Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 01, 1904, Image 8

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We are not going to disappoint our young friend5 and custom
ers who have learned to expect our Christmas displays to be
the biggest and best.
This year they will be bigger and better than ever. You have our
word for that. Here is the store that helps happy hundreds to give
Old Santa a right royal welcome year after year that helps to spread
the Christmas cheer by making the Christmas money go furthest.
This is the one plsce you must not fail to visit in your holiday prepar
ations. There are lots of articles here that cannot be surpassed for
Holiday Gifts. Come early and select the goods to please you. They
are here.
ASSETS $381,000,000
SURPLUS $73,000000
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Sv- MHSon boxes tola bi aaxt 12 amffc. This RlTt;itTTr w.
Se"-"T HHaoa boxes aoH in past 12
..Lakevfew Meat Market..
JOHS WLSDELL, Proprietor
a. at rttesem located
The Lakevicw Mercantile Company
General Merchandise
Water Street -
Reward f f2,000.
The Woolgrowera Aaaoclation of
luke Connty will organiser perma
nently next month. Until aucb time,
I will gire a reaard of 12.000 for tbe
arreat and conviction of any party
or partiee guilty of utaiuilug or kUi
Jlog abeep belong I ujr to ineiuUm of
.Mm; temporary organization.
h. li. ('UiMlI.tK.
ViMt &. JCiof have ili Uwt line of ci
gc in Laktrview. Their liijuori are
puie and a holrtKin., and their place ia
conducted oo the moat modern plan. 28
Bntaa ton lmn Bagt
Will be Here on Time
J. L
To Cure a Cold in One Day
mwwiii'iiifiFiiiiii iiiiiijiiiiimiii.iiiii mniMa
lli!ljllllllliililill!lllll!llllllilli!ii;; !i!! ( il l I' l ! iLS
Lakeview, Oregon
Hot For the West.
Tell yoar friend that tbe colonial
rate are eoinK intoeffact March latlUOS,
to expire May 16th, 1W5. The rale
from Chicago, 111. , will be 33. 1'eoria.
III. , f 31. hi. Loun. Mo. and New (if
leana. La. , J0. Council Blafft, Ia. ,
Kioox City Ia. , Omaha, Neb. , Kanaaa
City, Mo., Ifineola, Tex. and 12 one tan
Tax., Ilio. Kale apply to main liua
point i n Nevada and 'alifornia.
For further in( riuation apply to
Rout hern Pacific Co. Afenta, or to,
Johx M. into,
I). Y. k V. A., ho., fac. Co.. Keno, Ne.
One million, a.x hundred thousand
lUra hn btt-n nxrlvcd In Kn
FraiM-iM'o froln the aub-treudury, to
local bank. The tuoitey la to be
uaed in moving the I' Couat
fruit crop.
The Equitable life Assurance
..Socteijcf New Tort.
Special Agent
ia Two Di.
cm every I
TVt box. 25c.
Lakeview And Vicinity
. Tbruaton waa op town Satur
day. Frank Hilra la at Montague with
hie family.
Bead tbe Maak Ballannouncement
In thia laaoe.
J. V. GIbblna waa op from Pine
Creek Sunday.
L. A. Carricker apent Saturday
olgbt In Laker lew.
Al Green waa In town Saturday
from tbe Weat Side.
Nathan Smith waa down from tbe
"0 ranch flret of tbe week.
J. N. 01 ran and Maje Fine were
here from Warner laet week.
Tboa. Andereon of Warner waa
re!s'tcfe3 ut ZioUZ Ti'ieriew" Fri
Curie Stanley Is working In a bote)
In Ferodale, ilombolt county Calif'
11 og killing day a are on and roaet
epareribe and boiled backbone are
the tavorttea.
L. V. Moaa, tbe ebeepman, waa lu
; town .Sunday after auppiiee. He baa
Lie ebeep on tbe deaert.
Watch future announcement of
tbe big Maak Ball to be given oo
1. 2Ctb by I'rof. Graham.
W. Z. Moaa aud T. B. Metxker re
turued from warner laet week, here
they have been riding after boraee.
It la the Intention, and in fuet I'rof.
Grahuu baa begun preparation for
the graudeat time ever bad In Lake,
view on IH. 20th.
Jiolbrook liro., puaaed through
town Monday morning with their
buck, moving them from Irewe
vajley to tbe denert.
Alex FltxpatrVk tbe ZX bo,
i nt a rouple of day In Ijikevlew
trmt of tlie week ou bualneaa, be waa
aecoopank-4 bybl wife.
Smoke tlK-lle cigar, tbe beet la
tbe market.
Frank Mauie? in to it
Cheater Wlth.w of PiU-jr i re,
porti quit iiifk.
Joe McNew of raiiry miue down
rmra tber Twiny.
Will Houab wa down from Clover
CB.Koofc.rwH down from the
ZX ranch laat Friday.
Tbe Kagte rlgar la the beat. Try
one, at ttie clnr factory.
Henry Newell U la Portland oo the
jury In the laud fraud rane.
CVrk Maiirln; aud H. F. -.Maiirlng
re working iB the tax roll.
(Viu Here ford atarted Miilville
California, where he will aieiid the
Smoke cljram made at home they
are made bv cleau while lalM.r. and
rou know lu
Mma Manrtug will atari for Arixona
next Monday to be atweut fro til
Lakeview aJl winter.
Wni. Uarrejr aud family depart
tbla morning lor Kan Francisco lor a
three tn on Ilia' aojourn.
Bert II arbor, the 7T commiaaary
arrived In town from Warner .Satur
day aiter a load of supplies.
I lead tbe ttrw advertise nienta tbla
week. Tbea people bate found that
It JJ to advertise and do it rtgbt.
