Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 01, 1904, Image 2

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    fob Cmtntg 5x vtinrf
eahakaS Evarv Tkmraday
This Language of Ours.
Teacher What do Jtt moan.
Willie Fttwr. IVanly, that "a
hnttkhlp I a rowlmat?"
William Emcrimn Reansby You
Sheep or Cattle Ranch.
More ranches l'r fair. Thia tiro a
ahecp ranch cl 14 lrtie lying along
Pitt Kivr, and control a vaat range on
the banka ! the river and lor mile
Ta-odr kuMrvfil
Vice-Pre1 dent
!HTetary of 8taie.
Entered al thr IVt effeeat fakrvira. Ore.
a S-e-td 1M0 V ItT.
j w ill pardon my say ln that you Init h j f'WOO.
Thia ranch ia a snap at j (vrueiary of Treaaiiry
Writ, to theUke Counlr Ex-! vcrrtary interior
i Owe Year
TERMS: Six Month. . . .
(Three Months,.
ae lac k
Twm lncnea
faree Ittrhea
Jvarter .lama
a all Co.cmn
oe rnlunl. . .
miiHtmntrtw my meaning and rule
pronounce ntr word. In this In
stance the wonl f-tvw la pronounced
with the Minie found of t-w that ia
found In "com." Following thia
,1 t 1 mo J IH Bm' 1 TT J ... . .
ri w tv(4Mi ii ; direction and adopting my nypotn-
.; wwk ijaii, vou will readily diieover that I
..i m.m .(. hm' am riiiht la hit fundamental pot-
.. L'(k-jBiW4IHI6. WW :
- - - -. - i nlalr. Baltimore Amcrli-aD,
I Aat!lW..HlCCV MCI. i.
! Horre-tary of w ar .
j ireretary of Nary.
I Secretary of Com merer.
More School Land For Sale.
W mill wll cheap on gvod term
Mi aes-t half rl cc. tp. 2 S R 20 E.
Alan the et half of eec. ?S, tp. 3S, S.
All tbiland it unimproved and Wing
l.-atrd as it i. nutlet; It very valuaHe.
j rni- or ft. i a' ouice lor panic
lu iuin i tuorv outepoken and j rr, tf
iKe iwiim man iih I rvivit'uv. i
Tbt ily ul:vr th? rit-cTion Thf k-ad-fui;
iMifiiMT-j tm'ii f Vj.hinKton
XhrincvJ thf While Hou
Thronged the White House.
Ttn,iv are thrve n tlieHiMr
It riMit f nrni. Tlwy re not
th t'ii:i;u with the ancient, fori
aminer fr particulara.
In addition to the alore 14 fortiee
there ar S lorliea lying 4 or R miea ; Crrrctary of AicrtrnHnrr.
diatant, on which ther are to larga ro.ima.l?r Ororfai...
apriofra. The aWe price i. I.v the en-, O"
tire 17 tortiea. K,rrror
Special Excuratona te St LonU. j ZL"' "",,r
Ao(tntft. 9 ami 10. Septetnher 5, fl Attorney Orral
and 7 and Orlolier S. 4 and S are the re Hu rtlMie ln.(rK-ii.i
maininc datea upon which ticket will rrinlrT
he aold at the rluced ratea to the St. tlr. .J,
I Ami lair TKm f"'!f TM tit ;
1 1 ten wr and K- tirande and M iaeouri , ,!- - S"ar.
Pacific For the ttrr.n of theae road. VpnfTtmrn
tecial e'urin car will tie rnn ;
through Jrotn Portland and St. Looi :
w,lK.ot clanpe. ; H-prewe Jua
See the manv point l interrat alKtut
the Mormon Capital and take a ride
.tiihn Ha
. . . M. tha
.. E. A. Hlli honrk
W m. H.Taft
Win. II. Moody
tiro. B. "orl'lj:Oll
Jamca Wtlan
. . Ilrnry C I'ayne
f.C, K'aoa
.(ro. K. Cbanorrlala
r. I . Duaoar
V.. a. Moera
A. M.CTaorl
J. H . Arlrrmaa
J. H. Wfcltocy
J. . Haivy
Plan U aettioin of Pau o tb
('hnrrh, lketlew. Ui tn(j Spi. J
daya of each month.
lVlhel at 11 a. ro.. nd S
I lie
v re. a at . p. ro., zml and 4tb i-J
of each month.
