i I THOUGHTS I THANKSGIVING Now the time is ettini; nearer To that thankful time of year. For the turkey ami the festive Pumpkin jie: You shouM want tolook your best On that turkey-eating lest, So keep I'ieher's ;ood iroixls Alwavs in vour eve! You can't think of Thanks giving and good things to eat and economy, without thinking of . BIEBER'S CASH STORE BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, E'fC, ALW AVS ON HAND AT THE ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JuUN WENDELL, Proprietor . AT PWESE.VT LOCATED - BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVIEW iini E The Lakeview Mercantile Company General Merchandise g Water Street - Reward of t2,000. The WtiiJrotviTu AHKtN-iatioii of Luke Couht v w ill oriruiiize lierma-' neiitiy next month, l iitil mich time, I w ill j;ive a reward of HJ.ihhi for the arrent and conviction of any party or parti'- i:it y of maiiuii.K r kill-' illil nhl-p U'.iillulliX to UeMiiUTH if .. , . ... the temporary orgunizutlou. K B ( ii.vMil.tit. OASTOniA. a tr jta tan r-iw ,wxn 8 jiutai f "STRONGEST IN I ONE UUNDKEI) I ASSETS $381,000,000 R SURPLUS $73,000000 FOR J Lakeview, Oregon Il'lilin? Lost, Strayed or Stolen. About lav :. V.XU fr...,. t......v'M 1 vl'l'r ranch. Calif., 1 black old, 10 bund in Tehama county. yearn liili. weijcht about ,,.,undM, branded Ii ou left , , . atlfle; baa In-en worked and tdtow a bartieim murk. fiA) reward for bU n .i.ri.. ui.u a Nioieu u,r couvie. t ion of the thief. Addrean: ! I H. Moo.scv. owner, Teluuiu, Cul. I'! or Wil. Hai: ev, likeview, On: i i -S. . THE WORLD rOUCY HOLDERS IX LAKH COUNT V K -X J. L. SMITH. Special Agent LakeviewAnd Vicinity Win. McCMIuinl wu here from 1 BaMcy bM w-ek. I The fik.II of !'irt Arthur i till I "hourly expeeted." I Chaa. LVclettoii nml will' wore up I tow n l-nt Saturday. Three new residence are nolng up Id the Walter addition. Mra. B. H. AiIhiiih mm moved to Palnley from Summer Lake. A pair of lnK oubt to lait four year, or election t'oini' oficiicr. eo. Boone w u. here from Warner tirxt of the week with a band of Cattle. Win. Harvey returned from hiit i Summer Luke Mock ranch Monday evening. J'.d. Hartxou mul wile o( Pine Creek were iKitinjj in our city luat ; Saturday. President Boom-veil baa prouticd to visit tlie st. Loubt Fair ou Nov-euiU-r L'r.tu. lruhum4a Bund diHoourwed moiiio line munie on tlie ntreet hint Wedue day eveuiug. Ed. Culderwood of Adel helped drive the Wuruer cuttle to Lakeview latit Sunday. Call at the photograph gallery mid nee the up-to-date work of Mia i Anna Schlageb ! It U aaid the diphtheria U Mug j atatuped out at Bleber and all other ' placeii ill that vicinity. I Beuiember the TbaukHgiving bull 1 next Thurttduy night, at the opera boUHe, given by the llund. Wm. Harvey mid fumily expect to : leave for Shu FrancUeo about the ' tirKt of the mouth tor u vhtit. Booaevell bun reeeived upward of ' pl.tWO telegram of c itigrut Ululiolm ull of which he aula hew til uiinwer. ! Hir mercbunta ure cotiftaiitly re-: i ceiviug iicw 4?Hida. Tea ma arrive; nearly every day from the railroad. ! .Miw Auua Schliigel, the photogra. j ' pher, inviteH the puhlie to make the gullery a cull nul iiiHpeet her work. j L. A. Miwh brought the ballot box down from Painley lut Tuuraday. j