Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 03, 1904, Image 2

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    :tmto H':xa nine
c. o. y.v.n.hiin.
,Mn'nk tliitl.1m si 111 - l'e-1 nilii .'.i . Or
8S S,'V.'Ilil t'ln Mll T.
One ear.
. I.OO
TCKMS: - Six JVMiilm
(Three MontiiK,.
1 w U I m. i ? in- t re,- 1 vr
. . i m .ii II '
.. 1 U 6l i W II W I" Ui
.! l'llllll IMU'I "'
: ;u'i Vl il.Sue -Villi ScH'
.t'.lt'K.'l.l' ,,l 1
! 'i uv & tn1! l'tv w ) laasj
one Inch
I'wo I'.i-. li.-
rnree Inches.
4urtcr t itl'tmu
nsit i 'i.iumu
One I'.lilllUU. . ..
LAMVI12W .uklUON. M'V. J.
1 ...... V .., .WN ' 13 I
-a '?. AV1: A
For President
Of New York
For Vice-President
Of Indiana
President Eliot, of Harvard, 1m out
fttr KooHOTelt; anil the lK-moeratH
re iookiitK at eaeh other and won
dering where the lij;htiiiiiK wlllstrlke
Aeeordititf to an account recently
mlilirth.'( in a Hilda 1'ewth newit
iaer, tieiieral StoeHwel, the hrave
.UudKian (lefeinler of Port Arthur, hi
f Jewinh origin.
Profi'KKor I. Itani, tinliery coiniiiirt
Hiouer of Japan, ami Kaju Nakaaiut-a,
editor of the Japant.-ie-Aiiierii'aii
oiuuiert:iul W eekly, are in Baltimore
Mttiilyin oyvittT ami linh culture.
Ciiriano CiMtro, the j.reMident of
Venezuela, liven in u houne built en
tirely of Hteel. The ouutide in cover--d
with u kind ui oft utoue and the
iunide with lath and planter, no- that
the viMitor BeeH iiothing unuBual.
Sjieuker Catiuoii nu,yn that the
toviit trouble In thin caini.aik'ii Inthe
rver cnti.lenee of the Ii-iublicanH.
The ieuker 1h a level-headed mun.
Ju order to iu all true llejiublicanH
miiHt work and work hard for the
PcrhapH when Judy;- Parker Iuih
tin- lim.. h' will :;..!ull: h-.nv he. who
i;;i i." n h, ih Phllippii,, n,
iaiowrt ho much more ubnui thi-tii
th.HM Secretary Taft, who Iiiim h...iu
several yearn praiiiliiiK with thfir
Jirohieliis on tl e Hut. 1
To tfive the PhllippineB la mediate
reprewntation ut the rejuet of a
party Identified with thedinfrutichi-4e-metu
policy in the South might not
help their IntereHtB much. Thtfre Ib
an (i proverb In DevotiMhire about
it uui i-iiig wine to hIiow a tat the
way to the cream.
Thtirt far the Icmii ritlc jiarty
neeiiiri to comtUt entirely of Htate
liii'Utri in I he tiegativc Vie hae
le ' ii told v. hut. Par.t i' Mill not do if
'he in Prenidciif, i.ihI what the j arty
v ill not K) if it Kots into power, and
ill the Name time we have btvii given
to uiidcrrttmid that Parser inagoud,
riti'oug man, who w III do Momcthing,
but not tin? thing which Koowvidt
Iiub done. Eut Inatiiiuich tin the
tliingn which Itoohevelt und the party have done aud
propose to do iu the future cover a
Biit priiilngly large ground, it would
be interoHtliiif to know whattheevo
lutiouH of Parker would bo tMittdde
lida ioiiiiiideu territory.
Slierp or Cultlo Rnnch.
Mori- iHitflu-o r Mile. This Unit' h
heei ranch of M l -iln- lying l(ri
I'nl ;;vrr, and ciiiroln 11 vnl range on
tin" bunk of t river and for nu'cs
back. Tlii" "I'"' rMtu'Ii "nap
Write to the l-uke County Ex
aminer (or particulars.
