Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 24, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 47.
'or Nearly Four Hundred Years OneDav in,of,orfe'ryontweut-one count8 l
' I ft Jury In the United States District:
Each Year Has Been Set Aside For
Giving Thanks to the Almighty
1IANKS(UVING: Think what
he word Implifsl Not a day
for a jieople of one single rellg.
hoi sect to celebrate, not a day for
at political party to celebrate, not
h day for one tact Ion of a party to
Jiold In memory as a monument of
Jdrtory over Its rival faction, not a
lfjr for a people of one nationality
fco wear colors, but a day tor every
American to celebrate and give
i banks. Tor what? 'Tfrere to touch
ho be thankful for this year. New
domes, closer tlesA happy families,
Hbondaiit to eat and wear, health,
Ull appeal to every one of ns as some
thing for which we owe a debt of
jrstltude to the Almighty overseer
who lias allowed us to live to accept
Ills gifts.
The Thanksgiving of to-day, Is an
American Institution and a matter
V proclamation on the part of the
ulm I u 1st ration. It Is a thing that
ie deeper than Its National sig
nificance, and finds Its firm root, not
merely iu the customs and affections
'if one people, but In that potent
Imagination that everywhere sjteaks
the aMplmtlous of iuunklud and
token lu no vague tones the
triumphs of common humanity. j
The festival began about a year ,
lier the landlug of the 101 pilgrims
it Plymouth ltock on the Mayflower
on November 21st, In the year 1020.
The first year of the Pilgrim set
tlement, despite the terrible first
printer, was successful, and this tact
appealed to the second governor,
HUllum Bradford, as au especial
itason tor proclaiming a season for
Thanksgiving. Edward Wlnslow
thrice governor once wrote;
"You shall understand that, in the
little time that few of us have been
lre, we have built seven dwelling
huuses and four for the use of the plan
tation, and have wade preparations
to"" divers others. We set last Spring
w 20 acres of Indian corn, and
owed some six acres of barley and
la, and, according to the manner
' the Indians, we manured the
ouud with herrings or other shads,
which we have In great abundance
Qd take with great ease at our
4'JorH. Our corn did Drove well; and
"od be praised,, we had a good In
'ease of Indian corn; and our bar
'V indifferently good, but our jeas
N-C-O. liases Alturas.
The N. C. O. Ity. surveyors huve
"iupletud surveys to u point three
"Hos east of Alturas. This practic
ally settles the Question us to
whether or not the N. 0. O. would
liulld through the tow n of Alturos,
"less the official make some
before friu-k Living Is com-
"H'Ueed. "
Jf Alturas wauts the road, of
urse we uro willing that It should
Ht It, otherwise It makes no differ-1
""to to people of Lake comity wheth
f the road builds into Alturas or 3
lilies east, Just so it comes on audi
ullUs luto Lakovle. 1
I ilAnKrUL JhUK;elghttnper80l,8t0 apr'llcat,ona for
not worth the catherlnir: for we
j feared they were too late down.
They came up very well and blossom-
ed; but the sun parched them In the
"Our harvest gotten In, our Gov
ernor sent fonr men on fowling, that
so we might, after a special manner,
rejoice together after we had gather
ed the trait of our labors. The tour
In one day killed as many fowl as,
with a little help, beside, served the
company almost a week, at which
time, amongst other recreations, we
exercised our arms, many of the In
dians coming amongst us, and
among the rest, their greatest King
Massasotl, with some 90 men, whom,
for three days, we entertained and
feasted, and they went out and kill
ed Ave deer, which they brought to
the plantation and bestowed on our
Governor, and on the Captain and
the others.
"And although It was not always
so plentiful as It was at this time
with us, yet from the goodness of
God we are so far removed from
waut that we wish you partakers of
our plenty."
Thanksgiving Is a day for honest
H reside delights, when mother and
father are surrounded by their chil
drenwho have gone forth Into the
world to seek their fortunes, and
now return to the haunts of childhood
days to be once more gathered be
side their aged parents to tell of
their struggle and receive, their re
wards of smiling approval, and to
once more show their love for those
who are responsible for their being
and renew affections.
"Good crops all gathered in the barn,
All safe from rain and snow and harm.
Bring joy aud pleasure to the farm.
Gay young toddlers around the floor.
With Willie in a glad uproar
In tne nrst boots tie ever wmv.
Old age enjoying youthful mirth,
In useful lives of honest worth
Making the best of life and earth.
Ws of Lakevlew and Lake county
can boast of plenty to the world,
but we are over thankful to a Su
preme Kulor for this plenty. Today
is the day set aside for offering
thanks. !t us not forget that ours
might bare been a different fate and
be thankful that we have something
to be thankful for.
