I i - CANCER CAUSED BY BURNS. Frevmlenre of the Malady Among the Natives of Kashmir Thu Accounted For. Jonathan Hi'TMrwrn. during Ms re tfnt trip tc V. Us. n a. .nr IMerfst Ine iibrc-i i v : t .lrte. :il i. bv m nier.ts ui r. '.i r- r N 'f rr "I jr. way. bsvs ! Pv i! i'r-i-i vt i :-,. ; -ord. In tr. Tn !- f r Yi'.vrir " ' an ftlT'ii or tt-r cause tf srirr wbi'-h 1' wo n. e cot. !s frrm Vr. Hutchir:-(iL's i?n. for 1' ha al! b' i:r mark; o.' h:s s;!e am! of Ms 'irr of thoutht. The wri'rr of IN .'-.:-l rails nf-f'i ? I . ; rt tn ti 'i -ti i f ranrpr tint prevails tn Ktsr.n::r "Vale of Cashmere" of the pi:s. T: ;.s Tarirty of rar.rpr is an rji!-! t 'irin, whii-h is ret irm:';ar In a t. c ! "1 ners. i: irtr- lv of pci.!iar oritlu. The site c :l;e cr'h is tlNr:!. :! domen or the Insi.: of the h!r !:. CI -:l rases reported by Eln'sii. bf lot c suo as IStifi fi tir were In females ami 16 in malt. Ir. Elmslie attributed the ('.isnse to a curioits local custom of the lrhr brants of Kashmir. It seems that Karnlr. wtit-h is an elevated va!lev p trore M- h mountains, has a severe winter iN!n;R!e. and the natives carry what is call, d a kar.erl. This is a Bmall brazier, filled with burniCE charcoa.1. art! is carried und- r nea'h the cl-.ithine. It is of earthen waro, protected by wickerwork. M'hen the bearr Is in ti;e ereot position the kar eri bancs on the ab.i.ruen, but wben f ittirg Jt Is piaced between the thigbfc. la Kashmir co man, woman or child think s it pos-ible to be comfortable in wiutcr without a kar.gri under the clothes. Other writers have described tt"is pe culiar custom, and a refe-crre Is matte to it In the Fritisi? or -J c'rpet ia. Krr-r-v come alui'l a.ltit'.inn to cur ktrwlfdce of kaneTi career have been rr.a:":? by Pr. Neve, the head of a. mission ' ':' ret t' Kf hn lr. He proves .that the Lis-rase is returner, for be re fers to car'y 5r0 cases. These cases point irct:b'tab'y to local Irritation freqtifr.tjv r- peated bttrrs from the Vari gri as the cause of the disease. In this respect the subject of kaneri cSncer offers nothir.p new. for the fact that cancer originates in local irritation U generally accepted. ' If You are not Pellicular don't travel wr ibe llliinin Centra!. ' anv oWl road ill n von ami e bnt 't i.nr uimii Hue ; bill if y.m are particular ami ii' t :lio lwl ami mean to have it. Hk ( I ' tickei awem to route von via tl-r II I I VI t KM K.U.. U, j mail I li.it i "ii- ili"iit!ii "lii ntiile i traiio" iH'tuiriiM I'biiI. Omaha, t l:i v". jsi.ljiutf. Mempliis. ami Nc l'iie.o I V.. ...! .. ; i i....r..u lu IiiHiIm lor .1 UHUl I .M'fliliil '""hi m'"' . !in . ii i r rer iixi'K chair rt l htte.l Willi iMvalitriea Hiul Mil ! ro.un. a:l live a (wirier in Ther i iiin'e Cani'rh i" iIhh -eclioti .il Hie i-.nini rv than at n'lnr ill eafes hii xteilier. mih! iinul I lie lasl lew er a Mip.oM"l l I'e im iirablc. Voi a i':eal nia" vi-iir diN'lors pin n oiiuhI il Iim'hI i)ijeio.eaini prtorll lm-iil reini'i'iea, nnil -v con-lHIiHy (ail ii i: to cure local ircatnienl, pro- nonr ! i iiicutab!!1. Sciems" ba prov in rutin ili toilie a coti-tn in wnial ilii-ea-e an. I thr-rclore reiiii-' roiitlutiniial ! treatment. Hull (. alarm I lire, maim- ! fiirliireil bv '. .1 i In-neV V Co. Tolitlo, Mtt.-ioluni-e I Ohio, la Mie oi.lv coiict II Ullnhal cure nil ;rtte. i.a the ILLINOIS t KTK A I. '' "mrh ' V -1.,I.UH and e iil be ila.l .o lr. 10 .lr..,.