CHEISTMAS GOODS TP Bliffl COME AND LOOK ii iiMisbd E'er Tbarsday C. O. METZKEK. Mmfoaic balldinf ' every r')dfiice in 1 1- town i m;j I'litil with the pure, tiparUiiii; nxtuu tain watiT. flowing through pipe from the ijrin high above at! dangi-r of maiariu gi-rtciM, i p. .;n!"; tn ;t thv '.! r;i.-'ii; ?.r i.;.r l.'-.iiti.v -.irn!:tii.ri. 'J !i-f.n t tn-rv: iso Discusses Important Questions. Mat-r Fih Warden Viiu Iueu, in hi liii'Utilal rport, ili.-iiwt Mitne very iiii;...rti!t ; U'-t in relation to tin- pre. rvHtu rj of the fUli iu Orv ii ktriiti;. H- protect !rnr;g!y iirfli!lt the tiUii'llIlg "t ll'lHK hi :!!:!'- , . ;l:illili:il!H!'!!i !!! I We're Out tTo Win .ns: (One Veer, . . . ... $2.f0 fin Three .Months, 50 k I:' lit pr "i ! if. a, ))( vr tu tar-J to ait-r f-.r !Ui';t tiirin.' nil'! irrigation pur- h s ... r. $ ui. . j. i, f)2 j Health ni.ea i In. ti 7 J; 1 1 .lj 1 t.i in-bc . :m (if ii in Km zuo ing for. t'-r i-oiumii. . .. 8ti mi IS ut A t 3outi iiuxnu H "Wj fi to J6 on mi- 7t- ( iiu-tlii:: to ! t-t r.-ii to i!ier! th iiii.'.r people fl.o'ii'l fii- :na thai" a drawing poe. No pr . i!i i:i are tit a 1' in utti'iu t iunu'.gra t Ion. many iaM am- fur !ih to i.ih oer -art' !iok- tii" 'Uilim, nml tfiut tiny are hinder ed from going up .tr-niij to kpawu, and while gathered iu hnriiei.we i v. I, at i n J i i Fitwfiw BiiTjii,:H imrj.N-jai:ii:-ii!J5!:-'.--L s li our t 1 3 The Mammoth Stables I n't; m n Hiill 'IC l.lki Hi I'i.ib, J n i , . i uat reu-iieajoi, jroggie-eved, ,.i i i i . .i ... ( - " Ml'llHol.! liflilW t it:itiiM fuL.riTi(.n LAlLEVirw.OlifOON. DEC. I,IN4. 'I dcw law recently -nactel in our iit-igLbor county, Modoc, and nun in ita ex peri men tJ Btajje, Pro vidian for the publication of ttie tax li of tbe connty, nbowln exactly on m- iiat property each pertton pays ta and at what Li property i vai .(, libould le watched liy our! 1"- ; 1m -. and if anytLIng can lie gained i . loc' experitiienta, we fchould ! urtelve of fiuch a uieaxurv. one thing uch a jlan o rrttmt to, and that In, every--V III know jurt what bin ueigh- l ii . . in to the aiitMmor, and if tl- urtniinr doe notknow how inn. 1 1 property a man ha, Homebody w ih tnke the trouble to either tell him .-r the equailiation board. It U 41 t . '11. Ina iluk Ball Annowncement. There Will be a Uuk Rnll iriron r.n ei.vwnthatthepoormanpay.ljj Jber 2Cth. at G raham. ie luare a good time to own-, .t la all In niirht. aod he h&a tr-. giv.- ii in, and ft U often aald that thoii.audti of dollar worth of prop erty i. longing to the rich, wbcwe pro j -'j can not be seen at a glaoce, go nn-.-weaeL The method uaed la Mo-l. will girt the people a chance to r whether or not tbeae atate ineiitft miv true. kn..K t-Kneen, p,e-iaceu. art. ,,,.rmitt.j to hlaUtfll w tl,eIU ,JV , ed kbeepherder and the pretty, weet j tbt. tboUhfinu. TWre ,H a ,aw UBk- : 10 the lower c.untry pa;er are talk- in ,t a ItlUd(.mmDor lo tM fiBl , j ,US.u,uuiUWuI1)re uol ,n Unli wavn over dan,- or within OK) county. There are -core- that of theD Tbl- M. Vao would fill the latter dUcriptiou, but ,UM fcbooll, i,, no one that fill, the former. : M to lnflLe ,t ft ml4flt.lm.unor lo fl,u Seven ; within a pecifird dmUvnce from the lucky number by player, at chance dalD wU " -ay.. He aayn ; It.. t inu. i. . . . ... game. The McKinley-Ware-Wataon 1 ,wr aow" BDa un uKiiing, in aii-iogetner