Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 03, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 44,
! Baker Write Lonjr Lettci Show
I ins: Why Entire Vote Should
lie Counted This Pall
I'ortland. Ore., Oct. :'4. l!Hil.
pi-' a it M'i: ''"or commercial reas
on If nothing else, 1 hope that every
Itizcii of Oregon will exhibit sutll
clfiit Interest In t heforthcoming ejec
tion to not only go to the polls hlm
self hut to exert his best efforts to
gel all his neighbors out to vote, re
gardless of party affiliations. l-t
oor love for our highly-favored state
iDHpIre us to show the business world
that we are np and doing, and that
our population Is Increasing year by
year, that we do not purpose sitting
Idly by and allowing our neighbor
irtatea after this Presidential election
to advertise to the world that they
nro growing In population and Ore
gon standing still. It should be a
matter of state pride for every voter
to avail himself of Ids franchise and
rote. As a means of showing a
growth of population. It is ahsolute
ly reutlnl that a full vote be register
ed. No question but the growth of
our state at the present time Is the
most Vapid in Its history; but there
1 a nieuus of show lug It to 1 lie world
uuil the oportuulty sh uld not be
ni'jrlwtvd. Let us h ve all the voters
out Republicans, Democrats, Soclnl
IstM, Prohibitionists. Stand up and
lie counted for the state.
Shall we fold our hands uud not
avail ourselves of this Important anil
unusual opportunity to announce to
the world that we are growing lu
population? Over lu Washington
enterprising citizens, regardless of
party, are exerting every effort to get
the vote out in order to advertise
that their state is advancing, aud
consequently is the state for people
to move to.
Four years ago Washington cast
107.OUO.odd votes, aud the state of
Oregon cast 84,000-odd votes. This
year they are working 140,000; aud
" tiny succeed it will mean an in-
m-useof over 32 percent. If Oregon's
ratio of Increase is to be the same as
Washington's, we should return over
IIO.IHH) votes uext month.
Here we have but f ur presidential
uW'tors to vote for; hence the only
(actor available to create sufficient
Interest in the election is a spirit of
tate pride, a duo regard for our
Hate's welfare, and availlug our
'lves of an opportunity of attract
ing capital and immigration to our
"tate. with Washington it Is differ
ent. Over there they have their state,
'IMrlct, county and precinct ofllcers
to elect; and this, as you know, will
nia in gvttlug out the vote. More
over, Uiey have u contest for gover
nor, and that of Itself will mnnufac
luru Interest.
The citizens of our state nro every
'vhciv organizing aud spending mou
''J to advertise and encourage imml
Kfatlon. x)j0 Oregon Development
k'tigm. U soliciting capital to profit
"We employment here; is luvitlngtho
"iniiufiu turer, the farmer, tho miner,
'hestockmau lu fact, all classes of
dtiwuu are urged to come aud assist
'U developing the resources of our
tte. Tho boards of trade through
yt the state, the chambers of Com
'i'ive, n,0 commercial flubs, Tie
development and improvement long
"in aud tli v. !!( o4It oruanlzu-
Hons whom purpose I to Induce Ira
j migration here, are doing most ex
cellent and cotimu'iidalilt; work, and
arc entitled to the lasting gratitude
of our people Jn every county and
, precinct, and Mliould Ik? supported
i IIImthIIv in the meritorious work
they are doing for Oregon; and the
citizens of the state have an oppor-
n,y tu... bodies n
! their work hy availing thenmelveu of
i their franchise and getting other to
' do the Biinie.
Don't worry your head alionthow
i your neighbor is going to vote; slm
j ply emphasize the importance from a
J cointuerclal standpoint of hi doing
; mo. And, moreover, every man
should avail himself of Miat sacred
After this Presidential election the
newspapers of the country will teem
with comparative data touching the
growth ut Oregou. of Washington,
of Idaho; in fact, the growth of every
Pacific state since the last Presiden
tial election will be given fullest pub
licity. And papers of Washington,
Seattle In particular, will publish In
bold-faced type the growth of that
state; and should her ratio of in
crease exceed Oregon's, there will be
no end to newspaper comment nor
to the distribution of literature
showing the disparity between the
ratio of these two states. Will It
not cause inquiry and subsequently
Immigration if newspapers, alma
nacs, ami government and othersta
tlstlcs all over the natlou advertise
that Oregon since the last presldetial
election has grown equally in popu
lation with other states of the Pacif
ic. The fact Is, we have grown in
population, aud It but remains for
voters of this state to demonstrate
that fact to people who are looking
to the Pacific for future Investments
and homes.
And there another side to this ques
tion. Keuator John P. Dolllver of
Iowa remarked at these headquar
ters recently that the best place to
get legislation in Washington is at
the White House; and he emphasized
the Importance of Oregon giving
Roosevelt aud Fairbanks a larger ma
jority in November than the state
went In June. Listen to substantial
ly his own words:
"You will have a call on the Presi-
dentand his Immeiiiate political fam
ily then. They will be constrained
to not deny Oregon's delegation In
Congress any reasonable request.
