VOL. XXV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTV, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1904. NO. 49. I 0 DEVELOP 1 rj fft hvity COUNTY in re oo use to h lelrirnim ir(,m .. , a. t i, i- . ' wlge H. L. IW-nwdn, Dr. II. K. l.ec keliier, LrprcMelitauve in.m tills strict started lam week for Klani- lh Fulls for the purpose of ioiihiiII- a 1th the U. S. Government eiigln-' Ltd who were Investigating thefi an- iliiy of covering the arid lauds of ktoiniiih Co., with water, regarding Lull it-gifUllon n the U. S. Govern-; -l will ask of the State of Oregou , ... , ., ! , the next Legislative session. He Us intercepted at Bonnnia by a iix-HMirfe aim asKeu to meet tiic I wird at that place. After their ,HultatloiitleI)r. who had Idling on to Klamath Falls was uH-lled to return to Uikeview. lie -port4i the aople around S'lOtiauia and Klamath Co., general- r, very eutliunlatlc over the matter ad he believes the Government's jork will produce a population In Klamath Co., of 250(M) within the next orldvear. The Government will tk the Mate of Oregon to relinquish ! aih rights as It w ill gain from the mining of Its navigable lakes by ie govern tuent winch would Uj- uile.nih as Ijwwtr Klamuth and ale Ijikes. It Is elaliiied that the ..ttoins of these lakes can U- made tliat w uay Ket decisions on them, t the fln-Kt farms In t lie ' world j and we will nk that you gentlemen ml Klamath Co., would be trans-! do all you rail to push forward tin ned Into the wealthiest county proved water laws In this state. t Orcu-oii In a brief time. Ir. 11. ie!!n-r said in.tl neiiis-r r. 11. It-well Chief Knulneer or J. H. 1I- :m-ott Sup-rvlflng Engineer of thej r.H. Geological survey knew of the , , , . ... MHlWhties of conserving the sater- Urews Creek, Cottonwood or log- lake which could so easily Irrigate ' ouse Lake vallev and Mr. I.lppln-1 "All of our cltueua w no are tuter--tt stated be 'would Irsonally I wu-d In this project should co-oper-. , ate very heartily with tue Govern- -me to I,ake County next -ason llirlnewil aud ,,.t them know ud investigate the merits of th.-se(li( Hwliy Ha possible that they iieiHe. They think very fnvorubly the 1'alsley proposition. Dr.! h.-ln.-r Mates that every man In j (inestions jisKen nun oy soiiiL- oi iui ake County M.onld U nd I.U "I-K1.1M1M.I1 ,v,.Ilt, H,M: -When A "rt i. Klamath County in t in j ,,, lilrt ,un. i ban Iliu acres of lurid utter, In return for which the Klnin- 'll lii i title iv ill no iliiitlit ilo llll I liev , , ,. , i, ' Interior has dee ded that there ii to a-MM. Lake County when n,""1" . . i would lie no objection to the dwpo ' our turn. JudgelViiM.n i,,,,,,,,,, lall,l toaiiiemberof his ry 1-nrueM in his work for Irriga- ;in,iy jno lded the traiihfer l In m In Klamath and Lake Counties i ml lu ,1.1.,, ..II 1 ...ti ta f.'t tilt' nle united lu their efforts. J Nuw that the goveriiineiit has TTo-u a disposition to aid In thede- I'luiiiui.ii t. of IjiUe eouutA. our opje should Join hands, form nil sorlatliu to prepare for the gov-riiit-iits agents, and work with ,M'iu. A Development Leugue Is f1 but therouuty uwds. following Is what the government wle Inul to say to the Klamath a Sa.i.l... I tlilef Luglueer F. II. Newell, of the j IU-d HtaU-s r.eclauiatlon Service, P- b. Lippeucolt, Supervising Lu- f'lsvr of the same service, Morris legal advisor, and T, H. Means, H expert, visited Klamath Falls t week to look over the Klamath ,rJt, Investigate Its feasibility and "wrtalu the desires of our land wuers lu regard to tlovernuient lr- (Sfttloti. Mr. Newell, belug called on for re ?"rks pertululog to Goveromeut rrxatiou, arose aud said In part: I "In carrying out a Government pKtttlou project here the large owners can greatly faetlitat "tter by Bubdlvldiuir and wiling ?'r holdings. "lue law is iuteuded io bring lliout dense fcettlement and iiorough cultivation U lands that "'Pport a family. ' "The fact that you will have ft "tre population, that you will have ample fcec , ,P cattle mean- the lfkllttllfliV R fill lh lul tllmv itf 1.. 1 1ia..u ..i.wmi iiuti'llllHUI lailUt BIUI-H city and country, "From what I ha' ve heard of your irolcct here It seems ivrt feHlhli 1 Kn,j wnt.n we are In a i.osltlon to bring the fact In-fore the Secretary of the Interior It will be done. Mr. Means, who comes with uk, ,t ... . ,.,,... , ,,. . " r U frC J l F II 1 111 IU H, over the situation very carefully. We know that In certalu valleys ruin l'" resulted from Irrigation without j u"n,nr ""....use. "There are nn Infinitude of legal pro,,lt.niH VVe h(tve llPOIlirht Mp; Morris Men. our legal advisor, with us, to gee ine laci in tue ciih. am ; these matters must be known bo j Intend-i""1' . l.' " ' ujr lur 1 ..T ou ,-,nt,..lnen. who Unow .wrtiAPViii in ifirriir theae thing. It may seem super fluous to go Into such detail, but we are trutttees and that trust oiuttt tie so conducted that Congress will know we are giving It the very best treatment that can be