Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 22, 1904, Image 2

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ifflri' ' I nkt'V lew. Otv
1-1 IlltlS Matter.
Tlu V
The um
lU'inuf.'i'-t hit;
'i'lii Ll.i
i One Year,
! Six Month. . . .
Three MonUia,.
Sheep r Cattle Ivutith.
M.im1 rjiiicln-s inr :i'n'. Thi- tune n
tdieep much of 14 tnrtn-M lyin nlnni!
I'i't l.'-ver, iiiul cuiuioIh ;i vni t nui' mi
the of the liver ttiul t r iiiiU'K
Thin t"X'k ranch in a bii;i it
Write to tlu Luke County L-
iiiniiicr fur )nrti('ultirH.
In uililitii.ii In the h)hiv( 14 (allien
hex In six.' inn!,e.n bright (.rniiiiici.t tr(w , . 4 r, niiu.
dmtaut, on which there me two linn"' n,,t,ii,iiT (imu'ri..
upriuK. The above price ia lor the en-; Aunmey oeinri
tire li lortiiM).
.., Mi .11. -iii. Co ;.(
iir of i 'ii f.lln '' : i I
ir:nu!il l:nvc Jn-M
iicii the ll'n.'i ciliiii.n of t In li CariliU , bur1..
Ue.i H'h:irl an ! I alendar. Thi t,;St''.
Calendar with its 1'. iMiivin : x In
M I l. ll;r"yHV.
I NI ll-l. IATIX
... . . .Tin'
1 IW1 .
7 A for the wall mi
50 tlon In any homo (ir otllce on account
Ih a tmeful hc(IhI
i (ir ofllceon nccoiinl
--'of Itmllaplayed weather prediction
I kI 1 nn'-. ui m 1 yr
.n lack
nrw iii'Hif
4urt.r ( utuuiu
MC: uHimu
ae Column
' The prominent nuuilH'ra can W read
acroHM a large room aa can t he color-
weather conn I-
neV. ..... .! aoo; w"i..vw! tioH jlr ,.,u l, day.
a urn ' i.i A' i
. . , so oo 1 2 i io : io , w U J' i
We understand that a copy of thla
weather chart ami calendar may lie
tireat Southern for Crook. aecttred ly Bending 10 eentalnatiunpa
t'rook County has had another J to the Chattanooga Medicine Cotn-oye-oicner.
J'roinotera of the lireat puny, Chattanooga. Tenn. Any of
Southern, a Tailroad running out Our readers who have not aecured a
rfrom The Kallew South, which In now copy of the Ladle' Iilrthdny Alinnn
jgraditl M tuileH to lufur. has given e can gi't one ly Mending their ad
.in that they have bought rail and 1 dnH to"Lndiet lUrthday Almanac"
will commence laying track shortly, j Chattanooga. Tenn. or by calling on
.Th :y intend their road to extend their druggixt.
ito Heud. The project i hacked by
H'ortlaml kwJ Seattle capltalintM.
I irll'l. Ill . , ...
I, ..,ri'l.l"ll!
H M-riMiiry nf Sin'.''. . . . . . .
N'i i.-iiiry n( 1 r ii-iiiy .
Sit' ir,v Interior ..
s.'. ri'iHr il Wr
HiH-n-ury ol Nvy . .
H.'rri'ti(ry nl ('(iniiiiiTi'".
s. i'ri'iiirv nl Aitrli iillun-
IMention wan maiie of thin road in
The F.xaminer in Septemlier. The
yK-ople of Crook county have given
i.ip all hoie i f the C-S, extending far
;ther Smitli than it prvwnt termin
t's at Shaniko.
A Chance tor Speculators.
SCHOOL LAND. 2S0 Hcreo of level
uuiuirov-il uttriciiltuml IkiuI for tale
cheau. lieritinii : SV ', S' il
NKi4aHil NW'A' of SK4'. section 10.
!.. o S.. K. 1U L. V. M. Thin in a
ileiti(lle iiii-it of land, located i n im ce
Luke v;iiU- and w l.l make some man a !