It Is believed that surveying bus
been dlscoutluuud for the winter, but
more than likely will bo resumed as
curly us the weather will permit iu
the spring. On this polut. however,
better weather is expected here fur
the next two months for' such work
us surveying thuu the crew will flud
iu the spring. But that Is the Ball-
road Co's business, uot ours.
It Is uot at all Improbable that
next spring the survey will be run us
far ns Lakevlew, and possibly by fall
track laying will lie no great dis
til nee from here. The dlstauce Is uot
so great that the work of building
from Madeline to Lakevlew could
not be accomplished In one summer.
Henry Meldrum, former U. 8
Surveyor General, vai found guilty
j Court, on the 17th.
This is the iirst
conviction In the so-called land
j fraud cases, now peuding before
I Judge Bellinger. Meldruni was ac-
cused of having forged the names of
surveys of land in Harney county,
Oregon, west and "ojthwest of
Harney Lake. The contract for sur
veying the land was awarded to
Rufus 8. Moore, Meldrum' nephew,
for $3,500.
The evidence given by the govern
ment witnesses was. damaging all
along and Geo. C. Brownell's plea
tor clemency for bis client on the
gronud of sympathy had little bear
ing. J. W. Hamakar of Klamath
j falls, . before whom . the affidAvlte
were sworn was summoaed by the
i 0ra" P" "tngth of an
interview u. 8. District Attorney
John Hall had with Hamakar in a
saloon box in Portland last spring
In which Uamakar dented that he
had signed the affidavits or attached
his official seal as Notary Public,
saying that he was in San Francisco
at the time the papers were suppos
ed to have been signed by hi in at
Klamath Falls. When be was put
on -he stand he swore that the sig
natures were his and also that the
seal was his and bad been attached
to the affidavits by him. When ask
ed by Attorney Hall to explain why
be had denied the signatures to him
last sprtrg Hamakar stated that the
signature was an old one of his used
In 1900, and he had forgotten Its ap
The names of the 18 persons apply
ing for surveys to be made were read
to the witnesses but none of them
were known, except Stephen Young,
who lives all of 69 miles from the
land Mr. ' Young lives in Lake
The Oregonian says:
"Mr. Hamakar was summoned by
the state, but he proved a splendid
witness for the defense. It seems
that when the case was before the
Federal grand Jury, Mr. Hall met Mr
Hamakar In one of the drinking box
es at the Imperial Hotel bar. At
that time Mr. Halt showed Mr. Ham
akar the 18 affidavits and Mr. Uam
akar did not; believe the signatures
and the notary seal were bis. lit.
Hall evidently thought that Mr.
Hamakar would again deny the gen
uineness pf the seaJ and signatures.
The surprise came "when Mr. Uam
akar testified that the seal was bis
seal and the signatures were written
by his own hand.
It was then that Mr. Hall called
Mr. JIamakar's attention to the little
conversation which they had In the
box. Mr. Hall roundly scored
Notary J. W. Hamakar and hinted
broadly that Hamakar should be on
trial along with Meldrum."
After a short deliberation the Jury
brought In a verdict of guilty.
The penalty for Meldrum's erlme is
not more than ten years Imprison-
lueut or f 1000 fine or both, for each
count upon which be was convicted.
Meldrum was given 30 days In which
to (lie a uiotlou for a new trial. He
Is out ou bonds.
Portland will get the next session
of the Iirlgatlou.t'ougress. The Con
gress Is iu session now at Klpuso
Golng away from home to get the
news, we get the following from the
Redding Free Press: A rcpresenta-
I tlve of the Shaver Transportation
.Company of Portland. Omron. hn
been In Lakevlew, Oregon, and vicin
ity examining Goose Lake for the
purpose of ascertaining whether or
i not suitable landings can be made
or a sieain ooat u put on uoose
Lake. As a result of these investiga
tions a report was sent in stating
that the handling of freight and the
passenger traffic will justify the
building of a combination boat.
One landing Is to be made at the
south end of the lake presurafngly
to connect with theN. C. O. Railroad
which is being built toward that
point and from there the steamer
will make the run north, with land'
ings for the towns of WfSlow Ranch
and; Pine Creek, then reaching, the
north end of the lake where a to -mlnal
landing is to be made at Lake-
view. On tbe return southward
one landing will be made at Drews
Creek for the west of the lake, then
swinging back on the east side on
the return trip touching tbe first
named points. The amountof water
to lie used from this lake In tbe gov
ernment Irrigation scheme will In no
way effect the steamer's run. New
' All this stuff about a steamboat
on Goose Lake Is tommyrot, and
only Indulged In by a few for some
thing to say and those who probab
ly know no better. There Is not a
landing place on the lake except at
the foot of Sugar hill where tbe
water is of sufficient draugh to ad
mlt a boat large enough to haul a A boat
could not get within five miles of any
town In the valley without dredg
ing. Then to talk of steamboating
on Goose Lake Is tolly, unless you In
tend to build a new town down on
the marsh at tbe head ot tbe lake,
Tbe water for two or three miles
from tbe end of the lake Is very shal
low, and only In tbe center of tbe
lake Is the water 14 or 13 feet deep
and gradually gets shallower as you
.get near the shore.