In a,l. lilt. .ii I" tli" altove 14 foitio
there are ; fortiee lying 4 tr 6 milt
distant, on which there are two large
prins?. Tlu above price in (or I lit nt
lire 1" lorties.
Tim St. Louis Exposition in drawing
to a close Tin next sale date are Sep
tember liuli, 20th. VSHi and 20th; Oct-t.U-r
:;.l,,tlrli. l'.'th, 2lHh, 2lth
ami 2Tih. On tlit tlnlt'n. Hint tht'
iliiti tnly. fun you It'iivc lit'im Itir the
m. Ijiuih Kxciiitiii. Fare Cir the
miiitil inn l'iwfi'ii l;. 'mi mill t. Iuiin
i.T."0 lo M l.i. ill" hihI return liv wity
I I'hir.uio. $71' in)
T,..L..i nr.. f,.r
i.inetv .'lav' t.. ainLe ri.iuul trip, write '
me i.,'r . .r r.rvntmii" itml -v
the .1 ite v.i'a i. ! I"ve Ueao. Miitl mII
tiir.if.tfetn.-tit- i!l iiialtit r yottrirtn. ,
1: von wt- lt!thi-r ii.i.-rnmtinii w rite i
i:if. .Inliii M. In'!. 'I
ill ill!T Atf'-llt.
Itiiri.'t r'reiifhl
K.'m.i. Nevii'lii.
There uie neatly lll.iHMt ilis in
Katisax City . uit;iUi .laineK Ken
tii'iiy, the othoinl eniimeratof, Iiuh
ai'i'oiinteil (or ami eolleeteil taxen on
mm hi sinee June 1. a aia of llMHi over
hint year, ami he hiiteK to
rouml tti the other -ifX) liefort bihuv
More School Land For 5ale.
' w ill cell client) hih' on jiotxl term
the west hall of nee. 2t, tp. 2!) S H 2t E.
Ali the wwtt half of h:. 2S, tp. 118. S.
U lit E.
All thin land in unimproved and hointt
located as it in, tniikes it very vnluiihle.
Write or call at thia otliue for partic
ular. If
Alfred Ilelt, the South African mil
lionaire, htiB preHented the Franken
wall eHtate, lm-ated 12 utiles front
JolianueKburj;, to the government
for educational purponeH. It Iuib an
uri;a if VjiMH) aci cm and In valued at
Arrest Itl 50 Reward.
For anv skin dineue. ECZEMA, OLO
SOUKS, PIU, I'lMI'LllS, etc., which
will not cure pruiiiittlr. Send tiMlny for
afree tieiitmeiit Bitllicienl In cure any
ordinary cane. 1IOYO CHEMICAL
CO., Hand McNally ISMk., I Indigo.
At a recent tiiei-tiny; in New Y'ork
it was derided to prerserve the grave
if J 1 rK) ill Ki ill ma 11 Irake by entab
liHhin a public park at Hunt
A Guaranteed Cure for Files.
Itching, Ulind, Weeding or Protrud
mil Pile. ItriittuiHtH refund niuney if
PAZO OINTMENT (ails to cure any
case, no matter of how Ioiik n'-amiing, in
6 to 14 day. Firet application j;ive
em and rest, 60c. If your druggim
hann't it end 60c in Rtanipo and it will
be forwarded post paid by Paris Med
icine Co., St Loui, Mo.
Frank .1. (Jouid Iuib purchaHed 2000
aoreB of land in CheBterlleld county,
Virgiuht, and will build a I'onimo
dioiiH liuntini; lode on it.
"It's perfect nonsense, Besaie, for yon to
talk of being laid on the shelf. Why, it all
depr ml on yourself. Forjret your worries,
your achrit and uilmenta ; do as 1 did, take
plenty of out-ol iiixr air, cultivate hapui
utM by not allowing your mind to dwell
on the IrinV and the worries of life. I aeul cent 111 hI.uiii.h 10 Jr. R. V.