, j , , ..tnhit liny
. , Irf'il'n M. Him
. , K. A. HltrliiiH-k
W in. II. Tail
Wm. II. Mimily
Ch'ii. II. ( oflnlynii
lamp WIIimiii
.. Iltinry t) Haynn
I'. ( Knn
(.fii. K. liiiilf Ulu
... r. I. Imnimr
... C. H. Mmirn
A. M.CrawhtMt
J. II . Aukirnian
...J. It. Whltnity
....J. W. Ml'"y
, j. Mlli'ht'H
I 4;, W, Kulton
HiiiK"r llxniian
j. lUlainaiin
V., K. Wtilvi-rKin
H h. Ifawii
r. A. Vwm
21H4. for the SK1.' SWJ '. S(h:. 2i I'.S, i with ji iiu ui. pinraicr.
N W l4', NV4 NF4, Sec. 32, T. 40 S. K. ; JihIk?- ' ,,"""m
30 K. W. M. He namea the (ollnwinx LAtiiirmiy W.J. Mwire
witni'HKeii to prove his cniitinuoua reni-1 uknicwrt.
deuce tiMin and rultivation of aid land, Joint Hunaiur J''n a. Iycwk
vi: M. M. Ioan, K. I. Hollowav, ! t u.k.U Hiclnr
Fred Allen and .Joe Callow. All ot ( j J,, 8. Blitik
!enin, vm-B(n. ,,, n. ,.
n. n. cttt Rcii ouncrcwv;''!
J'lun Hinvice of pHHi,ir nl i. j j,'
CI. tin Ii, Litkeuou', 4t nnd 3t.i k'
hm-r(ary of HUM)
, Trraanror
Final lrof. ; Auorncy (lniral
I-and OlhVe at Lakeview, Ore., lHc. ) Mnpt. l-niillc liutruciltm....
13. 11KM. Natice ia hereby ifiveii that ' Itliiu-r .'
tlie following named ettl"er haa tiled Palry anil rmxl Com
notice nf hi intention to make tlnal ! y Hunadm
proof in aupport of hi" claim, and that
aid proof will lie made before F.dward c.mirrf.mi'ii
I ..l.. IT h: t l.ia nMi..u ul '
,1 . nil. , ', IT, mi ...... w " - i
lVnio. Oregon on .lanuary 20. UHki. vi : ' Hupnimo JihIk
Oharlea F. Hollowav, Hd. Kntry No. j
illl H (if Clli'll lllKlitll.
Ilethel at II a. m., ainl N,(vf j(
i reck at 7 p. ni.t2iiil and 4lh Sh
of each month.
1-akeview at H a. in., nm j B
Prayer meeting Tlmrmlay 7 p. m. ?tj,
Sniiilny Union HcIkmiI llnuatt at 11
Ukevlew at 7 p. m. You ara corJiaj
invited to all the nervicea.
SAKroBD Bkyhkk, Vu0f,
Pee. 15-3 J. Wathox, Iteginler,
: Judga.,
i XrvMiirvt...
i JMfllllf
i HeliiHll Hlipl
L'liod lain Ii.
ii. U,
Ho! For the West.
Tell your friendn that the coionirtt Kurvrytir.. .
rates are going into effect March lt 1!W5, ron,rniM11.r,
lo expire Mav loth, 1!H)5. The rate1
from Chicago, III. , will le IViria, '
111. , fill. St. l.ouiH, Mo. and w Or- '
, Hun k In.iiKH'ltir. .
United Klatra IjiikI omca, Ukeyi-
Oregon, October 27lh, 1WM. fjUUc( !
hereby given that in compliance aitk !
the Providian of the act of Cnnyrrm of I
June .'I. IK78 entitled "An act (of th. i
kale of tinilier lamia In the ttatdt of Ul- !
