Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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    1 (
NO. 45,
(iiivcnior (liatnhcrliilii mi Hum!
n(,'ii took up the mutter i if tin- War-1
ncr vjiHt'.v Ht-tttcTH apriiliiKt Hie Wnr-j
hit Valley Slock Co., it controversy !
IH'iiiiiiiK (or years. The tioveruor j
iixktMl I hut patents lie not ImhikmI j
to tlic state or tlM rciri'HciitinlvcM to !
IiiikIh in Warner, well known to all'
niir rcnilefK, which tin- Warner 'al-j
li-ySUrk Co., bought from the State
UM hWallip IILIMlH. ( .OIIIIIltHHlolier
Iticlmnls of the Ucneral Liuiil Otllee
Iiiih replied to Ooveruor Chamber
luln's request, uud states t hat pat
ent!! will Ih issued.
Following Ih Governor Chamber
lain's letter to the Commissioner,
mill IiIm answer:
"Ah Governor of this state, am uh
ox-nlliro Lund Commissioner, 1 tle
nlrt' to protect against the issuance
of any patent to said lauds, or any
if tlieni, to the State of Oregon, or
to uny one claiming to represent the
mute. I desire to advise you further
tliut no one hut) uny authority to
represent the Htate lu demaiidhig the
Umiauce of patent!) to uny of Ntild
IuihIh, nor authority to receive the
Any appolnttnent heretofore made
liy uny of my predecessors In olllce
(or thut purpose, If 3-011 couHhltirany
Mich to lw In force, I hereliy express
ly revoke.
1 huve very gruve dAibts uh to
whether the titute was ever entitled
to claim uny of the lands referred to
tutiwiimp laudH, and the question Ih
How being contented In the courts of
IIiIh Htate at) to the bona tide pur
lioJ'H of the original appllcantH who
attempted to purchase them from
tin Htate as swamp lands."
GOES 185,000
City Gives Parker only Small Majority--
Up-state vote Perfect
Land Slide for Roosevelt.
' GOES 40,000
All Counties are not inEstimat
ed that Republican majority
largest in State's History
Lake County Gives Roosevelt the Largest Majority ever Given a
Candidate In Summer Lake Where there is only two Re
publicans Roosevelt was Given Ten Majority,
(Special Disptch.) Portland, Nov. 9, 1904.
LaKE County Examiner: Sufficient election returns are in to show that Roose
velt will be elected by an overwhelming majority; with 325 elecroral votes. New York
gives him 185,000 plurality. Oregon goes 40,000 Repudlican. Multnomah county 11,
000. Prohibition lost. Maryland goes for Teddy, and Missouri is in doubt. Other Re
publican majorities are estimated as follows: South Dakota 40,000, North Dakota
20,000, Vermont 31,000, Nebraska 35,000, Massachusettes 70,000, New Jersey 60,000,
Wisconsin 60,000, Ohio 200,000, Deleware 25,000, Iowa 125,000, Michigan 175,000,
Kansas 1 00,000, Minnesota 100,000, Wyoming 7,500, Colorado 10,000, Pennsylvania
300,000, Washington 7,ooo, Illinois 15o,ooo, Rhode Island 5o,ooo. California gave
larger majorit3' than four 3'ears ago. West Virginia went Republican by a large major
ity; Idaho gives strong Republican vote; Nevada goes Republican; Maine and Connecti
cut give big Republican ftiajority. A. Y. Beach
Reply to Chamberlain.
In reply to Governor Chntuber
luin's hitter, Coumilsslouer Klchards
im written. HtiLtinir that if Secre
tary Hitchcock sustains the Laud
uiilce, unci Anally rejects the pre-ein-
tlon entries of the Frakes, Morrow
nd others, the laud embraced there
to will In- included lu a tint ot swamp
luuds to be submitted to the Secre
tary (or approval. Commissioner
Itlcliurd then goes on to say:
After approval, the list will be sent
to you, and upon your request there
Iit, a patent will be Issue.t, unless
theNeerotary shall order one to issue
affalnst your protest, as ho (lid In
''line of approved list No. 70."
lu other words, Commissioner
'tlchimU luforms Governor Cbambor
Jilu that inasmuch as the Interior
bejmrtmeut holds the land border
tog on the Warner Lake are swamp
tonds, it .will pateut thorn to the
KWitees at the state on the Cloveru
request, if ho makes request, but
Htlio Uovernor refuses to make re
iuit, as he did less than a year ago,
i" a similar case, patents will bo U
Wi'd by the Secretary of the Interior
" request of the Warner Valley Live
stock Company. The department
''"Ids that the Htate of Oregon sold
uml rwelved pay fur these swamp
toudsaud the department will not
Iwmlt the state to withhold title to
Elands from rightful purchasers.
l'ucn before wheu Governor Cham
Muln sought to repudiate the sales
"I these lands the Interior Depart
ment Ignored his request. No atteu
tl(u is likely to be paid to the Oov
wuor's revocation . of Governor
L('d's order to the Interior Depart
tont to Issue patents lor Warner
Uke lands to grautees of the staU'-
The election is over, and the Republican party is to be in power for four years
more. This has been practically conceeded for some weeks. Doubtful states fell
in line at the last hour and gave Roosevelt an overwhelming majority, while Republi-
can states recorded the largest majority ever given a candidate for President. New
York swings into the Republicans' columns with 185,000 majority, New Jersey follows
with big majority, and nearly every state classed as doubtful have shown their appre
ciation of the past four year's prosperity. The latest reports from Missouri gives
Parker only about 600 the lead and it is believed the rural districts will show a heavy
gain for Roosevelt. -
The latest unofficial returns fiom Oregon gives Roosevelt 40,000 plurality in the
state. No accurate estimate can be made yet as to the vote cast, but it is presumed
it will be light.