I'ierce, of luifi i'io, N. V., fur hia 'Common
(y-iiv MeOKJi A(ivii r,' aiiri iniiiui it cot.
t un d much u-etul in formation about the of my I'e.i'.tii, aiii.iit phyhioi. cy, unat
ijiti v. and eve: yiunif.' a li.iiiiii knie.v,
I toed dvcid"ii t i wrile Ur. Pierce and te.ll
hi'.n ah .'i''int lev nihil. -uM. I rcoeivtrl
i.;.'li a nil":, c.i;'i'..ny con liiWted and con-l-'l-
ri'-ial I'lt'-r 111 i'-jily. Kiv'"l.' ! '!-
fcjciit my l.i' excrci-.t and nil. '1 hi
ftflvi'.e 1 , f;-.- l.ievcivouc and f wond'-r yoii
iion't wtile him at tunc. It didn't l;,ki.- me
ttcmy i:i..t!lii li, r'-e.iill my uo.i lniS5.
:v : Rince I v. . is f .1.-' n I have Miff-red
liin d ic.i.ih-h j.eiioilic.dly but now i itl
tt..e luini pain, worry anil bud lelui-r.' Oo-ia-eitriliv
I tuoic l)r. I'ierce'o l'
I'eliet Ini't tut the complexion, and lo
aluind.ite tile liver. Then I took lit.
l'ierce'a .I'avrj'iu- I'rescription three times
a 1l.1v for dime wofiianly weakneHnes
I toid m siijoub That's my secret of
beamy, it the caiet tiling in the world
lo be and keep one'a good looks.
Look at tin thousand of women who have
been 111 ttie well by Ir. Pierce's I'avoiite
prescription : bjtik how they kern their
rood looks. lr. Pierce oners Vyio reward k
ivr anv cane fo iucoiraea, rrniaie wraa
liess. 1'ioiupius, or l ulling of Womb winch
Ut cannot ituc. All he links i a fair aud
"-- '' ' r-.v-. m iVfi
Lakkvicw -Preaching m-nlcea at
11 o'clock A. M., nml 7::it P. M., every
necou'd ami fourth Sunday.
Sutuluy School every Sutuluy lit 10
A. M. Prayer Meet lug every nnir
tiny t 7::i0 V. M.
New Tine CiiKKK I'renihliitf Mor
vUvh ut It oVloek A. M., ami TjHO r.
M vvvry tlrxt Siimlay. i
Suntlay Selmol every Suntla.V at 10
A.M. Prayer Meet Inn every Thur-,
lay at ":'M 1'. M. j
r.KTHKi. PreaeliliiK ServleeB ut Hi
oVhK-lv A. M.. ami 7;:tt P. M., fvry
thlnl StimlMy. '
.1. II. Staiik, PiiHtor.
V The fair Route
Via Chlrniro or New OrteaiiH to St.
l.ewln. Irt the one tlnit ulveH yoll 1 lie ,
tnowt for yuiir tnoiiey. it nil The fart ;
that the 11,1.1 Nt IS 'KN'l'ltA I, offer
t Nri;i'.vHi:i srit ivk via tlinn
!..,. ... ,1... l',lll IK I.' I 1 ,,l.l
ttnitt i i ""- ".i.i-.. . .
In thix cotiiieethui to all polatB 1m-
yoml. ninkt It to yoiiradvantage, In :
ciiij" you contemplate a t rip to any;
point eiiKt. to write tin before mak i
ittir liiuil avraiuietiieiitB.
We can offer Ihechnice fif at leaMt aj
dozen different routen j
it. 11. I'm Mill 1.1.. l
Cotnuierelul Agent,
142 Third Street, Port land Oregon.
J. O. l.lMiHKV. I
T. F. 4- P. A..
1.12 1 hrd Street. Portland Oregon
T. H. TllO.MI'MON.
F. & P. A..
Eoonil.Colmau llldg., Seattle, WuhIi.