given. "When the Government takes hold 6f a project It Is probable It will never let gV until every available Mir lina )un rfowlnrufl ti If a litmriuf , - "In this project we have a great many conditions shlctt we do not have elsewhere. We may have to have some legislation. Among other things we will ask that the code of water rights be amended so The w hole tiling Is simply tins: AHfumliig the project to be feasible . , ,r1, ,1,i.r nvstemut Ically to store all the water that ran leVtored and utilize every acre of land itrnt ran Is? utlllned In this fertile couutry;" h- MMfU jU(je IJenson was called on ,y the chuirniau and said In part: want the project to go through." Mr. lileu, the legal advisor of the ...mi.u.. " y - which he desires to have Irrigated by the Government, t ho Secretary of the Kood faith. "When a Wuter-l'wr's Absotlatlon has been organised, ami has obtain ed the signatures of the laud owners uiidir 11m project, tUe (JoveriiiaeBt will then lie reai'y to begin construct ion. "The Association enters into a coutract with the Secretary of the Interior. The latter agrees to con struct the project aud furnish the water to the jK-ople and also recog nises the Association us a represent ative of the various laud owners. He also agrees not to furnish water jo n person nor h miiitir of the As sociation. The only obligation as sumed by the Association is that it will pay the cost of construction. For each year there will be an assess ment covering the cost of coustrcut lon. Lach year that attaches to the land for the amount due that year, aud uutll it ia paid the Association will Lave th right to sell a uiau's laud for the cost. "The Secretary of the Interior can acquire by purchase or condemnat ion any property or lands that are necessary to the construction of the project. The payments shall l made on the first of December In the yearthat water Is furnished iu April. If the water Is furnished after April then Hie payment id not be made until the first of December of the following year. "The entire charge of the inaln taluaiuv 'ild come ou tlie water nwr until lie had completed his payments. . "The Secretary of the Interior has irli.n I. ..A . . 1 I .- .art .( a 1 fli IV II IB UllllUU lUUi (INTaiC parties had cot a right to take water from a' navigable body of wn,tr" F. H. Nuftsuvr. ex-nresldent of a Southern California Fruit growers' nwMocial Ion, after relating some In- stances to which he was familiar in , , ... ,,, ... ',',, lllll lH I 111 II in l"- I 1111, ffclKI If II" ing what water cost them in some caws as high an $100 jter acre for the first year and $2.25 for the use of hut Tnerenuer-conc.unea as follows: Here vou hre presented to vou a proposition where your father will inaugurine xne pystem it is line getting money from Dome. I cannot . two opinions on tne subject. Gov ernment Irrigation is far bitter than a peretual rental at any figure. Nearly 100 Years Old. J. B. Blab of Lake view, an old resi dent of this county expect to start to Penelton iu a few days on a visit with his father. C P. Blalr. Ou readers will remember an item pub lished in the Examiner a couple of weeks ago clipped from an exchange, stating that C. P. Blalr of Pendleton Oregon was U9 years old aud still strong and hearty, not only strong physically but strong mentally. At the time we printed the Item, we were not aware that the man refer ed to was'the father of our towns man.), B. Blair, but was attracted by the exceptionality of the cane. John Blair Informed us that the old gentleman was his father and that he would, ou January 1, ltK5, bo 100 years old. Think of It, and yet he walks about, couverses with leopie, laughs and enjoyes life as well as many youuger men. C. P. Blalr was born In Noth Carolina on Jan. 1, 1S05, of Scotch parents, the same year that Lewis and Clark discovered tiie Oregon country, and next year the whole nation Is to celebrate that Important event with a worlds Fair at Portland. Mr. Blalr ought to be at Portland next year and celebrate his centennial. From North Carolina. Mr. Biairniov- cd to hjentui ky from Kentucky tOj I Illinois, from Illinois to lown, and. from there to Oregon. 11 fought In the Black Hawk war of Is: 12, and crossing the I laln in the year is,'.:) with an oxteain and was all summer making the trip to Oregon. No man nowadays can realise what an un-ilertaklnu- that. was. No iiih.ii now ever veutureu ail undertaking so strenuous and one requiring such a hoard of vitality and will power. I'pon arriving In Oregon he settled In Benton county, and when the In dian war broke out, the blood of his father, who fought through the Revolutionary war, came to the sur face, aud he went with the Indian fighters to prom t the few lives in Oregon. He fought through the Itogue Uiver Indian war under Col. Kelsay, Uncle of ' J. H. Kelsay, of Paisley, Iake county. . Mr- Blulr braved many a hardship during the two Judtan wars, aud came out whole, lie settled down in IVnton county