- I". lea-,Ha.nf.il. It .o.o.e tl ... ronn.n l.i.M will. m r.v .Itr-rtlv on tne I.I.H..I ami miiit.na ,rn-cot.ei. Hi In.- " '"-"" '" - -"'' 1 l-v ofi-r one i. ii t i ... 1 1 i- hum e'l ilollara (..i iinv case II laila to I.. II. I III l. ' lltl i V.IIIIIIHMIIII . . cure, r-emi lor cirrmai ami 11-1.1.1111011- Ihih A LI leilo. O. HJ Tiorti s ieet, I'ort Imiil Ore. , J. C. I hiosvv. T. r . A I'. A., H2 Tbirii StiiH-i, i'.Hllumi. Ore. I'aul It Thomron, Krt. A; pHSiemter Alien l , Column rink'., Seattle, Wavli. K. J. CIILNKY Co. To Sol I by I h i iw i "t h 7.V. Hall's Tatnllv I'lile aie the la-ct. 1...!.... w Ii.,i.l t.t...iol..f f.e .if -' "' " Wanted tlie ruii.lv Kt..n-. went to ljikcview S., ( , u l;i;i-i;iii:vrATlvi: In tliia l:int w.H-k Mini itmlitiH.iil the Luke- county ninl mlj' .tniiiK terilt irlea to view moiIii foiindiiii. fir w ill IpMiiII rriiri aoiit ami it. I vertir mi nl.l i-t i l- 1 llNlltMl Illl-IU.'HS II..IIM.' Ill HOII.I Illlllll- It ill hi Mnie in a few tlfiVH everyoi.e rn'i yet rrfri-Hlilns ftulti ut will. Ne Km. (Tin aotlrt fotiutiiin Mr. Siimiiifrnnk l.otilif liorv wjiMthf one owned lv S. V. Kulinrt.) Tin- j'tU of tin- CuurikMiia iiro Hiiiil to Ik- foiireiilini; imported nnna by luir.vinu: tlietii in collina. with the timiiil fuui-rul rerrluoniea, the .ollr' not iiotlrliiR that the deuth rate la rather higher thun imuiil. BUY THE rial ataiiilliitf. Salary fJl weekly with ra'linrH. pul.I earh Monday by rbrrk direct from lira. 1,'unrtora. F.x pelisea advancrd: poaitioli jaTina nriit. Wr furiiii-h rverythiiij;. Ad dren. TIIL COU MIUA. CM Moiion lUlildllig, Chicuuo. III. A -11 N Ladies Wanted A l'.i!ii;iiT K.NtKUKTic Woman wciiiiau'H work. IVniiaiirnt umi tiotl. Old (Ktalilir-hed Ininlliraa hollar of mil id tlnaui'lal Htan.lliiK. Salary f 12 to fl wwkly, with rxiwnwa, paid enrh Moiidaydlrtft from hrad quarterx. KxiK-tiai-a advancrd. Wr furulBh everything. AUdreaH, Srcn' tnry, C2t) Monon lilork. Chlrimo, III. a-41 -H PROFK5SIONAU tt.ll. HITH ,M.D a. K. L. STRIKItR, M. II. at II ITH A TlkR fh) air Una and mraeii. Lake view. r. OKKICB- IWaJI-! limit "t"". " iuwww.0 pniniiiily .lay or niunt. - IIHTV IIAI.L lh)alria and staraeaa OFKK'E-New Daly lilt i lilt its . IH O - lltNOIIIxl IH-allal l4tk -vhWi KftlM OFI K K- Hl) Hull. II. m. I.. '. -w tltarnr) a Ijiw akrvlrw. OrM HKKIfE- IhiIj ll.iilil.mt W J SIOOKK Atlnrar) -at-IJiM . akrvlrw . Wr OKt'irt:-iHiK it.iii.iing. To take effivt, Tuesday, Apr, 1 I I. It. Vr.tATOK A t lurnrj - iJk Ijind Maltera HMrlalt OKFU'K Italy Hiiilrtliui. Iryingr preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry tip the secretious, which adhere to the membrane aud decom pose, canning a fur more serious trouble than the ordiixary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing iiiimlnntj fames, Biiiukes and snuSa and uae that which cleanses, soothes aud lie&la. Ely's Cream Bairn ia stich a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All dniKRists sel the 50c. aize. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., K. Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself OTer an irritated and angry surface, reliey. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Kasol Catarrh and Bay f erer. The Vienna police nre about tu ex periment with u pho noKrnpl) In tak ing a prlmmer'n an went to queu tloim nakrd in the n-liiuliiary exam ination, ho that when the actual trial taken place thrre may la- nodla pute ua to what wan mild. HOODIfH Of THE KIORLD:.