Soda Crackers I (Mb boxes at 7$
and B$ cants a box at Blcber's
Cash ore.
Charley Arthur, tbe eberptnau waa
a rlaltor lo town Sunday, after aup-
plle. He wm a pleasant vUitor at
thia office.
M. Couley la mUd to lie quite alck
at f'abiley with typhoid feeer, alo
Mn. John Sltniuong la thought to le
taking the U-rrr.
lr. Stelner wm called to Klainuth
Fall Sunday by telegraph, ou mat
ter connected with one of tbe big
ditch cotnpnnlea.
China Tom tbe wh
1 went to han Frawlaco three wontha
ago for uiedk ai treatment returned
Monday eveniug.
Jim Inne aad wife were here fom
Cbewaucau laat Thuraday. Mr.
in nee ret a rued the next day ,ud
Jim went to the railroad.
II or nee to bay J eeota, grain Si
centa per bead, alee meal 3& ceote
at tbe South Livery Stable.
B books McDamul, Proprietor.
Tbe Burns ; Tlniea-ileraid atatee
that Kobt, WnH&m w brought to
Burns from hie atuck ranrb oo Silver
Creek recently autleriug from typhoid
lever. v i
Mackerel ana 5almo Bellies
at Bieber's Cash 5tore.
Tbe Foal report two btrtha laat
week, both boya. One to the wife of
i C V. . rortar 4 KUvr lsre. a?ni
to tbe wile of P. i. Brattata of
Kan Davie, tbe freighter, arrived
laat Thursday from Madeline with a
load of freight for Lakeview buafaeas
men, and atartr4 back Saturday for
another load.
Duke Bennett and J. L. Morrow
mi") sere jsos-
day. Mr. Morrow baa been under
tbe weather for a few daya M(j
here lor treatment.
Tbla office 1 in receipt of a copy of
tbe circular containing the name of
each taxpayer of Modoc county, the
amount of hi taxe. and auitemlaed
atatemeut of bl property.
The Tliaukaglvlug bail given by
Prof. Graham waa auld to be tbe
crowning event of like character of
tbe aeaaon. AH' were a unit lu ex
pre1ug the aentlineut reunlm,.
it aucce.
Tbe famUy of Dr. Ku-luer aurted
for tle Wllllamette valley Huuday.
Mr. Kteimr received a telegram
"tatlngtbut her grandmother waa
very low from a paralytic etroke,
which baateued ber oeparUire.
j Vc are not "doing business
Lt the old tnnd but hirr
Ufc "aW
jmavcti into our new brki
. Bank building on the corner
of Water and Canyon sts
j... ..
PW ni"C takln ,ar OA
uipuMts, inougti, just
the same. Your monev
, jfc wJtjt tj,c
PAID UP CAPITAL f 50,000.01
j IIo give report of the mother
! a recorded by tbe Government vmUw
; lureau Utiou ml The Exaiuinu (M&.
j Thii P0 u h"ired earn mtrk, kdU
Uf rr,W'r" "uh kerf
lot meatlter condition for four, refer.
Jenre, rnt oat th rep-rt along U biatk
j I in and ate It in a wrap bank am
eek aftr another. Thia mord W
taken oa Toeaday to end each eek tad
begin oo Wedueeday for the next vvtk.
GoTemment WVaihcr Bawl Ela
tion at LakTkw, Oregon',
CO. MmiKa, Local Obaerftt.
Week ending Toeatdaj, Nor. 3, li
bar aaas JaUa. fip I eaamai
I ilatioa tail I at tmf
Weil. ) !U j U U.Qi' tVfiu7!
tnnrl ZfJ !t? w.wT nuf '
fiSd'yl'sfTaS Q.(V UP t
aat 1 &3 Thi I H.U0 I Pit I "
aun.T ftun I UP
latia.) 4 0 w W
tuea. tet 24 woo j W
Cauht a Cat-FUh. -ljt
week J. It. Ulalr brotta
eljrut rnt-fiah down from tbe Che
waucAU rlTer, wttere tbla aperit d
flab alManda, and left theniatfrali
drng atore, where Mr. Jeall Ifjl
them ou eihlblt for aereraJ day lit
Ink. Ijm jfare tlx of tliera to Wart
liopklna who pat tbera In tbeataiigi
! near hla ranch on tlx marab. WbDr
i dab were In tle alnk at tlie ing
nOPe OIie of Mr. Anner'a little lojt
came In and wanted one. Lee toM
tbe boy to catcb one and takt tt
borne. Tbe little fellow waa over
joyed at tbe proepert of a orb ear
flatting and laade for the cat-dab viU
bare ban4, but net with
difficulty. Every time be woukl
grab for ae tbe flak would kort
bin, but tbe boy waa diligent aad
SaaMy came out victorious
bloody band and m catfish.
Mr. JleaJI waa aot aware of wkat
a llfc-and-death atraggle waa l&t
on, or be would nave ended tb
blofdy battle. " ' ' f
Tb Laird Net for 6O0J.
' The note la queetiou wa
In conalderatloo for a deed to 130 e
of land and bea Laird lotlma
UMaatletactioa, be waa
at throe (UXerent miaaea tbe retsr
of note for a reconveyance of t
laad, but Laird refueed to do m, sl
oder advlo to boUiag tb laaJ w
trying to deny tbe ote.
Cataa. Ubib
A dlefNiteh to tbe Oregoolae
at Prinevnie. Nov. 23d.eaya: OooV
Wdaener, of Sclo, an eapky
Dtchute Irrigatloo Co UV'
Imeot farm S tulle froat Bea
found dead banging to a J"1
tree yeaterday.