!S0S ' t-'B : r n k. . . 1 1 7UT FEW WORDS NECESSARY !,,Ait Conversation Kao aires Inr. iiv - prialngrly Smsui vocabulary Child Put to Tut Tl;f snail n limber of writ rins!!y ,r , ,r. .!.r (irUr-err purixwrt jo our . .. Is aurprirli,. si.c nothli.R . '., i-: . liiij bet tr than !! Htiiltrd i- :-.: il Utile child ." Dr. M. 4 ,-. d te tl St. Ural nioke-Dem-,; -i ! t-s i'Mr nii jars old. th'i- tt. i.' 6 rail htrw'fti tut non. ,. , , ;- t : iuc wily. Ii an acult . i the BW!:l)rr of words In jr;... P. rvr n'lopl way with people lu fjr p Mr.irr rfunst la.-timpe. Ml ;! !"'. t -- V rtli - ron.t nil. , -( .1,. f f v ; et clatffs. I : jn c it n.j I'luiuf'f i(i iitrfr i:n : r ff ! f 'tlf f'tn i t . n tid- . -,.. ,-'-, p.-;oi; f.f time. t-v i '"-" I' 1' i' ?:n;l--rf wt.rdi it 1 ' - - r-.;, omit- :lf pr- -" -"r.rt. iipc t 4 per rent. if th--- '- ' f;"".i. 18 i- ri.t verbs at 11 -'"t. -'cti c, the re. (Mincer .!( n ( ' i'p of conjunctions. ii!;t.Tr -'' .renins." HAS FEW TRADE FACILITIES Iobile Merchant Experience Dlffl eultiM la Getting Goods to Cap ital of Guatemala, A Mobile merchant Hold eome cotton roods not long aao to bt delivered at Guatemala City. Within 30 feet of his wtrehoufe a. steamer was loading for pwrto Harrlos, whence run a railway o within 60 milrs of the Custamalan spltel. To Temeh the latter the goods eould have to be packed oxer the rooun taifit by Indians or on mulebaekv The aercbant found It cheaper to ship bj j vtj of Ban Francisco, thence by boat to , ha Jute. Guatamala. and to the cap - .11 bj rail. New Or'.ea&a. term In us of At Southern raclflc, is almost next door a Mobile. New York,'' however, en toyed a cheaper rate because there was tompetltlon with the routes across the Atlantic and thence round Cape Horn, to the roods were sent by boat to New fork, thenre by tost back to New Or um, and thence on their way, point tarty 10.000 miles Instead of 1.100 by the Puerto Barrios route. This Inabil ity to ret at the west coaet markets has lone much to keep American roods out i them. Guatamala has now arranged Mr the speedy completion of the rail way from the Caribbean to the capital, ud a cheap direct route will thus be praed. Uap Tears la Twentieth Century. The greatest possible number of leap rears will occur In the twentieth cen- I tcry, the year 1904 Umg the first one, I ud every fourth year following up to! ud including 2000. In tine same century rtbruary will three times have five Bun V In 1920, 1941, mi. Viattlxs; ta Kexieo. la vialting Mexico one should have food letters of introduction. No mat ter what may be your rank. It Is expeet 4 that you make all the advance. .A Ipl.wd Crime. ; , , la Lapland the crime which is pun Mhed moat aewemlv. xwrxt to' murder: is j'ks marrying of a girt againet the es j sresa wish of bar parents. , , . 4, , J In the Bame Buaiaeaa. 1 us uv uiuRa w av svnnvrir i I lavented fonrtaeA-flfteaa Doaalea aad ' t " . I i'iu-cwvav aanw nave avue tv an ntlnf new lantraare!. 'leorgeTouy, of Laket-'lty brought a C borne load uf.wlteHt last a 4 the Trf! -frf K.- jftwr r " " 1 ' : I xms. uto. rt-porta tuiuj; u,ulet in B'U attctlou. New Era, r'runk Groha and Cyrua J Becraft tock rueu of Langt'1 valley were lcre yesterday. Mr. iwrart was proving np on bis hintead, I Mr ThoinM Upton, probably the oet popular Engllehman in Amer. I ud eye, ia ukely to be a Wtor at I!ie Lewie and Clark Kalr neit year. I- H. Gobfrey left here lust week about 80 fine borww wblfb be Uxke to the lower country "arket. New Kra. I Nasal 3ATARRH ff In all IU stuus. r'y's Cream Ea!ra ! suutlieaiiiiil uosls t tliauaa.,4 luointiriuie. r tans uaUrrh aud drives t cuid iu tue ImhhI ! i I "Kkly, .! llal.u Is layomt Into tii istril.nprasl I' tle Bwaibtaua Mid l abeorbLil. MM l 'lu si.d a our. follows. It U lt drjring does lmluue anMalii. I.aru W 'Hjpts atPruji- by mail j Trial ttwe. IS ewits. I LI bmlimHd, U Warreu bine, Tk TO AUCTION QUEEN'S GOODS A-ll Furniture and Treasure of Isa bella of Spain Except Personal Jewela to Go Under Hammer. It has been derided that the Demon! (ewels of the la.e Queen Isabella of i i.H, kiiu 40r many years lived in .rig, am cot be told as expcied. The casket containing the precious nc, necklaces, etc., has been pro-U.