- MMU Oil tllf 11 Slid 4ttl W(1lltMlaiy of mrh mmh In ImhiIi' Hull, tt H i. m. K ( MKhf T, ( oiiRitl ( oiiiDitthtli r. 1 I F-r: j- You PurdwM Any Other Write m f:;w hc.y s:wmc wachine cqmpant CHANGE, MASS. Vi- r S-htj V.ichiri- arfl rr.'.'ie to t'. rcrard e t.jt t.;e lliiinr" is nidtl :o v-.a'. C jt uarir.vy r.svcr runs cut. V.'- rrr.tk-i S"w:r:f ..'ichirir-. to S'J't n'.'. conditions n' '. - T-c Ni w IXomi'" s'an-sattho . it rt z' II iurti-srrHile farrii sewing rr.ach:ne SIJ hy aul!irlael denier o 11 1 j-, FOR SAUI OV Tl.e New Home Sewinir Macbiiie Co. To Cure a Cold in Ope Day Take LAX ATI YK I'.LOMO Ql'INIfSK lai.leta. All (iruutiiat reiuuil tl.e 1 tuoiiry it it fui I h to ri.re. K. W.Orove'c 1 iiiiniiit tire i on eiicli box. 2"ic. Q LAKEVIEW EN( AMI'MKNT. No. 1H. ft S I. 0. O. P. meet luo Ut aud Sd Thlir ? S day evenlnsiiof erh Biimlh In Odd Pel- r lowi' Hall, Ukevlew. H. F. AHLrTauH. t. P., w, J, jiooas, HcrliH), ft. TUIC DIDCD 1 ki.pl nn file al K. C rui' InlO rAtLII Adertllii Agetl.'T VH Haie on.e Hirevt, hn Pri.ri . t.l.. where ciiutracta for advertuing van beniadelur It Nn.l -. , m. f -47 a. in. 10 ;A a. m. io:i a. nt. It If. a. im 11 .M a. m. I.' . . ni. IV: la l. tu. I .' ;t ,1, m. Vi-.ra i. m. 1 :lft a. in. I : p. in. J-.vn 1 i.ni. H oi I y.m. p. in. :.'.7 p. m. :'. p. 111. ar'.'fi p. III. t mt p. m. :: p. 111. T IA a. tn. 7:40 p. m. I.r. . . Rhi.o Al .v....rmiutt At . ar Ar .rraiiria,..,,.Ar .'!Hr Ar I'luniat... . .Ar hat Ar . I aim-run At . Hd kfi.k....Ar 'nioiatiiin .. Ar lNtvla... .Aw 1 ti-Kn '..Ar An.e.lee .... Ar A merit Ar Hut al,rtiirs..Ar Murray.... .r Karlo Ar Hume l.lir..,Ar Werljr Ar Termu . ... Ar HriH-kmatniAr.. Ma.lehnr . l.r l.v.. ! . . I.T. . l .. I.V. !... I.r l.r ... l.r., . I.T . . I.V... I.T... I.T... I.T.. Ar... ..t a. a 4 :iai n m : i. Z J"1 a . :m a, m 1 'V.. Z a m p., 1:( Mli. !'!. li lu, p., 11:11 p"B 10 47 , B . a ' . a m a. p. n i M tt st av a n.rv BV A.ix ptalin mam, I.T ft 4ft pin ll 'jna.11 I T.. liiioii Ar 4 'ipm IL' '.rtnniiLv.BiH-karith.Ar fi' im!uJVaml I.T i lairvllluAr 1 11 ra an A t .4.1m m .. I 'iir:7.6u 1.4iim 7uta COSKECTION WITH UTAGEAT: Terma.- for I aevli w, rllfi ami fl'iifc On and fu Hirtnell. Ik. I'lty, i ed.rTlllt, Adla Alturaaand llleber, l alll. Hot Hunnica. Irr rHai.illnh and KuuntU;. 'Mill. T iN.jr'a - d.r Mlllord. Janearltle and Sontli tiiIh. t'alif. Vinton, lor liyallo... DownlcTllI tndCaatf. Im-II'i lint Hprlnsa. Calif, H.H kwllli. lor Oi'llemu, T Tlorvlllr iniOnev Tllle.rallf. ( lairvllln, -Mohawk and (J lnry.r(ir. K..1111. rniineetlns with Hi., l'n. c0, (or (II ' polnta Kaat Weal ; V. T. R. H. lot all palaa Boutn. Siitnorltieri to 1 he Fxamltu r wtia remove from on I.M'allty t.. anntlier, or ehauite their iMHit.iftl.'e a.l.lrMi Mhoul.l runn'mlier 1rt)i ihlH ottiee a ear.l no tlo.ir paivr t-i Imj ad Ureii.'U to thexiuht pomofnee. OASTOXIZA. Bean tbe f H Rind Yw Haw iwff BocgM fiiprutora of 4T Wm - Send No Money ONT-T TOUR NAME AVD AUMlKaS for Samplmt of Cloth. Etc. ALL-WOOL juits $14.50 MADE TO ORDER The Medal Tailors -71 Xhlrd St. Portland. Ox. Pleaaa mention tlila paper. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER A Practical, &trofrre8lve. Helpful, Entertaining, National Illustrated Agricultural Weekly, uiude to meet the want of the farmer and every mem ber of bl family I ! . 1 i . J1. 