the Examiner In
special edition as we are using the
Portland paper the result will be
simply magnificent. I send you In
this same mall a package of adver
tising matter showing you the char,
ac ter of printed matter we are elreu
latiug. Please let me hear from you.
Very truly yours,
Tom KicHAitiwox,
' SocTrens.
ept. i-Tilli, W