Lake county gave Roosevelt about 225 plurality. All precincts except three
are in and the vote now stands Roosevelt 345, Parker 126, Watson' 9, Debbs 4 and
Swallow 4. - Official returns from all precincts may change these figures somewhat,
Thousands of democrats must have voted for Roosevelt, so it is safe to say he is a
popular President and satisfactory to the large majority.
Amos Boyd entered a quarter sec
tion under the pre-euiptlou law sev
eral years ago and received patent,
before the swampy character of the
land was established, and with that
exceptiou, Commissioner Klchards
has anuotinced his determination to
reject all pre-emption claims for
these Waruer Lake lauds.
A short time ago the Secretary of
the luterlor rejected the pre-emption
filing of Louis Frakes, and the land
olllce subsequently turned down
eight other preemption filings made
by Alonsso 1. Frakes, Nathau M.
Frakes, Lorenzo D. Frakes, Edward
L. Mosham, Samuel K. Sloau, Joseph
L. Morrow and Alvln N. Burnett.
These parties are seeking to have
their cases brought before the Secre
tary of the Interior. If they succeed,
the precedent lu Lewis N. Frakes'
etiso Indicates that the Laud Office
deelslou will be upheld.
They Opened the Bottle.
While Drs. Daly and Hall were ab
sent from the drugstore Monday
morning Jim Maxwell and Ebon Ta
tro started In on a scientific course
of experiments ia chemistry. They
opened a bottle of nitric add, and here
the experiment ceased and the boys
turned their attention to extinguish
ing a general fire which followed.
The boys' chothes were badly burned
and the floor nud counter were badly
The case might have proved serious
for the boys but they secured a bot
tle of aiuoula aud with this extingu
ished, the tire which was consuming
them. Their pauts were completely
could stop the fire.
The lesson should prove a valuable
one to the boys as they were inform
ed that it in even dangerous for scien
tific, men to mix certain chemicals,
and It Is absolutely hazardous for
anieteurs to engage lu such pastime.
Town Extending South,
Our town is extending further
South. In Lane's Addition two
new dwellings are in course of cou
structlou. ('has. lthodes is building
a neat dwelling ou bis lot opposite
F. I. Lane's residence and Walter
Paxtou Is erecting a cottage on his
lot Just north of Rhodes'. After all,
bulldiugiu Lakeview has not been
Inthemeautlmetheflre was spread- at a standstill the past summer.
Several new dwellings besides some
substantial business houses have
lug in the drugstore and had not Dr.
Daly appeared ou tho scene the re
sults might havo proved disastrous.
As It was the counter and floor were
Vadly damaged before the Doctor
gone up within the elty limits the
past season. Work was beguu ou
the city hall Monday morning.
Wm. Harvey, the sheepman, was
interviewed on the subject of Lake
county's out-put In mutton this fall.
He is considered about as good
authority on this subject as there Is
in the county. H- gave out the fol
lowing facts as an approximate es
timate: There were, at the beginning of the
selling season about 00,001) bead of
merchantable mutton In the county.
Not mo e jian 20,000, or one-third of
this number were disposed of, and
most of what was disposed of, prob
ably two-thirds were driven to the
railroad and shipped to commission
merchants or sold at the railroad.
Of those actually sold within the
county, Mr. Harvey thluks there
were not more than 7,000 head. He
thinks probably halt of the old
weathers were disposed of aud the
rest of the sales and shipments were
taken from the dry ewes and year
lings. Sheepmen have -made up their
bands for the desert and will not
sell now till spring, in fact the great
er portion of the dry sheep are now
on the winter range, and of course
cannot be disturbed till spring. Mr.
Harvey has every confidence that
sheep will command a good figure
in the spring. Next year should be a
prosperous one, with plenty of mon
ey iu circulation. This assertion
warrants Itself when the fact is borne
in mind that the usual number of
sheep will be shorn here, and besides
the two-thirds of the mutton that
ordinarily would have left the coun
ty will also be shorn here, these too
being the heaviest shearers of the
bands, and will no doubt shear as
much wool as one-fourth the stock
sheep in the county. Add one-fourth
to the usual outpus of wool and at
the advance price that presentcondl
tlons warrant, and 40,000 mutton
sheep to go on the market Imme
diately after shearing time and they
too at a good price, and it will be
readily seen that the returns from
wool and mutton will unload a
large sum of money in the county.
Stock News. ' .
The rrlneville papers report the
sale to a Montana firm of the Allen
& Lafollet band of sheep, numbering
about 0000 head, part of which were
registered Rambouillet and Delaine.
Tua firm retained luuivi Tluuil -aud, '
about 1200 thoroughbred, bucks.
They own about 0,000 acres of nay
and grazing lands.
F. M. Miller returned from the 7T
cattle ranch first of the week, where
he arranged for the' starting of 250
head of beef cattle for Merrill the lat
ter part of this week. The cattle go
to Swauson.
The 70 firm started between 300 and
400 head of beef for Merrill last week
to be delivered to Swanson.
Dave Shirk bus been buying beef in
Soulh Warner. He bought 275 head
from Frakes, Barry anil Wakefield.
Jim Dodaou was buying beef in
Warner last week. Ho bought Jas.
Olvaus' and Manplu's cattle. We
understand that most of the Warner
beef have been bought up.
Sheepmen of Wallowa cojiuty Ore
gon, realized $350,000 this year from
sales, says tho Los Angles Orchard
and Farm. ,
Oregon cattle have made a good
record at St. Louis. The Iadd Short
horns won in tho contest for aged
herds. A Jersey of tho earnc owner
has also beau leadlug iu tho dairy
test Orchard and Farm.