Iakeview at 11 a. m., and 7 p.
Prayer meeting Thnrlay 7 a. n,
Suiidi- I'nion School IlcMiaaatu
Lakeriew at 7 p. in. . Yon ar ntt
invited to all the aervice. ,
ASrOBB S.1TDE, rar.
It. F. Ootid and J. K. FVrnnon
w-re hvr from AViMow Kauch l;it
to con-; Y. li nd mad thi office a rlelt while
trratulate it occupant, and each of
them !rouht a roMe. uutil Mr.
lioomrvt-lt found Iiih nrnin full juut
f Kir year airo great buncbea
4rarnatiini werv jjiven to Prvident
McKluU'y. Ainoni; the cailrre on
Wednesday was the aged w idow of
Gen. AudtTson, of Fort Sumter fame,
with a trig bunch of the heraldic
flower in her baud. The I 'resident
battened to ber carriage lo aave her
the trouble of alighting. The con
trast between the two waa worthy
Of note. Mr. Ilooeevelt could hardly
tre bees rsore than two yewra of
ge when the bOHband of thia woman
Waa heroically defending the fort
under bis command, nben your
correfipondent firat made the ac
Tnaintance of Mrm. Gen. Anderson,
3e was a (pieiit at Cranston's
famoas New York Hotel, which was
long since disappeared from Broad
way lo toe great city. Then she
Vat handsome, vivacious and in the
full rigor of middle life, with dark
hair and eyes. Now she l gray, van
nd feeble. Tbeoe little borne inci
dents show in what estimation the
President is held by bis neighbors.
1 1 is too early yet tospeak ad r ised
ly of fortbcoralnj; changes In the
Ex ecu Lire branch of tbe Govern men t
Tbera Is no hurry as every thing Is
running smoothly, and the Pres
ident cava bide his time, being master
-of the situation. Cee&use Chief Jus
tice filler will reach the retiring age
xM 72 next March, enabling him to re
ceive pension of $ 10,000 it is awnm
ed that be will resign, and then ft Is
pointed out that Secretary Toft will
lie made Chief J ant tee. Messr. Hay,
Morton, WUsoa and Met calf will
probably retain their portfolios but
fit is t bought that Keeretarie .Shaw
,aad Hitchcock may wih to resign
Jr the porpose of attending to priv
ate btMlneus. If all then things
for Mr. Cortelyoa without difplac
ng Mr. Wynne, the Tootm-jeter Oen
4rral. T1e Prestdebt wfH bare the
4'ar, the Treasury and the Interior
racandes at bis disposal. Bnt no
one can exactly forecast the futsre.
pot even, the weather man.
in town. Fersnaon wan on hia way
to the lower country where lie will
upend the winter. Mr. Oond inform
ed um that times in his section were
quiet, hut e veryone seemed tone well
prepared for winter. New Era.
A Guaranteed Care for Piles.
Itching, Fliiid, Bleeding or Protrnd
mg Piles. Drugeipta refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT iatla to core any
raae, no matter of how long standing, in
6 to 14 daya. Firt application pivea
eae and rest, 50c II your draggiat
harn't it aend 50c in stamps and it will
he forwarded pot fid by Parii Med
icine Co., bt Loaia. ato.
Geo. Turner, the Surprise valley
stock man. who was in Altnras last
week on land business, lnforaed us
that be recently sank three wells on
his ranch in that valley, and succeed
ed in getting three nice flows of
water. The deepest well being only
148 feet. He also says be is conrned
that if the people on this side would
go deep enough they could surely get
artesian water. New Era.
Arrest Itl f 50 Reward.
For anv akin diceaae. ECZEMA, OLD
SORES, PILES, PlMPLLS.etc, which
will not cur promptly. Send today for
afree treatment sufficient to cure any
ordinary case. UUYD CHEMICAL
CO., Rand McNally itidg., Chicago.