llornla, Oregon, Nevada, ami WmIiIm. '
ton Territory, aa extended to til iJi
I'nblio Ijind Stale by act of Aunmi t I
tmi2, Manuel J. Stare ul Ukeri, 1
coi i my of Lake, atate of Oregon, huthii 1
day filed in thia ollloe hi wom tut, j
ment No. 2IH1 for the purchase of 1I4 I
S4 Sw4 . 1. Nl' Nl, rkttio, i
No. 12, in Township No. 8 H., R. o, '
1H E., Willamette Mer., anil will cffr j
proof to aiiow that the land inught n
Inure valuable tor it uuiutir or itoM
w. 11. went j than for aprtciiliural purpiW lid U
j. i). n imiii , caianiinii inn riunn io pain tana Mm
v.. K. Mmiro . Uegiater and Keci'iver at Lnkrvie,Or
1 w a. currier j gun, on Monday, the UHli duT of Jino.,
"" I w- 'K'"' j UK) . He name a wltnemiea: Frtak
J. K. cirk.n ! n Hunting, V. A Vilahire, hmm
Young, f.lHie linanell, a t of Ikitriet,
' ; Oregon. Any and all jM'raotm i:laimin
1 nilviirNiilv llie aiMive ileticriiieil Imiiltin
reipicNletl l ll' their clniina in tln of.
....A. W. MmiirlliK
... K. K. Itlnaliarl
r. i). Ahltrom
Twenty V(iirw
Tto.l.iv will lie ini'it
'looi.oi- and (IruiiKaiilf., liiwvers ami I le luiiiilit lun k live line aniiualH
Uiitrs, xenatorH mitl Hiieakn, editora purch.-ined near I'aialey. He hIho
.-and idiotri, niiuixurw and inurdererH, lirotiht in a ton and it. half of tnoHt
democrats and republicans, and ho excellent applen, produced iu the
.011 dowu the line. Jt la impoeaible j l'uialey aectiou chiefly on the ranch
ito tell to a certainty in Juat what "f lr. Wlthaiu
More School Land Tor 5ale.
We will cell cheap am' on v lermn ni.,, r (.for annl Kith (Itw ul Jn-
J. N. Wathos, Ihvl.itrr
li'rtnc. I.n. , .;0. Council IllufTti, In. ,
Si mix Citv In. . Oiniiliit. Neb. . knniii
If II. . 1 1 1 " . 11 r in teii t'lietiit nni 'in if"'"! " ' llrH mi Or returned Sunday cv. Mo , Mineol.i. Tex. and ll.aiauu the we,t half of h.t. 2.1. I... S li 2n F.. ! Li!! l'Mlo
hence the lioya of from 11 trip Io Pnihley, Lake county ! Test., t'-. IIate apply to initio lino ANn the went half ut cc. tp. I!S, S. 441
Tliey will Iw the to buy Imrwi. for the H I. i I'. Co. ,' poim in .eva.ia ami t alilnrma. p.i L. , ;
For further ml irtimtion apply to J All tiiin litml is uiiimproved ami being OAOTOXIXA
Soutliern I'acilic 1 o. Agentn, or to, ; lucated an it in. make- it very valuable, j lhl Ullld K HlH UlnnBcs
.uin.x .11. ri;i.TON, unto or call al tlii nllice lor panic
I). F. & V. A., So., l'ac. Co., Keno, Nev. ! ulara
claa your hoy will lie. It ia poHl
tle for the boy to be put into such
tlnfiueooea that will ateer him to the
Tight direction. Follow the boy of
Jt, and in 20 yeara tome of them will
4m in congreau while others will be
in the penitentiary. Which clam lt
jyour boy training for? Exchange.
Thin lie found 110
difficulty in diapoalug of, thedemand
diatinctly outrunning the supply.
ilr. lloldeu aaya he left acarcely 700
pounds more of fruit in the Cliewau-
can valley. liend Bulletlu.
Arreat Itf $30 Reward.
For any akin disease, ECZEMA, OLD
KOKEH, PILES, FLMPLKK, etc., which
will not cure promptly. Send today fur
afree treatment lutlicient In cure airy
ordinary cae. IIUYU CHEMICAL
CO., Kand McNally Hldg., Chicago.