-.in'iiiy deposhed at a bsnk, and ai 'oon as tae aurt of the laic q ieen are ;;-ied Tip and the cnnien;s of htr i al ce d iposed or the Comie Q ii'qBl. ho h'ia charge of all these matters. will distribute the Jewels am one the rojal family of Spain. Cn tlie other bsnd, the furniture, ob- lecis of 'n ir.d all the other treasures In the Palils de Cis iHe, Qurea Isa iii:'s n..,t in the Avnne KlPber, op- poiiti, the ..-vied g.a-efi embassy, will be sold "t P' blic ur;lon. The Mimi Is de C:ic!lRr has gone to an SV-sMm to cor. suit King Alfon so s v,i':t; i,n the mbJe-t and the auc tion v HI i fobably ta' e early In the aittttmn. The catalogue is being prfypsred. It is well ' nnwj that the enntents of the T',";'i dp Cisrji'e are r"-rveH of b"ty sr. vorth nd 'on'! " veri table mMi"!!m. Severs! c'r'rs have bei-n made for the paln-e i"'f and tbt surrounding gardera. but :hlng deli nite has yet been accepted. The estate covers 4,600 square yards of laad, valued at 1160 to flOO a yard. This treat stock medicine Is a money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put np in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Draught, renowned fur the cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, starring np the torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional done in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle. and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. It costs 25c a can and saves ton times its price in profit. . ( Fmnvee, Xs aUrca as, MBA, t km been Mine roar Black-DrwuM BiMk eat Poultry aUdieiae T tack fur aom tim. I fcv UMdQ klBa o stack Sae4 kt 1 have ImM SteS reus is the keel so say awrpoN. . . MAaroju FAKM5 TOW If LOTS, improved and unimproved sold on easy in stallments. Land Titles Exsmlnod. Loana Neauliauid, Taies Looked After. Kvdu. Kotes, and AtHiounts Cullecledr Firs liiHiirance, . . , '-.iEatESWTf snl ' " general , BualoeM Agents, BAVLEY MAXWELL. Pir The asms Eldredge t)s stood lor 'the I VI btST In IhsSewIn Mchlne World. Hers iss New tlUrtde uenrii TmrtV '' tVFK.and huparlor to all IJIIIly on.ers. rosbve Uke-up; srlf set. ' ting uctdle; self thiradiim tliut(le; Vpn tC auliiiuiile'o"el;4",lolu,l,c I CTall i3 t. .. i.i. ;M -.l.ir-M.iiiw tour muttuil Vert- c- eid iicdill Imr; noiHcii: self adjuxtinil Jollr'r btaiiii wheot, tl pitman: live ply UiiiimilKd wijlworK. with S iKauuful act of i,,. k. lid eievl Ua -hinrnta. Ak or draltf fr tiie Improved KldredK anil do uiit buy any umcliuie uuul you bavs seva it. National Sewing Machine Cu. BfcLVIbtHE, ILLINOIS. ivl III ' 1 1 ..iv 1:1' j BUSINESS EN1 EKPK15KS j i 1. 1. in " " 1 .... .,,ri-. . ..1 ,u l-:.-r ." m.'.-. li ma a i siisiir'1 C 1 lMsspWi' AVtgefaUe Prepatationfor As slmBaiing 51icFoodartdBco;uti ling tte Stomachs and Bowels of Tromotes Digcslion,Cheerfur ness and Rcst.Contains neiltcr Opium,Morphine norHiitcraL Not "Narcotic. Aperfecl Rcmedv forConslina- lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh- ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. .M DUCT COPY Of WRAPPER. The Smart Set A Magazine of Cleverness . , ,;... ,. .. . MHiiutln hIioiiIiI lutvt a' well-deft tied purpose. " ''';'' ""''' " ' (Jemilue euterriiimnf nt, auiUHeinent autl mentttt recreation nre the motlvea of Trnc Suakt Skt. the' ' . , MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES It novels (a complete out In each uuthom ' ixith lK'niinphcn-M. ItM abort stories are iuaiclileiH clean and full of human Intercut. Its poetry coverinjr' the entire field f vern patboo, lve, humor, teuderneiw In It.r i Ii" iU't itopular poetx, tueti and women, of the day. It Jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the moot mirth provoking. 