Your rivers and harbors, your irri
gation schemes, the Jetty at the
mouth of the Columbia, the canal at
The Dalles, your arid lauds, your
forest timber lands, your transport
service, your worlds fair, and your
federal buildings these and whatev
er else require help will stand a far
greater chance of satisfactory atten
tion from Congress than if the people
of your state wrap the drapery of
their couches about them and lie
down to pleasant dreams. Why,
Iowa will give Koosevelt aud Fair
bauks at the very least 100,000. .This
Is conceded. Still the red tiro of en
thusiasm Is illuminating every pre
cinct in tho Hawkeye state. What
for? Simply because It will redound
to our state's credit ut Washington!"
I beg pardon for submitting to you
this long letter; but having some pro
perty interests In the state, and be
ing a comparatively zealous native
hou of Oregou, my humble efforts
have been aud will continue to be
along the Hue of commercial specula
tion. I have In the discharge of my
duties as Chairman of tho Kepublicaa
State Committee striven to conduce
Swan son and Gerber Both Buying
In Lake County 4 1-3 to
S i-a Cents the Price.
Those who bought bucks last week
were, Wade Snyder 11, W. K. Mc
Cormaek of Paisley, 12, C. E. Camp
bell of Paisley 0, Dan Malloy 20 and
John Davis of Davis Creek 7.
Swanson, the cattle buyer went to
Warmer first of the week and bought
about 400 head of cattle from the TT
firm. The price being paid for cattle
now Is 4 to b cents delivered at
Merrill. He expected to close the
deal for about 400 head of 70 cattle
Dan Malloy bought 1500 yearling
weathers for L. Gerber, to be deliver
ed at Merrill. He bought 300 from
Zac Whit worth, 300 from Geo. Wright
300 from Chandler, 300 from Roggers
and 300 - from Shellhanimer. Dan
also put in 600 of his own. Theprlce
was $2 per head.
Chas Williams, the Parker Creek
sheep man, was doing business in Al
turas last Friday. He Informed us
that sheep are doing tine, and we be
lieve that this has been a prosperous
year for the sheep man. New Era.
J. F. Bowman, a cattle man of
Glenburn, Shusta county, was In Al
turus a few days last week. He was
not buying any cattle this time, say
ing the market was to .uncertain to
Justify It. New Era.
Ld. Ivory, Jr. last week started
200 head of fine fat calves to the San
Francisco market. Calves are bring
ing fancy prices in the city market.
New Era.
Chas. Duncan, the Black's Canyon
horse man, made a good sale of
mules last week. New Era.
Jim lnnes went out to Drews val
ley while here last week and bought
seven head of thoroughbred Here
ford bulls from F. O. Bunting. He
now has seventeen of this stock of
bulls In his herd, and has every rea
son to believe his breed of cattle will
be much Improved.
''Frank Buutlug lias several head of
Hereford bulls at Merrill, where he
expects to sell them to stockmen of
that section. Stockmen who have
tried the whlteface cattle are not
sorry they Invested a good round
sum In Installing this breed of cattle
in their herds. - f
The report that the Japanese and
Russians have bargained for 6 mil
lion pounds of canned beef from San
Francisco packers, is encouraging
to stock meu of this country. It will
require about 15,000 head of grown
cattlo to fill the order. Cows and
second-class steers are generally used
for canning.
to my party's best interests, and
havo also striven to promote tho
best Interests; and long as I contluuo
In this cupaclty, my chlefest aim shall
bo to contribute not alono to tho
beat interests of tho Republican' par
ty, but to tho best luterests of the
entire people of Oregon; aud in this
latter regard I believe that if this let
ter to you will cause any apathetic
citizen to vote, my humblo efforts
will not have been in vain.
Your Obedient Serveut,
Fiunk C. IUkek,
Chairman Republican State Coin-
A. Morris came over-from War
ner Saturday. He' remained . here
several days waiting for the lnnes
cattle to be gathered so he could
look at them. It will be remembered
that Mnpcs bought 250 head from
Mr. lnnes a few weeks ago.
J. A. Morris has accepted the fore
inauship on the J.f ranch vice Jeff
Parrish, who has gone to San Francisco.
Louie Gerber bought 15 head of j
steers from Andy Morris of Adel,
paying $25 per head, and 5 cows at
20 per head.
Jeff Parrish started 400 head of the
JJ stock cattle for Honey Lake Sun
day from the JJ ranch. Jeff will go
from there to San Francisco.
A Mr. Mclnnes of Red Bluff wrote
Dan Malloy for GOOO head of lambs.
Dan wired him that he could be ac
commodated at $2 per head.