The Emperor Fraacia Joaeph of
juntria ia a mail of aimple, frugal
fliaVitn and a hard worker. He ia an
arlyriaer, and for many yearn after;
.amending the throne he was up at T, Arthuritnd Lute Yatea came down
o'clock iu the morning to hc-in bin from Davi, Creek lust Friday even--lavVi
work after a br-akfaat of coffee '" 'rl'"-v ;lr'' lori.ig a'
.ind bread and butter. The amount ' ,r,,l' W,-U f"r J,,in Ilri,, H ,jf tl,,lt
of work he ia able to get through U I'1'"'''- "u,v "naccountuble
.uiaaziiig. For recreation he goea to ' w" U"' ,lri" diwngaged and
jue of hia ahooting boxen for a few ! ur"ll'd into the well. The boya
.da.y wearing the Tyrolee toatuiue ' urv ,"'n ,,,r V'w I,llrI"He of making
nu leotJng himaelf entirely to the j H,""e kil,(I of c""trlvance to fiah the
chit. (drill from the well. Altnraa New
I Era.
liolin Caruey, a banker of Iea
Moine, ia at the formation of u local 1 To Cure Cold n ly
.uunicipal league there, the object be-1 1'1? AXAXIVK UUOMO QUININE
1 ' : lalileu. All driittUiilH reliinil the
:iu to watch tin- city council and nil money if it fniln to core. E. V. (irove'a
-other governing bodien in tin- Iowa
Mate capital. Tiii-t inov.-iu -i!'. i.H the
oil tftiliie 1 if It U.'lK-l'.-ll In li.f I !,;i t t h'Ti-
Hignatiire i mi each box
A '
'';'' ' -
-' ' ll, til'- II I' I 1 ;!; 1 I, J- v
w !i 1 1 - : : ! i 1 i ;
nt. ..ii Vi-ar.s. p ;it '.;;:,, i
I irilel.iv. li--.i.i, 1. n J. -r
111 I lie rivoluio 1 of Fii", for Whi, h
lie waa c 1 1 d e 1 11 1 1 1 ' I to deuth, after
ward IhI ig reprieved. However, he
Hti 'i,ed ciiit luoiitha' aolitary con
fijieuieiit, I
. .
, . ;...i L.' ; .11:
1 in. V'.n .inn
lulll i.'Cl.JI' V'tli I'
' 'I i' il f-u; l.rist
'.'' i: " 1 ,nir
ill liilUi yilll
it. fl!'
All c. t raonliiiary nii.'kliaine haa
liech given to King I'eu-r of Servia.
The name i ' I'eter I'rovjeiivant,"
iiicauiiig reter I lie lir-l crowned, a
li'le w in' ii wax a-Niiui'-il in I L" by
Si.-piiety tmv (Vim l;ii real.'." fli'i'-
i to .JmluK the fir.-1 nti 1 -a Ulna
.1 . !. 1 triieiV A'' .1'. -. . '
pit- whu arr so careful to liavr ekmi fw-ilit s
Ci.ike mi eff.trt to k.tri the cl'.-:m.
Fveryiirie knows uricleannri laceiU
div.t.v; liiat IIukmt lio ili nut kevp t.icn
bmli'-i ill a wlu.ieHfirne coinlitiiii ami wlu
dwell in filthy utirr.uniliiiK. are llir fir-l la
fall when some rpiil. imr of ibcc- awvcpn
the country. Hut foul hliwxl ia dan
geroun to llie than a foul boily.
An unclean body in rather a Da-nive tliaii
an active himlrance ti. health, lint unci. .111
ii.'i Lllyalti'l Ij ,if'l,n,'.l;.
li'ii . Woliin ij 7 vi Ii jn
'rik "'Jlluerf Liflniiil. 1 lope
early 7DV( and whom
ilicil by order of bin father,
t ireaent In . 'eiiiv'. She oc
U nllial! palace, iier ilicoliK- !- 1
ther I i ail ted.'
e Luiprena i (iei iiiony a private
idlng pr'iit to her relatloim
coy rouaiala of a wry plain tiav
ag cloak, fr ahe values among
,1 other virtue tuut of punctuality.
lif. it make the Ualy a piepured biee
nil? piace nr iiea-
Jt ii part of Nature's plan fur hiiiniin
aafety liiat in maiiv cwn where iHt Mm!
ih i'.Miiin nr 1111 1 iinl ii.' set. a f-it; n nn the
l;.,'iv it. I'tli.if 111' li.. (.jlIUJil CI. lit III lllll'. In
li'.'Ail. - llir..lli,'U ll!i: enls h.'l..llll.. with
ji . '1 1 I.,' 1 11;;; x,i 1 .- i.'i'i ... 1 1 r 1 , m... 11,1 ... a.,
".- 11 III 1'. m;i. nail-1 1 ie 11 111, Ii IU I, t r v : ia, ,
1 'tin ;m ana r f-i u in. i,-. .'