We are not from Missouri, but we
have to be shown where Lakevlew
or Pine Creek can be benefitted or
gsjiu any lra2 boai a steamboat on
the lake. Or where a single farmer
or stockman could be benefitted.
The thing is Impracticable and was
never talked ot by any man who has
money enough to build a steamboat,
only to have a little sport with a
few "steamboat cranks." If any one
wants to movs down on that alkali
bed at the bead ot the lake to receive
boats let them go, we'll stay here.
J. H. Bonner Dead.
Word was received here Sunday
that Hon. J. H. Bonner, the Cedar
vllle, Calif., bauker died at bis home
In Cedarvllle last Saturday night,
after a continued Illness.' Mr. Bcnner
Is the father of District Attorney
Bonner of AHuras. He was one of
the first men to go to Surprise val
ley, where be went In partnership
with Hon. W. T. Cressler father of
S. O. Cressler of the First National
Bauk of Lakevlew,. lu the mercantile
business. After many years of suc
cessful buslnes iu this Hue the Cress
ler & Bouuer stores were leased and
they started a bank. They continu
ed In business together until two
years ago. Mr. Cressler bad a sick
.. . . 1. 1. i . .....i i.i '
Spell iroiU WHICH II was ii-arvu iw
A committee composed of represen
tatives of tbe Oregon State Confer
ence of Charities and Correction and
of the Prisoners aid Society la at
work on the drafting of a number of
bills to lie presented to the next legis
lature for enactment. "
A bill providing for the punish
ment of wife-deserters Is probably
the most notable one. This measure
has been adopted In several states
with good effect.
A statute creating a Juvenile Court
in cities of 100,000 Inhabitants or
more Is another meas'ure.
Another measure under course of
preparation is that providing for
the Indeterminate sentence and par
ole of criminals on the first offense,
except In such grave crimes as high
way robbery, arson, manslaughter,
assault with Intent to kill, and others
ot a. like nature.
This measure Is also approved by
the Governor and In tbe opinion ot
tbe commltte, Is certain ot passage.
It will provide that a nu upon con
viction for a crime may be sentenced,
but If tbe Judge so wills, not Impris
oned. That he may be allowed to
go on parole, during good pehavior
without loss of cltlsen8hlp. During
tbe parole, however, he will be under
tbe surveilllance of the court and
should he be arres ed for and serve
not only the first sentence, but both. . .
Tbe law would do away with the
idea ot a fixed term of Imprisonment
irrespective of reform. On the other
band the release would not be uncon
ditional and would be under guard,
bnt would give tbe man a chance to
reform and an Incentive so to do.
Tbe creation of a state board ot
charities will be asked for, wbich
board will have supervision over
and stand In relation ot a councillor
to tbe public charities of the state,
as Is tbe case In nearly every state ot
tbe Union. -
An attempt will be made to get
the Legislature to make some prov
ision tor the training and Instruct
ion ot the feebleminded and idiotic
charges ot the state. Under the sys
tem practiced In Oregon no provis
ion Is made for tbe Instruction ot
such unfortunates. They are bunch
ed together with every class of In
sane. In other states It Das been
demonstrated that the feebleminded
can be taught tbe simpler crafts and
made ot some use to tbe world, and
It Is the wish of the commltte to ac
complish this end here. ,
would not recover, when Mr. Bon
ner bought out his partner and has
since conducted tbe bank alone.
We are Informed that tbe bank will
be closed. Tbe business Is pretty
well settled up, as Mr. Bonner's Ill
ness has caused great apprehension
for some time on tbe part of his '
Favors the Homesteader.
Au important land case was decid
ed recently In Jackson county Involv
ing a homestead claim and a timber
land claimant. H. K. Holland had
filed a homesuead and afterward
Paul lambert filed ou the same land
under tbe timber and stoue act.
After consideration of the testimony
the case was decided lu favor ot liel-
land, Tbe homesteader.
The decisiou Is au Important one,
as It will ettuct about 20 other coses
of the same character iu what Is
kuown In Jackson county as the
Dead lndiau couutry. ,