Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 22, 1904, Image 4

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Come Early and Pick Out Your
Christmas Presents.
Mailorders Will Be Promptly
riJled and rcr warded.
Toy Brooms
Toy Clothes Pins
Toy Furniture
Toy Garden sets
Doll Slippers
Doll Furniture
ABC Books
ABC Blocks
Sad Irons
Iron toys of all kinds
Candy, Nuts, Popcorn
i;s site. , '.-skJii if
:inir r VJt f-fca v4
-:.--:--V:..," i&u1tfl Pt'-I
1 .-. - : - ... :
Toilet Cases j
Manicure set
Hand'chf boxes
Tie boxes
Shaving mugs
Cup and Saucer
Silver butter dishes
Silver center sets
Silver pickle castors
Silver napkin rings
Silver chocolate sets
China chocolate sets
China berry sets
China center sets
Hundreds of other .
Christmas presents
$au County (sa:nincr
Published Etr Thursday
AUmoIc Building
Entered at th- Knt dtflreat I.MiteYi'-w, Uru.
(One Year $2.00
TERMS: sx Months 1.00
(Three Months, SO
LAKEVIEW, OREGON, UlC. 3 3.190.4.
lu iii r- fur I.nkcvii'w tlmu uu.v of Tin im-ati-r jnrt of tin- 100 loco-
in. .Hiicre, anil t.tir p.-opl.' xlintiM ,ll(,tiv,.K ,.,!,. r,.,i ,v tli" I lari lmiin : p
l'Kin t. iiiv.-stl-iitf tin- maf't.T ami i1(.M wm . ., ,, tli- S.uitltiTii
try mnl lmvu tin- thin- nrru l.y : i i,, i(lt.-. Th.-.v will cont In tin- n. luh-;
t lie lirni" the pivernmciit h iiuciiIm
1iol- to invf'Mtiuatt!.
"Jolly," If l.itKf romit.N In iih
. ,
liorliooil of .IHMI.IHIt).
Malheur county U t) k without
govt-rnnint irrigation, or at k-ttHt
for a tvhllt;, till the premnt owner
of the Itiii land fjrant secured by the
AVUlarnette vulle.v &. Ciwcade Moun
tain WuKn Hoad Company
where they are wrong in refusing to
help develop the country by paying
.. the name price jwr acre for irrigu
ting the laud ilh the poor man with
160 acres Ih iiHked, anil affreeH to pay.
The poor man wantx the country
improved and IiIh laudn made to lx
worth .'i to 4 timeH uh much an it in
Tlie road company owiiMeveryodd
wection In u Htrip from C to 11' mllex
wide acroHs ltke couuty, and much
of thin land Ih situated where the
government contemplate! Irriga
tion project. TJ- Jtoud Co., lu the
eyen of the government, ure tlie land
owuer, and if the, laud owuerrt re
fuse to pay the price the govern
ment placcM on irrigating the JundH
there will le no irrigation lu that
locality, hut other projectH will le
tulcen up. There ure about four In
thin county. One ou the went Hldc
coine lieij- to in ventilate. Kach of
the other projects l-ar an iiiiport
tmt rehition to the development of
the country, and the one ut 1'alnley
U the only nm- of the otherH that
will have any opposition. The Port
land Irrigation Co., ho we under
Htunil, iutenilM to go ahead with
diingeroiiH a place In which to live
a the Oiegi'iilan pIctiireH It when
! that paper han occasion to refer to
,the Mhi'ep killing, -Ave oti-ht to all
; dra w peiiHioiiH.
The pn.'Hlileiitlal electorw will meet
their Hcheme to Irrigate 1:,IX0 acres In Salem on the fccoud Moixlay in
of laud adjoining Paisley, and Mr. ! January to enst their vote for Theo
Mh.vh lias Htated that lie has (JO fain-: dore I'.oosevelt for President of the
Hies coming to 1'aisley next summer, j L'uited States. Then' Is no foiinda- j
. i tlon to the report that one of the
Soothe the Troubled Waters. ; Hectors would ls restrained from
A rrliMtvllle correspondent to the casting his vote on account of not
Portland Oregonlan has twanged having been registered.
the E string lu the sheep-kllllng
hcniim; of last spring, and now the
subject bids fair to lx the foremost
topic both In local and state affairs
until something more startling turns
up to attract the widespread atten
tion. The mutter will nrnhrtWr llu
Into the state legislature before It
will down, and if our lawmakers
succeed in dispelling the trouble they
will Iju fortunute and do a great
favor to both the state and the
counties Involved. It is but a few
mouths now tUl the Iewls and (-'lark
fulr is to open and If the people of
Oregon exiect to attract Kastern
people to our great state they hud
Is.-tter commence to suppress law
lessness, and also put a quietus on
these wild and wooly West blood
curling stories hatched in Eastern
Oregon und grown to giants in our
' 4 ..!.. .L.f ll .