Mr. Momm made thiH office a pleutaut -i ' i. I'. Light ami Harry Bailey Hpeut aeveral day In Bit; ralley butt 1 1 week tinning. They returned home Sunday. t I A telephone ineaHage from l'uinley ; blot Sunday evening Htated tliut Mm. j J. E. Harper, of that place, wan aer I loUHly III. ! VV. F. Iviree and wife huve moved ' to their borne in tow u from the" (Jamu aaw mill, w hen? they nent the Hiiuuuer. Jim IKkIhou iha moved IiIm f:i.liil!y into hie mother' dwelling where they will live while Jim ix U-low 't.u Ine kf oe1. j Bobt. Jonea of Surprlms valley, who iplwyl the XL ranch J aV I.. . ...It...- S ' " . .. ... f . i I..... lieo. Harrow of Hotel Lukeview det.urted ou Tueadur uioruini--i ( - western atace for Sun i rauc m:o. : OccaHion principally fun. j Vnden, proprietor of the u-.t..rn iiuvm tli.w u I, t week, having come over the Hue making a K'Ma-ral ltiMj--t inn, Duo Pay A cr4 evcrv V The Equitable Life Assurance .Society cf New TcrL Jack Mel'ulley wan In tow n Mbn dny. tieo. l. lu ll wan in from 1'w wtol camp Monday. .... H li.limnii w hi ut from rliie Cn-ek Tintidiiy. WIlliM Seaiumon eame over from IMimh Tnelay. Have Ldler wa In from hi tdieep eiimo Tuetidav. jmk lurry" ..- moved t.. i,tke - view tor the w Inter. The tow n of Bend In Crook eotinty , in lakiiii; HfepH to ineorporute. John Tannehlll Im Kick w ith typhoid fever at Mr. StedieiiMon'n n'fldenee. J. N. Wutmin'H biiiiw Ih iieariui; I completion. I'rof. liraham In puint- i .iiinii. i T. J. Jordan, the Spoiiane bixtor- I bu. returned fr un.er Monday tltuht. We liave a w't Ion of jtoim! tlmt-r laud for Hah Muilea uorth went of Stiver I JiLe. The tirri. Ik-11 wan raim-d to lt-i tow er on top of the new city hall yeMer day moiling Buy your heating toven at the Monogram, AhlMtrom Brew, net them up, no extra charge. I'rof. J. g. Wllllm iM'k'iin a term of Hchool ludt week at the ruiounchool boiiHrf tn the Went Side. Ir. Ialy wan called to I'alHley i yeleroay morning 10 aiiriiu iu. t . liobkltiH, who la tterlounly ill. Mr. lUtrd, the agent of the Forehtry Bureau w ho baa tvu j;at ImtIhk j data, departed lirnt of the week. j A letter received at thU ortU-e from Frank EvaiiM HtateH that he In at the ! Columbia Uoldfleld Mlnttie lUtrict. , Thinw who liaweu't Mevured tla'lr , wtuter'H wood ituiy have to nance to' I keeji warm before nprlux- WoikI in1 ! Heurxc. ! Tin mi. Flook a nil w Ife were here from Buck ri k litHt of the week mukinj; It n 'i 1 proof on their tiniUr land CllliUIM. The M.Meiraiii hend'iuurie rt for cold Weather j;oodt, "weatem, over coutH, K'oveM, blaiikel- and com- forterd. The Silver Lake )ivj;ouiau naya I notltied not t negotiate or pur Jack Ptirtln baa moved to Silver j chae a certain rromWaory Note Lake iu order to be near a yood dated at Lake view, Oreuott, ou or " ol. ! about the !lrd day of October. JS04, Mra. F. K. llarrla returned from ! for the principal num of f tloo.00, pay- S 11 miner Lake Friday where ahe baa been vlMltltig her alater. Mm. C C. ilarria. (eo. llunklni baa been at work on a dewert ark the pat few daya, mak- InK ready to co on the d-nert with bia ahifep. Mr. Bona McDuiileU . wixheH to unuouuee that ahe will keep bourdera Iu the upier atory of tlie Walker livery atuhle. .1. 