1 ' ' -! ' ; : 16D PAQE5 DELIOHTFUL kEADINOf -;;f No pae are wasted on cheap UlutttrattortH, editorial vaporing or wearying: e8aya and Idle dlHc-UMHlooH. , Every page will Interest, charm and refresh you. .,. s , , t BlilHteribe uoW"rS2.S0 per yenr. . ' Uemlt In chwnie, J (. ,r Eiprews oroer, or reflMterei letter to inn snKr aci, i-iiid Avenue, New York. ' '' ' N. B-SAnPLU COPH-S 5ENT Lj-....L ,i .:.WM namirr- t-- -r rr "Tn r -rr' r- L 7. - ... i nt FOR Sf. LOUIS 0 WILL YOU BE THERE?. Nature's Art Oallelry of the Rockies In OCC addition to the attractions of 5t Muls. This can only he done by going or, returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." If YNRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS I NFOl JaLL ED D1NINQ CAR SERVICE IsLJ NSURPASSED IN Write lorllliiatraUsl Booklet ut Colorado's Famous 51,-bUans Resorts . C. flcURIDE, Central Agent 124 Third Strt. t iill .For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of f-i i iiiiiiIht) are by the moHt brilliant t -' - 1 "' "-- r-REB ON APPLICATION. ! f f ' T - r i rr"- m-i-r jmnHsasiiTrj WORLD'S FAIR VI . , EFFORTS TO PLEASE PORTLAND, ORCOON. 1 p Use ii ii ir j' ror uver Thirty ears- vws intiw m$m w tows em Nothing has ever, equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Or. lilm's Um Discovery r"C MIVflVMPTtOIf Pries oiimiih una 'ULIIS SOc I.N A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If it falls. Trial Bottles ft-se. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Conneticut Avenue Washington, D. C. All persons tvho have heretofore made FINAL PROOF in any kind of Land, Mineral or Tim ber Entries, which ha been accepted by the Register or heeelver of any V. 5. Land Office, can have the Issuance of their V. S. Patent for said Lands promptly attended to by tending me their Duplicate Receists, or Certificates of EntrVi and an agreement to pay me SI 0 when ever said Patents shall Issue. JOHN MULLAN, ' Oregon, California and Nevada State Agent , ,kM!V 60 YEARS' Vy. EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks . r . a" unions ' .t i rrr v:CopviioHTo. v AY-VfiTm im!n - and dag''nt!on Bar DCSldNS qnlcklv ascertain 6nr opinion free whether an Invention la probably Patentable. Coramtmtca- Mens strictly confidential. Hand book on f starts enuai. nuaDongnriiam eeney for securing patents. tent tree, uiaesi a PatenU taken tbr. hroneb If linn At Co. raoalva i Sfwnalaeucs, vnnoat coarcs, tn ua Scittttif ic Americatu A bandsemely ilhMtrated weekly, unrest oir enlaUoa of any aoiantute Journal. Terms. I a rmri f onr montha. SL. floidbvaJI newsdealsrs. W!H & Co.'8"""'- Hew Tort Braocb omoa. OSS W ' Bt. Washington. D. C. The Harney County Live Stock Associa tion, of which I am a member, pays 760 reward for evidence leading to the con viction oi parties Ih'eK stealing stock be longing to its mem bers. In addition offer SfiOO reward. Horse brand horse shoe bar on either or both laws. Re corded in 8 counties Range, Harner, Lake aad Crook Counties. Horars vented when sold. Horses sold to pass through this section will be reported in this paper. If not so reported, please write or tele- phone The Times 1 iieraja, Mam az, Burns, t're- eon . YV W Bbown, Fife, Ore. .- ') r. : riate sihet-p Kfuf h lu , Meeee Censity The Kxaminer bss for sale one of the finest sheep ranches to Modoe county, which a trols the best range in California It consists of 660 acres all under fence. II lies along fits river for Z miles. Buniaes other Dutiaings there are twe bouses i miles apart. It is a Ideal sheep raucb. If taken quick it will be sold for vsofo. HUKKP BIcU'H s ' I a mac Rsrrv Srnns wita awaiiow roth ta . JalllC OollJ right ear tot ewrs; reverse , (or wethers. Boms ewes Square Crop and But in fight ear. Tar Brand Ul. Bang, Craae i Lake. Posloffloe address, Lakevlew, Oregon Zac Whitworth ear. Half Onderorog. of right for ewes ; reverse for wuthors Tar Brand W. Kauge, risb Creek. Posloffloe address Lakevlew, Oregon li-irir-ii-ii-ii-iri -n-i-i-i ii 6i Northern; Staaellne. ; LAKEV1EW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. . l every day but Sunday.' Returning, leaves Paisley , at 8 ;S0 a. in. every day but, , , Sonday. --..'ffr Passsngtrs' are t . Reead trlf OFFICE- Reynold A WiuitOeld's. lakevlew VVyVarVVrW mm CAVlaupROCt1 ..f a r . i i J. -.1.. . w 1 m " - - i i.V ' fsn