Ts Cars a Coid la Oae Day
Tableta. AH druggi.ta refund the
money if it fail to care. E. W. Grove's
signature ia oa each box. 25c.
There Is diphtheria reported at Dry
Lake and Tale Lake. Dr. Gibson has
been oat there for a few days and
has made the proper quarintluea.
New Era.
Notwithstanding the fact that
'resident P.ooxevelt Is a of
tariff rt-rUiloti, nothing will uppear
lu his iueage to Cougreiui this
winter as urging tariff revlxion at
the couilng session. No doubt the
prUident see euouh aheud to keep
the law-uiukers tuny, aud prvOrs to
more thoroughly study condition,
tnd if tariff rvridion is really advise
able aud necttwary lie will cull hd
xtra semlou. Further, no doubt,
.he president prefers to put auy
tariff revixlou Igitlatloii that
might be thought to the luUn tt of
the nation, on ground sufe from pur
chase or dicker. If a special m-hsIou
is called for ths puipone of regulat
ing the tariff oa auy article, tln-re
will be iio other lueusures to use um
It is CBSch eaain for a woaaa to conftd
4a tfas awraga maa tbsa is the average
woisaa. She know that the maa wiU re
spect ber cosndesoea amd haep tlsris to
bimarlf. He ia atrung. haa more eaperirace
of tbe world aad can belp the womaa wk
amtU auric Tbere la every reaaoa wby
womes abosld nut trwat their delicate
eoaautuuoss ts tbe hands of snakUlcd
peraona. Jt requirea a thorough medical
edocatms to appreciate and nadenuuid
tbe womanly urgamam. Wben a woman
ha ilia ana paiua thai abe cannot bear
ben life aerma dark for every womaa,
the abouid connde ber troublea to a
pbyaictitD ofyauiuting in the community,
or one w ho ha'a national reputation. Cer
tainly it would nut be tbe part of wikdom
to confide in an ignorant peraon without
medical education aimply UecaUMt abc waa
UM'mam. There ia every reaaon why ahe
ahouid write to aume great apenalit. one
who baa made the diaeaara vl women a
specialty for a third of a century, like Uf.
R V. Pierce. fotini-r ('f the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical iiifiiiu'-e, of butUo, N. Y.
All b'. corr-.p.,ndi-n:e ia held aacrt dl y con
fjdfiiiul, and ne givta bia advice free aod
Wl'.huut cbn.ifr.
ho unil'ormly nrceful baa Dr. Pieirr'a
favorite h'xriu.n ptovra in aLI frru
Of J-enutle Wriko-, f'rolaoaua, ur J-'a'.ling
of Womb, and J-ucorrhea, tliat, aftri curing
the wurxt ib u( tnre Oixirt ..uig aiid
Ae'wli'h'.fnz a::(.nU. Ut. Pieioc sow .U
fully wariai.tcd lu ofi ring lo pay Vj la
caao fur any cae of theae dlwaxr. wcicb
he cannot cure.
Ur. hlrrie Plrautnt fellrta ahouid be
aacd v.r.h ' if itKufja u wots
Svf a laaaUvc la iceuiisd.
throoeh Nature picture gallery. j
During the ciuamg month travel to
the Fair will le very heavy. H you
contemplate going write W'.C Mrftnde,
general agent at Portland for the IVnvrr
and Rio Grande, for particulars of theae
Judce ..
, j.Tf mil bell ! lTntUHl Htetee Land Office, LakevW,
( . w . uii.,n , Oregon, October rTlh, 1. x0,i B
1 Bmeer Herman hereby given that in eomnliai
u ..iuian.a..a , lr,e proviainnt of the act oi Com. '2
.f..W..Iverjo: jn. 3. ,S7H eti.led -An
I r. u.r. ' timber landa in the Mate.,.. .1
xt Ji i.t.ii Mrairr. hrtiia, Oregon,, and WaA,.
H. I- k.-n..n 1 ' Territory, aa extended to all !t,
. J. M,.rr .' nt,'c Und State by act of .W .