Charley Williams sold his hand of
rauttou sheep last week aud deliver
ed them at Madeline. We are in
formed the band will net him about
$ 2.50 per bead. J. M. Thompson has
also sold quite a number and deliv
ered them at the same place. Al
turas Plaludealer.
Strikes While the Iron is Hot.
"It mnkes little difference to' the
.Herald as to where J. B. Stark, the
absconding preacher may be.
Whether washing dishes in a restau
rant at Stockton or occupying a pul
pit in Michigan. The fact Is he is an
absconding debtor and a hypocrite,
and that the wash administered by
our contemporary, The Examiner,
cannot cleanse him. He is. guilty of
a far greater crime than the poor
negro who was sentenced to the pen
itentiary, and should have been
brought to justice even If he did
have a 'Rev. attached to his name."
(The item referred to in the above
was one published in The Examiner
last week, Issued a few hours before
the Herald went to press, and which
neither savored of vindication or
censure of J. B. Stark, but was simp
ly Intended to show that the, Her
ald man did not know what he was
talking about when he said the week
before that Stark was working in a
reeraurant in Stockton, aud If the
Herald man doesn't quit firing back
at Items In The Examiner, tho same
week they are published; people will
catch on to where he gets his news.)
It is uow an assured fact that
there is a treat number f rasas of
diphtheria in Big valley. There were
three deaths In Adln, Bieber and
vicinity last Sunday, and Mr. Trow
bridge, who is here attending court,
Informs us there is a largo number of
cases among the children. Health
oillcer Gibson went down in that
section this week, and tho towns
and the county line has been quar
lntlued, the mails will bo fumigated,
and all precautions will be taken,
still there Is plenty of chance for tho
diseaso to havo already spread all
over tho county. It is tho most
dreaded diseaso of all, and people of
this town should begin immediately
to flirht acalnsb It. The different
doctors of this place havo expressed
a fear of u spread of dlphthorla, after
tholongspellof high water wo had
hero last Spring. This warm dry
weather Is Just the kind to breed
diseases, so lets all unlto in an effort
to prevent Its spread here, where
hundreds of little children are In
danger. New Era.
Worse Than Spanish Bull Fights
Men are Knocked .Senele.s
Draped out and Forgotten
. Cokvai.i.ih, Okk.
Editor Examiner,
Lakevibw. Onfc.,
Dkar Sue Thinking your readers
might be Interested In hearing some
thing from this part of the country,
aside from the current news of the
papers, I will endeavor to give you
some items that has come under my
perhaps astute observation.
First Is the social aspect of Corval
lls, which I can assure you is pre-eminent.
The people are corteous and
friendly; no codfish aristocracy.
Secondly, the moral element is
largely in the ascendency; there are
twelve churches in the city, all which
have a respectable congregation, and
some of them scarcely have sitting
room for the congregation and gen
eral attendance.
Thirdly, there are few saloons and
those are conducted In such a man
ner as to require no policemen. They
have a city marshal and watchman.
Their county Jail is mouldy from
want of use. .
Fourthly, theireducatlonal depart
ments and privileges are without a
rival. But fifthly, I take issue with
them In regard to their amusements,
especially their foot ball games. I
consider it. a beastly as well as an
uncouth game. There is nothing,
graceful about it. I have had the
disgusting privilege of witnessing
two games, saw men knocked sense
less, laid out and had to be resusita
ted by physicians whom they have
on the ground; and yet it Is popular.
Men women and children go wild
over the game, Professors encourage
and abet it, offer prizes, Government
pays instructors, etc.
The only difference I can see be
tween it and the Spanish Bull lights
is in the latter we sympathize with
the poor dumb brute, that is Chris
tian like, whereas in the foot ball
game little or no sympathy is shown
to tho fallen. But their motto Is the
survival of tho fittest. Now I am
aware that I will render myself un
popular by antagonizing that -pop-ular
amusement. But I think somo
other game might be Invented less'
dangerous and tlll develop the phy
sical powers of the student. They
say Uui hUtuiy ivpeUiUlf. - AuX
I have often wondered it we were
gradually drifting bock to the days
of the Roman Gladiators. cannot
however bring my mind to believe
It possible to degeuerate or drift
back to a state that will paralell the
condition of Rome under the govern
ment of Nero. And yet I coufess I
am a great admjrer of Knighthood
and true valor and tho chariot races
as portrayed by Ben Ilur. 1 might
add more but fear I might indict too
much on your readers. Aud to tell
tho truth I am a llttlo suspicious of
tho waste basket.
Yours Respectfully
S, O. PKASti.
. Notice to Sheepmen.
We wish to anuouuee to tho sheep
men of Lake county and vicinity
that we will slaughter sheep and
lambs at our yards on commission,
at 30 cents per head. .
Mii.i.ku Lux,
41-10 Han Francisco, Calif.