til' i mi '-1UI.. til tilt; itinn!li .1! If.- I
' -''bi!n. I, it i.fl. 11 ii lit-, ealjir nr ninnn 1 1
Uh rttt." .of 't lauiat v iiiipniilv t!i.-t hi. '. j
4 r.uue.iVl .ijiuit tf t'il Caitthtlon; only nu'l i
' Sii- .'' -' -i-jfo-ij t-it-AnvA, wia li .n- in..
1 .ii Ti(Til'Uiu aoieijeiu l it aaiKiiUiii ;s.
' o tin. livtr '
lit. 11 in! Trtrf.'.iiim fur inirifviiii; Uu
blouil lir. J'terti,'-. CiMtu Medical lii ' uv
la ery cailv I ifctui the hi"! lilac. It cliniiii-
at'-s i 1, tin tin;, lilnod llie cleim nls winch
cl-'tr and oonu)A it, aim whicii laml
fvcii liiH'fj ,fi acts directly an the hlwui)
niakiUK K'nilf, iiiirc-ajiintf their a' tivitj,
and -hi iiiereili the kiipply of rkh, purir
biooil which H tin- life of llie body.
Accept no ihtitiitc (,,r "Culilen Med
ical licayery.V Th ia nothing "juii
good for rliatai.. of the tluiuacll,
sIikj'1 aiul lun(;.
Ir. i'icr-r' Medical Adviner. tianer co.
era, in ir 011 iccelpt ai unc crni
tUmpi jti t.y e)ens' of mailing only
aUir U V. V. Putcc, bull-Uo, H. V.
Q Some Real Estate Bargains (j
We Sell Land on Smallest Commissions j
p1 I iiiiiiir rl - Laud fur rule near Vp
A I'aialey. In aeclinna 'i, 2I, 15, 14, 23, A
O in tpa It. 1U. jj
f(S I'lilmim (( Land for lule, near
vw Taialey. In lecliuu 35, Kl, 30, 211, tpa W j
0 311. K. 18. J
j Viiltuiimvvtl Ijind for tale on laower JT 1
(f 1) Chewaucan. In ccliona 13, In, 26, 3fl, $
tpa 35, K. 21). W J
l Kinmtilh coiar.r. Lund for tale. P i
Pj l'"i'nirovti., at a biiruiu, write for j!
l j pariinnlHM and iiiuiilmra. (n) l
'l Yitlii.iUU- ';e.-Ve Hell pax- (M !
I j' mm bind in hirK-e or xmail trnvU. If $
i 1 M' 1 it. I,.i!,e i.-.iiitity uiiil Hiiut t Ai. f
I ; 'iJ '" "- .-"pie-l l.i el ..a.!j..niiiiK it Llj !
' ; li. I I ' t" lilt i , Ml 11 1 i ; , , i' , If j .1 ,
' ' : ' fT '
1 - i-l , , I - I; '
; ' ' '.."(..-1 (,,,,-. I'niiiie. 1.' !
; li '"" i' iifiie- of t i,n 0.1- cm n. fh
j ''oualn nt tin, oil,,.,., UJ
() AVviraAei eu . One i,,u (mti, ( 0
A 80 of piiature land. IWrite or cull il '
(M nt thianllW if want to buy. H ;
A jt
'booked fiveA.-We l,avefor aale i
V ""' valuable pa-lure lamia ; ;r,xiked
(th " ' r,'ek "My. ' hud fh '
f(i riiHture land at t1M Ah
IW J"(J f Al-nrt Lake can , had 0 '
rL leanal.le. Writ,. fr p.ii'eH:,,,..! par-
; 'I I ' lii'iilam.
j - V Ij'J :
i rf era -t . W 1
"j1 IfSi1, Cornpany- ' t '
4' ' C. 'a. Mirr7k-m7t (!l I
I (,' . " , -
j -r- .
' " f : Tl
! . ) V - " 5
' . ) .' .
- ' V ' 5
- j L f ' -
'. v :.
. I