Il!;r;, .Manuel J. Saaret of UkerW,
!.Aa( ClM'lrTV.
Joint Senator . .
Re ree n ft U V ea
i..k a ie., t OHinty of Ijike, atate of t irmm. '
, ,' day tile.1 In thia ottii-e Im aurn
I SsJa St4' arc. 1. Nw4 SwtM,
' No. 12. in Townahip No. 5H S . R. v
A-'.'ii.g, jg E.t Willsmetie Mer., andnlltfe
. ".-.". r... o iiiaiueiie .ver., andaillf&t
.. E.K. Rinrhart , proof to ahow that the land mthlb
V, o. Ahl.irnm ' ni(,rt valuable for ilk timtr or (Vat
w. n. t ,an or agrlrnltaral ptirpoaea ttxi
Ieert Lmm4 t laal rrawf.
United State land Cttfice. Lakeview,
ttre. Nov.3,mH. Notice ia hereby given sctooisupt 1. U- tlttla . ratahltah hi claim to aaid (and Ma
that llattie Chandler of Lakeview, Ore., i Surveyor C. E. ugiter and Receiver at l.kevitr.Oie
has filed notice of iotention to make . fommiwioorr. J A7a ' r,n 0,1 M"0 JT lh da? of JM
proof on hi. drt land claim No. 4M tel , i. M1., ! I? BuntiT'A
for the nw l4 of ae'4, , of aei4 c. 16 j . I Young. Waie Ruaaell, a I of Uknw,
and n'4 of ne1 sec. SI tp. 38 8. R 21 ! j Oregon. Any and all person claimu'
E, W. M- before Pgiater and Receiver I Wsated j adversely tbe above dM-rihed UodiM
at lakvie. Orecf.n. on Mondav. the ! SrxtTAL RrraragvTATivg in thia county 1 requested to file their clairat ia tiiit 4-
19th day of Itecember, JH.
He names the folios ing witnesaes to
prove the complete irrigation and recla
mation of aaid land : J. M. carry, John
carl, Wm. Smock, Thos. cor mis, all of
Lakeriew, Oregon.
45-41 J. N. Watsosi, Register
and adiotning lerntoriea, to represnt ee on or te-lors aaid Kith day of Jut
and advertise an old eaUtiliahed hual-1 mT7 i-".
uees houae of aoli.t financial atandtng.
Salary fl'l weekly, with Exprnaea d
vaoced ea-h Monday j check direct
frotu headquarter. Horse and buggy
furnished when nsrtwaary ; ptantion per
manent. AddrM Blew llroa. A Co.,
Lept. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. 40
44 I
J. N. Wavsos, Rrgkur
ia im la fUe Uvm tsjL
Baaattk yalkMfWIUwl!Wll
Some Real Estate Bargains
We Sell land on Smallest Commissions
t7)H)(rtrfvLand for asle near
Paialey. Io sections 28, , 15, 14, 53,
ia tps 34 R. 10.
I'almpm ret Land for sale, near
Paisley. In sections 35, S3, So, 26, tps
33, R. 18.
Uulmpro red Land for sale on Lower
Chewaweaa. fa sections 13, Ifl, , 30,
tjs35, R.20.
Kljunutb couotjr.--Laod lor ask.
Unimproved, at a Urgain. wriu for
particular sod number.
MlUMhle Punt ure. W will sell j
sore tana in urge or small tracts, if
yoo own land in Lake county and want
to buy unociupied l0i adjoining it
wriu Tlie Examiner.
timber Lmod-U Catuai Prairie.
Some fine patches ol timber cao be
bought at this office.
A'erLAere-. One mile south is
80 acres of pasture land. Write or call
at this office if you want to buy.
Crvoked OeeJt.-Vs Lavs for sale
some valuable pastor Und is Crooked
Creek valley that can b. had rcasouaU.
Abert .sJre.-Pasture land at the
south end of Abert Lake can be had
reasonable. Write lor price and particulars.
The Exammer Company,..
C. O. METZKER, Agent