again, where he remalued until 10 years ago wben be went to live with aeon, T, J, Blair a Pendleton business man. Mr. Blair's wife died 35 yearn ago. J. P. Blalr nan not seen lils father for 2 years. He has a picture of the family reunion composed of four generations. Mr. iJlair was an engineer iu early life. While sitting watching a train go by the door at his son's home In Pendleton to years ago whi n J. j Blair wan there on a visit, the old I gentleman's memory reverted back (ou I over his life again, paused at the first locomotive. He turned and paid, ".John, If yon was to see the first one of those things that I ever saw, you would not know what to call It." Mr. Blalr was well acquainted with some of the old frontiersmen that we read about, such as David Crockett, Daniel Boone, and others. He was born six years after George Wash ington died; while Thomas Jefferson, the third President was in the execu tive office; He could have voted for J. Q. Adams for President. He Is an old man, and may lie live to be older. Neilon is a Free flan. J. V. Maxwell received a telegram Inst Thursday from A. J. Neilon, dated Salem, Dec. 1st, In which Mr. Neilon stated that himself and wife would start for Portland that day. A. J. Neilon was pardoued out. of the state iHnItentiary on Wednes day, November 30th. A largely sign ed petition went from Lake county to the Governor asking that Mr. Neilon lie released, and was honored by the state executive . ;? .r f The following was clipifc'd from the Salem Statesman: In company wjth one of the most The Sixth Annual Report of the BANK OF LAKEVIEW of Lakeview, Oregon. At the close of business November 30th,. 1904: ASSETS Lou us ik Discounts., .flf,705.S0. Warrants & JiouJf ... .. IC,4MM. Real Estate 13.0J8.S1. Cash umt In Banks.:..' 70,500.28. fSMJtlSM Attest H. Duly H'. V. Jleryford) Directors Vm, Ilarvey) A Few Facts About The Bank of Lakeview. It lias a Capital Stock, fully paid, of f !M),000.00, which Is the larg-' est paid up Capital Stock of any Hank in Oregon south of Salem. Its Net Surplus of f 5U.089.C0, Is more than the entire paid up Cap ital Stock of any other Bank in southern Oregon. . . '.. Its entire earnings are passed into a Surplus Fund which added to IU paid up Capital Stock amounts, on this date, to the sum of $149,089.00. This amount, which Is the Banks own money, places It among the strongest and most substantial of the larger Bauklng Institutions of the State. , It has never lost a dollar, during Its entire history, by bad loans or otherwise. ) It baa never foreclosed a mortgage or begun a suit for the eollec-, tlon of any of Ita own loans or accounts. It baa never received or loaned any money for outside iuouoy speculators, therefore, Ita customers are protected from tha forced payment of all such loans. 4 . 'It la owned, controlled and managod, by successful business men who bave long resided iu Lake County and who Individually and col "lectlvely own large and valuable property Interest In the County. With all of these advantaguthe Bank of Lakeview la now better prepared than ever to extend to Its customers and patrons every accommodation that is consistent with a conservative sad 1 'g't , mate flanking ha-lnem faithful and affectionate wives a man ever possessed, ex-Sheriff A. J. Neilon erstwhile convict, left for home on the afternoon train yester day, after having changed his prison suit of stripes for the more sombre one of the civilian. The history of Neilon 'a crime Is well known, and few who are not rejoic ing at his freedom again. The petition which Governor CbamberlatH acted on was the strongest ever presented .to the Gov ernor of Oregon. It contained the signatures of 539 voters, while the official count at the Inst election shows that there were cast only 53 votes. Mrs. Neilon conies of one of the best families In the county, and it was her Indomitable perseverance which accomplished the desired re sult. Besides tJie petition, there were many letters from the most prominent men in the county,' and not one to whom the Governor com municated was opposed to the par don being Issued. Just before we went to press last evening word came In that J. N. Watson and Mrs. C. A. Knox were to be married at the home of Mrs. Knox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bernard. None but a few relatives were Invited. The friends of oth these popular people have been look ing for this event to take place for sohie time, but they have kept the date a secret till The Examiner heard of It. ' LUMLITIES . Capital Stock pitld up...$ 90,000.00 Surplus Kef..... Deposits .......... .: 59,089.60 ..144,675.48 fS93,76S.08 Stuff of Oregon County of f-iiike I, '. SI. Miller Cusliier of 'the alnnt) nunied b;ti)k, ilo solmuly swenr tlmp, the u ho ye statement is true to the best of my knowledge ami belief. , " F. SI. MILLER, ( 'asltier. . Subscribed and Bworu to before me this the 30th day of November, 1904. IV. J. OORV - -- : .- ' Xotary Public for Oregon