loo clow. e-lt-ia!Iy in large utreamn, and other than line and rod fishing hould lie i,ic ! uiuen, or re stricted entirely. lie aay the dams are, without doubt, one of the moot aerloua things the eoxnmlMlon bare to deal with, as to little heed U paid to the laws by veers of the water of the stream. That more stringent la we fchould be enforced to protect the nab ie apparent in tni county hire the fleh hare rapidly dlmlnUhed In the past fear year. -1'uter gang on trial in the federal court for alleged fraudulent eutrie i ui ittuu iu ii-i niuy not regaru inem Wm. R, HhkVrOKD. Proprietor After Auirust 1st we will endeavor to tlacethis I p stable on a level with any ami all stables in Kastcra fe Oregon. We have purchased all the ris, stock, M etc., and are now ready for our share of the public's j)atronac, Vou will be assured of irood Hl's, care- h j ful drivers and good stock. Sjecial accomoda I nons lor commercial travelers. 1 ;tt'l!l!l''!''MIMM!!!l'!;M!!H!!!!,'l,l''"!''" The fignt againirt the cigarette hi till aging. They are being burnt all over the world. Rceder-&-Barbaricki General Black tmi thing ..nd... Wgon Work If U ijulte noticeable la Lakerlew that wo bare bad so aickneae like Jaall,v preraUe here erery fall for a tnom liyr 10. We do not know of a ciae of typhoid fever la the town. and no other malady of more aer-J iou nai ure thaa a alight eold, aad er-tt rcry little Of that. It 1 true JLakevk-w baa alwaye been consider ed a licaliLy place, UXe it the year round, but every faD w as occasion ed by a iH of ferers of one or more fornix. all participants. The best music to be bad Lo the city will be employed. and competent floor-managers will be hired and paid a salary to take eare of dancers. Jremlnm will be awarded the best dressed lady, the best dressed gentleman and the best sustained character. These wUl be valuable prises. Ko cneap-joba stuff. Rules and regulations wUl be announced between now and that night and the dance win be conducted strictly according to pragram. People from eJJ orer the county, are eordJaUy ln rited to Attend tbls big ball, and tbey will be treated royally. The entire people of Lakerlew Join Mr, Graham is In riting outsiders to our town on that occasion and all will Ti tact that now nearly J help to entertain the visitors. j Ceo. Ayres started ft the railroad last Saturday to meet and . bring back J. 8 Johnson, a mining expert from California. Mr. Johnson was bere last fall to examine the Sage ben mines, and tbls time will exam. lbe the copper mines near Bid well. CASTOR I A Tor X&fa&ts' aal ChOdrea. Beers t&s dg&atar of HOKf-E SHOEING s SPECIALTY ' ehoes, 2.00 ' All Work Ooaraatsed Oor prices srs ala th. the year round. KEW PISE C'P.fctK 0REO0K tateriew Cigar Faetory , A. ttToutaUM, I'rop. Maker of. Havaua and Domcitic Cigars cocmr tau us aoucrrrp r- t - , . nb Wore la U brick buildmtawtdoorto Post A Vlngi loon. LskevUv w , V,VIH, FOREST RESERVE SCKir Boldiers, Additional Fcrip, Military Lsnd Varrot BSstbsfkUd Land Scrip For Si If you want Governmeut tifl lands, get a title by looting U Pcrip. Write ff pricea, R. ri. PEALE- 5prlnileld. - - - EDES HOTEL First Class 1 Accomodation Bsildlag Has Beaa Trt AeeomodsU a Lrf Dining Service Unexcelled... . . frrr 9 & i nzM vjr i ii-Grl V Ilk. cm i - --" mm m a 1 1IINH' a m w-w mm I 7 . j- SUMS JAYNfc'S TONIC VERMIFUGlC