1SS 0 o KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . -in EfTefrtJane 28th, 1900. wt Daily EMT No. 1 No. I J'aWnger A Preicl.t So. 4 t a. in. p. m ::! nm M i.l ln:l:i l(i:17 111 "'! In:? In. is p. m p. a t::a :X-. U:f.I l-OKKC.AMA Juu. ilnn Hi.lluK Hi. mm It t'pper aw'eb h'ek rpirr l..-rv' ! II. .t rprlnir Htatlon j ! j 4:11 KalM 'reek K.ur 1 '.':'.'4 1 hleet Hriilv I 2:t. j 4 ' l.AIKl' l:15l4.- I : t JS 1:31 EVERY FARMER Should read a good local iveekly newspaper to keep him in touch with Jj the doings of his neighbors, the home ji markets and town and county news. The home newspaper is a necessity. EVERY FARMER Needs a high class agricultural family weekly for information which aids in securing the largest possible profit from a farm and gives amusement to every member of the household. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL, WANT IT fcend for free aauiple coj to , , NEW yOKK TJUBUNE FAItMEK Tribune Building, New York City The regular subscription price is $1.00 per year, but you may secure it at a bargain with your favorite local newspaper : The Lake County Examiner ; U0TU rAi'Ei one teau for t2. t par Mnt he paid In adraoce. - Bend your money aud order to The Examiner. l4MMaifmvjaaMi4 UNPROFITABLE FEEDING Intelligent itock ralaeni know that a certain amount of feed la necessary to keep an animal alire. They might feed that amount long aa It Urea, and it 1 la i. 'I ut j-! riTr'r JSlTJ ftf Tytr.", ' Tkaro la m pntH la that kind of feeding. The kind that paya la the kind that bullaa flesh rap. ldlT. If It take twnt of food earh day to keep a abeep f aura, twenty -II to pounds a day wlU make It gain flesh. It a the f extra five that brings the profit The first five pounds amounts to nothing, nor duea the second or third or fourth five pounUa. It a th. mr wltli . . vertlaloa. Yoa bar u to m oertala atuunut to orrroiiui the rraUlaiii-a uf tb. patiUe. l'ou hnve to do a certain amount of udvm-tlaliig to make theui wake up to the funt that you are In business at ulL You have to puy a certain aiuouut to keep jour advertising alive. What you pay above that amount brings profit Some advertlsera fall because they do not use euouch snap. They ose barely enough or some- t Umea not quite auongb to make tha advertlslug aolf auatainlng. V A little bit mora would make it X 6 profitable. It U Utter to adver I J iu to9 macs than not 2 vii Aiana btm. , ' aTemeef ear adrrtlsrs eeuia J ,AUa UMtr, aMU)a prutll. 1 LAKE VIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. I., nuiu, I'rup'r. Office in Bieber'a 5tore tSUge lesves Lakeview dailr.ex tpt Hunday at 0 a. m. Amw at Ahorat at 6 p. m. Leaves Al torsi lor Lakeview 6 o'clock a. m., or on the arriwl of the stage from Madeline. I rives in Lakeview in IS boari al ter leaving AUnrae. Frcitrht - Matter - Olvea Strict - Attention . . . first - Cs$ - Acccscijncss. M- J. L. VAIMNi frerrlatar. fflce In UckvIBIe Rotef KUuawrtb Falls. Dally from rokegema by Ken? ath Falls. Dairy, lkinanss, and ij " Lakeview. Dally from Lakeview by Bly. Bo""" Dairy, Klamath all, Keo. t ktiKouia. ; From Klamath Falls to steamer and from Kriio to over the Kuimot Four-lIorBe htug"'"; Good Stock .v. EasyCoacfcrt LAKEVinW PLUSH STAGE LINE B. L. McNacobtoi, rrop- OHktMercantilSt EUge leaves Lakeview MosdarB. V . j . a . ... . a tm . at 1'loah at p. Lrei w, , dayt Tbnradaya and Battuda a. arrive at Lakeview a 9 f-' ftf Pamnger fare t3 one wr t rooad trip. ' " FrelgLl rate tw Id to Ksrr. ist f;75 per b9&"&J V Not. 1st to May Sst 11.00 pr i" I i