TUIC D1DTD l kept on Bin at K.O. !
lillO iRrtn Ailvt-rtUlttK Agnnev L! Hun
nine Htrrai. Kan Cranuluio, I whore
euiitrauu lor aiivertUlng can tw niailo Inr ll
SubMTttier to Ihti Knamlnur who remove
from one iocalttr to another, ur nhaug
their MMiorrli' ail.lrew ilinulil rumemlMir in
drop thai utile a card m their pawr eat tra ad
drvueil to the rlKht poatottlco.
I'liiied Still. -I I, .mil Ollice I.uUevIe.
Ori fiia, Anii-t ''.:, PW'4 Nii'i e in
hereby ifiven tlmt in with
the irtvwiniin of the A.'tnf JiiiieH, 1H7S,
enliMed " An net Ihe Hale "I tillilier
IiiihIk ill the State il Citlifurniii, Orelfon.
Nevada and Wiihiiiiflim Tei rimrv," n
extended to all trre I'nblic l imd Kiate
by net of Aitutiat 4. IHU2. the follawiuu
pennant have filed in thiH nllli'e their
(mini Hialeineiil". to wit :
Fretleriek II. Snyder, of Lakevlew,
f.mmtv of l.nke. Mute of Oreunn. Sworn
ntfltetiicnt No. 2122, fur the pur: hace "I
the SK' 11ISW1; Stf'nfSEV Sue. 17
Mini NE4 ol Ntg See. .20, Tp a7 S., U.
10 K.
Annie P, Snyder, of I.akeview, eoitnly
of ljtke, ttiate of Oriiyon. Sworn dtte
inent No. 2127, lor the nnrclnim- of the
M oi s' See. 17, Tp :i7 S.. K. I" E.
'1'liHl tliev will oiler proof to dhow
that the land n.niulit in nniie vahiahle
(or i'B timber or toolie thitn for inr'ii'ii'
tnrnl pnii.en and to ei'ivhliih their
ehiim 'o Mild lend liedire Ileitiiier and
I.,...,.. -.f tt l(..l..i(,,.' .f, Tii..m.).iv ttie
laili ilav ol November. I0U4.
lln'V nii'iie its II iie-c-H : tieiirKU
l.vncli, 1, Siieilinir. W. I-.. V't-Cnlley,
J.ti. Wil.ii-aid I-. II. Snyder, nil of
l.iiiii'vicw , 1 ! ,' m.
Any .'in! nil imoii cl'iliniiu n.ivere.
ly ti.e h1ioVi-i1cci iIm'.I hiieN 11 e reipiet
ed to lib their c'ann in iIi'h '.Mice on ur
bei.oe Mti.l I . 1 1 1 . H ' I N'oVeinber, I'WIl.
Scjit 141 .1. N W.vniov, KiviHter.
Nusal Catarrh quiokly yiuUla to troa.
inent by Ely 's Croaiu Italia, which la nun.
ably aromatic It i reooiveil UmniKh Urn
noMlrils, elaaimca and heala Ui whole i'.ir
face over which it difTiuu-a itaolf. DruKeiaU
auU Ui SOo. alzaj Trial aua by mail, 10
reuta. Teat it aud you am aura to contains
the treatment.
To aeeomniodate thoaa who are partial
to the uae ot abiuixara in applying hinias
into the natal ltaMaagna 'or ttititrrhal trint
Met, the proprie ni pntoare Crcaai lialm in
licjuid form, which -ill Ihj known as Ely'a
1quid dream Jtalm. Price including the
pmyiuR tulie ia 75 ceuta. DniRRiaU or by
xuaU. The liquid form erubodiea the niatU
ioiual proportiea of the aolid priijianition.
Some Real Estate Bargains'
We Sell Laid on Smallest Commissions
t'iihiiirovril Land for unlit near
Paisley. In sections 2H, 21), 1,1, 14, 23,
in tpa 34 U. 19.
fnlmpnnwl Laud for sale, near
Paisley. In seclionn 3o, 3:1, .'111, 20, te
33, It. 18.
f 'uitiiirtvvl Iand (or sale on Ixwur
Chewaucan. In sections 13, 10, 25, 30,
tps 35, K. 20.