of th" va!i-y, one near i'msU'y,, onfc j r L..- v ' -
at tli- inn-th i'ii(l..ji Ydrr.rr. X.nkd - ' v - - ',
jji J h-"huvof J.irue ciKiiit'O , i' liou'nUt W tld(ig to a fellow :
it.- of t!i -e projrctf,, 1 he uin on over in Modoc county when he con-1
nwood, will meet with any re- j fen- to having stolen u, few dollars
? arising from the same didi- In money and an old watch. That
' that las iuocked out the .Mai- seems to U (il)out the worst crime a
Legislative and Otherwise.
iSids ir building tlie portage road
will ) received by the Opcli-Ulver
Association next Saturday at 12!
Jo'cbsik, noon. There is $ 151,(XM)
I avullublu from t.lw e-!nttvc apn-i-;prlutlon,
and f -10,000 is. to 1m raised
) by subscription to be added to the
f l.'d,000. It U believed that no dlffl
jculty will tj exiMMlenyd in raising
the $10,000, as Wulhi Walla hiu
promised 95,000, lilalix'k 91,-100 and
I-ewlston f 100, alreaiiy.
The lantl fraud trial has been post
poned until March, lioth Senator
Mitchell and lleprcscntutlve Her
mann say they will go on the wit
ness stand and tell what they know
if the trial is set for a time when
they can attend. They feel the sting
We're Out
To Win
Your Patronage
The Mammoth Stables
Wm. R. HLRVFORD, Proprietor
After August 1st we will endeavor to place this r
H stable on a level with any and all stables in Eastern
M Oregon. We have purchased all the rigs, stock,
pi etc., and are now ready for our share of the public 8 N
patronage. ou will he assured of good rigs, cure- r
g ful drivers and good stock. " Special accomodn
tions for coniniercial travelers.
1 1 III III Itlf tlllllilliiniiiMit I n mi in i.. ....... , ..i.i.iiiiiilllllllllilllllltK -
AWliillill!!ll!lii!lillill!!l!!!iM!IIIIHl!lllllllllllHllll I111I1I11U1 UllllllUU Ulll)lli)inimi".;;.
school hooks will 1st changed
again lu l!M)7. (iovernor ChamlMr
lalu will appoint a commission of
five members next mouth, to select
textbooks for ull the public schools
of the state lu 1007, which books will
continue in line six years.
State Senator K, V. Carter of Jft-.k
sou county will Is; a candidate for
for president of the Senate ut the
coming session of the state legislature.
project, and the ouly rcuson to
ose there will le any refusal
puy the price lu thin one
isc is the fact that the owner of
lis laud have did It lu the Malheur
.istauce. It would be to their bene
fit, from a development view of the
:ae, but whether or not it will he
loue renittlin lo be seeo. The Cot
onwood project is one thut would
man can commit there. A young
man, who bore a good name was
recently sentenced to the pen. for 13
yearn .'or this crime, ills pleading
guilty and proving that he lmd beeu
well raised and was drunk when he
committed the crime, .and the fact
that he returned the stolen proajrty,
did not appeal to the Judge's ym
pathy very trong.
$2,000 Reward,
l-'.OOO rowsril ofhtrHil bv tli. 1.1...
of Hitchcock's Insinuations that they 1 County Wool tir..wern An(s:itioii f,.r
are implicated In the Oregon litliil ; '''0 Hrr-st hioI :oitwi(?tion ofHiiy person
frauds v;r.v blilerlv. ; -r I'emoiiK cuilly of killinK r muiminu
any nlu-e. helo nuih! m an v lueiuljor al
Senator Mii.-I.ell is on his way;tl.i.a. -iuti.m .v rd.'r on he Px.-utive
from U'asliiiigion to njip-iisdi'foi'c ( ' "ninitii e.
the federal gi'aiid Jury in defense of, I.. "ii mi.i-:ii, J'hkm.
himself, as it was iutliiiaUd to liim '. N. Watson, Skc.
that an attempt would lie Hindu, to
Involve him lu thcluiid finud casi's.
it Is believed now that lloruu.uu will
tie Indicted, although he l not com
ing to Portland. ' . J
Senator Mitchell will secure the
clialrnianshlp.of the
luteroceaiilc canals
late Senator Huniliv
fioldiern, Adililioiml Putty'
Militnry Land Wurrants
ml oilmr kiwi, uf
Land Scrip For Sale
If you want Government timber
lands, get a title ly locating
Scrip. Write for prices,
Springfield. - - - Missouri.
For Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
ie commltUje on' Bears tha yfTA . "T
, succeeding the Blgaator of (jCyffi&fciZtf
First Class
i'.uil.liii 1 1.tH licell Killing"
To Acuoiiiodutu a J.nrtf" ft'1
Dining Service
Got It
from faar
1 i -"jK
J: - j