1'. Hil;xr, riVi.Ktu 01 a cattle compayy at Steele Swamp, Modoc comity, wua doiii l.iinliteH iu Ijike view liuit week. W. 11. Shirk wita called over to Klamath county flrnt of the week to meet aotne aople who were eoui in thereto lnveatlt;utelund mutU-ra. f)ver2,5tMi.OOO i-hauKoU hand- on the election In aportinj? cin-lea In New York City. K. II. Httrrluiuii la aald to have won fjuu.nua ,, tM, election. The death of Mm. Mabelle Hoffner iu Arizona ia announced In the ( e lar vllle Bei:ord. Mra. Iloffner wu the 1 daughter of Mr. II. M. Cliapimni of !:... 11 Old eu. Orniid Tbniikt.i;i -lujr bull, Thtir day liilit at the opera bonae, Xov. 'J4ih. Ticket 1..V). The lient iiiuhIc that can U' bad and jood flour inanaueuieiit. Au oratilwd baud of boraethlevea that bare lai n oia'iutiujj in northern ira:tt ctiUBty tut aeverai yeura ure iM-Iiijf hotly puraued by aheilff'a poaaeH, reinforced by enraged atock ineu who are determliad to break up the tutitf. A Sure Thing. Business cannot be car ed on nowadays with i , , . rietl on nowadays with- J " Ml out the banks assistance j We Offer CVCfy COUTtcsy consistent with conserva itive banking today, to. 1 morrow and every day. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP LAkEVICW lAH HP CAPITAL 150,000.00 WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT, Below we give a report (. the neathw ltd reeonled by ti e (ioveritnirnt omihrr biiremi ituuiu ' Th Kmiiiiiicr (itlit Thin rexrt in ehnt:.'.l emh mx-lj, mul if "'r kwp erly re,rd .(I entlier t'olKJiliiiii for tutiirr rudir. '; eiiee, cut out tlie rex.rl clonit ll black . line and p-te it in ncrap IhHik no it-k after Mother. Thi rtd i! m likken on Tuely to enfl eeh e k and iH'iiiii on Wednesday (or the next wk. Government Wralber Bureau St lion at l.aktVtew, Oregon, C. O. Virrtii.it, Local (ilwerver. Week etnllujf Ttnday. Nov. 19(4. ljr max , mlo. roct nn'w 1.11 iml mm wed. thtir. frid'yl INI j lOtloy. "tl.ilil 00 j ".wrT tm I " UK S4 I i is i Hat y I 1 . " .'. j w) og j iiionTf :a :tf o.iw) oi "an. I i I I I Notice to Sheepmen, w w to anmiunti, to the ,lwt.p. ,,. ,,f jke County and vicinity tmt W4. w p, Inutfliter nheep and bnubM at our y ard on comiulmildti, at W rent a n-r beinl. Mm.IJ:k Lt x, 44-4';, San Kranclwo, Calif. We ar reeelvhiu numertam lt (juirien for farnm and biiiiicH luca tliiiiM, and en ii find a buyer for any kind of property If placed III tlie haniU of Tlie Examiner Leal Kuta'e Co'h hamU. tf Notice. All jM-rnotn. are hereby warned and able on or l-efore ote year afterdate, w ith Intereat ou aaid I'rlnclpal urn at tlie rate of ten jier ceut., per num from date, payable to tlw order of Chim. I'mbacb, and executed and I l'y Warrea C. 1-iiril en- Jatuea Barry, The Hlicnut urea of .aald Ialrd aod Barry to aald note were obtalued tbrouKh fraud aud the aald Notewaa exeeiitiil without eonalderation. 4.V4S Wahiiks C. Laiiiii. Mltta Carrie TouniuKvu laat uu day entertained aeverid little glrto 1 au enjoyable luauuer. They took their lunch and weut up Bullard can yon for a pleulc. The weatlwr wa Juat a trifle cool lor picnicking U"1 the ground w ur" auu tb jobcJ aU-ra kept warm playing and enjoy lug their outlug, .while Mia- Too iiitiKa'ti had uo tliiie to g't euA from watching the children have good time. 9 L 1 copper rrvcrcdi r 1 ti .A m'-. rwrrf i i 1 1