Klumulh vnunty. Laud for sale,
l.'ni in proved, at a bargain, write fur
particulars and numbers.
Vuluuhlf ftmtuiv. We will sell pas
ture land iu large or small traeta. If
yon nwti Intel in Luke county nitd want
to buy unnc.Mipied laud adjoining it
write The Examiner.
Tim bur !.nwl.i Camus Prairie.
Some line patclien of timber can lai
bought at this office.
PvnrLukevfaw. One mile south ia
HO acres of pasture laud. f Write or call
at this oflice if you wuut to buy.
Crookml t'm!.Ve have lor sale
some valuable (mature lands hi Crooked
Creek valley that can be hud reasonable.
Abort Luke Pasture hind at the
south, end of Abert Luke can be bad
reasonable. WnUri'or and par.
The Examiner Company.
C O. METZK13R, Agent
foiled Sliilen Land t)i,. 1 "kl .
Ore. AilL'ilMt :io mm
Notice in herehv uiven
1.. .
itliiinen Willi llm r,r,.tui...u .. r
1 I -."ill. m ,.
01 ,111 on- ,i, mm, enillleil "An
the ttale of tlmlair latida in tlia Htail ,
CatilortiiH, Oregon, Nevada hiii
ington Territory." an extended .?
'i.l.licLtttKl Htate. by aciof Aliin m i
IWia, me lollowltiK jMiraonn have I1U 1.
biu'"",B ,l,,,ir wor" M,to"ll
Jamea T. Flook, of PIiihIi. count.
Uk, Mtale ( Oregon, hworn Li
meat No. 2704. for the pnrclmw 0f Z
NK'4'fNW See 24,14 8.,
Anna I hwik. of PIiihIi, county of Uk
atatn of Oregon. Sworn Dtutunient J(J
2705, for thn pttrehnae of tint KVH'j
HK See:iO,T,.34H., It. 27 E.
That they will offer proof Lulu , ,
the land Hought in more valuable fur ,
timber or atono than for NKriuuiiura)
piirpone-i and lo t'Ntniilinli thotr claim h
-... ..-K,n,,'r Hllll lieiTtsr
at Lukeview. Oregon, on M
d.iv of November, lildl. "'" "
They iimne hh wiine-wev. a, W
Miiiiiini; and W. II. Murk ,, I jtfcu'viw
lire, buy tiai-rimm, W. V, Scmmoil'
mid Meve Young of I'limh, (Ire.
Anv ami all pernmoi cliiimiiig mw.
m'lv the abovt.tleerihei I11111I11 lt f t
(jiieMU'd to lile their cluiiiiBin tliin offa
on ur belori miid 11 day of Noveuiiw
Jtipt 1 44. J. N. AVathon, iiKiier.
fr'IKAl, I'MOOt' "
Lund OMice at Ijtkeview, Ott., Oa,
i:iih, KKI4. Notice in hereby Kita
that the follow ing Niiimid tttttliir ha
filed notice nf hiii inteiitioii Ui co
unite priMif in attpHrt of hia ckitn, and
t hat aaid proof a ill lat mails btlott
(eo. T. ihtldwin, County Judge
Klamath ('oiinty, at Klamath talis.
Ore., on the 22d day of Nov., ItttM
Mamie ThomiHton lid. N i. 3122 fat
N Wt4' of N El4' UK of NKt4 an.l KKLof
SE4 See 19 Tn a S., It 15 E W M. ' Di
names the following wttiiemws U prart
hia contiriuoua reNidence Uod and tnl
livation of aatd land, via: John
llonald, Earl L. .loh niton, Heo W'.ol
ami E. CaH(ibeer all of 111 v, Oregon.
Oct. 20 411 J. N. V Anion, ltegimn.
1 1
: I
57;;t?-S7V? i'PivLj